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To: lorenzo Marinucci, EJ;q.

Lenard Parkins, Esq.

Date: Jan. 5, 20111 "
Re: Innkeepers Trust USA, et al. - AP Services LLC December 10, 2010 Report of Compensation and
Yesterday I sentto each of you, without cover letter, a number of pages from AP Services' recent expense
summary on which I had circled various charges that looked excessive (e.g., what appear to be business
or first class airfares) or otherwise anomalous.
Most, if not all, of these expenses were recorded by Nathan Cook.
Upon further examination, I must call to your attention charges incurred over the Labor Day weekend by
Mr. Cook (or perhaps C[r]ook would be more fitting) that appear to be fraudulent on their face.
Specifically, without having logged a single time charge for Sept. 4, 5 or 6 (the Saturday, Sunday and
Monday of Labor Day weekend), Cook nonetheless charged the estate for his.stay that weekend at the
lavish London NYC Hotel, for 2 separate dinners on Sept. 3 and for limo service to the tune of over $100
from the London NYC Hotel to Newark Airport on Labor Day.
In other words, he's having the estate and its unsecured creditors bear the cost of his NYC Labor Day
weekend when he didn't report any work on the case at all during that time.
While I recognize that the amounts involved might not be material to the case as a whole, Cook's scheme
to have the estate and its unsecured creditors pay for his NYC weekend betrays a milking of the case that
might well have been committed in other instances and might well be continued in the future unless Cook
and AP Services are appropriately sanctioned.
I also recognize that the deadline to file an objection has passed, but presumably the objection deadline
won't bar the recovery from AP Services of amounts that Cook fraudulently charged or a report to
Bankruptcy Judge Chapman of Cook's false Bankruptcy Court filing.
1 hope you'll take this seriously enough to take the appropriate steps, Mr. Marinucci in your capacity as an
estate fiduciary, Mr. Parkins in your capacity as counsel to a party with a significant interest in the case,
and each in your capacity as an officer of the court.
Thank you.
To: The Honorable Shelley C. Chapman
United States Bankruptcy Judge
Date: Jan. 6, 2011
Re: Chapter 11 Case No, 10-13800
Innkeepers USA Trust, et al.
AP Services LLP December 10, 2010 Report of Compensation and Expenses
I'm enclosing for your information a copy of a January 5, 2011 memo to counsel for the Creditors
Committee and counsel for Midland Services with respect to what appear to be fraudulent expenses that
have been billed to the estate of Innkeepers USA Trust by AP Services LLP (and filed with the Court over
the signature of Nathan Cook on December 14,2010, docket#760) that I wanted to get into your hands in
advance of the Jan. 11 omnibus hearing (as opposed to waiting for counsel to act on the information).
This is a serious matter and I thought that both you and the Office of the United States Trustee should be
made aware of it without delay.
cc: Office of the United States Trustee
Attn: Paul K. Schwartzberg, Esq.
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The Honorable Shelley C, Chapman
United States Bankruptcy Judge
United States Bankruptcy Court
Courtroom 61 0
One Bowling Green
New York, NY 10004-1408
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