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James H.M. Sprayregen, P.C. Paul M.

Basta KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP 601 Lexington Avenue New York, New York 10022-4611 Telephone: (212) 446-4800 Facsimile: (212) 446-4900 and Anup Sathy, P.C. Marc J. Carmel (admitted pro hac vice) KIRKLAND & ELLIS LLP 300 North LaSalle Chicago, Illinois 60654-3406 Telephone: (312) 862-2000 Facsimile: (312) 862-2200 Counsel to the Debtors and Debtors in Possession UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re: INNKEEPERS USA TRUST, et al.,1 Debtors. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Chapter 11 Case No. 10-13800 (SCC) Jointly Administered


The list of Debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases along with the last four digits of each Debtors federal tax identification number can be found by visiting the Debtors restructuring website at or by contacting Omni Management Group, LLC at Innkeepers USA Trust c/o Omni Management Group, LLC, 16161 Ventura Boulevard, Suite C, PMB 606, Encino, California 91436. The location of the Debtors corporate headquarters and the service address for their affiliates is: c/o Innkeepers USA, 340 Royal Poinciana Way, Suite 306, Palm Beach, Florida 33480.

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I am a partner in the law firm of Kirkland & Ellis LLP (K&E), located at 601

Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10022. I am a member in good standing of the Bar of the States of New York, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts and am admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York (the Court). There are no disciplinary proceedings pending against me. 2. On July 19, 2010 (the Petition Date), each of the Debtors filed a petition with

the Court for relief under chapter 11 of title 11 of the United States Code (the Bankruptcy Code). On the Petition Date, the Debtors also filed the Debtors Application for the Entry of an Order Authorizing the Retention and Employment of Kirkland & Ellis LLP as Attorneys for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date [Docket No. 20] (the Application) and the Declaration of Paul M. Basta in Support of the Debtors Application for Entry of an Order Authorizing the Retention and Employment of Kirkland & Ellis LLP as Attorneys for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date [Docket No. 20] (the Initial Disclosure Declaration) in connection with the above-captioned chapter 11 cases (the Chapter 11 Cases). 3. On August 4, 2010, the Debtors filed the Supplemental Declaration of Paul M.

Basta in Support of the Debtors Application for Entry of an Order Authorizing the Retention and Employment of Kirkland & Ellis LLP as Attorneys for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date [Docket No. 126] (the Initial Disclosure Declaration Supplement). 4. On August 12, 2010, the Court entered the Order Authorizing the Retention and

Employment of Kirkland & Ellis LLP as Attorneys for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date [Docket No. 191] (the Order).

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On October 1, 2010, the Debtors filed the Second Supplemental Declaration of

Paul M. Basta in Support of the Debtors Application for Entry of an Order Authorizing the Retention of Employment of Kirkland & Ellis LLP as Attorneys for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession Nunc Pro Tunc to the Petition Date [Docket No. 543] (the Second Supplemental Declaration and, collectively with the Initial Disclosure Declaration and the Initial Disclosure Declaration Supplement, the Previous Declarations). 6. I submit this third supplemental declaration in connection with the Application

and the Order to provide additional disclosures in accordance with Rules 2014(a) and 2016(b) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the Third Supplemental Declaration). Unless otherwise stated in this Third Supplemental Declaration, I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth herein. Updated Conflicts Review 7. I stated in the Previous Declarations that K&E would periodically review its files

during the pendency of the Chapter 11 Cases and use its reasonable efforts to ensure that no conflicts or other disqualifying circumstances exist or arise. Consistent with these statements, K&E has reviewed its files for connections to any interested parties in these Chapter 11 Cases not already searched in connection with the filing of the Previous Declarations (the Additional Interested Parties). The Additional Interested Parties are set forth on Schedule 1 attached hereto. 8. A. The schedules to this Third Supplemental Declaration are organized as follows:

Schedule 1(a): Potential Stalking Horse Bidders 9. Over the course of the last several months, the Debtors have undertaken an

extensive process to identify a stalking horse bidder to facilitate a path toward a successful conclusion to these Chapter 11 Cases. As a result of these efforts, on January 14, 2011, the 3
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Debtors filed a motion seeking authority to enter into a commitment letter for a stalking horse bid submitted by an affiliate of Five Mile Capital II Pooling REIT LLC and Lehman ALI Inc. (the Five Mile/Lehman Bid). The Debtors considered four other stalking horse candidates, which list included large private equity firms and real estate-focused investors (collectively, the Potential Stalking Horse Bidders). The Potential Stalking Horse Biddersnone of which represent more than 1.00% of K&Es fee receipts in the 12 months ending December 31, 2010are listed on a confidential basis on Schedule 1(a) attached hereto. B. Schedule 1(b): Potential Investors 10. The Court has scheduled a hearing on the Debtors motion for authority to enter

into commitment papers for the Five Mile/Lehman Bid for March 8-9, 2011. In the meantime, the Debtors are continuing the marketing process for both stalking horse bids and overbids in an ongoing effort to maximize the value of the Debtors estates for the benefit of all stakeholders.2 In connection with this marketing process, the Debtors have entered into various non-disclosure agreements, each on a confidential basis, with investors potentially interested in becoming a bidder for the Debtors enterprise or their individual assets. (collectively, the Potential Investors). The Potential Investorsnone of which represent more than 1.00% of K&Es fee receipts in the 12 months ending December 31, 2010are listed on a confidential basis on Schedule 1(b) attached hereto.3 11. Due to the inherently competitive nature of a bidding process and to ensure the

highest or otherwise best offer for the Debtors estates, it is imperative that the identities of the
2 3

See Notice of Filing of Process Letter, dated January 25, 2011 [Docket No. 856]. The Potential Investors listed on Schedule 1(b) are comprised of those parties that entered into non-disclosure agreements with the Debtors as of February 2, 2011. The Debtors are continuing to negotiate and execute similar non-disclosure agreements with dozens of potential investors and K&E will search those parties as soon as practicable and update this supplemental declaration, as necessary.

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Potential Stalking Horse Bidders and the Potential Investors remain confidential. The Debtors have disclosed the identities of the Potential Stalking Horse Bidders and the Potential Investors to the United States Trustee for the Southern District of New York (the U.S. Trustee) and believe such disclosure is sufficient and reasonable under the circumstances and at this time. However, should the Court request disclosure of the identities of the Potential Stalking Horse Bidders and/or the Potential Investors, the Debtors are prepared to file with the Court an unredacted version of this Third Supplemental Declaration under seal. Further, K&E has agreed it will file an unredacted version of the Third Supplemental Declaration at an appropriate time in the future; provided that the unredacted declaration will be filed no later than one week before the objection deadline to the Debtors plan of reorganization. C. Schedule 1(c): Parties Listed on the Debtors Schedules 12. On or around September 1, 2010, the Debtors filed their statements of financial

affairs and schedules of assets and liabilities, current income and expenditures, and executory contracts and unexpired leases as required by section 521 of the Bankruptcy Code (collectively, the Schedules). The conflicts search of the hundreds of entities listed on the Schedules was still in progress at the time the Second Supplemental Declaration was filed. As such, Schedule 1(c) attached hereto lists all parties that appear on the Debtors Schedules that have not already been searched and listed on Schedule 1 to any of the Previous Declarations in another capacity. D. Schedule 2: Additional Interested Parties with K&E Relationships Unrelated to these Chapter 11 Cases 13. K&E has conducted a comprehensive conflicts search of all Additional Interested

Parties listed on Schedule 1 hereto against its entire client database from July 19, 2007 (the date that is 36 months before the Petition Date) to January 31, 2011. Certain of the Additional

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Interested Parties are K&E clients (as the term is further qualified and defined in Schedule 2). Such cross-relationships have been enumerated in Schedule 2 attached hereto. E. Schedule 3: New Client Connections with Existing K&E Clients Listed on Schedule 1 to a Previous Declaration 14. Additionally, K&E has continued to search its database for added connections to

parties already identified in the Previous Declarations. Schedule 3 attached hereto sets forth such new connections with respect to existing and previously disclosed K&E clients already listed as an interested party in these Chapter 11 Cases on Schedule 1 to a Previous Declaration. No Conflicts or Other Disqualifying Circumstances 15. Based on the conflicts searches conducted to date and described herein, to the best

of my knowledge, neither I, K&E, nor any partner, of counsel, or associate thereof, insofar as I have been able to ascertain, have any connection with the Debtors, their creditors, or any other parties in interest, their respective attorneys and accountants, the U.S. Trustee, or any person employed in the office of the U.S. Trustee, except as disclosed or otherwise described in the Previous Declarations or in this Third Supplemental Declaration. 16. None of the representations described herein are materially adverse to the

interests of the Debtors estates. Moreover, pursuant to section 327(c) of the Bankruptcy Code, K&E is not disqualified from acting as the Debtors counsel merely because it represents the Debtors creditors, equity security holders, or other parties in interest in matters unrelated to these Chapter 11 Cases. K&E does not, and will not, represent such clients in any matters related to the Debtors. 17. K&E will continue to review its files periodically during the pendency of these

Chapter 11 Cases to ensure that no conflicts or other disqualifying circumstances exist or arise. If any new relevant facts or relationships are discovered or arise, K&E will use its reasonable 6
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efforts to identify any such further developments and will file promptly a supplemental declaration as required by Rule 2014(a) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure. Amended Firm-Wide Hourly Rates 18. K&E has increased its hourly rates for fees incurred across all practice areas as of

January 1, 2011 in accordance with the following schedule: Billing Category Partners Of Counsel Associates Paraprofessionals Range Effective January 1, 2011 $620-$995 $450-$995 $360-$715 $145-$305

Specific Disclosures A. Clients Representing More Than 1.00% of K&Es Fee Receipts 19. For the convenience of the Court, the Debtors are additionally highlighting below

the entities listed on the Debtors Schedules (and on Schedule 1(c) hereto) that represent more than 1.00% of K&Es fee receipts in the 12 months ending December 31, 2010 (the Fiscal Year 2010).4 20. Specifically, K&E represents Bain Capital (Bain) and certain of its affiliates in

matters unrelated to the Debtors and these Chapter 11 Cases. Clear Channel Outdoor, a partially owned indirect subsidiary of Bain, is listed as a general unsecured creditor on certain of the Debtors Schedules. Bain represented 3.24% of K&Es fee receipts in the Fiscal Year 2010. 21. K&E also represents Madison Dearborn Partners (MDP) and certain of its

affiliates in matters unrelated to the Debtors and these Chapter 11 Cases. CDW Direct LLC,

Please note: none of the confidential Potential Stalking Horse Bidders listed on Schedule 1(a) and none of the confidential Potential Investors listed on Schedule 1(b) represent more than 1.00% of K&Es fee receipts in the 12 months ending December 31, 2010.

