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This story runs on the basis of a young boy who spent his first week of his new school when he was at 12th grade. Many happy incidents and some tragedic moments at the end are shown in this story.... As rainbow has seven colours in it this story is divided into 7 parts I mean seven days... This story gives the value of friendship between three friends. I just created a character of John who narrates this story..

1st day :
I (John) was stood at a castle liked building which I never thought would be my school. But it is... I just completed my 10 and this my 12th year of real education. First day of a school is filled with many fears and thrills. I just entered tthe gate of the castle sorry my new school I saw a short man with white beard and a playground on his head came to me and asked me if I am John. As I am, I went with him in and climbed too many stairs and finally got upto a room which was very large and it is my new class room. When I entered in it everybody stood up but not for me. They stood and wished the playground man who is our principal. Every individual is staring at my face. That made me guilty. As all the front was filled I choosed to sit in the second one my principal showed me my place which was aside of a good looking guy. When I sat down there he introduced himself and his friend. So I felt happy knowing two guys names. The first one who introduced is Smith , and the second one is Sammuel. As the bell rang a tall man came in and started teaching us some thing. After sometime I realized that it was Math! So wierd because he never looked on the class but he was just teaching to the board. And suddenly he uttered tomorrow a test will be conducted and he went away. But as I am quite good in math i had no problem to get them. The school passed on but I didnot listen to any class but simply chatted with my new buddies. They both are so good that in just 8 hours I felt them as my true friends. After the ringing of bell at 4.00 pm I started my foot to run on my way to home. In the way they both walked with me. I didnot notice exactly first but finally got a point that they are my neighbours too. So we three got

freshed up and rode to a park near our houses. Meeting them made my life too happy than every before. After sometime we ate my favourite food ( pizza ) which was too yummy than before. Just then heard an alarm from my watch that it struck 8 pm. So we went to our houses and got up in to war with alexander in our dreams.....

2nd day :
Getting good couple of friends made me to wake up early. And my mom cooked my favourite breakfast and so made me easy to go to school. On the way I met my new true best friends. But I never thought that my next hour will give me a detention. I forgot that we have a test on math. But the questions seemed to be easy so I wrote them but my friends are weak in it so I got a work to show them. I showed them my whole paper. And the very next hour we got the results of the test. The math hero called us three. We went to him and then I got in presence that I wrote all the probs correct but they are in different method which he didnot tought in the class. So when he asked they two why did they copy in mine i replied sir , it was me who copied that and had the pleasure of detention. But I then didnot feel sad for recieving but felt happy as I saved them both. They too waited untill my detention completes and we three went to our homes and then I invited those two for a stay at my home for that night. Bieng neighbours their parents agreed and they came at the pleseant time when my mom was making yummy pancakes. Having those we climbed up my room. They felt wierd by seeing my room as I dont know the meaning of neatness of my room. All the room was just like a garbage can but then I got a point that they both too have these type of garbage

cans. So we played many games and at the time of 12 at midnight I asked those both that can we go to the cemetry. But Sammuel, being a freak of ghosts hesitated to come but we pulled him untill the stairs. And slowly went out of the house. Walking together towards it made us scream but we didnt. But by seeing the gate we three ran away and finally got on my bed again. Being Sunday next day we three decieded to go to the carnival near our school to have a lot of fun. And again the war starts with Alexander in our dreams.....

3rd day :
This day is a beautiful one in my life. We three got up early and made our teeth shine. And next our bodies too. We wore our baseball uniforms as we have a match between our colony and others at our town stadium. I dont know until then that our friend Smith was a home runner in the baseball. So having such a great player in our team after a time of three hours we won the match and got 100 dollars as we played a bet match. And then again changed our uniforms to football ones in the boys dorm in the stadium. But in this game I am a top class player as I achived many awards for my play in soccer. But our competators are the top players of the town. So it made us tough to win those 200 dollars. The first goal was made by me but for the first half we are not in the top. They lead us by 7 goals but I dont know what happened but the 2nd half supported us. We made tie and we have a minute. The ball was at the opponents but suddenly Smith tackled the ball and passed me. Slowly running with ball made me sink in fear. 20 seconds more and I am nearly 200 centimeters far away to make a perfect goal. Just 5 seconds left and my leg was raised and at

last second our scoreboard became colourful as we won. Getting 300 dollars in a span of 4 hours is not an easy job but it was very easy for us. After the match we went to our friend Emmys house who was just friend for me and Smith but girlfriend for Sammuel. We went to her house as she invited us for a lunch. It was a good meal for us as we are dying with hunger. And after the lunch we asked her too to join us for the carnival but she had a work at home with her mom. So this made Sammuel quite sad but made us happy because with girls the carnival is not enjoyable as they run after shopping in it and we should follow them. So we returned our homes and wore our favourite tees and we met at the pizza co. to have a pizza together. And a cam in my hand made this moments forever. At the entrance of the carnival we three were shocked that Emmy was there ! This made Smith and me cry but Sammuel happy. So we four entered and Smith was not able to stop his anger and asked Emmy why did you come here ? . She replied that her mother sent her here because she is feeling bored at the house. I started capturing and recording all the happiest moments of our first carnival rides. Then we the grabbed the tickets of the roller coaster. The ride had started and I started to record the expressions of Sammuel because he is so afraid of roller coaster. After the ride we went to grab some more rides but our thought was true. She asked Sammuel to take her for shopping and then we said him bye and we both went to have some more thrill by getting in more rides. And at the end we climed the giant wheel and it was stopped at the top. So slowly the town appeared to be full of lights as it is night. Then I heard a touching word from Smith thank you for being my friend this made my heart happy which didnt happen before. And after that we all met again at my favourite place pizza co., . After a great meal again dispussed to our

homes and the war starts again in my dreams. This time in my dream I fought with Hitler in my dreams ....

