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Objective: Speeches: Motivate & Educate Venders: Action based service leadership and learning Raise Money- No price

of admission to all students and community members. But a collection will be taken for donations to fund the school for hosting the event. For those who wish to give more than just time or for those who wish to do some thing but cannot volunteer due to time constraints Speeches: Motivate & Educate: To take advantage of growing grass roots movements by the continuation of spreading and living the message. To Change the world y ou need to systematically influence and lead in the 5 top networks, The Educatio n system, Politics, the media, the judicial system, and the corporate system. It is becoming ever more possible for radical change to happen almost overnight given our connectedness via our networks. Were in essence reaching what Malcolm Gladwell talks about in The Tipping Point as a shift in the way we see the world. Evolution calls it an evolutionary leap, spiritualists and theologians call it an awakening. But whatever you call it, its happening! We are pulling together, uniting under the causes of injustice, compassion and purpose. And our purpose i s stand up against injustice with compassion and inspiration & education. We mu st first develop and notice the compassion within ourselves which is usually lit if not fueled by another or others in a decentralizing manner that progresses f orward- every expanding, growing, catching fire. Victor Hugo said "There is noth ing more powerful than an idea whose time has come." 6 speakers: 1hr 30min 10 min: Phil Kneviews Communication and leadership. Research carried out by the Carnegie Institute of Technology shows that 85 perce nt of success is due to skills in human engineering, your personality and ability to communicate and lead. 10 min: Ray & Renee Loewenau The power and potential and science behind meditati on. Its not a religion, philosophy, or lifestyle. Its the most widely practiced, most r esearched, and most effective method of self-development. -Over 600 research studies have been conducted at more than 200 universities and research centers (including Harvard, UCLA, and Stanford). These studies have be en published in more than 100 journals. 10 min: Jenna Jackley- Song of inspiration. A song followed up by a message of hope and action. 15 min: Steve & Jasmine Enlow- Financial Freedom. What the rich and successful teach their kids that the middle class and p oor do not 15 min: Dr. Bill Dewy Strengths based life and education. 40 years of science that shows people who live life based on their strengths, wha t their good at and passionate about are much more happy and productive in life. 15 min: Winner of student contest- ? 15 min: Kory Stone- Y to save the world. A look at the worlds problems, how were changing them and whats Gen Ys part. Venders: Give nonprofits, social entrepreneurs, the community and the students a chance t o connect and volunteer for further service learning and leadership in a cause t hat suits them, their passions and strengths. List of possible venders- MHS, Fit 2 Serve, EIU, Lake land, Toastmasters, Brid ges out of poverty, P.A.D.S, WAGE PEACE, Habitat for humanity, Big Brothers Big Sisters foundation, Lumpkin Foundation, YMCA.

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