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Paetec, and Paetec Communications are wholly-owned indirect subsidiaries of MDP and are listed as general unsecured creditors on certain of the Debtors Schedules. MDP represented 1.15% of K&Es fee receipts for the Fiscal Year 2010. 22. Furthermore, a former K&E partner, Mark Tresnowski, is currently Managing

Director and General Counsel of MDP. Mr. Tresnowski was previously employed by K&E between 1986 and 1999, and Mr. Tresnowski returned to K&E for a brief period of time in 2004. 23. K&E does not believe any of the aforementioned relationships constitute a

conflict of interest but K&E has disclosed them out of an abundance of caution.

Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: February 28, 2011 /s/ Paul M. Basta Paul M. Basta Partner Kirkland & Ellis LLP

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Schedule 1 Additional Interested Parties

Schedule 1(a) 1(b) 1(c)

Category Potential Stalking Horse Bidders Potential Investors Parties Listed on the Debtors Schedules of Assets and Liabilities and Statement of Financial Affairs

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Schedule 1(a) Potential Stalking Horse Bidders Confidential Potential Stalking Horse Bidder No. 1 Confidential Potential Stalking Horse Bidder No. 2 Confidential Potential Stalking Horse Bidder No. 3 Confidential Potential Stalking Horse Bidder No. 4

Schedule 1(b) Potential Investors Confidential Potential Investor No. 1 Confidential Potential Investor No. 2 Confidential Potential Investor No. 3 Confidential Potential Investor No. 4 Confidential Potential Investor No. 5 Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Confidential Potential Investor No. 7 Confidential Potential Investor No. 8 Confidential Potential Investor No. 9 Confidential Potential Investor No. 10 Confidential Potential Investor No. 11 Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Confidential Potential Investor No. 13 Confidential Potential Investor No. 14 Confidential Potential Investor No. 15

Schedule 1(c) Parties Listed on the Debtors Schedules of Assets and Liabilities and Statements of Financial Affairs 1st Rate Plumbing & Heating LLC 1st Source Parts Center 21st Century Pool & Patio West Inc. 2XL Corp. 3Wire Golden State A 2 Z Plumbing Services Inc. A Barr Sales Inc. A Conceptual Co. Inc. A Cut Above Lawnscapes LLC A Humble Abode Landscape & Maintenance A Palma Plumbing A Party Pleasing Rental Inc. A Tailored Vision LLC A To Z Chemicals A To Z Lock & Safe AAA Electric Motor Sales & Service Inc. Advantage Laundry Systems Abacus Security Service Inc. Abalou Exterminating Co. Inc. ABC Alarms Inc. Abelman Frayne & Schwab Able Body Labor Able Mechanical Absolute Vinyl Fence Academy Linens Accommodations Plus International Accu Air Accusharp Cutlery Service Accu-Weather Inc. Ace Cleaning & Restoration Ace Parking Management Inc. Acquatic Pools Inc. Action Commercial Service Action Duct Adams Produce Pensacola Adams Remco Inc. Adams Roofing Professionals Addis Group, The Addison, Town of (TX) Addressograph Bartizan Adera Inc. Admiral Linen & Uniform Service ADP Inc. (IL) ADP Inc. (PA) ADP Screening & Selection Services ADT Security Services ADT Security Services - 310 ADT Security Services Inc. Advance Glass Inc. Advanced Landscape Management Inc. Advanced Mechanical Systems Inc. Advanced Office Services Advanced Research Co. Advanced Restaurant Supply Advanced Television Service Co. Inc. Advantage Computer Resources Inc. Advantage Fitness Advantage Promotional Products Aetna - Middleton Aetna Health Management LLC AFCO Credit Corp. AFESS LLC Affordable Pools AHA Landscape & Maintenance AHB Foods Ahlee Backflow Service Inc. Ahold Financial Services Air Apparent Inc. Air Maze Services Aire-Master of Central New Jersey Airgas Southwest Airport Accommodations Airport Suites LLC A-J Lawn Sprinkler Alabout Fire Alamo Leasing Co. Inc. Albany County Director of Finance (NY) Alibhai, Karim All Around Lighting Inc. All Clear Technologies Inc. All County Rental & Sales

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All Seasons Pool & Spa All Seasons Rent-All All Services NW All Star Engraving Inc. All Things Printed All Tune & Lube Allbrite Electric Service Inc. Allen County Treasurer (IN) Allied Beverage Group LLC Allied Beverage Groups Allied Waste Services #915 Allied Waste Services #965 All-Ways Advertising Co. Aloha Doors & Gates Alonti Cafe & Catering AlphaGraphics of the Palm Beaches Alsco Always First Computers of San Antonio AM Electric Amalgamated National Health Fund, Trustees of the Amana - Goodman Co. LP Ambius Inc. Amcell of Atlantic City LLC American BD American Charge Service American Electric Power American Electric Service Co. Inc. American Express American Express Corp. Finance Center W American Fish & Seafood American General Private Security American Graffiti American Heating & Air American Hotel Register Co. American Industrial Supply Inc. American Jetting Services American Mechanical Service American Office Equipment American Pool Supply American Registry American Sealcoating & Maintenance Inc. American Sports Centers American Temps LLC American Vertical Lift of Dallas County American West Laundry Distributors

Amerigas Amerigas Propane Ameritemp Amex Canada Hamilton Anaheim Ice Anaheim Transportation Network Anand Enterprise Inc. Andersens Door Service Inc. Anderson Lock Angelos Allendale Pizza Angels Baseball LP Anheuser Busch Inc. Anheuser Busch Sales of Pomona Anheuser-Busch of San Diego Anheuser-Busch of Sylmar Anne Maries Restaurant Anthony Travel Inc. Atlantic Clear Window Cleaning Apco Inc. Apollo Fire Safety Co. II Inc. Apollo HVAC Corp. Appliance Rescue Service Aqua Pool & Patio Co. Aqua Quip Aqua Specialists Inc. Aquaprix Inc. Aquapure Aramark Arapahoe County Treasurer (CO) Arbor Springs Water Co. Archer & Greiner Archibald Car Wash Arctica Ice Cream Inc. Arkadin Inc. Arlington Entertainment Area Arlington, City of (TX) Armstrongs Printing Aromair II Inc. Arrowhead Arrowhead Direct Arthur J Gallagher of Texas Arthur J Gallagher of Texas Inc. AS Hospitality ASA Ashland Specialty Chemical Co. Asphalt Care Inc.

Assa Abloy Hospitality Inc. Associated General Contractor Astor Chocolate At Your Service AT&T AT&T (Carol Stream) AT&T Data AT&T Midwest AT&T Mobility AT&T Real Yellow Pages AT&T Southwest AT&T West AT&T Wi-Fi Services AT&T Wi-Fi Services (AWS) Atherton Flag Co. Atlanta City of (GA) Atlanta Refrigeration Service Atlanta South Safe & Lock Atlantic Water Management Atlantis Air Conditioning Corp. Atlas Electronics Atmos Energy Audio Visual Services Group Inc. Aurora Industrial Supply Co. Austin Travel Authority Locksmith Services Autocrat Inc. Automated Financial LLC Automatic Laundry Service of Richmond Avid Airline Products of RI Inc. Avis Rent A Car Systems Inc. Ayres Climate Control B&B Parking Inc. B&B Pool & Spa Center B&C Fire Safety Inc. B&J Specialties B&V Mechanical Inc. Back Bay Restaurant Group Backflow Testing & Solutions Background Information Service Badge Co., The Bags & Bows Bakery de France Baldor Specialty Foods Balthazar Bakery Bankdirect Capital Finance LLC

Bargain Supply Co. Bargco Barrys Distributing Bates Troy Inc. Bautista Builders Inc. Bay Alarm Bay Area Floor Machine Bay Area Self Storage Belmont Bay Cities Pyrotector Bayscapes Bayscapes Landscape Contractor Bayside Mechanical Inc. Bayside Refrigeration BCD Travel BCD Travel USA LLC Bearcom Beekley Corp. Beeline Cleaners Beem, J. Bellevue Way Dry Cleaners Belmont Finance Division (CA) Ben E Keith Foods Benefactor Funding Corp. For Tradavo Inc. Benenson Capital Co. Benjamin Gardening Services Bensussen Deutsch & Associates Inc. Berkeley Farms Berkshire Brewing Co. Berns Landscaping Services Besco Water Treatment Inc. Besko Electric Best Cleaners Best Western International Inc. Bestway Laundry Solutions Betsy Ross Flag Girls Inc. Better Pools Between The Lines LLC Beverage Control BFPE International BG Strategic Advisors Inc. BHI Parts Inc. Big Daddys Bimbo Bakeries Binghamton Agway Bistro 301 Blackmon-Mooring Steamatic Inc.

