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the proverbs study group

Chapter 14 - Protection Hallerin Hilton Hill

Last week...
You will be disciplined or you will be disciplined. Choose discipline.

This weeks main point(s).

Wisdom give protection. Use it. Anger is a prison. Dont sentence yourself. Train yourself in truth. Protection Fear of God may keep you from error; faith in God protects not only you but those you love. Proverbs 14:26 The wisdom lifestyle provides protection. Wisdom blesses AND protects. One of the big benets of wisdom is protection. We are in this world exposed. We have an enemy who is walking about seeking whom he may devour. We need protection. What does it mean to protect? Protect: v. to keep from being damaged, attacked, or injured: to guard. Life is rough and tumble. The fear of the Lord is like bubble wrap. The intent is to keep you from being damagedto keep you from being attackedto keep you from being injured. Think secret service. You provide a security detail for very important people. Once again wisdom is holding you in high esteem. If you respect and reverence God, if you are careful to walk in the prescribed manner He prospers you and then protects you so that you can enjoy your prosperity. The powerful thing about this unique type of wisdom-based protection is that it extends to the people you love. Your pursuit of wisdom brings direct benet to your family. They dont even know it but as you pursue a deeper wisdom walk your family is safer. You can buy more Met Life or you can live and walk in the fear of the Lord. In your life you have been protected from many things. Ever thought you might be living in the shadow of someone elses integrity. Think of all those you protect or leave unprotected by the way you live. Faith is the source of life, diverting you from the snares of death. Proverbs 14:27

Protecting you from danger is important but its much smarter to nd a diversion in God that keeps you out of dangerous situations that require greater protection. What does it mean to divert? Divert: v. to turn aside from a course or direction. 2. To distract. 3. To entertain by distracting the attention from worrisome, thoughts or cares; amuse. Wouldnt be great to be so distracted by your love for God that you automatically walked away from evil? Enoch walked that way. So where is the safe zone? You nd the sweet spot by centering yourself in faith, integrity and the fear of the Lord. Anger The wise recognize their anger and hold it in check; the ignorant use their anger to justify their actions. Proverbs 14:16 A short temper enslaves you; those who procrastinate are disliked. Proverbs 14:17 Patience is the sign of understanding; a quick temper is the hallmark of a fool. Proverbs 14:29 If I gave you the choice between spending a day on the beach and spending a day in jail; which would you choose? What if you had a choice between being free and living on a plantation as a slave picking cotton? Anger does both not serve you. offended will be buttons they will. to you. Anger imprisons you. Anger enslaves you. Your temper does It puts you on mental and emotional lock down. He who is easily easily manipulated. When unwise people know how to push your The devil with wear you out by keeping you upset.

Were back to taking full responsibility for all you thoughts, actions and emotions. Here are some rules for dealing with anger. 1. Recognize it. Be sensitive to the energy of anger in you life. 2. Respond. Practice patience. Start the habit of counting to 10 and give your anger time to subside. A short temper will make you look foolish and leave you enslaved. 3. Release. Never use anger as a justication to do whatever you want. Truth Train yourself in honesty, and your word will be trusted. Proverbs 14:5

Liars are not believed even when they speak the truth; those with integrity nd discrimination easy. Proverbs 14:6 A strong fortress built on dishonesty will fall; a imsy tent pitched on justice will hold. Proverbs 14:11 The crown of the wise is their integrity; the ignorant always dress in foolishness. Proverbs 14:24 Truth is essential to wisdom. It is foundational. All of what were studying is meaningless if it isnt rst true. God gets high marks because when you test His word you nd it to be true. If we are to be like the one we adore then we should be true. It seems in every chapter resets to truth. But there are some unique new truths about truth in this chapter. Lets take a look. Honesty can be learned. The good news is that if you are not as honest and truthful as you aspire to be you can be better. You have to train yourself in honest. Train: v. to make procient with specialized instruction & practice. You should take the time to practice being true and honest. Truth gives you a rm foundation Many people struggle because they have built their lives on shaky foundations. Truth saves lives. Truth will improve your reputation and give you a royal bearing. You should anchor yourself in truth. You should surround yourself with people who are true. Are you training yourself in truth? Grow. Help others grow. Be Encouraged. Wisdom House Publishing
(c) 2012 Hallerin Hilton Hill

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