United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York Re: Under

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Form 210A (11)1(16}

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 1013825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No. 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1), Fed. R Bankr, P .. of the transfer, other
thar, for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
Name of Transferee
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Johnson & Jordna,lnc.
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent
Fair H01rbor Capital, LLC
Amwnia Finance Station
PO Dux 237037
New Y o r k ~ NY 10013
Phone: 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #: --"""' ,_ __ _
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (If different from above):
Phone: nia
Last Four Dlglts of Acct #: nla
Name of Transfer:or:
Johnson & Jordna, Inc.
Court Claim# {if known): none
Amount of Claim: $2,024.46
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
Johnson & Jordna, Inc.
18 Mussey Road
ScarbOrough, ME 04074
Last Foot Digits of Acct.#: --'o/l!Ja,__
I declare under penalty of perjury that the Information provided in this notice Is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and beliet
By: /sf Fredric G ass Date: May 4, 2Q.1u1 ___ _
Transferee!Transfel'ee's Agent
.Perw/ly lbr rrmking B false stefBmerd: Fine of up to $5CO,CCO or imprisonmant fur up lo 5 years, or both. 18 U.S. C. 152 & 3571.
United States Bankruptty Court
Southern District Of N ~ w York
In re: Grand Prix Fixed lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administere.d Under Case No. 10-13800)
Claim No. none (if known! ~
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a) in thls case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Oth r than for Security in the clerk's office of
this court on May 4, 2011. l
N ~ m ~ of Transferee: N a m ~ - - - - f Alleged Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC Johrlson & Jordna, fnc,
As assignee of Johnson & Jordna,lnc.
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia .l<'inance Station
PO Box 237037
New Yol'k, NY 10023
Name and Address of Alleged
Johnson & Jordna, lnc.
18 Mussey Road
Scarborough, ME 04074
The transferor of claim named above is advised the this NotiCe ofTraJfur of Claim Other than for Security has boon
filed in the clerk's office of this court as evidence of the transfer, Objection must be filed with !he court within twon1y
(20) days of the mailing of this notice. If no objedion is timely receive by the court the transferee will be substltuled
as the original daimarrt without further order of the court
Date: _____ _
tllli!Z:d lhnkf11)11ey Cu11rt
S1iutltern: .f)furict or N11W Yotk
--------- ---x
C.W So.l.O-t3Sl5
o\dmin!&We4 (ln.ftrC.tn l\1(1, U1138(1D)
BllllJ.:.ru{wcy Rate :lOOO(o)
PJ.,Ci\SE TAKE NOTICE th.1t rile :'l':ltc;lule:l claim of J()JlNSON & JOJl.[)NA, ISC. ("'nwfllrot'') !lit !Jebtnrl)) in the lliY<ilUI\t of.!2,(.114.46, as ll$l;d.
F ttfthe vf A'scm and Unbi!IUJ;':Il fi1.tfby the an daims (in4luding v.ithout the Prcxrfvrclalm,
ltlentifili!d b<;:low ;md rigbts torooclvc ull irlteretlr., 1.11'1.1 thut il may he ll'lltltkd w n;.l!lve oo aecot.mt ofl.M MSUmptlon orun>'
ell:er.utor,y <.:Mtract (ir I= ro tbs Claim ;md fres, if any, wlti"'h mayM pald wlth !'llipQI.':t to tiki C!11lm cWlnw, of acti-on ugltin&t t11.::1
Dc::blor, it> llfflHait;So, M)' J.lllllt'lllttt'lr l)j'" tbirdjlarty, witl111odng Md ollwrriJ#IU und hwwflfiJ arising fl'om, unOOI"M l'clJitlllg to Dlli !Jfthe F!)ftlgO)ng,
and ood olll.t:.rpi'QIX:rty 1'.1tl<:-h ml\Y lx: p11id t:lr by Debttlr In satlstllttton "'''" nv ...
11nd fhr Fulr liiir\l{.rCaplt:.l
LLC ("T'mnHeree") itt ot'd,nsum o 11rdte Tra.nst\mc: on
