1x10 The Plan

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1x10 – The Plan

(Kate Austin Centric)

Previously on LOST:

1) Claire, Luke and Michael being led somewhere by Sawyer,

Howard and Tom.
2) Jack and Kate talking to Rousseau in her bunker.
3) Jack and Kate running from the bunker.
4) Jack treating Diane Janssen in his flashback (1x04)
5) Sawyer being served by Diane Janssen in his flashback
6) Walt going missing.

Exterior. Beach. Night.

Note: This first scene on the beach where the survivors are
discussing their plan of survival is set the day after Jack and
Kate left Rousseau’s bunker. The next scene set on the island
(not a flashback) will be set roughly 9 days later.

We see the survivors gathered around stood in front of Jack and

Kate. Everyone one of the survivors (minus Michael, Claire,
Luke and Walt) is there, meaning Locke and Boone have also
returned from excavating the hatch. Jack is telling the group
the story of Danielle Rousseau.

So we hear this growl and Rousseau said it was from a bear.
She took her gun and ran from the bunker leaving us there,
alone. We left and came back here.

So she’s actually been on this island for 16 years?!

Yeah, she has.

And she’s been alone for most of that time. My god...

I know. Now, we failed to find Claire, Michael and Luke. I’ve
come to believe that we’re here for the long haul.

Are you saying that we’re not getting of this island anytime

I don’t think so. There’s no way of getting off it. We have no
means of transport, communication.

So what are we going to do?

You’ve already began to build some shelters. We need to build
more. Enough to fit all of us. Sayid found water in some caves
in the jungle. Tomorrow morning we’ll go and collect some. We
gather more food. We live. We survive.

But we can’t just survive on mangos and pineapples!

I... fish.

I’ve seen boar tracks out in the jungle. We can hunt them.

Alright then. That’s the plan guys. I plan on living.

The camera zooms into Jack’s face, full of determination as the

camera fades to black.


Flashback. Kate’s Home. Day.

The camera opens up as we see Kate coming in through the

main door of her house. She puts her keys down on a table as
the door swings shut.
Mom, you in?

Woman (Off Screen):

Yeah, just putting the washing away.


Kate walks into the kitchen and begins to make herself some
coffee. She fills the cup up as the door to the room opens and
Kate turns. The camera remains on Kate’s face.

So I went to the doctor’s. I got the all clear.

The camera pans round to reveal that Kate’s mother is in fact

Diane Janssen, the woman who Jack treated in 1x04 and who
served Sawyer in 1x06. The music reaches its peak as the
camera fades to black.

Commercial Break.

Exterior. Beach. Day. Nine Days Later.

We see Hurley, Charlie and Nadia in the middle of putting up

another shelter. They are using debris from the plane and wood
from the jungle. Nadia looks up at the jungle and sighs.

It’s been almost two weeks. Nothing.

Hurley and Charlie glance up at the jungle before going back to

building the shelter.

I know. I feel sorry for Walt the most. I mean, he’s only 10!

I suppose... I didn’t really get to speak to him.
Neither did I. He wasn’t really with us that much was he?

I wonder what they want with us.

God knows!

The camera cuts to Kate, Jack and Libby who are also in the
middle of putting up a shelter.

So you’re Hurley’s girl, then?

Yeah, sure am. And Boone’s sister.

Oh, really? I never knew that.

Boone seams really nice.

He is. He never used to get on much though.

I suppose all siblings are like that really.

The camera once again pans over to Kate’s face. The flashback
sound is heard...

Flashback. Exterior. Day.

We see Kate wearing a baseball cap pulled down over her face
rushing up a garden path. The rings the door bell and looks
suspiciously over her shoulder. The door is opened and Kate
walks in without waiting to be invited in. The camera cuts to
the inside of the house as Kate pulls the cap of her face and
turns to face the person who opened the door.
Hey Sis.

Kate smiles warmly at her sister who doesn’t return the smile.

Kate’s Sister:
What the hell are you doing here?! If you were seen...

Alex, relax. I wasn’t seen. I wasn’t followed. Nobody knows I’m

What are you doing here? What do you want?

I need money. Please, Alex. I need to hide.

Alex walks over to a cupboard and opens the door. She takes a
small tin box out of it and thrusts it towards Kate.

Here. Take that! Now go.

Thank you, so much.

Kate pulls the cap back over her face and opens the front door.
She glances back at her sister one last time before leaving. The
flashback sound is heard...

Exterior. Jungle. Day.

We see Locke and Boone stood in the jungle, talking quietly.