4 day :
This day, my wake up plan was delayed. As we spent a late night yesterday that made me sleep unconcious. And then same routine time table having my breakfast and going to school. This day I spent my morning so boring as Smith was ill, I and Sammuel were chitchatting assusual. But at afternoon I and Sammuel got away from the school to see Smith. But I never thought this will happen but happened. There were none in his house and only a board that house for sale. At first I thought it a dream but it is true. The most bad day of my life that I dont know even where did he go. Searched all the street asked every individual but no clue. Went to our daily spot of pizza co., but no thing there too. Then we two were stuck in the state of confusion that where did he go leaving us. Just at the evening I and Sam went to the park expecting his arrival but no! He and I waited upto 10 but none was here. I went to my home and jumped on my bed. But not getting any sleep started thinking about him. Just from that think I got a useless idea which conveys that I shall call him through his number but switched off. Never thought of losing a friend and never felt such pain but today I had that pain. So today I didnt had any war but all the dreams are about Smith....


5th day :
Today I didnt even go to school which was even followed by Sammuel. We both started seaching for him every street of the town. We went to his fathers office , hospital , railway station , and every centimeter of the town was watched by us but no Smith. All at a sudden at that instant I went to his moms best friends house and from there I got a clue that they went to Chicago city which exists side of our town. So on taking the permission from my dad we both went to that town and using my old contacts , searched for him a lot. But no use. So for some clues we slept in Chicago for the night at my friends house. Today too the same dreams about Smith.......I was so sad as I never felt this much when a person who is close to me is missing. But this day is tragedic part of my life. Lost a true friend who was the special one.

6th day :
When I woke up and saw my message from an unknown numer which conveys meet me at the welcome boarding of Roscoe village near Chicago . This gave me a little hope that it would be a message of Smith. So I satrted from my friends home and took up a taxi for getting there. But the Roscoe village is not near and nearly 442 miles from the place I have started. Passing on the city made me feel happy as Im damn sure that would be Smith. After 2 hours I reached a city on my way which has a name Lafayette. I was stoped there for a break and I had a coffee and slowly my journey started again. After 1

and half hour I reached another city which is so larger than before. It was Indianapolis. I wanted to reach this place with my friends next weekend but I may if its Smith who messaged me. This is a very large city where gave me and Sammuel a good breakfast. The city was so long and took us half an hour to get rid of that city. And from there no stops. Straight to Rosoe village. When we reached the place I got down from the taxi giving him the money. After getting down I saw a lady standing on the opposite road. Rubbing my eyes gave me a sight of Smiths mother. I felt very glad which was never done by me before. Without a fraction of second I started running towards her. Suddenly I was in air with a slight pain on my left leg and back parts of the body. After nearly 3 seconds my whole body touched the ground and my pain increased. Then I got in mind that I met with an accident. Her mother came towards me and took me in her car to the nearby hospital. And I was not unconcious after having such a big accident too. I suddenly shifted upon a mobile bed sorry strecher. And moving into a big room with a light facility brighter than a foot ball stadium. Slowly got an injection which made me asleep........

7th day :
This day I expected the precence of Smith beside me but no . My parents were here and Sammuel too. I felt a paper like thing in my right hand. It was a letter kept by Smiths mother who had already left. I started opening the letter but my mom said to open it after having my stomach full with some breakfast. I recognised that I had some bandages on my hand , legs and back . i saved my head with some

little injuries. I had my breakfast and some juice. So i opened the letter and the letter is ROSCOE VILLAGE, 8th january 2012. My dear friend, Hi John! May this is the last time talking to you. Thank you a lot for coming in my life and giving me these wonderful days. You are the one you was my true friend ever. You are the best person I had ever met. Sorry to say but I cannot meet you again. The truth is Im a cancer patient. And these are my last days of my life. And I felt Im passing away with no memories but you are the one who filled my last days with colours like a rainbow. When I was with you I even forgot that Im gonna die. But on the 3rd day after your meeting my condition became serious at night after you went away. So my parents brought me to this town and I dont know even when Im going to die. So thank you for being my friend and good bye ! Your loving friend, Smith After reading this letter at first I hesitated to believe it but slowly I got it. I never missed a person in my life but it was the first moment I did. Sammuel too dont know this and after me he read this letter. I thought I got a good friend to be with me through out my life but only his memories stayed with me. He is dead. ---------------0---------------

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