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Education is a treasure that can never be robbed. It is a pleasure that can never be possessed.

Education is the greatest wealth one can attain in this world and it is a necessity in todays world. It is a wealth that gives satisfaction and saves you from destruction. Your child will by no means be a millionaire if you force him into something hes not interested in. Respectable teachers, judges and my dear friends. I am obliged that I have been given the chance to speak on Education a real Treasure. Apart from giving real life examples my focus would also be in giving awareness of what we have achieved from the country point of view using current statistics and brief illustration of the challenges we are facing to increase the education levels of our country. Education is not only the wealth of a person but also the wealth of the nation. When the son of a brick layer becomes the IAS officer despite humble beginning then it is a lesson for all of us that education can beat the past and change the life of family society and countrymen. So Education is the fourth necessity for man after food, clothing and shelter, in todays competitive world. Education is the knowledge of putting one's potentials to maximum use. One can safely say that a human being is not in the proper sense till he is educated. Without education, the training of the human mind is incomplete. This importance of education is basically for two reasons. Education makes man a right thinker. The second reason is that man is enabled to receive information from the external world. This is why the Muslims were ordered by Allah and his messenger to seek knowledge. The holy Quran frequently uses the word ilm which means knowledge. Islam attaches such great importance to knowledge and education. The first revelation of the holy Quran was 'Iqra' that is READ. The word Iqra is a very comprehensive one. It instructed Prophet Muhammad (SAL) and his followers to read, write, understand, share and propagate by all possible means. Seeking beneficial knowledge is a form of worship and it brings a person closer to Allah. The global society is fuelled by technology and communication framework and shaping the children to become 'global citizens', who are more informed than the previous generation with more skills and knowledge to play a vital role in the competitive information based 'global village'. The future of developing countries is lies in the hands of the new citizen who are realise the importance of information and can apply it in the world economy which is rapidly changing and uncertain. Education is very important for an individual's success in life. Education provides pupils teaching skills that prepare them physically, mentally and socially for the world of work in later life. Education is generally seen as the foundation of society which brings economic wealth, social prosperity and political stability. Higher education helps in maintaining a healthy society which prepares health care professionals, educated health care consumers and maintaining healthy population. Education is major aspect of development of any modern society since if there is a deficit of educated people then society will stops its further progress. At present there are 130 deemed universities in India, over 45000 colleges which is over 16 times for universities and 40 times more colleges since independence which reaffirms the importance of education in the society. Although children are forced to drop out school due to economic reasons but Government has taken many initiatives to enhance the education levels by providing free books, food at the government schools. Due to the accepted importance the Indian constitution has given right to education for all citizens and there shouldn't be any discrimination on the basis of gender, caste, religion or place of birth. Even the state policies have been made where compulsory education has been made for all children up to 14yrs. Due to prevalent case system in India the government has reserved 15% of seats for Scheduled Castes and 7.5% for Scheduled Tribes and 3% for Disabled. The girls in India have been the prime focus and special programs like Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas were established in over 500 districts across India. The current system of higher education is second largest in the world and country has constantly increased their share for education expenditure from 49% in 1950 to more than 90% today. Despite efforts the quality of education is quite questionable in terms of the abilities of the students to meet the employment demands but it has increased the economic power and the scientist, engineers have become the backbone of many MNC's operating inside and outside India. (Singh, 2005) It is interesting to note that private education market is only 5% but it was $40 billion in 2008 and expected to be $68 billion in 2012.The education system is also

facing pressure from political, religious & caste groups and strikes are common in colleges along with the rigidness of the education system. Education is an important aspect of the work of society and it will raise the countryside issues and promote knowledge and understanding of rural communities. One of the education essential tasks is to enable people to understand themselves. Students must be equipped with knowledge and skills which are needed to participate effectively as member of society and contribute towards the development of shared values and common identity. Education has a vital role to play in assisting students to understand their cultural identity. Education acts as the distribution mechanism of the cultural values such as it more layered the society and participate in society that carries the culture. The country has population of 1.3billion and there been rise in the number of literates by 9% since last census in 2001 and reaching to 74.05% in 2011. The literacy rate is of males is 82.15% and it is 65.46% in females. Although the education system is planning to reduce the education gender gap and their target is 10% by 2011-12, despite lot of investment on Girls education in the country The country has made impressive IT plan and around 108 recommendations were submitted for approval by the Parliament of India and it was approved supporting the 3 main objectives: 1. To equip India with high quality IT infrastructure. 2. To enhance the IT exports by $50 billion by 2008. 3. Access to IT for the entire citizen by 2008 and it was called IT for all by 2008. Despite all the high promises, only 7% of India population uses internet and expected to reach 237 million by 2015 from the current 81million users. The distance and virtual institutions have however reduced the cost of taking education and knowledge & access to more specific skills which enhances the job opportunities inside India and abroad. Due to intense competition, the students who fail to secure their seat at Premium institutions are able to go abroad and gain education by using the academic resources which is easily available and compete with the students from premium institutions. As the researches are easily available it helps to provide a platform for future research instead of duplicity in research The country is still facing the following issues: 1. The teaching quality of Indian institutions where teachers and staff are exposed to global options. 2. The regulatory choices which the university have to make for students who can't afford global options. 3. The level of standard that the University has to offer to attract foreign students. 4. The political influence on the higher education system and its impact on the higher education framework. 5. The changes which is expected at the university facilities like library, infrastructure etc. So in light of the above mentioned issues the Indian education system might be losing the foreign revenue which Global higher education can bring for better prosperity of the nation. But this opportunity can be exploited only after major policy changes in the way Universities are regulated in the country and some entrepreneurial leaders who can shape the higher education framework of the nation. So many "if and buts" are a hurdle in a big country like India where the gains can be achieved due to the growing GDP rate and an attractive country for Foreign Direct Investment by MNC's, however the nation should not lose focus of national goals and its commitment to secure the Indian culture and values. Everyone must do work hard to cultivate moral conduct. Education mainly begins at home; one does not acquire knowledge from a teacher, one can learn and get knowledge from a parent or a family member. In almost all societies, receiving education and attending school is very necessary is one wants to achieve success. Education is the key to move in the world, seek better jobs

and ultimately succeed in life. Schools play a vital role in preparing our children and young people for effective participation and responsible citizenship in society. The development of education and educational opportunities is built on creativity tempered by knowledge and wisdom gain through the experience of learning. Investment in human capital, life long learning and quality education help in the development of society. Teachers are the most important factors for an innovative society because teachers' knowledge and skills not only enhance the quality and efficiency of education, but also improve the prerequisites of research and innovation. Many members of our society are not provided with a safe and secure environment in which children can develop, child abuse, violence against women and interpersonal violence cause a cancer on our society. Society play a key role in the realization of life long learning. We as students need to understand that Teachers are our second parents, who shape our future not for salary they receive but the firm vows they have done as part of the society. We can learn not from cramming the books but the wisdom we gain from the knowledge which resides around and within us. I also request parents and fellow listeners that we still can save life of children who commit suicides because of family pressure to excel in class by creating a healthy teaching atmosphere and supporting us as students to learn what we love. So In the end I must say that the teacher appears when the student is ready, so let all of us become eager learners and learn from our juniors and seniors for mutual growth and betterment. All the wealthy icons like Bill Gate from Microsoft, Steve Jobs from Apple or Sir Richard Branson of Virgin Grou have been school drop outs but they have been more successful that many other people only because of their attitude towards learning and the entrepreneurial qualities they have developed and not the degree alone. Let us bring that change and be a part of the vision.

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