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Identifier FID 1:

Title Requirement

Networks Networks signify the allocation or assignment of IP address space and the contiguous IP CIDR blocks that make up that IP address space supervisor Configure out which internet protocol he used (IP4 and IP6). -----------High

Source Rationale

Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 2: Autonomous System Numbers Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are used for the proper routing of Internet packets. ARIN assigns ASNs in ranges; therefore a single ASN is part of an ASN range allocation. supervisor It will give us the routing information. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority


FID 3:

Title Delegations Requirement Delegations contain the information necessary for Reverse DNS, including the associated name servers, and DNS record information. supervisor It provides the DNS information of the user. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 4: Points of contact A Point of Contact (POC) is the registration of names, mailboxes, and/or phone numbers which fulfill technical or administrative functions on behalf of either an organization or a resource supervisor It gives the full information of the user. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

2. Nslookup

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 5: DNS Address The unique identification of every entity (company,

association, person, etc.) registered on the Internet. Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority supervisor To locating and addressing these devices world-wide. -----------High

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 6: DNS Server Address A DNS server runs special-purpose networking software, features a public IP address, and contains a database of network names and addresses for other Internet hosts. supervisor It give us the ip address of the system. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

3. Ping:
Identifier Title Requirement Source FID 7:

The hostname of the remote host you are trying to ping. supervisor

Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

You should be clear about either hostname or ip option. -----------High

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 8: Time out The maximum amount of time, in seconds, that ping will wait for a response. supervisor It will check whether it is working fine or not. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 9: Count The number of ICMP ping packets to send to the remote host. will return the number of packets that were acknowledged by the remote host. supervisor Check whether host is responding or not in the of 0 & 1. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

Identifier Title Requirement Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

FID 10: Size Specifies the number of data bytes to be sent. supervisor Whether it receiving full packets or not. Default size is 56. -----------High

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 11:
Time To Live(TTL)

The number is decreased for each router the message passes through, if it reaches zero, the router drops the packet. supervisor It will check whether is dropping the packets. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 12:
Router Operation

The intermediate devices (like routers) through which data must pass between source and destination, rather than flowing directly over a single wire. supervisor


Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

To find out the faults in networks. -----------High



Identifier Title Requirement

FID 13:

It provide information length of the outbound and return to the destination. supervisor determining whether or not any ICMP Traceroute messages have been lost. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

Identifier Title Requirement

FID 14:
Destination Node Operation

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk

When a node receives an Outbound Packet with an IP Traceroute option, the Return Packet, if such is required (e.g., ICMP Echo Request/Reply), should also carry that option. supervisor The destination should NOT increment any hop counts or send any ICMP Traceroute messages. ------

Dependencies Priority


Identifier Title Requirement

FID 15:
Router Operation

Each router in the chain makes its own decision about which of its neighbors will next receive the data packet. supervisor It will help to determine the correct path to the distination. -----------High

Source Rationale Restrictions and Risk Dependencies Priority

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