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Chapter 1

It was 9:00 p.m., and I suddenly remembered that I have my biology EOCT next week, and I didnt study for it at all. I grabbed my book bag and looked for my notes and review sheet; that Miss Pitts gave us. She told us that the EOCT mostly has questions about plants for example: The root, pistil, flower, stamen etc. and probably have a few pictures and we have to label the different parts. I couldn't find my notes or review sheet. Suddenly it came into my mind when Mrs.Pitts was teaching us about angiosperm and gymnosperm, I put my notes and review sheet under my chair, and forgot to get it from under the chair at the end of class. I was sitting on my bed thinking in my head what do I do, what do I do. At first I thought that in school I could copy the notes from my best friends Jimmy and Nahuel. Then I decided to wake up early so I can go to school early. I went to sleep, and then I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and got ready for school. By 5:15 a.m. I was ready and decided to walk to school. On the way to school I was thinking about what Mrs.Pitts was teaching us about how pollen is produced in the anthers of the plant and I suddenly noticed that I was going the wrong way the whole time. I tried to remember where I was but couldn't, so I just kept on walking. I had wandered into the desert a few miles away from my house or so I thought. I was going back to my house when I saw a cactus. I was walking around trying to

find the way when I remembered what Miss Pitts had said. The cactus can spread its roots to a far distance and it stores water inside that lasts a long time. It does not need to eat, because it gets its food by photosynthesis meaning by the suns rays. As I kept on walking I felt proud of myself for remembering Miss Pitts lesson. It had been weeks since we had studied that topic. So I just kept walking, I also remembered that desert is one of the biomes that Mrs.Pitts thought us about. It was supposed to be hot in the morning and cold at night. As I went ahead I saw that there was more plant life near this river than any other part of the desert. The plants and flowers near the river had petals receptacles and sepals. I knew that because there is a large amount of water and plants can live there peacefully. If somehow that river ran out of water the plants would have no were else to get water from and they will eventually die. Even though the desert biome is so hot in the morning it cools down in the night. There are still animals that can live in the desert. They are called nocturnal animals meaning that they sleep during the day when its hot and wake up and go hunting at night when its cool. I found my way to the school but still had a lot of time before school started. So I decided to visit a forest a few miles away. Must be strange For a desert and a forest to be close to each other but its still far away about a few miles. I took the bus there and I remembered of the rain forest biome Mrs.Pitts taught us.

It gets a lot of rainfall throughout the year so there must be a lot of plants and different types of them. I remembered there are different types of rain forests there are deciduous rain forests, and tropical rain forests. There were a lot of tall trees and plants. The trees over there were very tall. There were a lot of animals and especially plants. I saw a Venus fly trap. I heard that it was a carnivore and it eats meat. It opens its mouth and waits for an insect to sit on its mouth and then quickly closes its mouth. I even saw it perform live. It is very interesting for a plant to do that. Wouldnt you love to have one of those at your house to eat all of the bugs that try coming in your house? I would love one of those in my house. I studied a lot about plants. I had a switch blade with me so I thought why dont I cut the plant and see it from the inside. So I took out the blade and started cutting it but I dont think the other plants liked it because as I was dissecting the plant something very strange and weird happened probably the scariest thing in my life.

Chapter 2
While I was examining the plants a plant said ouch! I moved back a few steps and asked it what are you? It said

that it was a plant named Vinny the Venus Fly trap and it said I hurt it by cutting it and he was very angry. I said to it Im so sorry Mr. Plant it was a mistake I didnt mean to hurt you and how can u talk if you are a plant.? It said we can talk, but we try not to show it in front of a human. We keep it a secret and now that you have found out you cant say this to anyone. I was amazed and freaked out at the same time. I told it how much I have studied about it in my biology class. He told me that if i went with him somewhere in his creepy van that he would give me candy..... And I agreed. He took me to a cave where there were a lot of different types of plants, there were seed, seedless plants, plants with petals, etc. they were all gathered and when they saw me there. Then Vinny said no need to worry hes one of us and they all started greeting me. After that a big tall tree like plant went up and they all became exactly quiet, in fact there was not even a sound. Then it spoke. It was speaking a different type of but I could still understand a little words that it said and they were talking about something that had to do with world domination. I looked down and on the side was water and in it were algae and fungi. I understood what they were talking about they made a plan about taking over the earth. I was so scared and tried to escape but some large trees stopped me and said no need to worry we wont hurt you now that you are one of us. It wasn't that I was scared of being hurt it

was just that I couldn't just stand there watch them while they were killing and controlling all of my friends and other people. I thought of what to do but nothing came to mind at the time. I couldn't disagree so I just stood there and tried to understand what they were all talking about but it was kind of hard I thought that if only I would have just gone to school and did my work as usual I wouldnt have gotten into this mess. Think of it this way you are in a cave with thousands of plants that are talking about taking over the world and you are the only human in there. They wouldn't let me go anywhere outside the forest until the meeting ends and so I waited and waited and waited till the meeting was over.

