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Lesson 3: Problem solving skills by telephone

1. What are some common problems you have to deal with when talking on the phone to customers/ colleagues? Discuss in pairs/ groups. Here is some useful language for dealing with problems: a) STATING THE PROBLEM I wonder if you can help me. Ive got a problem There seems to be a problem. We havent b) OFFERING HELP How can I help? Ill look into it right now and get back to you. c) APOLOGISING/ SHOWING UNDERSTANDING Im really sorry about that. I do apologise I understand how you feel. d) MAKING SUGGESTIONS Perhaps we could Would it be possible to? e) REQUESTING ACTION Could you look into the matter? Please can you check with 2. What steps should you take when dealing with a problem over the phone? Discuss in pairs/ groups and list them below: 1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________ 3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________ 3. Prepositions of time to use when solving problems. AT is used with clock times, day phrases and certain periods of time. e.g. The train leaves at 2 oclock. We have a holiday at Spring festival. She got married at the age of twenty-four. ON is used with days and dates. e.g. Ill see you on Tuesday. She was born on the 2nd of July 1956. IN is used for longer periods or months. e.g. Commerce developed in the seventeenth century. The weather is good in summer. BY is associated with deadlines. e.g. We will know by the end of the week. FOR refers to a period of time. e.g. Shes staying here for three weeks. I worked in Canada for two years. SINCE is used if we say when something started in relation to the present.

e.g. I havent seen her since we left college. Theyve been publishing books since 1901. Fill in the following sentences with the right preposition. a) Hes been working in the accountants department ______ 2010. b) We will start the new production line _____ March next year. c) You only get two days off _______ Christmas. d) We have had to reschedule the meeting. It is now ________ 4pm. e) I need that report on my desk ______ 11 oclock. Its urgent! f) Youll have an assistance ________ three weeks. This should help you get the project finished in time. Write 6 of your own sentences using the above prepositions. Share with a partner and check his/ her sentences for errors. 4. Role-play: Student A is the Production Manager for a power tools manufacture. Student B is a supplier of components. Role-play the following telephone conversation. Make sure you include: Useful language when dealing with problems Some prepositions of time

Student A - PRODUCTION MANAGER Ring your supplier to complain about some electronic motors (order No. PV 205) which have a number of defects (they dont fit the drills, are not up to the usual standard in quality, etc). Student B SUPPLIER Deal tactfully with the complaint. Show understanding. Get the facts. Promise action.

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