Blink Eye Production Bloomfield Chamber of Commerce (CT) Blossom Hill Glass Blue Ribbon Supply Co. Blue Water Pools BMC Inc. Boardwalk Wine Sales LLC Body Shop Fitness Center Boland Trane Services Bolton Construction LLC BV BookMyGroup Boston Business Journal Boston Water Bostonflowers Inc. Bostons The Gourmet Pizza Restaurant Bothell, City of (WA) Bottomley Distributing Inc. Bottomline Technologies Boundless Network Brantley Cleaners Braun Linen Service Braun Linen Service/Paramount Brickman Brickman Group Ltd. Bright Sunshine Cleaners Brintons Bristol Farms Brite Foil Tag & Label Broadview Security Broome County Commissioner of Finance (NY) Brothers Locksmith Co. Broward County Revenue Collector (FL) Brown & Bigelow Inc. Bryant Heating & Cooling Bucks County Conference & Visitors (PA) Budds Pool Co. Inc. Budget Flooring Inc. Buffalo Rock Co. Buffington-Burns Electric Inc. Bulger Safe & Lock Inc. Burke Distributing Corp. Burketts Pool Plastering Inc. Burrtec Waste Industries Inc. Business Equipment Unltd.

Business First of Louisville Business Journal Business Music & Communications C&C Security Patrol Inc. Cablevision Cadillac Coffee Cagles Appliance Calder City Taxicab Co. California Scene Publishing Inc. California State Board of Equalization Cambrian Glass & Mirror Camden County Division of Health (NJ) Camden County Municipal Authority (NJ) Capital Elevator Corp. Capital Elevator Services Inc. Capitol Cleaners Captain Mardens Seafoods Carbonic Service Inc. Est 1947 Carbons Carbons Golden Malted Cardinal Sports Properties Carlson Wagonlit Travel Carols Secret Garden Carrabbas Carrier Commercial Service Carrier Corp Carsons Hospitality Carter Brothers LLC Carter Fence Cartridge World South Naples Cascata, the Spa by Absolute Inc. Cass Catsmo Corp. Cawley Co., The CBIZ MHM LLC CDW Direct LLC CDW Direct LLC Centennial Tap Beer Service Inc. Centimark - Pittsburgh Central Cleaning Central Temperature Systems Inc. Central Wholesalers Inc. Centrellx Elevator Service (NC) Centrellx Elevator Service Corp. (FL) Centurylink Centurylink Charlotte

Cenveo Corp. Certified Ad Services Certified Lock & Safe Inc. Certified Travel Associates Inc. CG Inc. Champion Communication Inc. Chantilly Donuts Charles Potato Chips/Snack Foods Inc. Charles Street Supply Co. Inc. Charles W. Benton Co. Chellos Restaurant Supply Chem Aqua Cherry Hill 70 Cleaners Cherry Hill Health & Racquet Chestnut Electric Corp. Chevron Chicago Sign Chieftain Wild Rice Co. Chill-Craft Christman Pool Service Cintas Cintas #769 Cintas Corp. Cintas Corp. Cintas Corp. #037 Cintas Corp. #1 Cintas Corp. #163 Cintas Corp. #302 Cintas Corp. #31 Cintas Corp. #354 Cintas Corp. #361 Cintas Corp. #460 Cintas Corp. #630 Cintas Document Management Cintas Fire Protection Cintas First Aid & Safety Cipollini Carting Inc. Circle Cleaners Inc. Cisco Webex LLC CIT CIT Technology Financing Services Inc. Citizens Gas Citrus Motors Ontario Inc. City Glass Co. City Water International Ltd. Clark Hill Attorneys at Law

Classe Party Rentals Classic Scapes Classic Wines of California Clean Designs Clear Channel Outdoor Clear Channel Outdoor Clear Channel Outdoor CLEC Climacare Inc. Cloth Connection Clover Gardens & Florist Clydes Delicious Donuts CMI Mechanical Coast To Coast Computer Coastal Plantscapes Inc. Coastal Pools & Spas Inc. Coastal Sunbelt Produce Co. Coca Cola Bottling Co. Los Angeles Coca-Cola Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. No. Texas Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Los Angeles Coca-Cola Enterprises Coca-Cola North America Cocos & Carrows Cohen-Seltzer Inc. Coinmach Corp. Coit Cleaning & Restoration Services Cold Craft Cold Stone Coldstat Refrigeration Collection Bureau, The Collier County Tax Collector (FL) Colonial Cleaners of Plymouth Inc. Color Center Colorado Department of Revenue Colorado Sales Tax Colors Gourmet Pizza Columbia Distributing - Lynnwood Columbia Distributing - Tukwila Columbia Palace Cleaners Comcast Comcast of Georgia/Virginia Inc. Comfort Air Engineering Inc. Comfort-Air HVAC Inc. Comm USA

Commercial Flooring Services Commercial Laundry Equipment Commercial Maintenance Chemical Corp. Commercial Refrigeration of Harrisburg Commercial Service Solutions Commlog LLC Commonwealth Cleaners & Laundry Communications Electronics Complete Landsculpture Computerized Business Solutions LLC Computershare Investor Service Concepts In Marketing Concord Custom Cleaners ConEdison Solutions Conference & Visitors Bureau of Montgomery County (MD) Conference Direct Connecticut Cleaners Connecticut Department of Revenue Service Connecticut Post Connection Inc., The Conoco Conroys Florist Consolidated Edison Solutions Inc. Consolidated Laundry Equipment Constellation New Energy Constellation NewEnergy Consumers Choice Coffee Consumers Energy Conte, Richard J., Esq. Continental Development Corp. Contract Services Group Inc. Cooks Locksmith Services Inc. Copelands of New Orleans Copiers Northwest Inc. Corporate Foodservice Management Corporate Graphics Cosmopolitan Textile Country Fresh Livonia Courier Journal, The Courtesy Cleaners Courtesy Electric Courtesy Fire Extinguisher Service Courtesy Products Courtyard By Marriott San Jose Courtyard Marriott - Peachtree

Cox Communications CPS Energy CR Fireline Inc. Crab Broker Inc., The Craft Brewers Guild Crains Detroit Business Professionals Cram Roofing Co. Inc. Craven, Dennis M. Creative Audio Visual Inc. Creative Sign Resources Crews Landscape Management Inc. Crisafulli Bros. Plumbing & Heating Crook Electric Crystal Clear Stone LLC Crystal Flowers Crystal Rock Bottled Water Crystal Springs Crystal Springs Catering Inc. CSC Equipment & Supply Co. CSE Mortgage Group LLC Cucamonga Cakery Culinary Art Catering Culinary Specialties Inc. Culligan Culligan Water Solutions Culligan Water Systems Cummings Inc. Curcio Printing CVB Cvent Inc. D&B D&D Dry Cleaners D&L Supply DadePaper (GCPaperCo) Dallas Morning News, The Daly Gray Public Relations Dance South Florida Daniels Equipment Co. Inc. Dannys Liquors DArtagnan Inc. Dataworks Dauphin County Lodging Association (PA) Dauphin County Treasurer (PA) David McGhee Photography Davidsons Air Conditioning Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Daymark Food Safety Systems DBI Beverage DC Tax Treasurer DC Treasurer Debonair Cleaners Debragga & Spitler Inc. Deep Blue Restaurant Group LLC Deer Park Del Ray Glass Delaware Secretary of State Dell Marketing Delta Furniture Inc. Deluxe Business Forms Denitech Denson, Jessica Denver City and County Manager of Revenue (CO) Denver Newspaper Agency Denver Sales Tax (CO) Denver Water Depasquale Kelley & Co. Dependable Electric Service Derek Auringer LLC Designer Tile & Stone LLC Destin Foods Detroit Elevator Co. Detroit Newspaper Devine Group, The Dialogue Diamond Landscapes Diamond Sharp Diamond Springs Dietz Pool East Inc. Digital Hold Systems Inc. Dimension Development Dimension Development Co. Inc. Dimension Development Two LLC Discount Waste & Recycling LLC Disney & Resort Ticket Services Diversified Morgan Supply Inc. Division 8 Solutions Dixie Diesel & Electric Inc. DJs Construction DMV Renewal (CA) DMX Finance

DMX Inc. DMX Music DMX Music (CO) DMX Music Inc. Doctors Review Service Docuteam Dolphin Capital Corp. Dominion Elevator Inspection Services Dominion Virginia Power Don Halls Guesthouse Dons & Bens Liquor Barns Donut Maker Door Equipment Co. Inc. Door Tech Doortech Double Eagle Distributing Inc. Dow Jones & Co. Inc. Dow Jones & Co. Single Copy Sales Downtown North Association Drain Doctor Inc. Drain Works Plumbing Drain Works Plumbing Service Dream Team Enterprise Dreisilker Electric Motors Dreyers Grand Ice Cream Drink More Water DS Waters of America Inc. DStyle DTE Energy Dukes European Tours Dunbar Armored Inc. Dunn-Edwards Corp. Duplicator Sales & Service Duplitron E Wirth Mechanical Inc. Eagle Lighting Earthgrains Baking Cos. Inc. Earthsponse Hospitality LLC East Coast Fire Protection East Coast Limousine Service/BAZ Corp Eastern Door Service Inc. Eastern Sprinkler Services Inc. Eclipse Marketing Services Inc. ECM Office Equipment Inc. Ecolab Ecolab Food Safety Specialties

Ecolab Pest Elimination Economy Heating & Air Conditioning Ecosure Eco-Tech Environmental Services Eco-Tech LLC Edgewater Isle Commercial Mast Edward Don & Co. Eisenbeck Corp. El Segundo Chamber of Commerce El Segundo Educational Foundation, The El Segundo, City of (CA) Elavon Inc. Electronic Business Machines Electronic Forms Plus Inc. Electronics Specialist Inc. Elite Heating & Air Ellis Coffee Co. Emax-Resource Technology Management Inc. Emax-Resource Technology Mgmt Inc. Emedco Endless Waters Engelmans Bakery, The Englewood Lock & Safe Engraving Co. Inc. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Enviro Tree Service Enviroshred EP Commercial Laundry Eric Ryan Corp. Erneston & Sons Inc. Ernies Pool & Spa Supply Erwyn Promotions Espositos Electric Essence of Vali Essential Media Partners ETW LLC Events By Nicholas - Foodwerx Ever Ready Carpet Cleaning Everything That Grows Executive Cleaning Contractors Executive Coach Inc. Executive Electric Inc. Executive Security Services Exeter Manufacturing Corp. Expert Drug Testing Inc.

