Grand Prix Floating

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Form 210A(10!

United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a). Transferee
hereby gives evklence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
than for security, of the claim referenced in thls evidence and notice.

Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Conroy's Florist
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent
Fair Harbur CapitaL LLC
Ansnnia Finance Station
PO Box 137fl37
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #:
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (If different from above}:
Phone: Ia
Last Four D1glts of Acct#: nf)i
Ngme of Transferor.
Conroy's Florist
Court Claim# (If known): none
Amount of Claim: $1,141 66
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
Conroy's Florist
60 East Hanover Avenue, Bldg-
Morris Plains, NJ 07950
Last Four Digits of Acct #.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this notice is true and correct ta the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By; ls/Fro.r!J:js;; cl/ess Date: ___ .M!ri_1ll . ..,, 2<;0Q1l1 ___ _
Transferee!Transferee's Agent
PensUyfcr m<>king s fa!e S:alemcnf: Fine Of t.p to $500.000 o ;mptisorment for up to 5 y&a"S, or both. 18 U.S,C. 152 & 3571.
In re:
Case No.
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
Grand Prix Floating lessee LLC,
10-13826, (Jointiy Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Claim ('lo. none (if kn.ownl
was filed or deemed f!led 1.1nder "1 U.S. C. 1111 (a) in this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of daim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security In the clerk's office of
this court on May 10, 2011
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Conroy's Florist
Fair 1-tarbor CapitaL LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York. NY 10023
Conroy's Florist
Name and Address of Alleged
Conroy's Flor1st
60 East Hanover Avenue, Bldg-
Morris Plains, NJ 07950
.. -.
.. =:J
The 1ransferor of claim named above Js advised the this Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security has been
filed in the clerk's 1)fflce of this court as evidence of lhe transfur, Objection must be filed with the court within twenty
(20) days of the mailing of !tis notice. If no objection is timely recafved by the court, the transfaree will be subslituted
as the original claimant without further order of the court

Clerk of the Court
Unilti! States Svokruptey CnuN
Di!ltric:tOrNtw \'M'k

Chtptt.t 11
Cm No, jl)-13Bl!S
(Jull!.tb' AdMitdl!und Under C4l!l No.l(l-1.3800)
A;oonat $l,IO.tl6
&nJcntptey Ru1e 3COOte)
!'LEAst: TAKI:', NOTICE ;hat ti'!;; film nfOONRO\''S ngt.l!lStfltt Debttll:(a) in within
S<:l\tdule P oflte Stl:edule of Altf,;lts tmd :if<ld by tbe Duhtot(l).an<i ql\ (bel.udinswJ!hrJ',;t the Pmufc:i Oaun., ;t MY, :lioot!flcd
and Tm.ttft:ror':! r!p)lh; w f'I;XWI<U; tdl inmt:s\, t.::Ufl;' thlll t<1 tt-Ctlw afthe Mlllln1pti.Qnofuny l(.;;:utory
In!!!: rolaltlct

