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Invitation to North South Forum 2012 International Conference in Marrakech, Morocco.

Dear Sir/Madame, Dear contact, Dear friends around the world, Lion Invest is pleased to announce the next upcoming event and we kindly invite you to the North South Forum 2012 International Conference to be held on December 3th till the 5th, 2012 in Marrakech under the theme "Rethinking North + South Trade & Development Cooperation Model". North South Forum 2012 is a 2 days plenary conference with workshops, exhibitions, delegates oneon-one business meetings and projects discussions. You will have the opportunity to meet great contacts, shareholders such as heads of state, ministers, congressmen, ambassadors, directors and resources from around the world, international agencies (World Bank, UN, FAO, G20, OECD, EU, BRIC, GCC, APEC, Africa nations etc.) as well as executives from global financial institutions, sovereign wealth funds, investment organizations and top tier global corporations, enterprise federations and international chambers of commerce alongside of selective NGOs. Among others the following featured speakers have been invited: Bill (William Jefferson) Clinton and Hillary Rodham Clinton, Ban Ki Moon, Abdelilah Benkirane (Chief of Government Council Kingdom of Morocco), Abdellatif Jouahri (Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib), Christine Lagarde, Jose Manuel Barroso, HRH Prince Al Waleed Bin Talal & HH Princess Ameerah Al-Taweel (Founders Al Waleed Bin Talal Foundations Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Jacques Attali (President Attali & Associes Professor Author and State Adviser - Founder of European Bank of Reconstruction & Development(BERD) Franc), Miloud Chaabi (President & CEO Founder, Chaabi Group/Ynna Holding, Casablanca, Kingdom of Morocco), Dr. Abdul Latif Bin Rashid Al Zayani (Secretary General of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)), HE Andre Azoulay (Economic Adviser to King Mohammed VI), Karel De Gucht (EU Trade Commissioner) and many more, see: - Speakers: We, from Lion Invest hope you will accept the invite and invite your friends, contacts and peers around the world to this unique event. To learn more about North South Forum 2012 International Conference, please log on: - North South Forum Home Page: - Agenda: - Registration:, (please, indicate your are referred by your agent, Lion Invest). Your reply will be highly appreciated so that I can furnish you with more information as per the event. Please welcome any suggestion for topics, speakers, sponsors, mutually fruitful collaboration and/or question you may have that would help make this event a successful one for our respective countries and the rest of the world and of course beside your participation, I would highly appreciate your help in the promotion and sponsorship of North South Forum 2012 by any organization you may know. To learn more about our sponsorship packages, please log on: - Sponsors: Thank you very much for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely,

Abdelbasset Zaghdoud Lion Invest

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