Express Radio Inc. Extra Space Storage of Islandia - Express Inc. F&M Ft. Walton Leasing Fabric Care Center Fabric Innovations FacilitySolutions Group Fairfax Fire Extinguisher Co. Fairfax, County of (VA) Fairfield Inn Falcon Roofing Family Vending Co. Inc. Farmer Brothers Coffee Farwest Golf Cars of Washington Inc. FAS Enterprises Inc. Fast Signs Fast Signs - Apopka Faxplus Inc. Featherstone Foods Inc. Fed Ex Federal Express Federal Express - IH Federal Express Corp. Federal Wine & Liquor FedRooms Feldman Brothers Electrical Supply Fesco Fesco Fire Suppression Equipment Fey, Howard Fibercare Fields Fire Protection Inc. Filta Group Inc., The Fire & Oak Fire Alarm Control Systems Inc. Fire Safety Solutions Inc. Firefighters Mutual Benevolent Association Firestone Complete Auto Care Montfort First Class Plumbing LLC Fisher & Phillips LLP Fitness Source Five Star Cleaners Flaggship Landscaping Inc. Flora Terra Landscape Management Florida Copier Connection Inc. Florida Department of Financial Services Florida Pool Service Inc.

Florida Public Utilities Co. Florida Safe & Lock Inc. Flowerfield Celebrations Floyds Rent-All Inc. Flue Steam Inc. FNG Security & Investigations Focus Services Inc. Food Services of America Force One Group Inc. Forms & Surfaces Fort Lauderdale, City of (FL) Fort Myers TV Fort Wayne Utilities, City of (IN) Foster & Co. Inc. Foster Brothers Foster City, City of (CA) Fountainhead Irrigation Inc. Fowler Equipment Co. Inc. Frank Anzivino Electric Frank Gargiulo & Son Inc. Frank Parsons Inc. Inc. Fremont, City of (CA) Fresh Point Friendly Cleaners Fritz Fire Protection Co. Frontier Frys Electronics Fulton County Department of Health & Wellness (GA) Furman Feiner FW Fever Youth Academy G Neil Corp. G Norman Enterprises Inc. G&K Services G4 Technologies Corp (Accubar) Gais Northwest Bakeries Gaithersburg Party Rental Gaithersburg, City of (MD) Galaxy Hotel Systems LLC Gallagher Bassett Services Inc. Gallo Wine Gannett Michigan Newspapers Garda CL West Inc. Garden Grove Chamber of Commerce (CA) Garden Grove Disposal

Garden Grove, City of (CA) Garveys Office Products Gas Co., The Gas South Gas South LLC Gate City Beverage Dist. Gate City Beverage Distributors Gateway Travel Management Gatlin Lumber & Supply Co. GCPaperco GCS Service Inc. General Electric General Services Inc. General Wax Candle Co. Genesis Security Genserve Inc. Georgetown Lawn Care & Snowplowing Georgia Income Tax Division Georgia Power Get Away Today Vacations Giant Co2 Gigantic Cleaners Glass By Sheets Glass USA Glasstech Specialist Inc. Global Business Center Inc. Global Restaurant Design Global Software Inc. Go To Guy, The Gold Coast Beverage Distributors Goldberg & Solovy Foods Inc. Golden Banner/GBI Services Golden Gate Sign Co. Inc. Goodman Co. Gordon Food Service - East Lansing Gordon Food Service - Ft. Wayne Gordon Food Service - Grand Rapids Gordon Food Service - Indianapolis Gordon Food Service - Lexington Ky Gordon Food Service - Livonia Gordon Food Service - Louisville Gordon Food Service - Troy Gordon Food Service - Troys Gordon Food Service - Westchester Gourmet Foods Inc. Gourmet Touch Bakery

GPH Inc. GQ Landscape Care Inc. Graebel Cos. Grainger Grand Rapids Chair Co. Grand Rapids Press Grand Rapids/Kent County Convention Grand Rapids/Kent County Convention & Visitors Bureau Granite Telecommunications Granite Works 4U Inc. Graphics Systems Inc. Graybar Great A&P Tea Co. Great American Syrup Co. Great Choice Landscaping Great Lakes Baking Co. Great Lakes Popcorn Co. Greater Atlantic City Concierge Association Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce Greater Louisville Hotel & Lodging Association Green Leaf Inc. Green Tree Packing Co. Inc. Greener Maintenance Services Inc. Greenwood Village, City of (CO) Groome Transportation Inc. GT Mechanical Inc. Guest Access International Guest Supply Inc. Guest-Tek Interactive Entertainment Inc. Gulf Gateway Electronics Inc. Gulf Power 31020-64016 Gulf Power -79934-14017 Gwinnett County (GA) Gwinnett County Department of Financial Services (GA) H&H Grounds Maintenance HA Gray & Associates Inc. Habegger Corp. Hahns Lighting Service Inc. Haiges Machinery Inc. Halogen Supply Co. Inc. Hamilton Meats Hamilton Meats & Provisions Inc. Hanover Supply

Harbor Distributing LLC Harlan Graphic Arts Service Harold Richards Pool Service Inc. HARP Mechanical LLC Harpoon Brewery Harrison Beverage Co. Hartford Courant Co., The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection, The Harvest Produce Inc. Haulaway Storage Containers Inc. Hawkey, G. Michael HB McClure Co. HBC Inc. HBP Contractors & Consultants Inc. HC Integrated Systems Inc. HD Supply Facilities Maintenance Heartland Food Products Henderson Glass Inc. Henrico, County of (VA) Henry Inc. Herald, The Heritage Propane Heritage Service Group of Ft. Worth Heritage Wine & Liquor Heroman Services Plant Co. Herr Foods Inc. Hersheypark Hess Corp. HHH Complete Lawn Care Inc. High Country Wash On Wheels LLC High Grade Beverage Hills Cleaners Hills Pool Service Inc. Hilton Hotels Corp. Hilton Inns Inc. Hilton Systems Solutions LLC HK Laundry Equipment Hobart Corp. Hoca Associates LLC Holiday Gifts Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites OHare Holiday Inn Palm Beach Airport Holt Power Systems Homan & Stone Home Depot Credit Services Home Depot Supply

Home Electronics Home Hardware Homisco Inc. Honeywell Inc. Horeco Horizon Beverage Co. Horsham Water & Sewer Authority (PA) Hospitality eBusiness Strategies Inc. Hospitality Information Service Hospitality Services North America Hospitality Solutions International Hotel Association of Washington Dc Hotel Credit Association Hotel Information Service Inc. Hotel Link, The Hotel Partners LLC Hotel Planner Hotel Sierra-Shelton Hotel Zico Hotels Etcetera Inc. Hotels For Hope/Austin Hospitality Hoteltech International Houston Vacuum Cleaner Co. Howard County (MD) Howard County Government (MD) Howard County Tourism Council Inc. Howards Candy Hoy Lanscaping Inc. HPG International LLC HR Benjamin Inc. HR Plus Hubert Co. Hunton & Williams LLP Hyatt Place Hyatt Regency Orange County Hyatt Summerfield Suites Hyattsville Nursery Inc. Hynes & Waller I Halpern Paper & Supplies Inc. iBAHN IBM Corp. Ice Angels Snow Services ICE Refrigeration Corp. Ideal Graphics

Ikon Financial Services Ikon Office Solutions Illinois Department of Revenue Illinois Office of State Fire Marshal Impact Paper & Ink Ltd. Impax Imprint Plus In Rooms Plus Inc. In The Swim In The Swim/Spectrum Aquatics Independence Communications Inc. Independent Phone Services Indian Ridge Provisions Indiana Department of Revenue Indiana Newspaper Inc. Indianapolis Water Co. Indon International Industrial Disposal Co Industrial Steam Cleaning Inc. Industrial Steam Cleaning of NJ Industry Color Infinity Fire Protection LLC Informer, The Ingham County Treasurer (MI) Initial Tropical Plants Ink Keepers Corp. Inlingua Inncom International Inc. In-Print & Copy Shop Inpro Corp. Insight Communications Insight Direct USA Insight Kentucky Partner II LP Integra Integrity Electrical Solutions LLC InteractiveSites Interior Plant Design Intermarc/Engravers Unltd. International Business Machines Corp. International Restaurant Supply Interstate Gas Supply Inc. Investigative Protection Agency Iohi Financial Services LLC Iron Abbey Iron Mountain Iron Mountain Records Management

Irvine Pipe & Supply Irving Utility Billing, City of (TX) Irving, City of (TX) Island Oasis Frozen Cocktail Island Park Building Owners Assoc. ISS-TMC Services Inc. J Ambrogi Foods J By 3 Construction Inc. J Spargo & Associates Inc. J&A Bottleless Water Coolers Inc. J&C Professional Window Cleaning J&M Entertainment Jackson Lewis LLP James TV Service Jani King of Baltimore Japan Network Group Inc. Japan News Club JBS Solutions - Global Housing Bureau JC Decaux Airport Inc. JC Duncan Disposal JC Paper JC Schutz Enterprises Inc. JCDecaux Airport JCP&L Jean Te Enterprises Jenkins/Gales & Martinez Jerrys Sewer & Drain JFC International Inc. JJ Collins Sons Inc. JJ Commercial Water Heater JMC Global Johnson & Jordan Inc. Johnstone Supply Johnstone Supply - San Diego Johnstone Supply of Denver Joseph Bragg Electrician JRM Hauling & Recycling JZ Landscape Maintenance K&G Coffee Co. Kaba Ilco Kaiser Foundation Health Kane Co. Kartri Sales Co. Inc. Kasa Kolaches Bakery & Cafe Kaufman Carpet Cleaning Keane Fire + Safety

