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From Santiagos Desk Ministry Update Oct-Nov 2012

Dear Prayer Warriors, G'day! Thank you very much for praying for my father's health. Today is Monday November 12th, and it is three weeks since I arrived in Lima, Peru. Prior to my arrival in Lima, we had an extremely busy but at the same time blessed weekend in Connecticut (October 18-21). Jackie, Serena and Regenia Bowman and I participated in a mission conference organized by Haven of Rest Baptist Church. The conference started on a Friday evening and since our arrival we were encouraged by the hospitality and love for missionaries. The service was very dynamic and many testimonies were given by several of the members about their witnessing experiences since the last time they saw each other. We all witnessed a very active church in evangelism and were excited about the opportunities to share the gospel and see people saved. We were so blessed to see lots of people asking questions to the missionaries after every presentation. The same Friday, the hosting pastor invited us to go out with his evangelistic team to do an outreach at Yale University. Honestly, there are not enough words to describe this experience, but it was Amazing! Between the pastor, his wife and children, the youth group and college group (including us) we were a total of 30 people. Serena, Regenia, Jackie and I were so excited to do this outreach as for us this is second nature and on a major scale. From 9:30 till 11:30 pm, we walked all around Yale University and distributed many gospel tracts. Even though we distribute gospel tracts every Monday and Tuesday at Elon University and experience some rejections, the behavior and indifference to the gospel from these students are greater than we experienced in the past. Friday night is a party night for those students and the outreach from this church is quite timely. I was scheduled to present our ministry during Sunday School and preach at the AM service. During Sunday School, the whole church was present and again the people were quite receptive. They asked us openly an area of need for the ministry and we shared the need of a large scale printer. Later, at the end of the AM service the youth pastor came with all the children and middle school teens and said: "The children raised money every week for different outreach projects. For the last 3 weeks they were raising money for a particular ministry but they never replied, but after they heard your presentation and testimony all the kids decided to give you an offering towards a printer.... We are excited to be part of your ministry and pray that this will be the beginning of many offerings towards a good printer..." As the pastor handed me the envelope all the kids surrounded me all gave a hug. I could not resist crying of joy as I knew that 90% of those kids came from the projects in New Haven Connecticut. They raised a good amount of money. May The Lord reward their mission heart and generosity toward his cause. I arrived in Lima on Tuesday the 23rd. The day after my arrival, I started accompanying my dad to see doctors in order to fix a hernia. In regards to his prostate cancer, he still doesn't know about the diagnosis. My father's oncologist ordered a number of tests, but my dad was told that he was to clear him for his hernia surgery.

Finally, his surgery was conducted for Friday 9th at around 3:30 in the afternoon. After the surgery while he was in the recovering ward, the nurses allowed me to come in and care for dad while he was recovering. On Saturday he was strong enough to start walking and on Sunday he was discharge to go home. At present he is doing very good and resting at home. Thank you very much for praying for him. Continue praying for him, Especially for him to gain strength physically while I am here in Lima. Also, the surgeon after the surgery told me that his hernia was produced by the tumor in his prostrate and it is likely that he may get another hernia in the other side if he is not careful. So, Please pray that he may be able to start also a treatment for his cancer as soon as possible. Continue praying for the Pathway Team heading the ministry in North Carolina (Jackie, Regenia and Serena). I am in constant communication with them and it is so encouraging to see the ministry continuing without interruption in my absence. I have also been in communication with our college youth and they have been tremendously blessed by the pastors that I scheduled to teach during my time away. During this time we have been studying eschatology and the students have been prepared with good questions during each meeting night. For some pastors this has been the first time visiting as guest speakers, and some have expressed their gratitude for the invitation to participate in our meetings and asked to be invited again. Others were not strangers to our group and the students have enjoyed their fellowship and accessibility to answer questions. Some meeting nights were so intense that pastors were answering questions till 10:45 PM... That was fantastic! Lord willing I will be returning home to NC on November 20th, just before Thanksgiving, and there are many reasons for us to be thankful. Continue praying for our financial support. There are new churches that have been observing our testimony. The pastors are excited about the result of our ministry and their congregations are planning to partner with us financially. Praise The Lord! Continue praying for our housing needs, our staying at Siloam was extended till the end of March, but we are praying to move to Burlington (preferably Elon) before our due date, but pray for affordable housing.

Serving the Lord Together, Santiago O. Olortegui

Executive Director Exodus 34:10 PathWay College Outreach Ministry

P.O Box 231 - Burlington, NC 27216 Phone (336)480-4755 | | |

For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Ephesians 4:12 Encouragement | Evangelism | Empowerment

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