I asked Vinny to tell me in detail what the assembly was about and he told me it later. I had a feeling that the plants were not going to let me go instead kill me at the end. It seemed like they were using me to get to the others but I didn't care about that much all I cared about was getting out of that place and also out of the forest. I waited for the right time and sneaked out of the rain forest and ran far away from there and kept on running. I was afraid that the plants might come after me and catch me but at second thought it might take them a little time to find out that I was not over there with them and by the time they would find out I will be far far away from here maybe in my house. I kept on running and running and running until I reached my house. I Decided to go to the police station that was close to my house. I walked all the way there and in the way I was wandering that there is a way to stop them and then it came to me like. I had an Idea. I thought why dont we somehow take the plants to a tundra biome and then leave them there so they can freeze to death. But in order to do that we would need a large plane or ship the can carry the whole forest in it to the tundra and a piolet who knows how to drive the plane. We would also need a lot of equipment so that we can hold them long enough so the plane can come and we can somehow get them in the plane and drop them in a

coold, chilli place.but im telling ya it wasnt ginna be a very easy job, instead it would be a very hard and dangerouse job. Who knew if we would ever return or not, but I wasnt gonna back up anyways.

Chapter 3
I dont know why but the thought of my EOCT kept coming in my mind. So I walked to the police office and told them everything I saw from the talking plants to their plans but of course they thought that that was stupid talk and said that that is a lie. I tried to explain it to them but they wouldnt listen after all how stupid will it sound if someone came to you and said that a flower said hi to them. So I just left. I went home and told my mom, dad, brother and sister about it but no one would listen to me and even if they did listen they would just say nice story! Did u make it up yourself? No one would believe me so I had to solve this whole problem myself. I thought of it as a good way to review for my EOCT. I still needed someone with me. my last hope was Jimmy and Nahuel so I went to them and told them hopefully they agreed and said they will help me but they need proof and so I took them to the jungle. We took some weapons with us such as knives, fire torches, axes, etc. when we got there it was just like a normal jungle nothing suspicious. I told them to stay a little longer and they did.

We waited an hour and so far nothing suspicious. So we decided to leave and while we were leaving the plants attacked and tried to tie us with their vines but we cut its branches. More were coming after us so we burned a log on fire and burned them and escaped. Good thing we took those things with us or we were goners. They both now believed me and we had to stop them and so we started thinking. Miss Pitts teaching was very useful we made half of the plan using her teachings. The plan was that we will go back to the jungle and somehow make them go into ship and then we will fly them to Antarctica where they will freeze to death. But in order to do that we would have to lose a forest. So we got everything ready and also bought a big plane in which we could fit all of them and dont ask how we got the money. We also decided to call the police when we will be about to start so they will know that I was not lying. We had one day to rest and prepare everything and so we did. We spitted the work in half so its not so hard and it made things done faster. After everything was done we sat down and looked through some books about different types of plants, how they reproduce, do they have pollen, do they produce sexually or asexually, what are the plants weaknesses, etc. so we know what to do and how to defeat each plant. Plus it also helps us with our EOCT that is in 3 days. After that we all took a good night sleep.

It was a real hard work but we did it. I couldnt sleep. I tried as hard as I could to sleep but I couldnt. finally, at about 12:00 I fell asleep and woke up early. I got ready checked everything one more time before we left and we left for the jungle. On the way we called the police. This fight was going to get real ugly. We were walking our way over there and of course carrying a lot of weapons. Not real weapons like guns though because we were not old enough to use them but weapons like fire, axe torches and knives. I wish we were old enough to use a gun, rifle and other stuff like that. It wouldve made our work easier. But since we got nothing like those, we just had to use what we had. We were kind of in a hurry. We wanted to kill some plants and all that stuff. We thought it would be fun but if anything would have gone wrong we would have to do the whole thing all over again which would have been a waste of time. We also werent sure that the plants will grow back and do the same as the old one and if they did we had to do something about that.

Chapter 4
It was only Nahuel and me we told Jimmy to drive the plane so we went in the jungle and there we just started cutting down bushed and trees with electric saws. The rest of the trees and plants got mad and jumped us but we kept on cutting them. After a little while we got out numbered so we started burning them. We were waiting for jimmy to come to the rescue with the big plane but somehow he wasnt coming. The saws were getting stuck and the fire was burning out and still no sign of jimmy but we didnt give up. We kept fighting until the fire blew out and the saws ran out of petrol. We had to stop them until jimmy doesnt come but it was hard. We held them to a certain degree until we ran out of that stuff we brought. We were doomed. We had nothing else to save us but then suddenly the police came and started shooting them. They gave me and Nahuel a gun to protect ourselves. That was the first time we both had ever used a gun and it was tight. It was just like playing kill zone or modern warfare 3. That was the interestingest time I had ever had. We were still fighting when jimmy came with the big ship. We somehow managed to move them into the ship and took the plants to Antarctica. Over there we just left

them and went back. When we went back the forest looked just like the desert with no plants or flowers. the police called the scientist from someplace thats name was so hard to pronounce and they sprayed a chemical that would stop the new growing plants from doing the same as the old plants did and they also discovered that the plants could talk because of a special chemical that was thrown there named kyazanesticasto chemical which was real hard to pronounce. The police chief congratulated us and said while awarding us a medal of bravery if this was a test I would give you an A. suddenly I remembered speaking of test I have my EOCT tomorrow. So I went to school the next day and took the EOCT. It was so easy that I knew all the answers from the observation yesterday. I got a 100 on the test and Miss Pitts congratulated me with a smile.


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