Keany Produce Co. Kellex Corp.-Pos Here Kelly-Moore Paint Co. Inc. Kelly-Moore Paint Co. Inc. Mt. View Kennedy Wholesale Inc. Kent County Lodging Association Kent County Treasurer (MI) Kentucky State Treasurer Kentucky, Commonwealth of Kesco Keylink Service Solutions Inc. Keystone Fire Protection Co. Kimball Midwest King Cleaners King Farm Conservancy King Juice Co. King Kleaning & Dye Co. Inc. Kirks Electronics Kistler OBrien Fire Protection Kleenit Group Inc. Kleisner, Fred Knowland Group, The Knox Paint Co. Inc. Kolb Electric Koldaire Inc. Kolter Two City Plaza Komer Carbonic Inc. Kone Inc. Korne Foods Enterprises Korval, Justin Koyama Shoten KP Laundry Services KPA Washington DC LLC K-Pro Stone Care KR Commercial Interiors Kraft Power Corp. Kramer Beverage Co. Krystal Kleer Kustom Gifts Kwik Key Lock & Safe Co. Inc. Kwik Service Electronics Inc. LA Specialty Lamar Land Lawnscape Management Landmark Diner Lands End Business Outfitters

Landscape Care Lane Associates Lanier Parking Solutions Lanier Valet Solutions Law Offices of Edward W. Freed, The Lawson Products Inc. Laynes Careful Cleaners Le Chef Bakery Le Petit Gateau Le Tel Communications Lehman Ali Inc. LElegante Cuisine Inc. Leslies Pool Supplies Leslies Swimming Pool Supplies Letel Communications Lexington Fayette County Government (KY) Lexington Herald Lexmark Carpet Mills Inc. Lexyl Travel Technologies Inc. LG Electronics USA LG Electronics USA Inc. LG&E LI Automatic Doors Life Equations Construction Life Fitness A Division of Brunswick Liftech Elevator Service Inc. LINA Line Systems Linens a la Carte Linens of The Week Little Colorado Inc. Littler Mendelson PC Lloyds Glass Service LOC International Inc. Lockamerica Locks & Keys Inc. LodgeNet LodgeNet Entertainment Corp LodgeNet Interactive Corp. LodgeNet Professional Solutions Lodging Supply Inc. Lombard, Village of (IL) Long Horn Steakhouse Long Island Ace Hardware Long Island Bride & Groom

Lori-Al Cleaners Too Los Angeles World Airports Louisville Athletic Club Louisville Jefferson County Revenue Commission (KY) Louisville Water Co. Lovings Produce Co. Inc. Lowell Bros. & Bailey Inc. LP Shanks Co. LSQ Funding Group LC Lucia Logistics M&M Automotive Inc. M&S Co. Macapugay, Dwight Macke Water Systems Madhuban Indian Cuisine Madison Seafood Inc. Magellan Signs Magic Fredy Events Inc. Magnolia Plumbing Inc. Magnus Construction Maguire Properties-500 Orange Tower LLC Maharam Fabric Main Enterprises Inc. Maine Hardware Maine Revenue Services Maines, Stanton Maita Distributors Maitland Winter Park Plumbing Inc. Majik Touch Cleaners Malaxmi Inc. Mancinos Grinders & Pizza Marblelife of North Jersey Marina Pool Spa & Patio Marion County Treasurer (IN) Maritz Travel Co. Inc. Market Produce Marriott Atlanta-Marquis Marriott Hotel Services Marriott Hotels Marriott International Marriott International Inc. Martignetti Cos. Martin Screen Shop Martinizing Cleaner Marx Realty & Improvement Co.

Maryland Comptroller Massachusetts Department of Revenue Massachusetts Lodging Association Massey Services Inc. Mastersons Catering Matthijssen Inc. Maurer, Sheri Maurers Sanitary Cleaners Maurice Tuxedos Maxvantage McBride Lighting Inc. McHenry Plantation Inc. McMaster-Carr Supply Co. McMullen Landscaping Maintenance MDCVB-Assessment ME Fox & Co. Meadow Dry Cleaners MEC Electrical Contracting LLC (Consolidated) Mechanical Services Inc. Medtox Laboratories Inc. Merchant Bank Mercury News Meritax LLC Meritax Property Tax Consultants Mermaid Transportation Merrill Communications LLC Meslers Service Station Messages On Hold Inc. Metro Appliance Service Metro Cab of Grand Rapids Metro Fire & Communication Systems Inc. Metro Fire & Safety Equipment Co. Inc. Metro Fire & Safety Inc. Metro Taxi Metrocars Inc. Metroplex Control Systems Inc. Metroplex Self Storage Metropolitan District Metropolitan Meat Seafood & Poultry Co. MGE Electric Services Inc. Michael King Inc. Michigan Business Systems Inc. Michigan Department of Treasury Michigan Laundry Machinery Service Michigan Lighting Solutions LLC

Michigan Temperature Supply Michigan, State of Microbac Laboratories Inc. Micros Micros Retail Systems Inc. Micros Systems Inc. MidAmerican Energy Middletown Ice & Coal Co. Midtown Lanier Parking Inc. Midway Plywood Inc. Midwestern Specialty Milestone Cleaners Mil-Tech Inc. Miner Supply Co. Inc. Minuteman Press Mission Linen Supply MMA USA Inc. Mobile Mini Inc. Modern Italian Bakery Modernistic Montgomery County (MD) Montgomery County Courthouse, Treasurers Office (PA) Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service (MD) Montgomery County Liquors Montgomery Irrigation Montgomery Printing Services Montvale Cleaners Montvale Landscaping Inc. Monumental Equipment Inc. Morgans Maintenance LLC Morristown Lumber & Supply Co. LLC Mountain Mist Water Mountain View, City of (CA) MR Asphalt MR Smith & Co. MSI MSI Technology Empowering the Lodging Industry Muetterties Enterprises Inc. Multi-Systems Inc. Murphy Elevator Co. Inc., The Muzak Muzak - Southern California Muzak LLC

Muzak of San Antonio Muzak-National Muzak-World Music Corp. My Limousine Service National Air Filter Service Co. National Appeal of Chicago National Distributors National Fail Safe National Furniture Liquidators National Grid Nationwide Hospitality Nationwide Moving & Storage Co Nelbud Services Group Inc. Nelowet Business Machines Ltd. Neo-Image NETR Inc. Netter Produce Inc. Neutron Industries New City Window Cleaning Inc. New Image Cleaners New Jersey AC Tax New Jersey Division of Motor Vehicles New Jersey Logos LLC New Jersey Sales & Use New York Commissioner of Tax & Finance Audit Department New York Joint Board Unite Here New York New Jersey Regional Joint Board, Local 96, Unite/Here New York State Department of State New York Times, The Newhall-Valencia Lock & Key Newmarket International Newsweek Nicor Gas Nixon Power Services Co. NJ Labworks NLP Nob Hill Cleaners Nor1 Inc. Norel Service Co. North American Corp. of Illinois North Creek Maintenance District Association North Jersey Media Group Northeast Refrigeration & Air Condition

Northeast Sales Distributors Northern Business Systems Northwest Aire Services Inc. Northwest Carpets Northwest Florida Outdoor Serv. Northwest Florida Outdoor Service Northwest Landscape Services Novacart USA Nowak Supply Co. Inc. Nstar Electric Nuco2 Inc. OA Thomas Landscaping Oak Hill Ace Hardware Oak Roofing Inc. Oakhill Dry Cleaning Oakmead Lake Association Oakwood Corporate Housing Inc. Occupational Health Center of California Occupational Health Centers Occupational Health Centers of NJ PA Occupational Health Centers of Southwest Occupational Health Centers Southwest Oce Document Printing Systems Oce Imagistics Inc. Ocean Blue Restaurant Group LLC OCS America Inc. OCWS 947995-272790 ODell Equipment Office Depot Office Equipment Finance Service Office Equipment Source Inc. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, New Jersey OfficeMax Inc. Ok. Gas District 240551-61732 Old Kentucky Candies Inc. Oliver Sprinkler Co. Inc. Olympic Cleaners Omega Industrial Supply Omega Service & Communications Omidvar, Nima On Command On Command Video Corp. On Hold Marketing On Hold Media Group Onity Inc.

Ontario, City of (CA) Onyx Hotel LHO Onyx Hotel/Ruby Room Onyx Sealcoating Open Table Inc. Oracle Elevator Co. Orange Classic International Orange, City of (CA) Orbitz Travel Oreck Floor Care Oreck of Smokey Point Original 7 Inc. Orkin Orlando Business Telephone Systems Inc. Orlando Golf Cars Otis Elevator Otis Elevator Co. Otis Spunkmeyer Inc. Ovation Travel Group P&D Appliance P/Kaufmann Contract Pac Industries Inc. Pac Pump & Systems Inc. Pacific Bell Wireless LLC Pacific Rim Mechanical Paetec Paetec Paetec Communications Paetec Communications Palm Beach Atlantic University Palm Beach Communications Palm Beach County Convention & Visitors (FL) Palm Beach County Tax Collector (FL) Panache Events Specialists Pangaea Beverage Panoramic Landscape Services Paper Direct Inc. Paradise Plant Maintenance Inc. Paris Gourmet Park Crest Cleaners Parkrite Striping Co. Inc. Party Busters Pasadena Baking Co. Passkey International Inc. Pastime Tournaments LLC Patel, Anand

