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1. A 52 year old woman notices a lump in her subcutaneous tissue in her arm. The lesion is removed. She is very relieved to learn that the lesion is benign. Which of the following characteristics in the histology of this lesion would tend to point towards a benign neoplasm rather than a malignant one? a) infiltration of the surrounding tissues b) metastasis c) prominent mitotic figures d) anaplasia e) well defined encapsulation 2. Most slow growing thyroid cancer: - papillary carcinoma - anaplastic ca; - mataplastic ca; - follicular ca; 3. most lethal premalignant lesion of oral cavity a) erythroplakia b) leukoplakia c) lichenplanus 4. If 1 liter blood is donated, then which of the following takes most long to return to normal ? - BP - Aldosterone/rennin levels - ECF volume - RBCs 5. A young pathologist received a biopsy from bladder growth and section of this biopsy show an infiltrating tumor consist of fused branching papillae lined by discohesive atypical cells .Nucli show marked pleomorphism,frequent mitosis,loss of polarity.Abundunt necrotic areas also muscular invasion.what do you think about his final diagnosis? a,papiloma

it has 60% rate of progression to oral cancer while leu

b,low malignant potential papillary carcinoma c,low grade malignant papillary carcinoma d,high grade malignant papillary carcinoma

d these are just like primitive glomeruli have a mesodermal core with a central capillary, lined by flattened layers of both visceral and parietal cells.

6. schiller duval bodies are present in which testicular tumor : a,seminoma b,choriocarcinoma c c,yolk sac tumor d,embryonal carcinoma e,teratoma 7. A student was examining slide under microscope from swelling on lower lip and he observed a polypoidal segment of fibrofatty tissue covered with mostly ulcerated attenuated epithelium underlying tissue reveal numerous small dilated blood vessels lined by flattened epithelium,inter veining stroma is edemetous and show lymphocytic infiltrate.whats your spot diagnosis:

because of ulcerated epithelium and lymphocytic kaposi sarcoma blood vessels are lined by plump cells ,in acroangiodermatits capillary proliferation and perivascular inflammation involving eosinophils in the dermis with minimal epidermal changes.eins and capillaries, Capillary hemangioma is comprised of numerous intertwining capillary-sized vessels lined by endothelium with relatively flat or plump nuclei,squamous cell carcinoma has totally different features.

a,capillary hemangioma b,kaposi sarcoma c,granuloma pyogenicum d,acroangiodermatitis e,squamous cell carcinoma

8. 50 yrs old male known case of celiac disease came with complain of edema,hypertension,and hematuria.Lab investigations show derangement of renal function, which nephropathy could be happen to this patient a,Ig A nephropathy b,Alport syndrome a c,Analgesic nephropathy d,Toxin nephropathy e,obstructive nephropathy

9. 60yrs old postmenopausal women came to you with complain of per vaginal bleeding since 2 days what could be the reason of this bleeding a,HRT b,Stress f c,benign polyp d,complex hyperplasia e,endometrial cancer f,All of the above 10. A ruptured,small cyst come to you from palm on histological examination cyst with epidermal lining with granular layer filled with keratin with out skin appendages .Which type of cyst is this? a,Epidermal cyst combined with HPV infection b, Epidermal inclusion cyst c,Trichilemmal cyst d, Dermoid cyst e,Vellus hair cyst

above mentioned causes are possible in postmenopausal bleeding and most important is endometrial carcinoma

