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Jackie Ader

Statements of Purpose for Loyola University Chicago 5-Year MSW Program Application (Fall 2011) 1. In 250 words or less, describe, in any form of writing, why you want to study at LUCSSW. Social issues always interested me. My passion for helping others and my belief everyone deserves justice led me to pursue a career in social work. Loyola University Chicagos Graduate School of Social Work is the perfect institution for me to obtain a masters level education. The program will help me excel as a competent, professional social worker. Loyola is a very commendable institution with a diverse community valuing and striving for justice. Loyolas School of Social Work emphasizes development of excellent clinical practice and leadership skills allowing me the opportunity to achieve my goal of becoming a successful social worker. As a current student in Loyolas undergraduate School of Social Work, I thoroughly enjoy the classes, faculty, and fellow students. I acquire knowledge and skills from my undergraduate education pertinent to my success in the social work field. I am confident if given the opportunity to study in Loyolas Social Work Masters Degree program I will continue to enhance my knowledge and skills and succeed academically. The Loyola Graduate School of Social Work fits my professional aspirations, because it offers a specialization in children and families. I believe the family support system serves as the foundation of mental health and wellbeing in society. This specialization will equip me to succeed as a clinical social worker for those who experienced trauma, such as sexual abuse or domestic violence.

Jackie Ader

2. In 250 words or less, address any previous work, educational, and/or volunteer experiences and assess your strengths and weaknesses in those areas. I experienced the privilege of working as a front desk volunteer at Sarahs Circle, a dayshelter providing case management, housing advice, and basic needs items for homeless or abused women. I learned the challenge of addressing all the needs of the women or referring them to a staff member or resource that could better assist them. Through these challenges, however, I realized my strengths involve working under pressure and quick problem solving. I used my strong communication skills and ability to connect and empathize with individuals in order to build healthy, professional relationships with the women. I learned during volunteering at Sarahs Circle I exhibit a weakness in establishing boundaries with clients who sought extra supplies or attention. Therefore, I realized the importance of utilizing supervision in order to maintain professional boundaries with clients. As a shift manager in retail sales at Platos Closet, I demonstrated my ability to effectively lead a group of individuals and maintain their respect. I excelled in customer service and displayed self-initiative in completing multiple assignments without supervision. Through my volunteer and work experience, I recognize and value the strengths I developed. I possess the patience and determination to empower others to reach their full potential and overcome obstacles they may encounter in life. Empowering individuals must be the focus of all social services. Through my volunteer experiences, I realize we cannot fix the problems of others. We can only empower others to make necessary changes themselves.

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