Patriot-News Co., The PDQ Consulting Inc. Peerless Beverage Co. Pellerin Laundry Machinery Peninsula Cleaning Services Pennsylvania State Sales Tax Pennsylvania, Commonwealth of Pepco Pepsi Cola & National Brand Beverages Pepsi-Cola Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers Perfect Water Co. Perkins Painting Inc. Perot Systems Corp. Perrone Wine & Spirits Peterson Communications Group Petro-Analytical Inc. PG&E Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Philadelphia Newspapers Inc. Phils Pizzeria & Restaurant Phoenix Wholesale Food Service PHSI Pure Water Finance Piazza Produce Co. Piersons Lawn Care Pine Cone Lumber Co. Pine Tree Waste Pinnacle Communications Corp. Pinnacle Communications Fire & Security Pioneer Sand Co. Pitney Bowes Pitney Bowes Global Financial Services Pitney Bowes Purchase Power Planet Fitness Planet Fitness-Shelton II Plant Interscapes Plasticard Locktech International PlayNetwork Inc. Plumbing Supply Inc. Plumbmaster PM Associates PM Print Center Pogo-On-Board Poland Spring Pool Man Inc. Pooles Lawnservice

Poolworks Porter Paint Portland Press Herald Portland Water District (ME) Precision Doors & Hardware Preferred Travel Premier Elevator Co. Inc. Premier Plumbing Services Inc. Premier Services LLC Presentation Services Press of Atlantic City Media Group, The Presstime Prestige Capital Corp. Prestige Lock & Home LLC Preston Hollow Caterers PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Priest Enterprises LLC Primo Plumbing Inc. Prinova Print Place, The Printex Total Print Management Priority Pak Pro-Action Fire Alarm Inc. Professional Carpet Systems Profitime Inc. Progressive Wallcoverings Promotional Outfitters Inc. Promus Hotels Inc. Propark America Protanos Bakery Protection One (IL) Protection One (IL) Protection One (KS) Protection One (KS) Providet Service Assoc. Inc. PSAV Presentation PSC Recovery Systems Inc. PSE&G Co PTAC Direct Sales Public Storage - TX Pulpitos Pool Service Purchase Advantage Card Puretec Industrial Water Pyro-Comm Systems Inc. QC Laboratories Quality Automatic Sprinkler Corp.

Quality Concepts Quality Inn - Schaumburg Quality Printing Quality Tree Service Queen Anne Upholstery Quench Quench USA Inc. Quiltcraft Quoizel Inc. Quorum South Protective Corp. R&R Marketing (Royal Division) R&R Marketing LLC (Reitman Division) Radio Service Center Radio Wholesale Radz Video Repair Rafael Gutierrez Lawn Maintenance Inc. RAM Mobile Data USA LP Ramos, Margarita Ray Williams Refrigeration Rayne Water Systems RBM Lock & Key Service RE Michel Co. Inc. Recognition Specialties Inc. Recreonics Inc. Redwing Glass Reeves Reeves Plumbing & Drain Refrigerated Specialist Refrigeration Supplies Distributor Regal Mirror & Art Regal Wine Co. Regency Cleaners Regency Lighting Regency Wraps Region 14 Arabian Horse Association Regulated Rain Relaxx Dry Cleaning Reliant Reliant Energy Rent Rite Reps Fitness Supply Republic Services (AZ) Republic Services (TX) Republic Services of NJ Inc. Rescue Rooter Residence Inn Manhattan Beach

Resource Technology Management Retzkos Landscaping Retzkos Landscaping & Lawn Care Revelations Lawn Care Rexel USA RFI Communications & Security Systems RG General Maintenance Inc. RGE Distributing Co. Inc. RGI Publications Inc. R-H Group Inc. RHS Commercial LLC Ricciardi Bros Inc. Rich Fire Protection Richmond Athletic Club Richmond Times-Dispatch Ricoh Ricoh Americas Corp. Ricoh Business Solutions Ricoh Business Systems Ridgeway Communications Rigo Industries Rino-Vac Rising Signs River City Distributing Inc. River City Health Services PSC River Dell Flowers Riviera Produce Co Inc. RJs Service Inc. Road Rebel Roadrunner Disposal Services Inc. Robinson Dairy Inc. Rocket Enterprise Inc. Rocket Rooter Plumbing Rockland Bakery Rockland Electric Co. Rockville, City of (MD) Rocky Mountain Nationals Inc. Rofar Realty Co. Inc. Romala Stone Inc. Ron Aton Blacktop Inc. Ronnoco Coffee Co. Rooms Unltd. Rosa Construction Roselli Moving Corp. Roseman Enterprises Inc. Rosemont Elite Taxi

Rosemont Health & Fitness Rosemont Pizza Inc. Rosemont Taxi Rosemont, Village of (IL) Ross Court Plumbing Roto-Rooter Rowe Management Co. Inc. Royal Chemical Corp. Royal Cup Dine-Mor Royal Digital Imaging Co. RSA Realty Inc. RSA Room Service Amenities RSD Rubicon Group, The Ruisi, Lawrence Russell Reid Russo Lawn & Landscape Inc. Russos RW Landscaping RW Smith & Co. S Freedman & Sons Inc. S&P Products S&S Industrial Maintenance Supply Sacred Chow Inc. Saf Keep Storage - Fremont Safety Netaccess Safeway Inc. Saflok Sakura Hibachi Steak House Sal Ann Rest Corp. Sales Salisbury & Moore Salt Exchange Inc. Same Day @ Creech Road San Antonio, City of (TX) San Antonio, City Public Service Board of (TX) San Bernardino, County of (CA) San Diego Office of The City Treasurer (CA) San Diego Union-Tribune LLC, The San Francisco Chronicle San Gabriel Valley Basketball Club San Jose City Treasury (CA) San Mateo, City of (CA) Sand Point Living Interiors

Santa Clarita, City of (CA) Satellite Cleaners Scarborough Sanitary District (ME) Scenic Greens Scenic Greens Landscape Contractors Inc. Scent Air Scentair Scented Pens Schaefer Mechanical Schaumburg Business Association Inc. Schaumburg, Village of (IL) Schepps Dairy Schindler Elevator Corp. Schnitzer West LLC Scott Williams Construction LLC Scuba Pool Repair Inc. Seasons Catering Seattle Print Works Inc. Seattle Times, The Seattle, Port of Securitas Security Services Security Signal Devices Inc. Semetra Inc. Seminole County Tax Collector (FL) Sempra Energy Solutions LLC Serta Mattress Co Service Express Service Plus Service West Sewer Rat Inc. Sexauer Shambaugh & Son LP Shamrock Foods Co. Shamrock Pool Services Inc. Share Corp. Shared Technologies Inc. Shaw Industries Inc. Shepherd & Associates Sheraton San Diego Hotel Shere Corp. Sherry Laboratories - Indiana Sherwin Williams - Harrisburg Sherwin Williams - IL Sherwin-William Co., The Sherwin-Williams Sherwin-Williams Co. Store 5667

Shine Janitorial Contractor Inc. ShopRite Shore-Line Carpet Supplies of South Dade Shouse, Scott Showcase Business Centers Sico America Inc. Sid Wainer & Son Specialty Food Siemens Siemens Building Technologies Inc. Sierra Painting & Wall Covering Sign Group Inc., The Signature Hospitality Carpets Signature Metal & Marble Simon & Leeman Corp. Simons Wholesale Bakery Inc. Simple Cleaners LLC Simple Solutions Inc. SimplexGrinnell LP Sir Speedy Printing Center Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP Slack Chemical Co. SMCMUA Smith Protective Services Inc. Smith Travel Research Inc. Smithco Services Smithtown Landing Smith-Western Co. Snohomish County Tourism SoCalPrint Solo Foods Solutions Manager International Something Different Linen Inc. SOS Plymouth South Capital Cleaners South City Prime Montvale LLC South Coast AQMD South East Cutlery Service South Town Laundry & Dry Cleaners Southeastern Laundry Equipment Southern Air Inc. Southern California Edison Southern Maine Storage Southern Turf Management LLC Southern Wine & Spirits Southern Wines & Spirits of America Inc. Spark Energy Gas LP

Sparkletts & Sierra Springs Spear Security Co. Special T Water Systems Specialty Doors Spencer Heating & Air Conditioning Spiaks Restaurant Spindle Co. Inc. Splash Pool Supply Inc. Sport Court Sport Court of Colorado Sports Team Accomodation Inc. SPRI Products Inc. Spring Break Sports Spring USA Corp. Springfield Corp. Springhill Suites Seattle-Bothell Sprint Sprint Data SSD Systems ST Electric Inc. St. Ours & Co. Stadium Shell Service Inc. Stahls Rental Center Staiart International Ltd. Standard Textile Stanley Access Tech Stanley Elevator Co. Inc. Stanley Steemer Staples Business Advantage Star Cleaners Star Elevator Inc. Star Ledger Star Linen Star Valet Starbucks Coffee Co. Starcite Inc. Star-Telegram Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. State Industrial Products Statewide Machinery Inc. STB Credit Card Stegmann Service Stericycle Inc. Steritech Group Inc., The Steves Landscaping Stonemark Granite LLC

Stones Office Equipment Storage West - Anaheim Storequest Self Storage Stor-N-Lock Stranges Florist Straub Distribution Co. Streetwise Maps Inc. Strike Force of New Jersey Inc. Studio 1200 LLC Stuever & Sons Inc. Suburban Propane Suffolk County Treasurer (NY) Summerfield Hotel Co. Sun Valley Pool Service Sunbelt Pools of Georgia LLC Suncoast Refrigeration Sundek of Washington Sunnyvale City Revenue (CA) Sunnyvale Municipal Utilities, City of (CA) Sunrise Travel Sunset Parking Service Sunset Pool Inc. Sunset Pool Management Inc. Sunset Pools Inc. Sunshine Recycling Sunshine TV Super Click Superclick Network Inc. Superco Specialty Products Superimage Business Machines Superior Audio Visual Inc. Superior Office Systems Superior Pool Co Inc. Superior Water Services Inc. Supermedia Surface Materials Swank Audio Visuals LLC Swank Audio Visuals LLC SWH Supply Co. Swim Pro Service Inc. Swimkare Swiss Chalet Swiss Dairy - Los Angeles Swisscom Hospitality Services Sysco Sysco - Louisville

Sysco - San Antonio Sysco Baltimore Sysco Food Sysco Food Service Metro NY Sysco Food Service of Dallas Sysco Food Services Sysco Food Services-Chicago Sysco Hallsmith Food Services Sysco San Diego Sysco West Coast Florida Sysco-Valencia T&W Home Shield Inc. Talon Industrial Taste of Kentucky, A Taylor Elevator Corp. Taylor Equipment Distributors Inc. Taylor Linen Services Taylor Rental Center TBF Financial TD Sports Inc. TechDepot Technical Hot & Cold Telecheck Telecheck Services Inc. Telnet Corp. Tel-Phone Resources Terminix Commercial Terminix Processing Center Terranova Landscapes Inc. Testa Produce Inc. Teters Faucet Parts Corp. Texas Association of Student Councils Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts Texas Imaging Systems Inc. Texas State Comptroller Texas Tile Roofing Co. LLC Texas Wired Music Inc. TF Kinnealey & Co. Inc. TGI Office Automation Tharaldson Communications Inc. Thomson Reuters THP Capstar Acquisition Corp. Three Rivers Festival THS Co., The ThyssenKrupp Elevator Thyssenkrupp Elevator Corp.

