APA Citation Worksheet

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Grades 4 & 5


NAME:______________________ TEACHER:______________
APA Citation Worksheet

This worksheet will help you get started citing your resources for your final paper and presentation. You
will put the resources in alphabetical order by author once they are all listed in the correct format.
Practice writing your resources in each category following the example below. If your sources do not fall
into the types listed below, see Ms. Miller for help.
Author, A. A. (date). Title of work. Location: Publisher.


Journal Article:
Author, A. A., Author, B.B., & Author, C. C. (year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, xx, pp-pp.
xx = Journal number
pp-pp = page numbers
doi = digital object identifier (note: if there is no doi for a journal article, type: Retrieved
from http:// web address)


Grades 4 & 5


NAME:______________________ TEACHER:______________

Audio Recording:
Writer, A. (copyright year). Title of song [Recorded by B. B. Artist if different from writer]. On Title of
album [Medium of recording: CD, record, cassette, etc.] Location: Label (Date of recording if
different from song or copyright date).


Web page without an author:

Title of page. (Date or n.d. if date is not available). Retrieved from http:// website

Web page with an author:
Author, A. A. (Date of publication). Title of Page/Document. Retrieved from URL.

Examples from:
American Psychological Association (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological
Association (6th ed). Washington, DC: Author.

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