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Homeostasis Lab

INTRODUCTION: PURPOSE Use statistical analysis to study the human body's homeostatic reaction to the application of a moderate stress. Background: Give me some information homeostasis as well as the different types of feedback loops employed by our bodies as well as an example of each. (5 pts) Hypotheses: You need three: Are there any significantly different individuals for your two assigned minutes; Is there any significant differences between sexes for you two assigned minutes; Every group will determine if humans lower their pulse through concentration. (3 pts) Variables: Controls , Independent variables: Dependent variables. (3 pts) MATERIALS Clock with sweeping second hand, data sheet (previously prepared), metronome and exercise/comfortable clothing. PROCEDURES (Summarize the following steps or lose 5 pts) 1. Everyone stand and take their resting heart rate for 10 seconds as demonstrated by your instructor. You will multiply this number by 6 and record it as your 01 heart rate in your data table. Dont forget to show any formulas used in the manipulation of your data. *You dont need to list formulas used by Microsoft Excel to calculate averages or T-Test values. 2. Remain standing again and focus on lowering your heart rate by closing your eyes, taking deep, slow breathes and thinking of something peaceful. Urge to giggle will be very strong, but try not to give into it. 3. At the end of the minute, take your radial pulse or carotid pulse again, multiply by 6 and record this as your 02 heart rate. 4. Your instructor will demonstrate how to step up and down on your desk seat, in time with the metronome program that he is playing through the computer speakers. Take your heart rate one more time and list it as 03 or zero minute of exercise. 5. Start stepping up and down at the pace set by the instructor for one-minute intervals. At 55 seconds your instructor will warn you to find your pulse. Your instructor will then say, take pulse at which point the person stepping will stop, and take their pulse for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds the instructor will tell you to start stepping again, usually by saying, up, up, down, down.

6. The recorder should multiply the heart rate by 6 (this can be done later, but when we collect class data the conversion should be done) and record that number in the appropriate column of their data table. 7. Repeat this procedure for 6 minutes of exercise and then again after 1 minute of rest and finally after 5 more minutes of rest. 8.During the exercise session the recorder should also note any bodily changes being shown by the person exercising, in order to answer questions in the analysis section. DATA COLLECTION: 1st rest (7th) 5th rest (12th)











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* The numbers recorded in this table represent your pulse in beats per minute. Include both your individual data table as well as the classes. Be sure your class data table includes the statistics for each column as well as highlighted significantly different data for your assigned minutes. DATA PRESENTATION 1. Create a line graph in a spreadsheet program (like Excel) or a graphing program of your choice. Everyone needs their own line graph because his or her individual data will be different. These graphs should have 4 lines on it. One line should represent your heart rate (HR), another one for the class average HR, another one for boys average HR and another one for the girls average HR. Give the graph a title that is representative of the displayed data i.e. dont use the axes titles only. The axis should have the appropriate title and units, .for example Time (minutes). Dont forget the legend to explain which line is which. (6 pts) 2. In order to save you from having to apply statistical analysis to all the columns of data use the following for your assigned minutes. Lab Group #s and assigned minutes: 1 5 9 03 and 1st minute 4th and 5th minute 1st and 3rd minute 2 6 1st and 2nd minute 5th and 6th minute 3 7 2nd and 3rd minute 6th and 1st rest 4 8 3rd and 4th minute 1st rest and 5th rest

10 2nd and 4th minute 14 4th and 6th minute 18 1st and 5th minute

11 3rd and 5th minute 15 5th and 1st min rest 19 1st and 4th minutes

12 4th and 6th minute 16 5th and 5th min rest 20

13 3rd and 5th minute 17 1st and 6th minute ANALYSIS:

1 In conjunction with the observed bodily changes occurring during exercise, list at two changes the probably occurred inside the body that you could not observe. (2 pts) ** Don't write something like your heart beat faster because we measured that by taking a pulse. 2 How do these two changes listed in the previous question help the body maintain homeostasis? Try to be a specific as possible. (2 pts)

3 The average heart rates in the graph should have rose sharply and then leveled off. Explain why it does this. (2 pts) CONCLUSION Make sure to address all three hypotheses. Please use a separate paragraph for each hypothesis. Refer to specific statistical tests and data and explain why those numbers made the data significant or not. (18 pts) List at least 3 errors or procedural flaws associated with performing this lab. (3 pts). If so what could I do to correct these errors or flaws for future labs. (2 pts)

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