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Objection Deadline: February 22, 2011 at 4:00 PM

Brad Eric Scheler, Esq. Bonnie Steingart, Esq. FRIED, FRANK, HARRIS, SHRIVER & JACOBSON LLP One New York Plaza New York, New York 10004 Telephone: (212) 859-8000 Facsimile: (212) 859-4000 Attorneys for the Independent Committee UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re: INNKEEPERS USA TRUST, et al.,1 Debtors. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Chapter 11 Case No. 10-13800 (SCC) Jointly Administered


The list of Debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases along with the last four digits of each Debtors federal tax identification number can be found by visiting the Debtors restructuring website at or by contacting Omni Management Group, LLC at Innkeepers USA Trust c/o Omni Management Group, LLC, 16161 Ventura Boulevard, Suite C, PMB 606, Encino, California 91436. The location of the Debtors corporate headquarters and the service address for their affiliates is: c/o Innkeepers USA, 340 Royal Poinciana Way, Suite 306, Palm Beach, Florida 33480.

SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP (Fried Frank) Independent Committee Order entered on November 10, 2010 retaining Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP, nunc pro tunc to September 10, 2010 December 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 $137,010.50

Authorized to Provide Professional Services to: Date of Retention:

Period for which compensation and reimbursement is sought: Amount of Compensation sought as actual and necessary: Amount of Expense Reimbursement sought as actual and necessary:


This is Fried Franks third monthly application for compensation (the Application) filed pursuant to the Order Authorizing the Establishment of Procedures for Interim Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses for Professionals and Official Committee Members [Docket No. 189] (the Interim Compensation Order). Fried Frank requests: (a) payment of compensation in the amount of $109,608.40 (80% of $137,010.50 of fees) on account of actual and necessary professional services rendered to the Independent Committee by Fried Frank; and (b) reimbursement of actual and necessary costs and expenses in the amount of $1,589.43 (representing 100% of expenses) incurred by Fried Frank during the period December 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010 (the Fee Period). Contemporaneous time records are attached as Exhibit A. The Fried Frank attorneys and paraprofessionals who rendered services in abovecaptioned chapter 11 cases (the Chapter 11 Cases) during the Fee Period are:
Attorney Brad Eric Scheler Jean Hanson Bonnie Steingart Alan Resnick Matthew Roose Carl Stapen Gabriel Libhart Totals Position with the Applicant Partner Partner Partner Of Counsel Associate Associate Associate Year Admitted 1981 1976 1986 1989 2006 2008 2010 Department Restructuring Restructuring Restructuring Restructuring Restructuring Restructuring Restructuring Hourly Billing Rate $1,100.00 $925.00 $925.00 $1,000.00 $550.00 $495.00 $440.00 Total Billed Hours 63.70 0.50 28.10 3.30 55.30 1.50 13.70 166.10 Total Compensation $70,070.00 $462.50 $25,992.50 $3,300.00 $30,415.00 $742.50 $6,028.00 $137,010.50

Total of Fees Sought in the Application


Expense Summary Category Messenger Service and Postage Telephone, Teleconferencing Duplicating Meals Travel, Airfare, and Other Transportation Court Reporting Secretarial Total Total of Expenses Sought in the Application Amount $243.65 $343.55 $0.84 $203.08 $596.76 $132.20 $69.35 $1,589.43 $1,589.43

Compensation by Matter
Matter Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 Totals Matter Description Communications with Independent Committee Board Meetings Hearings and Court Issues Plan Process Communications with Creditors and Interest Holders Retention and Fee Application Issues Total Billed Hours 6.90 51.30 6.0 83.70 4.50 13.70 166.10 Total Fees Requested $6,325.00 $47,440.00 $4,647.50 $68,720.00 $3,850.00 $6,028.00 $137,010.50

Total Fees for All Matters Total Expenses Total Fees and Expenses Sought in the Application

$137,010.50 $1,589.43 $138,599.93


Fried Frank has provided notice of this Application to: (a) the Debtors; (b) the Office of the United States Trustee for the Southern District of New York; (c) counsel to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors; (d) counsel to Midland Loan Services, Inc.; and (e) counsel to Certain Prepetition Lenders (each as defined in the Interim Compensation Order). In light of the nature of the relief requested, Fried Frank respectfully submits that no further notice is necessary.