11. Which is the most commonly mutated gene in spordic breast cancers a,p53 b,CHEK2 a c,BRCA1 d,BRCA2 e,BRCA3 12. Most common site for gastrointestinal polyps,diverticula,and cancer is a,sigmoid colon a b,terminal ileum c,esophagus d,stomach e,rectum 13. A histologist observing a slide under microscope and he is informing his student that he is abserving slide with aggregation of lymphoid follicle,with venous sinuses the student must say this is a slide of a,lymph node

b,spleen c,peyer s patches d,thymus

14. A 9 yrs old boy with acute history of fever,headache,nausea,vomiting,photoph obia,stiff neck present in OPD,and you admitted him as a case of bacterial meningitis and send labs ,what chemical component are you searching for in the CSF that will confirm your diagnosis? a,cellular protein d b,endotoxin c,immunoglobulins d,polysachride e,ribosomal RNA 15. Which is influencing factor of atrophy? a,disuse of organ b,damage to nerve c,ischemia f d,marasmus e,pressure f,all of the above

.the diagnostic test looks for capsular material which is a polysaccharide .

16. Man with normal built and normal kidney function has weight 70 kg,what will be his plasma volume?

total body water is 42 litres,intracellular is 28 litters extracellular is 14 litterss ,and from extacellular 11.2 is interstitial fluid +2.8 litters plasma volume,,,,,Blood volume is 5 litters that is obtained by adding red cell mass.hope you guys got my point u can simply remember it as Plasma constitute about 5% of tottal bdy wt and 55%of total blood volume ... so for hint rake it as 555 for plasma ie.5 & 55 % .... hope it will b use ful for u guys d

a,14 litters b,5 litters c,28 litters d,2.8 litters e,11.2 litters 17. which substance is used for most accurate results of glomerular filtration rate (GFR)

a,creatinine b,Inuline c,urea d,PAH e,radio iodinated protein

18. Reversible disorder with variability in size ,shape,and polarity of cells is a,Metaplasia b,Dysplasia b c,Anaplasia d,Hyperplasia e,Desmoplasia 19. The best marker for enumerating total peripheral blood T cells is a,CD 4 b,CD 3 c,CD 14 d,CD 8 e,CD 11b 20. Prostate specific antigen(PSA) is not increased in following condition? a,prostatitis prostate c,BPH d,testicular carcinoma e,raised in all of the above conditions 21. white infarct is seen in all of the following organ except a,heart b,Brain c,spleen d,kidney 22. All of the following are AIDS related neoplasia except a,Melanoma b.primary lymphoma of brain c,kaposi sarcoma d,B-cell non hodgkin lymphom e,non of the above 23. Special stain for detecting fat in tissue is a,periodic acid shift b,Sudan I.V

CD3 is also called pan T cell marker presnt on all T ce b


other similar dyes are Oil Red O, Sudan III, and Suda b

c,Hematoxylin d,Eosin e,giemsa 24. Which is not the promoter of apoptosis a,baX b,bcl-Xl b c,bad d,bak e,non of the above 25. Apoptosis is inhibited by a,P53 d b,n-myc c,ras d,bcl 2 e.all of the above 26. A 30 yrs old woman presenting with insidious onset of shortness of breath associated with dry cough is found to have bilateral lymphadenopathy with pulmonary infiltrates .Bronchoscopic biopsy shows non caseating granuloma with giant cell containing schaumann bodies and asteroid bodies her diagnosis is? a,tuberculosis b,silicosis d c,interstitial pneumonitis d,sarcoidosis e,fungal infection 27. Which of the following is a premalignant condition a,solar keratosis of skin b,vitamin k deficiency a c,Hemorrhagic polyps d,HAV infection e,severe anemia 28. schiller _Duval body are characteristic of which type of germ cell tumor? a,teratoma b b,yolk sac tumor c,choriocarcinoma d,seminoma e,gonadoblastoma

Represses Bcl-xL expression induces mitochondrial inv

non caseating granuloma is one of the major indicatio

29. M4 stage of AML is called as: a) Acute myelomonoblastic leukemia b) Acute monoblastic leukemia c) Myelomonocytic leukemia d) Monocytic leukemia 30. A young man got injury over temporal lobe which sensation will be effected a,smell b,memory c,taste d,tone e,reflexes