Tiger Commercial Services Inc. Tiger Inc. Time Warner Time Warner Cable Time Warner Entertainment Titan Lacrosse TMO CA/NV LLC T-Mobile USA Inc. Tobin & Sons Tocor Lighting Products Todd Harris Co. Inc. Tom Ellis Refrigeration Toms Landscaping Top Hotel Supply Inc. Toshiba Toshiba Business Solutions/NBS Toshiba Financial Services Total Filtration Services Inc. Towels & More Solutions Inc. Town & Country Travel Towne Place Suites - Renton Towneplace Suites -DTC Towneplace Suites Scarborough Townsend Foods Tozour-Trane Tradavo Inc. Trane - Atlanta Downtown Trap Recyclers Inc. Travel & Transport Inc. Travel Boards of PA Inc. Travel Click Inc. Travel Destinations Travel Media Group Travel Planners Inc. Travelclick Inc. Travision Travel Trayco of SC Inc. Tri State Tri State Malted Waffle Inc. Triangle Renovations Tri-Chem Technology Tri-County Refrigeration TriMont Real Estate Advisors Inc. Triple A Pumping & Jetting Inc. Tri-Tec Communications

Triton Plasma Services LLC Tropitone True Temp Heating & Air Conditioning TV Enterprise Co. TWC Services Inc. Ty Inc. Tysons Corner Sunoco Tysons Sport & Health UGI Utilities Inc. Ultra-Chem Inc. UNFI - Belmont Unique Refinishers Inc. Unite Here National Retirement Fund Unitech Laundry Systems United Business Solutions United Distributing Co. Inc. United Distributors Inc. United Food & Commercial Workers, Local 371 United Health Fund United Illuminating Co. United Radio Communications United Refrigeration Inc. United Restaurant Equipment United Specialties United Water Co. United Water Pennsylvania Unitil Universal Linen Service Universal Sign Inc. Unmanned Systems Management Association Upper Moreland Township Collector of Business Tax (PA) UPS UPS Freight Urban Elevator Service US Foodservice US Foodserice Inc. US Foodservice - Altamonte Springs US Foodservice - Atlanta Downtown US Foodservice - Atlantic City US Foodservice - Belmont US Foodservice - Binghamton US Foodservice - Bulfinch US Foodservice - Cherry Hill

US Foodservice - El Segundo US Foodservice - Fremont US Foodservice - Ft. Lauderdale US Foodservice - Gaithersburg US Foodservice - Garden Grove US Foodservice - Harrisburg US Foodservice - Horsham US Foodservice - Islandia US Foodservice - Manassas US Foodservice - Montvale US Foodservice - Mount Laurel US Foodservice - Mountain View US Foodservice - Norcross US Foodservice - Ontario US Foodservice - Portland (ME) US Foodservice - Portland, Me US Foodservice - Richmond US Foodservice - Richmond NW US Foodservice - Rosemont US Foodservice - Saddle River US Foodservice - San Jose US Foodservice - San Jose South US Foodservice - San Mateo US Foodservice - Shelton US Foodservice - Sili I US Foodservice - Sili II US Foodservice - Tysons Corner US Foodservice - Windsor US Gas & Electric Inc. US Health Works US Healthworks Medical Group PC US Heating & Air Conditioning Inc. US Hospitality Corp. US Lawns US Lawns of Montgomery County US Lawns of Tysons Corner US Security Associates Inc. US Vinyl US Wall Decor USA Cleaners USA Today Uttermost Valet Express Valley City Linen Valley Crest Landscape Maintenance Inc. Valley Forge Fabrics

Valleycrest Landscape Maintenance Inc. Val-U-Chem Inc. Van Dyke, Caleb Van Natta Mechanical Corp. Vanduinen Elevator Co. Vans Electric LLC Vaz, Maria Velasco Air Venegas Distribution Verizon Verizon East Verizon Northwest Verizon Select Services Inc. Verizon West Verizon Wireless Vestal, Town of (NY) Viatech Publishing Solutions Victory Automotive Services Villalobos Glass & Mirror Vingcard/Assa Abloy Virginia Department of Taxation Virginia Sprinkler Co. Inc. Visitors Guide Publications Von Feldt Cleaners Vortex Industries Inc. Waffles of California Inc. Walker Distribution & Services Inc. Warren Distributing Co. South Washington Automated Inc. Washington Gas Energy Services Washington Post, The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries Washington State Department of Revenue Wasserstrom Co. Waste Management Waste Management of Illinois Inc. Water Man, The Waterboy Waxie Sanitary Supply Wayne Auto Fire Sprinklers Inc. Wayne Automatic Fire Sprinklers Inc. Wayport WB Mason Co. Inc. Web Service Co. Inc. Webfile Tax

Wells Fargo Financial Leasing Inc. Wessco International Wessling Works Marketing West Central Produce Inc. West Coast Valet Service West Palm Beach County Tax Collector \ (FL) Westair Gases & Equipment Inc. Westchester, Village of (IL) Western State Design Inc. Western States Fire Protection Co Westerre Owners Association, The West-Lite Supply Co Inc. Westside Reprographics Inc. Wetchco What The World Needs Now Wheatland Financial Corp. White Coffee Wilderman Refrigeration Co. Wildfire Schaumburg LLC Williamsburg Travel WillisKlein Wilmar Industries Inc. Winco of South Texas Windsor Chamber of Commerce (CT) Windsor Industries Inc. Windstream Windstream Communications Windward Design Group Inc. Wine Warehouse Northern CA Division Wine Warehouse Southern CA Division Winebow Inc. Winston Financial Group Inc. Wirtz Beverage Illinois Wittman, Carol WM Services Enterprises Inc. Wm. Ryan & Co. Inc. Woburn Board of Health (MA) Woburn, City of (MA) Wonder Ice Cream LLC Woodcock Refrigeration Co. Workplace Essentials Inc. World Choice Travel (GA) World Choice Travel Inc. (FL) World Cinema World Music Corp.

World Wide Payment Systems Worry-Free Property Services Xcel Energy Xerox Xerox Capital Services LLC Xerox Corp. Xeta Technologies Xpedx Stores Division Xzamcorp Yellow Cab Co. YESCO

York Landscaping Youngs Market Co. Yumi Ice Cream Co. Zee Medical (IN) Zee Medical Service (WA) Zee Medical Service Co. (CA) Zep Manufacturing Co. ZephyrHills Spring Water Zuroff, Bernard L.

Schedule 2 Additional Interested Parties with K&E Client Relationships Unrelated to these Chapter 11 Cases Name of Entity Searched Confidential Potential Investor No. 1 Confidential Potential Investor No. 2 Confidential Potential Investor No. 3 Confidential Potential Investor No. 4 Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investors No.1-4 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investors No.1-4 Confidential Potential Investor No. 3 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investors No.1-4 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investors No.1-4 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investors No.1-4 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investors No.1-4 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investors No.1-4 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investors No.1-4 AESOP Leasing Corp. AESOP Leasing L.P. Avis Budget Car Rental LLC Avis Budget Group, Inc. Avis Budget Rental Car Funding LLC Avis Car Rental Group, Inc. Avis Group Holdings, Inc. Avis Rent-A-Car System, Inc. Avis Rent-A-Car System, LLC Status Current1 Closed Current Closed Current Closed Closed Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current

Avis Rent A Car Systems Inc.

The term Current Client means a client for whom time was posted in the 12 months before the Petition Date; the term Former Client means a client for whom time was posted between 36 and 12 months before the Petition Date; and the term Closed Client refers to a client for whom time was posted in the 36 months before the Petition Date but the client representation has been closed. As a general matter, K&E discloses connections with former clients or closed clients for whom time was posted in the 36 months before the Petition Date but does not disclose connections if time was last billed more than 36 months before the Petition Date.

K&E 18460568

Name of Entity Searched

Confidential Potential Investor No. 6

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Budget Rent-A-Car System, Inc. Cendant Car Rental Group, Inc. Cendant Corporation Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6

Status Current Current Current Former Former Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Former Former Former Closed Current Closed Closed

Name of Entity Searched

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 6 Xerox Corp.