WHEREFORE, pursuant to the Interim Compensation Order, Fried Frank requests: (a) payment of compensation in the amount of $109,608.40 (80% of $137,010.50 of fees) on account of actual and necessary professional services rendered to the Independent Committee by Fried Frank; and (b) reimbursement of actual and necessary costs and expenses in the amount of $1,589.43.

New York, New York Dated: January 26, 2011

/s/ Bonnie Steingart Brad Eric Scheler, Esq. Bonnie Steingart, Esq. FRIED, FRANK, HARRIS, SHRIVER & JACOBSON LLP One New York Plaza New York, New York 10004 Telephone: (212) 859-8000 Facsimile: (212) 859-4000



Invoice No: 148264

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP
One New York Plaza New York, New York 10004-1980 Tel: +1.212.859.8000 Fax: +1.212.859.4000 Tax ID No. 13-5344867

January 26, 2011 Innkeepers USA Trust 340 Royal Poinciana Way Suite 306 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 Attn: Marc Beilinson

For Professional Services Rendered

For the period from December 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 Fees ................................................................................................. . Ancillary Services .......................................................................... . Total ................................................................................................ . $ 137,010.50 $ 1,589.43


For Conveniena.! you may wire your payments to: Otibank, NA., 666 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10103 ABA No. 021000089 Account No. 02095111 New York Washington DC London Paris Frankfurt Hong Kong Shanghai Fried. Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP is a Delaware Limited Liability Partnership


Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &Jacobson LLP


Time Detail
Date Timekeeper Description Hours Amount

12/01/10 12/05/10 12/06/10 12/17/10 12/18/10 12/21/10

Brad E. Scheler Brad E. Scheler Brad E. Scheler Brad E. Scheler Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose

Review Board materials (1.0); call with Ruisi (.5). Call with Ruisi (.3); review materials (.7). Calls and emails re: updates. Call with Ruisi (.4); related follow-up (.3). Calls w/ clients re: update. Independent Committee call (.8); draft letter to Debtors re: same (1.1 ); follow-up with Scheler re: same (.4). Total:

1.50 1.00 1.00 0.70 0.40 2.30 6.90

1,650.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 770.00 440.00 1,265.00 6,325.00

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &Jacobson LLP

Page 3

Time Detail
Date Timekeeper Description Hours Amount

12/01/10 12/01/10 12/02/10 12/02/10 12/02/10 12/02/10 12/03/10 12/03/10 12/09/10 12/09/10 12/12/10 12/14/10 12/14/10

Bonnie Steingart Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Jean Hanson Bonnie Steingart Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose

Review Board materials. Review materials for Board Meeting. Review materials for IC meeting (2.2); attend IC meeting (2.8) Review draft minutes(.4); emails w/ M. Roose re same. (.1) Review documents prepared by Moelis (1.3); review draft minutes (.3); telephone call with Kirkland (.7). Board meeting (2.8); review minutes of previous board meetings (.7); related follow-up (.2). Attend board meeting (1.9); related discussions/followup (2.1). Prepare for board meeting (.2); attend board meeting (1.9); related follow-up (.4). Telephonic board meeting (.8); multiple calls and emails re: follow-up (1.7). Board call (.8); related follow-up (.3). Prepare for and participate in telephonic board meeting (2.0); related follow-up (1.5). Review materials (1.4); participate in multiple Board and IC calls (1.6). Board call (.8); Independent Committee call (.5); followup Board call (.6); review related documents (.7); related follow-up (.3). Telephonic board meeting (.8); call w/Roose re: same (.4); related follow-up (8); calls and follow-up with clients and K&E (1). Board call (.8); tic with Scheler re: same (.4); related follow-up (.6). Review materials in preparation for Board meetings (1.5); call re: same (.5). Telephonic board meeting (.8); IC telephonic meeting (.8); related calls follow-up (1.5); review and revise letter to K&E (.9). Prepare for and participate in telephonic board meeting (1.1 ); related calls and follow-up (2.9). Board call (1.1); related follow-up (.7). Board call (1.1 ); emails re: same (.3). Total:

1.20 1.10 5.00 0.50 2.30 3.70 4.00 2.50 2.50 1.10 3.50 3.00 2.90

1,110.00 605.00 5,500.00 462.50 2,127.50 2,035.00 4,400.00 1,375.00 2,750.00 605.00 3,850.00 3,300.00 1,595.00