31. The first organism to satisfy Koch's postulates (in the late 19th century) was a) T pallidum b) Stenotrophomonas maltophilia d c) M leprae d) B anthracis e) N gonorrhoeae

m.leprae dosnt satisfy koch's postulates

32. Which is not a feature of lepromatous leprosy ?

Lepromat leprsy - malign, nodular skin lesions, slow symmetric nrv involvmnt, abundant AFB in skin lesions, cont bactrmia, negtiv leprmin test, marked deficient CMI and skin z infiltrated by suppressor T cells... Tuberculoid leprsy - benign, macular lesions, severe asymmetric nrv involvmnt f sudden onset wit few bacilli in d lesion, positiv leprmin test, CMI z intact & skin z infiltratd wit helper T cells.

a) sever nerve involvement of sudden onset b) skin is infiltrated wit suppressor T cells c) AFB in skin lesions d) continuous bacteremia e) negative lepromin test 33. Hemorrhagic dermatitis is a feature of which trace metal deficiency a) Iron b) Copper c) Zinc d) Selenium

Zinc def causes hemorrhagic dermatitis around the eyes, mouth, nose and anus and it is called acrodermatitis enteropathica c

e) Iodine 34. Hypoxia cause mostly vasoconstriction in body. Hypoxiainduced vasodilation may be direct (inadequate O2 to sustain smooth muscle contraction) or indirect via the production of vasodilator metabolitesIn but hypoxia also cause Vasoconstriction in? a,pulmonary circulation b,coronary vessels c,cerebral vessels a d,hepatic vessels e,skin 35. In Turner syndrome patient which cardiac anomaly is commonly present ? a,paten ductus arteriosus b,Coarction of aorta c,VSD d,ASD e,patent foramen ovale 36. In AIDS patient EBV causes Non Hodgkin s lymphoma ,most commonly group of lymph nodes involved in it is a,cervical lymph nodes b,payer patches c,Waldeyer s ring d,inguinal lymph node e,Axillary lymph nodes 37. Which statement is incorrect regarding Polio virus a,It is RNA non enveloped virus b,cause paralytic poliomyelitis c,transmitted through fecal oral route d,Virus replicate at nerve endings e,no antiviral therapy available for it 38. Yersinia pestis causes plague ,vector in this disease is a,Rat fleas b,mosquito c,bugs d,sand fly e,Tsetse fly

nobody got d correct answer

,viral replication occurs in the alimentary tract.

39. For counting of CD4+T cells in AIDS the following technique is often employed, a,Flow cytometry b,PCR c,Electron microscopy d,In situ hyberdisation e,Immunofluorescence

40. Which of the following serological marker is showing Hepatitis B vaccination has to be done, a,negative anti_ HBs b,positive anti_ HBs b c,positive HBS antigen d,positive anti _HBc e,a+c+d 41. The first serologic marker to appear is hepatitis B is, a,HBsAg a b,HBcAg c,HBeAg d,HBV DNA e,anti-HBc 42. viral markers of a patient are Anti _HBs positive,HBe _Ag negative and Anti_ HBe positive,this scenario showing that the patient is in which stage? a,Chronic HBV Infection c b,Acute HBV Infection c,Resolved HBV Infection d,chronic carriers 43. 46 yrs old patient is diagnosed on the basis of elevated level of cardiac enzymes as a patient of ischemic heart disease his elevated cardiac enzymes are indicator of? a,Reversible injury b b,Irreversible injury c,both can be possible d,ischemic reperfusion injury

others HBs Ag,anti _HBc are negative.

