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Science Speech Contest

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb and Good morning. With all due respect to the honorable judges, to the teacher from all Senior High Schools in Palu, and all the audience here, ladies and gentlemen

First of all, Praise be to The Lord, Allah SWT because of his blessings, we all can gather here on this sunny morning. Shalawat and prayer, we will say to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his friends and his followers.

Thank you very much for the greatest opportunity that has been given to me. In this chance, I would like to tell you my speech entitled The Using of Information and Communication Technology in human life

Information and communication technology is the way for the media users to communicate a thing that they want to share to others. The using of this technology could give the good impacts for us, we could get much information from the advance technology and also could create a good social relation.

Information and communication technology could be utilized in some lifes aspects. Such as in social aspects, economic aspects, educational aspects and others.

Socially, information and communication technology could help the society to build a good social relaton. Like what one of social network (facebook)s motto is help you connect and share with people in your life. By using facebook or other social network we could connect and share with our family, old friends even to get the new friends globally.

In economic aspects, information and communication technology help people to encourage the small-medium enterprises to be the bigger enterprises in the village area. Farmers could search the newest information about the best rice seeds or other crop seeds. Breeders can also find the excellent farms products. I believe that this really help whole people.

The Using of Information and Communication Technology in Human Life

Science Speech Contest

Not only in economic aspects, has information and communication technology also helped students and teachers in educational aspects. As We have known government has provided some programs like internet goes to school, community access point, e-learning, smart campus. All of the programs are made to support the teaching and learning progress in school or campus. By using this technology we could have a high quallity of education.

Ladies and Gentlemen Beside the good impacts, information and communication technology also could give the bad impacts. The irresponsible person could abuse technology to do something bad. For example someone access social networking account belongs to someone else illegally and he abuse it to do something bad without being noticed by the owner of the account. Another example like the children under age could access the porn sites easily. I believe that this could harm them.

By looking the problems above, government should provide the relevant regulatory restrictions on freedom of internet access because the free access also could dangerous the society, especially the youths.

So, all the good and bad impacts of technology are depending on us. Someone says that the man behind the gun. So, whether we used it for the good things or the bad things its up to us. We as the educated society should use the technology in order to get the positive things.

So I think thats all, thank you very much for the attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Name : Nadhia Maharany School : SMAN MODEL TERPADU MADANI Theme : Global Technology
The Using of Information and Communication Technology in Human Life

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