Tll.ANSFF.R OF CLAIM OT'RER THAN FCR SECURITY AND WAI\'BR OF N01'1CE ls qflltP TtiW'fer lllldall dghl$ Mnd of
Trltl1MbroJ' relflilna it.> the Claim, nw CJQJm on a.molll'IUI ow! 1.\1 Tra.uafdrot by ilild thla t.rtmsfl:ll' cli!emeo.i Mrl uncondid=f
ti'3.Mfur of ill"' Cl.'lim for tho: 11i'collectloo llOd sh11n not he ctMm.ed to t:l"l\W.!tl arc.ur!ty inttlmrt. PJegse ncte tl\1\t F11Jr t-lurb\\1 C!l.pitlll, LLC )9 no!
llbllgm,ru appllc&tion, mvtlvu, P:'ouF oftJlitlJn or other doeut'l:'k!lll whh the Bartkmp:cy Cburrwlllt tr1 youc'claHn:
1, 'ftarud'brl)t ,;f!J:laabo\'l.'l..dllw:rib<::d hereby fl.'lstgn tmd tra.Mfui' my till right<+ tM un..kr to the 'rmlllltbro:c t.tpQn M
fur!fl in cove:" Jett(r reueived. J represtmr nnd Wtt."mm''t1UI! the c!:dm is nat kss tltl!'! $Z,024.46!md hM :wt blum Jm.!ViDU'!il)' srud. !Jr U!JOn
nvtiJicatlou l agree to Trib1:SFtlle a oftM purcilWI:: p:ri if the clrrlrn ls :tlm:ed, ubjN:ttd or who!' or
p:ttL by the Di<tlll)r, th 01 O:lllll'p-11rty lll'ld Tl'rl.!tlferor!tpl'l:Kn!$ Wl{l: warrants ;.ro nc officl.a or or prn!'ivwtthd pa.,vments that iltl ..
baan or m11y be am;.med 1?' or on of IkbtOI' or M)' otller party 10 NdQC1) thumuunt af the Clilrn or !IJ imprtit it:l
'! 1
' '
In t::o: Claim is ultlm!!!elY a!lowi:J ill11ll 91Tl<}llllt In o.t' Uw trt!OUI!tP'If"JhMed f!.:.reln, 'l"rlmd<:mr is btlli:b;n:k;m!L lo &I'll; Ill n tcJ, at
'franskn:e's- only, MNib)' \Q p\II'(I!:M<; thf l'.ltltm: ofuid Claim ctlhc QfQ]frilll p:.ld M.n1h: no! tl) en!otd :h.;
t';Ja!n Tmni-kr>:e 9hllll ;uilh Wl)'lm:nt Ttansfil:ti'W 'Jf)O'il fh.attne Claim b be.lll ln Dr:!nghe:
nmtut': a:,d is::ro; Jj).any by 1be Debrot
r. the T!1l11lfutcr hcrd'ly 6Jul'10d- r.a Rule 4001 (e} of me tf Sankr,\ptcy
{"F'RBP"). with to lho- Claln:., whllu its due 011 th(! CJIIim.. "i'mn6be; 111 tr'Y avhw::tw::ntly tta:lllfler the
CJnlm b.tci<. w Tnmsf.:ror lldurt 1 not sme 11.1\d d!itlf(l(il.m jl4t!IUIU\t tc Rule :;001 it) ofrlbl fRaP, ln :b!l !!;>ent
Ttansfme 'C:e Ciallr:: b\!;cl:. to T tlllls-fi:ror cr :lb1 trcruicr, ut !Mlb. time ba6 ll'l'lrl T:ansfmle E.Uh Ol:har ()fall ern! 1\1'7
01' lll\llty relrding, tlris 1\f Clal:n." Mttby aM ::i'.ltl$tlfi:J;. r,n till id'tM w tbr!h ln lhil; of Claim
wanW: (f)!::. ri$ot I.e rrtise u.nyooj&cnon tuuro, Mil (li) ltsrlY,11e mti'!fl noVcepvrfU4Uit 1.0 Rt.:l<l: ltlul (e) efllw FRBP. Tl'Wltkro: hl!l'eby
!N:buwleds:s- !htll. Trensfum 1nts ut lU'lY time ;ewlgn !he Cl11im, with till rl,slll:, !hie ru:d lnwnm oi'Truusfe.;e:. In 11.11d to thi:; T 111n$FBr 3f CIA.!n\, fill
ftQd WRmmlie!i l11adt l'!.troin ;M.ll emeutlnn and Q(lli.wry of !hit> Tnm l)fCillim !ll'tri u.ny NNl6ieJIIT!Mt.
Oerthac ubave,. ali rlsl:.s ll!mi'lt:\mtd v.i::l: dditllr'i llblllty W .;!illt.tibulo f;mds. Tflimlfen:.t d\llivt:r :o Fair 11111:'00r
!JJ:;. ot to the .:late Tt!.ll'l!ii:m: slgns this ogr?emtmt. The clerk nl tit\! oourt it ;$1.lt!Wtlzeti to t!lljlllhe
!MltllU regarofug the elalm ""lhc Tr!it'emrtu thzttt1he T&;sfuvJe-listtd
Thi::> Uf Cluht be g>:WiMfWd by ;;nd Mrtitrufd in wtl:h $ellcws of the Sr.at-1 Y mt. Any w Jttlng 1 dlli!
- l:mlUgbtlo any SWU Dr Fcileml'=ltt !tw.>tltd in the SWt"NI!'W Yolk. and lt\ll'lllfumrMti.IMtS to and :u:mf!tts pem;rw!
jurisd!Qtloo <:Mt Tronsft.ror by llueh eoort er OIWI"tll Md tlmt !IQlVi;:'l: or j'!tmlU'tt mey l,IJlU!I Tt;wfcM by lmllllne,a IX1FY of Wd w T:'tP!il\m::r 3!
lh<: sd ibrlh itt tlrit WClllim, ruld in MY M1\futlll6t'ootih\t waives: tb:: right ru &mn:r.d a iritd by jruy. 'fnmikrot
thst.. In t-'>\lrtt thltt :he Ul!btnt';: bulkruptny t1'IS\: Ill 9t' IC a cruro JJJA::r Cfulpter 7 oflb.Q B!Wnq'IW'l Cede Wid ht.i pW rot" tim
ctiDm. Transial.w shllll i:t"Jnediell!ly remn w i:';i!eree all mooifi p;lid hy in re,ettd ro the Mil 0\'lltWllh!p vflha C!nlm thllll te\'eft back m


ct.x1r C11piwl, LLC

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