The presence of anti-HBs following acute infection generally indicates recovery and protective immunity against re-infection.

elevated cardiac enzymes showing necrosis which is irreversible insult

44. On radiological examination of Thyroid if radiologist says that it is a cold nodule what does it means thyroid has which type of lesion? a,Benign d b,Malignant c,Normal d,It could be benign or malignant 45. Most common cause of thyroiditis associated with clinical features is a,Infectiuos thyroiditis b,viral thyroiditis c,subacute thyroiditis d,Hashimoto thyroiditis 46. A young male was injured and got dirty wound over anterior compartment of leg ,at hospital tetanus antitoxin was given to him as well as he also received tetanus toxoid at different site of body ,which type of immunity he got? a,active immunity b,passive immunity c,passive active immunity d,non specific immunity 47. A 26 yrs old yong patient suffered by Meningitis after lung abscess which organism most commonly involved in this condition? a,Staphylococcus aureus b,Streptococcus pneumoniae c,Neisseria meningitides. d,Haemophillus influenzae e,Escherichia coli 48. All of the following are features of Acromegaly except a,Hypertension b,osteoporosis c,hypoglycemia d,cardiomegaly e,mental disturbance 49. Juvenile polyps are also called a,Hamartomas b,Rectal polyps

as an infection spread by the blood from another site. a

,in Acromegaly hperglycemia present along with other

c,Internal haemorrhoids d,external haemorrhoids 50. Which virus acts as precancerous in aids patient a,CMV b,EBV c,HPV d,HSV e,HCV 51. Virulence factor present in Streptococcus pyogene is a,Protien A b,M protien c,polysacchride capsule d,protien pilli e,V and W proteins 52. The most common malignant tumor of thyroid gland is? a,papillary carcinoma b,follicular carcinoma c,medullary carcinoma d,undifferentiated carcinoma

EBVcancauseBurkittsLymphoma,primarylymphom b

M proteins are antiphagocytic,80 serotypes based on

yes it is papilary cell carcinoma account for more than

53. Which organism is involved in peritonitis associated with perforation of intestinal wall following trauma? a,Bacteroids fragilis b,Enterococcus faecalis a c,Pseudomonas aeruginosa d,Clostridium difficile 54. which of the following vaccine is not live attenuated vaccine? a,measles b,mumps d c,yellow fever d,tetanus e,BCG 55. Following is a premalignant condition of oral cavity? a, Erythroplakia b, Leukoplakia b c, SCC d, Lichen planus 56. Which immunoglobulin has memory function?

a,Ig G b,Ig M c,Ig A d,Ig E e,Ig D

it is called as a memory function immunoglobulin, alth

57. Bruton s disease is characterized by all of the following manifestation except? a,Absent circulating B cells b,normal circulating T cells e c,Absent plasma cells d,Low serum level of immunoglobulin e,impaired resistance to viral infections 58. A pathologist observing blood slide of patient attacked by malaria 14 days back which form of parasite is not usually observe under microscope? a,trophozoits b,gametocytes d c,schizonts d,sporozoits 59. A40 years old patient who is a worker in aniline dye industry diagnosed with urinary bladder carcinoma which of the following carcinogen involved in this cancer? a,Aflatoxin B-1 b,Arsenic c,Aromatic azo dyes c d,Asbestosis e,Benzene 60. Which of the following disease called lupus anticoagulant and why? a,SLE b,systemic sclerosis c,scleroderma a d,CREST syndrome e,AIDS 61. A 30 yrs old female patient came to you with complain of joint pain for 4 month,and having malar rashes which of the following test will help you to confirm the diagnosis? a,ANAs antibodies against nuclear antigens