Their conversation isn’t audible but it gives us the impression
that they are on their way to the hatch. Just then we see Sayid
walking through the tree’s towards them. He stops in front of
them and hands them each a bottle of water.

So you know what to do? I’ll corner it and you thrust you’re
spears into it.
Locke indicates three sharp pointed sticks lying on the ground
beside them.

That should injure it enough for me to capture it and kill it.


He doesn’t sound very comfortable with the prospect of

hunting and killing a wild boar.

Let’s go then.

The three of them pick up a stick each and begin to walk of into
the jungle. The camera cuts to:

Exterior. Beach. Day.

The camera shows us the beach full of people at first. We can

see, although very small, Jack, Kate and Libby still in the middle
of putting a shelter up. The camera pans round to show the
ocean and we see Jin stood in it, very still. We camera moves
around a little more and we see Sun and Charlie sat on the
beach, watching them. Jin is holding a spear in his hand which
he thrusts into the ocean and pulls it out. A large fish is
wriggling on the end before it falls still. Charlie rushes forward
to take the fish and heads back to Sun. He and Sun begin to
gut the fish.

(Subtitled) Pass me the net please, Sun.

Sun grabs a large net which is lain out on the beach beside
them and throws it at Jin. He props the spear down on the sand
and throws the net into the ocean.

There. That’s done.
He puts a finished fish aside on a pile of already de-gutted fish
and begins to help Sun on the large one that we witnessed Jin
catch. The camera pans back to Jin who pulls the net out of the
ocean. We can see several fish wriggling about in the net. He
gathers it up and walks back to the beach where he begins to
kill the fish before handing them back to Sun and Charlie. He
heads back to the ocean as the camera cuts to:

Exterior. Jungle. Day.

We see Locke running through the jungle fast as we hear a

squealing sound. The camera moves down a little and we see a
large boar chasing him. We then see Boone and Sayid chasing
after the boar. The camera cuts to show the boar tied up
dangling from a tree with its neck cut. Blood is pouring from it.

That should be dried out in an hour or two.

So what do we do now?

Well you can return to the beach if you like. I’ll wait here for this
to finish.

Alright. I’ll go and help put up the shelters. Boone, you coming?

Erm no, I think I’ll stay with John for the moment. He’s going to
need some help bringing this back to the beach later.

Alright then.

Sayid turns and walks off into the jungle back towards the
beach. The camera pans round to Locke and Boone.

Now that he’s gone, lets get back to the hatch. Continue
digging for a bit.

Locke and Boone walk off in the opposite direction to Sayid and
the camera stays on them for a moment before fading to black.

Commercial Break.

Flashback. Coffee House. Day.

We see Kate sat down in a coffee shop with her cap pulled low
over her face once again, waiting for someone. Kate looks up
and we see a man sit down opposite her. Kate smiles briefly at
him who doesn’t return it.

Hey, dad.

This man is Sergeant Sam Austin.

Hey Kate. You shouldn’t be here!

I know. I’m sorry to contact you. I just wanted to see you. I
needed to see you. Please, dad.

What is it? What’s wrong, Kate?

Don’t you want to know why I did it?

Sam holds up his hand to stop Kate from talking before saying:

I don’t want to know the details Kate.

Please, don’t Kate. I still can’t believe you did it. My own

I was going to you a scrapbook for your birthday, Dad. So I
contacted some of your old friends and colleagues and asked
them for photos. They sent me some. And one of them had a
date on the back. The same month I was born! You weren’t
even in the country when I was conceived. You’re not my real
father, are you?

I raised you as if you were.

Well then, who is my father?

We hear a police siren wailing past the coffee shop, and

without waiting for a reply or saying bye, Kate gets up and
rushes out of the door. The flashback sound is heard...

Exterior. Beach. Day.

The survivors have made a rough table in the middle of the

beach out of wood and vines. On it, is the fish that Jin caught
and the boar that Locke, Sayid and Boone killed earlier. The
camera pans round to show the survivors once again gathered
in front of Jack, who seams to be the leader of the group now.

So, does anyone know how to cook?

Paulo was a chef before we got here.


The camera pans round to show Nikki and Paulo as the camera
cuts to:
Exterior. Beach. Night.

It is much later now and everyone is gathered around a large

campfire in the middle of eating their meal. Everyone is
laughing and talking. The camera focuses on Nikki and Paulo
who are both sat near Rose.

Be right back. I’m just nipping to the toilet.


Nikki gets up and goes off into the jungle. The camera pans
round to Sun and Jin who are sat eating before moving over to
Locke and Boone. They are talking quietly, set away from the
rest of the group.