Brad E. Scheler



12/18/10 12/20/10 12/21/10

Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Brad E. Scheler

1.80 2.00 4.00

990.00 2,200.00 4,400.00

12/23/10 12/23/10 12/23/10

Brad E. Scheler Bonnie Steingart Matthew Roose

4.00 1.80 1.40 51.30

4,400.00 1,665.00 770.00 47,440.00

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &Jacobson LLP


Time Detail
Date Timekeeper Description Hours Amount

12/14/10 12/14/10 12/14/10 12/15/10 12/15/10 12/16/10

Matthew Roose Matthew Roose Carl Stapen Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler

Review hearing update. Review and revise hearing talking points. Attend hearing (1.2); prepare summary email to team re: same (0.3). Prepare for and attend status conference. Prepare for and attend status conference. Emails re: hearing update (.5); calls w/ IC re: same (.7); related follow-up (.3). Total:

0.20 0.60 1.50 1.10 1.10 1.50 6.00

110.00 330.00 742.50 1,210.00 605.00 1,650.00 4,647.50

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &Jacobson LLP

Page 5

Time Detail
Date Timekeeper Description Hours Amount

12/01/10 12/08/10 12/08/10 12/08/10

Bonnie Steingart Brad E. Scheler Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose

Review term sheets. Review Five Mile correspondence (.3); internal emails re: same (.2). Calls with K&E re: update (.5); review Five Mile letter (.6); related follow-up (.4). Review multiple letters re: bids (1.8); t/c with Debtors and Kirkland re: same (.5); research notice provisions re: same (.3). Review materials re: bids (1.1); calls and emails re: same (.9). Review multiple letters re: bids. Attention to issues re: comunications with bidders. Review materials and emails re: bids (.5); draft hearing script (.8); emails re: same (.2). Review materials re: bids and emails re: same (1.1); tic with Board and Debtors re: same (.6); emails re: same (.4) Prepare for/participate in update call w/Kirkland and Moelis (.4); multiple calls re: same (.3); review materials (.8); prepare for Board meeting (.5).

1.10 0.50 1.50 2.60

1,017.50 550.00 1,650.00 1,430.00

12/09/10 12/09/10 12/11/10 12/11/10 12/12/10

Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Matthew Roose

2.00 0.80 1.00 1.50 2.10

2,200.00 440.00 1,100.00 825.00 1,155.00


Brad E. Scheler




Matthew Roose

Tic with Scheler and Beilin son re: update (.4); follow-up
call with K&E and Scheler (.6); review Lehman/Five Mile Commitment papers (1.5); revise hearing talking points (1.0).



12/14/10 12/14/10 12/15/10 12/15/10 12/15/10 12/17/10 12/17/10 12/18/10 12/21/10 12/22/10

Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler

Multiple tic's with K&E and Berlinson re: update (.7); related follow-up (.3). Review revised commitment letter and Moelis comparison chart. Review revised docs (1.3); ole with Roose re: same (.4); related follow-up (.3). Multiple calls/emails re: update and status of pleadings. Review revised Five Mile plan proposal (1.3); emails and ole with Scheler re: same (.4).

1.00 1.50 2.00 1.90 1.70 1.00 0.40 1.60 1.40 3.00

1,100.00 825.00 2,200.00 2,090.00 935.00 1,100.00 220.00 1,760.00 770.00 3,300.00

Tic with Roose re: update (.3); review docs (.7). Tic with Scheler re: update (.3); emails re: same (.1).
Multiple calls and emails with K&E and Moelis re: bids (1.3); review documents re: same (.3). Multiple calls with K&E re: update (.9); calls with Scheler re: same (.5). Tic's re update (.5); tic with Derrough (.5); tic with Ruisi (.5); review and revise letter (.8); review materials (.7).

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &Jacobson LLP

Page 6






12/22/10 12/22/10 12/23/10 12/23/10 12/23/10 12/23/10

Bonnie Steingart Matthew Roose Bonnie Steingart Matthew Roose Matthew Roose Matthew Roose

Review motion, bid procedures and CL.