B cells+plasma cells+immunoglobulin level is low,T ce

aromatic azo dyes when excreted through bladder it a

in SLE anti phospholipid antibodies present leads to p

b,Antibodies to double stranded DNA and to smith antigen b c,C reactive proteins d,Antiphospholipid antibody 62. 50 yrs old man is newly diagnosed adenocarcinoma of colon which of the following tumor marker present in the blood? a,calcitonin b,alpha fetoprotein d c,Hcg d,carcinoembryonic antigen 63. which of the following test is diagnostic for Asthma ? a,FEV1 a b,FRC c,RLC d,FVC 64. which of the following pair is mismatched ? a,Epstein-Barr virus--------Burkitt lymphoma b,Hepatitis C----------------Hepatocellular carcinoma c c,Herpes virus type 2------------Cervical carcinoma d,AIDS-----------------------Kaposi sarcoma 65. BARRETT ESOPHAGUS can lead to: a,Adenocarcinoma esophagus a b,Adenocarcinoma Stomach c,Sq carcinoma Esophagus d,Stricture 66. Which quadrant of breast is mostly involved in breast cancer a,Upper Outer Quadrant b,Upper Inside Quadrant a c,Lower Outer Quadrant d,Lower Inside Quadrant e,Areole/Nipple 67. Pemphigus vulgaris represents which type of hypersensitivity reaction? a,type 1 b,type 2 b c,type 3 d,type 4

although ANAs also positive but it also positive in othe

cervical cancer is caused by Human papilloma virus in

Barret esophagus is a form of metaplasia of the esoph

more than 50% is carcinoma involved upper outer quadran

antibody mediated other examples are transfusion rea

68. which of the following substance does not take part in inflammatory reactions? a, Adrenaline b, Histamine c, 5-hydroxy tryptamine d, Dopamine 69. which of the following Tissue has inability to replace dead cells? a,Heart b,kidney c,bone d,brain e,bowl mucosa


brain cannot regenerate

70. A 20 yrs young man with end stage renal disease ,one kidney is donated by his identical twin brother,the type of transplantation called here a,Xenograft b,Allograft c,Autograft d,Isograft 71. which of the following feature is not associated with irreversible cell injury ? a,Mylein figures b,Karyolysis c,Karyorrehxis d,Mitochondrial shrinkage

,Autograph from same person,allograft is a transplant of an organ or tissue between two genetically non-identical members of the same species,Xenograft is A transplant of organs or tissue from one species to another. d

72. Red infarct occur in which of the following organ and what is its reason? a,kidney b,spleen d c.heart d,lungs 73. Patient X-Ray shows hilar lymph nodes. Granuloma but no necrosis. What is the diagnosis? a,Silicosis b,Tuberculosis d c,Cat-scratch disease

it is because it has dual blood supply,all other organs

d,Sarcoidosis 74. The tissue damage by Ionization Radiation is due to a, Damage to Golgi bodies b b,Formation of free radicals c, Hydropic degeneration d, Metaphase of cell 75. Which of the following cancer do not cause bone metastasis ? a,thyroid cancer b,brochogenic carcinoma e c,breast cancer d,prostate cancer e,hepatic carcinoma

oral cancer while leukoplakia has 30% chances..

er presnt on all T cells,CD4 and CD 8 mark only subsets of T cells.

Sudan III, and Sudan Black B.

ces mitochondrial involvement in the apoptotic process

f the major indication.

mentary tract.

d from another lung abscess.Escherichia coli cause Neonatal meningitis.

ent along with other features.


serotypes based on this protein

count for more than 70%,more common in women ,

mmunoglobulin, although Ig M and Ig D both express together over B cells but IgD starts to be expressed when the

ulin level is low,T cells are not effected .ultimately patients are prone to recurrent infections.

through bladder it act on the transitional epithelium of urinary bladder and cause carcinoma here .

s present leads to prolonged aPTT that is the reason it also called lupus anticoagulant .

also positive in other autoimmune diseases .

an papilloma virus infection.

taplasia of the esophagus ,most important comlication of it is adenocarcinoma .

d upper outer quadrant

s are transfusion reaction,,erythroblastosis fetalis,autoimmune hemolytic anemia,Mysthenia gravious,graves disease

pply,all other organs get GRAY infarction


ts to be expressed when the B-cell exits the bone marrow to populate peripheral lymphoid tissues. When a B-cell rea

oma here .

nia gravious,graves disease

oid tissues. When a B-cell reaches its mature state, it co-expresses Ig D and IgM.

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