So when do we tell the rest about the hatch?

We don’t. For now. Not until we know what is in it.

Boone sighs and Locke notices it.


Its just all these secrets. I’m sick of them!

It won’t be for long. I promise.

The camera travels back to Paulo who is getting a little worried

now as Nikki hasn’t returned. He stands up and begins to move
off towards the jungle before Jack stops him.

Where you going, Paulo?
It’s Nikki. She went to the toilet about 10 minutes ago and she
hasn’t came back yet. I’m just going to check.

Alright. But be quick. God knows what’s in there.

Paulo moves off into the jungle and the camera follows him. It
gets much darker in the jungle but Paulo can see a little ahead
of him. He stops and his eyes widen and the camera follows his
gaze down onto the floor. Nikki is lying there. Dead! The
camera fades to black.

Commercial Break.

Flashback. Australian Outback. Day.

The camera follows a car driving along a dirt track before it

cuts to show the inside. We see a blonde haired Kate behind
the wheel. She checks the wing mirror and the camera focuses
on it as we see a car chasing Kate. The camera cuts to show
the inside of the other car and we see a man behind the wheel.
He has a look of determination on his face as the camera cuts
to the outside of the car chase. It follows both of the cars as
Kate swerves to avoid something on the path and she goes
crashing into a large boulder. The car smokes as she jumps out
of it and begins to run off. The man stops his car and gets out.
He pulls a gun out and chases after Kate. He catches up to her
and tackles her to the floor.

Hello again, Kate.

Piss off Edward!

Mind your language Kate.

Edward pulls Kate to her feet and handcuffs her. He leads her
back to his car as the flashback sound is heard.
Exterior. Beach. Night.

We see Paulo walking out of the jungle holding Nikki in his

arms. He is crying.

Oh my God!

Paulo set’s Nikki down on the beach and falls to the floor
beside her. The castaways gather around as Jack begins to
examine her.

I’m sorry... she’s dead.


She’s been murdered...


I don’t know. But we will find out. We’ll find out who did this!

We should begin a search party, look for clues.

Sayid, just me and you’ll go. I don’t want too many people
going out there.

Me and Boone will go to. More chance of finding something.

Alright. But no one else!

The camera cuts to:

Exterior. Jungle. Night.

We see Locke and Boone walking through the jungle.

What are we looking for actually?

We aren’t looking for anything. We’re going to the hatch. We’re
going to continue digging.

What?! You can’t be serious! Nikki has just been killed!

I am serious. There is nothing we can do for Nikki now. Our
priorities lie at the hatch!

We hear a rustling sound as the camera whips round. Locke

and Boone turn as we see the trees shaking. And out of the
bottom someone walks.

Oh my God!


The camera pans back round to show Claire walking from the
jungle looking scared and confused. She is followed by Luke
and Michael as the music reaches its peak. Smash to black!

Next time:

VO: As we delve into Libby’s past we uncover startling secrets.

1) Quick slip of Libby

2) Hurley
3) Boone
VO: The missing people have returned.

1) Clip of Claire, Michael and Luke walking from the jungle.

VO: But they don’t remember anything or anyone.

1) Clip of Michael saying – ‘Who is Walt?’

VO: Will we get their story?

Main Cast (Order of appearance):

Jack shepherd – Matthew Fox
Kate Austin – Evangeline Lilly
Charlie Pace – Dominic Monaghan
Libby Carlyle – Cynthia Watros
Hugo ‘Hurley’ Reyes – Jorge Garcia
Jin Kwon – Daniel Dae Kim
John Locke – Terry O’ Quinn
Nadia Abed Jazeem – Andrea Gabriel
Sayid Jarrah – Naveen Andrews
Claire Littleton – Emilie De Ravin
Luke Parsons – Eric Dane
Michael Dawson - Harold Perreaneau

Guest Starring (Order of appearance):

Nikki Fernandez – Kiele Sanchez
Diane Janssen – Beth Broderick
Alex Janssen - ???
Sam Austin – Lindsey Ginter
Paulo – Rodrigo Santaro
Rose Nadler – L. Scott Caldwell
Edward Mars – Fredric Lane

Questions Raised:

1) How does Jin know how to fish?

2) Why is Kate on the run from the police? What did she do?
3) Who is her real father?
4) How is Nikki dead? Who or what killed her?
5) What was Kate doing in Australia?
6) What are Claire, Luke and Michael doing back? Where they
released? How did they get away?
7) If Kate was arrested in Australia, how was she on the plane
by herself?

Questions Answered:

1) Diane Janssen is Kate’s mother.

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