Status Closed Closed

Business Equipment Unltd. Denitech Xerox Xerox Capital Services LLC Xerox Corp. Cablevision

CDW Direct LLC Paetec Paetec Communications

Centurylink Centurylink Charlotte

Cablevision of Leander, Inc. Cablevision of Pflugerville, Inc. Cablevision Systems Corp. CSC Holdings Company CDW Corporation David F. Mosher Madison Dearborn Capital Partners III, L.P. Madison Dearborn Capital Partners V, L.P. Madison Dearborn Capital Partners VI Madison Dearborn Partners, Inc. Madison Dearborn Special Equity III, LP Mark B. Tresnowski Patrick C. Eilers Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company LLC (NC) Centel Corporation (KS) Embaarq Minnesota, Inc. (MN) Embarq Capital Corporation (DE) Embarq Communications, Inc. Embarq Communications, Inc. (DE) Embarq Holdings Company LLC (DE) Embarq Interactive Holdings LLC (DE) Embarq Management Company (DE)

Former Former Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Former Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current

Name of Entity Searched

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Embarq Mid-Atlantic Management Services Company (NC) Embarq Missouri, Inc. (MO) Embarq Network Company LLC (DE) Embarq Payphone Services, Inc. (FL) Embarq Risk (Bermuda) Limited (BM) Embarq Solutions, Inc. (DE) Embarq, Inc. (KS) EQ Equipment Leasing, Inc. (DE) United Telephone Company of Eastern Kansas (DE) United Telephone Company of Florida (FL) United Telephone Company of Indiana, Inc. (IN) United Telephone Company of Kansas (KS) United Telephone Company of New Jersey, Inc. (NJ) United Telephone Company of Ohio (OH) United Telephone Company of Pennsylvania LLC, The (PA) United Telephone Company of Southcentral Kansas (AR) United Telephone Company of Texas, Inc. (TX) United Telephone Company of the Carolinas LLC (SC) United Telephone Company of the Northwest (OR) United Telephone Company of the West (DE) United Telephone Southeast LLC (VA)

Status Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current

Name of Entity Searched Chevron Cisco Webex LLC Clear Channel Outdoor

Comcast Confidential Potential Stalking Horse Bidder # 2


Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Chevron Corporation Cisco Systems, Inc. Bain Capital Asia, LLC Bain Capital Partners LLC Bain Capital, Inc. Bain Capital, LLC Clear Channel Communications, Inc. Lee Equity Partners, LLC Sankaty Advisors Ltd. Sankaty Advisors, LLC Thomas H. Lee Company Comcast Corporation Comcast of Dallas LP Affiliate of Confidential Potential Stalking Horse Bidder #2 Confidential Client (investment property of entity searched) Confidential Client (investment property of entity searched) Confidential Client (investment property of entity searched) Confidential Client (investment property of entity searched) ConocoPhillips (00-21) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (03-12) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (03-13) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (03-19) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (03-20) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (03-21) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (91-12) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (91-13) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (95-19) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips (96-16) Pty. Ltd.

Status Current Current Current Former Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Former Former Current

Current Current



Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client ConocoPhillips (96-20) Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips Australia Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips Company ConocoPhillips JPDA Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips Norway ConocoPhillips Pipeline Australia Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips STL Pty. Ltd. ConocoPhillips WA-248 Pty. Ltd. Darwin LNG Pty. Ltd. Phillips Indonesia, Inc. Phillips International Investment, Inc. Phillips Petroleum (96-20), Inc. Phillips Petroleum Company Indonesia Phillips Petroleum Company ZOC Pty. Ltd. Phillips Petroleum Production Indonesia, Inc. Phillips Petroleum Timor Sea Pty. Ltd. Phillips Petroleum Timor Sea, Inc. Tokyo Timor Sea Resources Inc. Tokyo Timor Sea Resources Pty. Ltd. Cox Communications Cox Communications, Inc. Cox Southwest Holdings, LP Coxcom, Inc. Manheim Automobile Financial Services, Inc. Dow Jones & Co. Inc. Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. Dow Jones & Co. Single Copy Sales News America Incorporated REA Group Earthgrains Baking Cos. Inc. Sara Lee Corporation Donald Lee Meier General Electric Birchwood Power Partners, L.P. GE Capital Financial Inc.

Name of Entity Searched

Status Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Former Former Former Current Current Current Closed Current Former Closed Closed

Name of Entity Searched

Grainger Harbor Distributing LLC Hartford Courant Co., The Hobart Corp.

Home Depot Credit Services

Honeywell Inc.

Illinois Office of State Fire Marshal Illinois Department of Revenue Integra

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client GE Healthcare General Electric Company W.W. Grainger, Inc. Reyes Holdings Tribune Interactive, Inc. Tribune Media Services, Inc. Illinois Tool Works Inc. Kester, Inc. Miller Electric Manufacturing Co. Expo Design Center Home Depot USA, Inc. The Home Depot At-Home Services, Inc. The Home Depot Inc Honeywell Aerospace Honeywell Belgium N.V. Honeywell DMC Services, LLC Honeywell Europe N.V. Honeywell Fluorine Products Europe B.V. Honeywell International, Inc. Honeywell Retirement Earnings Plan Honeywell Savings and Ownership Plan Honeywell Scanning and Mobility Honeywell Secured Benefit Plan Plan Administrator of Honeywell Retirement Earnings Plan Plan Administrator of Honeywell Savings and Ownership Plan Plan Administrator of Honeywell Secured Benefit Plan Admissions Review Commission Office of the Governor, State of Illinois Integra Telecom, Inc. Warburg Pincus, LLC

Status Closed Current Current Current Closed Current Current Closed Current Closed Closed Closed Current Closed Current Closed Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Closed Current Current

Name of Entity Searched International Business Machines Corp. IBM Corp. Confidential Potential Investor No. 12

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client IBM Corporation Lender Business Process Services, Inc. Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12

Status Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Closed Current Closed Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Former

Name of Entity Searched

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 12 Lawson Products Inc. Mobile Mini, Inc. Mobile Storage Group, Inc. Muzak Holdings LLC Muzak L.L.C. Silver Point Capital Europe LLP Silver Point Capital Fund L.P. Amy Noel Hall Benjamin J. Daverman Edgar D. Jannotta, Jr. Golder, Thoma, Cressey, Rauner, Inc. GTCR Fund VI, L.P. GTCR Golder Rauner GTCR Golder Rauner GTCR Golder Rauner, LLC GTCR Partners VI, LP Protection One Inc. certain principals of GTCR Schindler Elevator Corporation Dade Behring, Inc. Osram Middle East FZE Osram Sylvania Inc. / Osram Sylvania Products Siemens AG Siemens AG Oesterreich Siemens Audiologische Technik GmbH Siemens Audiologische Technik GmbH Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. Siemens Canada Limited Siemens Communications Inc. Siemens Corporation Siemens Corporation USA

Status Current Current Current Current Former Current Current Former Closed Current Current Current Current Current Closed Current Current Current Current Closed Current Current Current Current Current Closed Closed Current Current Current Current Current

Lawson Products Inc. Mobile Mini Inc. Muzak Muzak LLC

Protection One (IL) Protection One (KS)

Schindler Elevator Corp. Siemens Siemens Building Technologies Inc.

Name of Entity Searched

Sprint Sprint Data

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc., Postal Automation Division Siemens Energy & Automation/Postal Division Siemens Financial Services Siemens Hearing Instruments, Inc. Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc. Siemens Oil and Gas Offshore AS Siemens Power Generation, Inc. Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution, LLC Siemens PSE (PSC) Techlabs Siemens S.A.A. of France Siemens S.A.S. France Siemens Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. of Turkey Siemens Shared Services Siemens Transportation Systems Corp. Siemens Transportation Systems GmbH & Co KG Siemens Water Technologies VA Tech VA Tech American Corporation VA Tech Elin EBG VA Tech Elin USA Corporation VA Tech Hydro AG VA Technologie Valeo Sylvania, LLC Voest-Alpine Services & Technology Corp. Clearwire Corporation FC New York, Inc. Nextel Communications, Inc. Nextel of New York, Inc. Nextel Systems Corp. Sprint Nextel Corporation

Status Closed Closed Closed Closed Current Closed Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Closed Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Current Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

Name of Entity Searched Time Warner Time Warner Entertainment

Total Filtration Services Inc. US Health Works US Healthworks Medical Group PC

US Security Associates Inc.

Verizon Verizon East Verizon Northwest Verizon Select Services Inc. Verizon West Verizon Wireless

Confidential Potential Investor No. 15

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Alex Daniels Time Warner Inc. Time Warner Inc. Time, Incorporated Turner Network Television CLARCOR, Inc., L.P. Altaris Capital Partners, LLC Daniel G. Tully George E. Aitken-Davies Michael J. Kluger US Healthworks, Inc. James TenBroek U.S. Security Associates, Inc. Wind Point Partners Wind Point Partners II, L.P. Wind Point Partners V, L.P. Alltel Communications of Michigan RSAs, Inc. Alltel Communications, LLC Cellco Partnership Cellco Partnership Empire City Subway Company GTE REinsurance Company Limited MCI Communications Services, Inc. Telesector Resources Group, Inc. Verizon Business Verizon Business Global, LLC Verizon Communications Inc. Verizon Data Services LLC Verizon Federal Inc. Verizon New Jersey, Inc. Verizon New York, Inc. Verizon Wireless Verizon Wireless Telecom, Inc. Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 15

Status Closed Current Closed Closed Closed Current Closed Current Former Current Current Current Current Current Current Closed Closed Current Current Current Closed Current Current Current Closed Current Closed Current Closed Closed Former Current Current Closed Current

Name of Entity Searched

Virginia Department of Taxation Xpedx Stores Division Zee Medical (IN) Zee Medical Service (WA) Zee Medical Service Co. (CA)

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 15 Affiliate of Confidential Potential Investor No. 15 Virginia Retirement System International Paper Company McKesson Corporation

Status Current Current Closed Current Current

Schedule 3 New Client Connections with Existing K&E Clients Listed on Schedule 1 to a Previous Declaration

Name of Entity Searched Aon Risk Services Northeast Inc. CIGNA Healthcare LINA LINA Life Insurance Co. of North America JPMorgan Chase Bank NA Transworld Systems Inc.

Name of Entity and/or Affiliate of Entity that Is a K&E Client Aon Risk Services Central, Inc. CIGNA Healthcare of New York, Inc.

Status Current1 Current

Chase Capital Corporation


The term Current Client means a client for whom time was posted in the 12 months before the Petition Date.

K&E 18460568

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