Tic with Basta re: update (.3); follow-up with Scheler

(.2); review materials (.8); related follow-up (.3). Review and revise motion, bid procedures and CL (2.1 ); calls with Roose re: same (.5). Review revised Commitment letter (1.1); emails to Scheler re: same (.4). Professionals call re: update (.5); mutliple follow-up calls with K&E (1.2). Review motion re: bid procedures and related documents (1.6); emails and calls with Steingart re: same (.5); emails to IC (.3). Review bid procedures (.8); emails with Roose (1.0); review revised pleadings (1.2). Review revised motion and related documents (1.2); conference call (.5); tic with M. Roose re: same (.7). Emails with IC re: bid procedures motion (.3); emails with Scheler and Steingart re: same (.7); tic with Steingart re: same (.7); review same and related documents (1.7); tic with Moelis re: same (.3). Review documents (2.4); telephone call with Kirkland (.5). Call with Sathy and Steingart re: pleading (.5); call with Brian Lennon re: same (.4). Discuss bid procedures motion w/ team (.7); follow-up w/client re: same (.8). Conference calls regarding motion (.8); review all documents (2.7); ole with M. Roose re: same (.4); follow-up calls (.6). Reviewed draft of debtors' motion for approval of commitment letter with Five Mile, Lehman and Midland, and approving bidding procedures and for other relief. Review revised pleading (1.1 ); ole with Steingart re: same (.4); call with Sathy and Lennon re: same (1.1); call with Ruisi re: same (.3); review further revised pleading (.5); emails summary to Scheler re: same (.6); follow-up calls and emails (1.2). Multiple tic's re: pleadings (.7); review revisions (.3). Review revised documents (2.1 ); telephone call with Kirkland (.6); call with team (.5); related follow-up (.7).

2.70 1.60 2.60 1.50 1.70 2.40

2,497.50 880.00 2,405.00 825.00 935.00 1,320.00

12/24/10 12/24/10 12/24/10

Brad E. Scheler Bonnie Steingart Matthew Roose

3.00 2.40 3.70

3,300.00 2,220.00 2,035.00

12/27/10 12/27/10 12/28/10 12/28/10

Bonnie Steingart Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Bonnie Steingart

2.90 0.90 1.50 4.50

2,682.50 495.00 1,650.00 4,162.50


Alan Resnick




Matthew Roose



12/29/10 12/29/10 12/29/10

Brad E. Scheler Bonnie Steingart Alan Resnick

1.00 3.90 0.50

1,100.00 3,607.50 500.00

Tic with Bonnie Steingart and Matt Roose re revisions to

motion for approval of Five Mile/Lehman commitment letter and issues relating to terms of the commitment letter.


Alan Resnick

T/c with Bonnie Steingart, Matt Roose, Anup Sathy re motion for approval of Five Mile/Lehman commitment letter and bid procedures.



Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &Jacobson LLP

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Matthew Roose

Tic with Steingart and Resnick re: pleading (.5); review same (.8); Vc with Sathy and Lennon re: same (.6);
related follow-up (.2). Tic with Kirkland (.6); review revised pleadings and documents (2.1 ). Total:




Bonnie Steingart

2.70 83.70

2,497.50 68,720.00

Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &Jacobson LLP

Page 8

Time Detail
Date Timekeeper Description Hours Amount

12/16/10 12/16/10 12/19/10 12/19/10 12/20/10

Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Brad E. Scheler Matthew Roose Matthew Roose

Attention to issues re: communications with Ad Hoc Committee (.9); calls re: same (.1). Attention to issues re: communications with Ad Hoc Committee. Attention to issues re: ad hoc ltr (.7); calls and em ails re: same (.8). Emails to K&E and Kirkland re: letters from Ad Hoc Committee. Review and revise letter to Ad Hoc Committee (.3); emails with Scheler re: same (.2); emails with Kirkland (.2). Total:

1.00 0.90 1.50 0.40 0.70

1,100.00 495.00 1,650.00 220.00 385.00



Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP

Page 9

Time Detail
Date Timekeeper Description Hours Amount

12/08/10 12/13/10 12/15/10

Gabriel Libhart Gabriel Libhart Gabriel Libhart

Draft interim fee application. Draft interim fee application. Draft and revisions to interim fee application. Total:

7.70 2.50 3.50 13.70

3,388.00 1,100.00 1,540.00 6,028.00

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