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Jan 2009 Vol 45

Our commitment: To train and disciple Paraguayans to impact their nation for Christ.

What you Didn’t Know

About Paraguay
• Paraguay has a population of a little of 6
• It has two official languages (Spanish &
million, 20% of which live and work abroad.
• The Jesuit Ruins in Trinidad and Jesus (10
• Dueling is still legal here, as long as both
minutes from us) are registered World
parties are registered blood donors and
Historic Sites.
medical staff is on hand!
• Paraguay is currently the largest exporter of
• Paraguayan currency is color coded depending
hydroelectric power.
on the denomination.
• $1.00 US = 5,000 Guaraní’s.
• Paraguay means “water that goes to water” in
• Paraguay is one of only two countries whose
national flag has a different emblem on the
• Paraguay is the world’s 3rd largest exporter of
front and back.
• Paraguay has the largest navy of any
• Soccer is king in Paraguay and we are
landlocked country!
currently leading the ranks of the world cup
• It is HIGHLY contagious... consider a mission
prelims in SA!
trip and you won’t be disappointed!

Fighting Discouragement
5. Set the timer. Okay. So things aren’t so good. I’ve
1. Allow for rest stops. Discouragement is often our found it helpful to set the oven time and allow ten
body’s way of saying “Stop! I need rest.” Try taking
minutes for a good cry. But when the buzzer sounds, I
a nap or getting to bed a little earlier. It’s amazing blow my nose, wipe my eyes, and surrender my
how different things will look in the light of situation to the Lord so I can move on (Ecclesiastes
morning (Ex. 34:21).
2. Get a new point of view. Take a few steps back
and ask God to help you see his perspective on *Taken from “Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World” p. 21
your situation. Often what seems to be an
impassable mountain in our eyes is only a
steppingstone in his (Isaiah 33:17). In an effort to reduce costs, we have
3. Have Patience. It’s easy to get discouraged when changed our website to:
things don’t go the way you planned. But if you’ve
committed your concerns to the Lord, you can be
sure he is at work, even when you don’t see his
hand (Romans 8:28).
We’d love to have you go there...
4. Mingle. Discouragement feeds off isolation. Get
and click around!
out of the house! Go visit some friends. It’s
amazing how good; old-fashioned fellowship can
chase away the blues (Psalm 133:1).

Updates and Needs Prayer Focus
• For all the 10th anniversary preparations for the
We have raised $2970 for the Bible radio on Jan. 29.
Project We still need $1030 • To hand pick and train new leaders
• We’ve got ministerial duties to fulfill this month,
We have raised $2500 for the since our pastors are on vacation until the 20th.
generator We still need $5500 • Preparations for our furlough to the U.S. May-July

We would like to help the radio’s

Christian Bookstore (the only one in
• Two of three our family members have jobs!
our area) become self-sufficient with
• We are so thankful for another year of serving
a copy machine and supplies
here in Paraguay and look forward to 2009!
We need $3000 • We are up to the roof of our home construction.
• We had lots of year-end activities and fiestas to
Would you consider helping us wrap celebrate what God is doing here in Paraguay!
up these projects in 2009? Please
send gifts to Missionary Ventures
earmarked: Paraguay Projects

Norberto & Julie Kurrle
Radio Alternativa
Obligado, Itapua, Paraguay

Tel: 595-717-20306
Skype ID: kurrles
Internet phone: 765-997-1709


You can send financial support to:

Missionary Ventures Intl. *Kurrles*
5144 S Orange Ave.
Orlando, FL 32809
Or give online:
(Kurrles) Each child received a present and hamburger and
fries, heard the nativity story and played games at
Also Serving as SAMS with Global Missions and the our First Children of Promise Christmas Party!
Church of God Ministries, Anderson, IN Thanks to donors for making it possible!

Notwithstanding any other statements in this communication, please remember that any contributions to MVI are under MVI's full
discretion and control as required by IRS regulations.”

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