the Claim if v.tuchlrta)o he pal(! wiih tespelli ::YtlwL1nin1 and aJ: Olful\' .::lair,JS, c:au,ges ofnctlon lllt.< Dcl>lot,
<tffilifl!d, llll,Y lll1r(l party, vot!.ng and odlert.gfrts and froll\ tmrt.:r m- !J:; 11<1)' umi uii
t::!-{;'1, lntJrulllt(lt!l and other pt(l.l*Sl)' whlch may b10 pt1!d or lilslwtl by uftb:
otheT tho:n fun(:CIIrl\y w Fetr Heatl:r Cnpitu!, lLC {'':rttrafero;'') In uf the I!Um of '.ha Tmnst'ete<:i on
l'RA.NSFER OF CLAJM OTHER THAN FCR SECtlfuTY A!-ID WAIVER 01! :NiJllCE: I$ evld11111'1 oftne ltatll:!l"l Mil 111l und of rcluLing tolh!f Chrim. Cilrllll Jg un tlf'l'l\K.tlt:; T!llfll>f<$!VI' b)' llJ:ld this !T;mllf shall M and uueendlt\ooal
tratiGiilr ofdw clahn fer !lui pnrp011e o! C>:>lle>lttoo "''j not bedt.e!.ned M menoo a set:ut!() Pll!.Me not<: that fait H.nrtlor Capit6ll LLC i:< not
t\l r:te wy IIPPIRmtiQn, Tfll)ll.V!'l. Pr.;.ol' of C!aim. or nlbt:r dOCUii'xnt v.idl tht B<mknq:tt;:y Co-.m w!Lh: resri tQ }'Q'ft l.!":;dm.
1., "frunslltror r:!alrr.s, htrcb.y :l&'l!sn and t:llnSii:r my au dihw tiNn undl:.! ro IIJ)Vn tam:.s ass;:
li:rth in wv luLW i \ll1tl "''lWWlltlhut lhc -.ot 1lz,;s tlmn $1,141.66 ;md how nnt h<:t:n pj'Cvio(ll!;y lc>, oold, Up<;a
by I :.1. pvchl* price i:' the ,,Jiliw Qb}lial to, 01' flsQJin'Md in wh(l) (;lf
pi!ll't hy the Dt:lilill\ the C outt, Of IU\Y ut1tet p;,n!' and Tt'Mn'"erof ood wrun.'tt b mere are no ol'ltirJJ ar defenses or pi'Cfermtftl thll.t lmW!
or may be :w!ltTled by o; ou hdulf of J);btM ('If any m!:J,:r p1ll'ty to l'!Klllc& me ll!llllnnt i;)ftlle Clulm or 10 impair its" vnb11.
A rmor "' Cl<1.hl'l .. --------&.1!!..!!!!! Mdke mOO bw: duw and till.'lO!y filed iii !he Proce<i!:;.As (&ltd a ttue of suell P:oof of
Cltlil\1 ls 1llfbdli;d Ill 'Ibis A;;&igntnellf). :f1lte '!"rvufoFC!ilim lilt.C'40lditl1::.m f;o.111ht1 CJai."TI forth 1\bovc, the
.mme: ot'Ifut Proof MCia!m zubjeet in me lllnm of !.hi;, and shall J'n!lt;:nUJ,.kd !Q i.Wntif) .:v.-muof!Wtlh Proal' <f!:laim O(lthe l'lftlw
1.n jh) CY\hltt!l!l' Clrrlm 1$ uJI/mMC.:y \IUO\Wli in jr, (Uf!OOJ\{ hete!O. Tl!Wif\Jrol' i lwebyd30lmed to sell to and, it
(1)tkm Ol)]y, 11;.-eby JSrte& lc ):1\li'Cbi!Se, belim(J;' o,t[ Cllllm m tlw S>lf:'l# uf u!J:im paid \!i;rn;i11 UWI. l \bl;l
Claim M'IOW1T SJ)ee!Jied l!boV'l shall remit oocl1 paym.Mtto Transfutor Tra.-u:furee'll saWiUUou llir.tthe Clolru I'B be! a::ow-oo ll'l lligller
llmQuutund oot aey objt:kln by 1l::.c Dcbim'.
I. the Tta!'l5furorbe:eby a nctM nft11111Jh.rpur:!hl<'!".t It! Ruh:! 3001 me fll<leral Ru!fil of Bankruptcy PtocOOure
rFRBP"J, w111l ChUm. vMk lts Cue M W 'ft'll.rnll'erae, at ltuale;Jptkm, mil)' the
CMm hlll!k tv is n<Jt utlilsf41;:'.vry, In mil disert:tion 7,1 \1.1le 3001 (o:J of{tw In
fl'l.ll!Sfer.;c lrnrl!!tC:r!l the Cil\lm ba<:k the ttartS(er, .t $1/Ch rime both rtkmre Mcll. othet <lf 11nd My
ohlif,at!M ot lhig Tra.m:fi!I"Pberebr !;!f!(j curn.=n',5. fcrt!J ln l:tlb
l!n!l (!) flo li;:ht W wzy ol:!lJrion and (II} its rigilt to receive :lltioo pursuAnt w Rule JOOI ol'U1e FRBP, Ttarulfw'c( llerel>y
adruaw13dgts ll!<lt i"J'I'Insfe.'tle "M.l' at any roselhe.: wim 11\l risht, tiiJ.o,tiU'ld in 11."1d to ihb ofC!cim. All
El!l4 N;n;:jn th !WI'II'It'Y of !big Tr1li'ISfut vt (jaim lllld ar.y llli.OO
Otlla thult swed flbovc, n!lii:JlJidl rldks motrlii':M wtttl debrb!'sabllif.l' IJ1 illstrilltltt flt:l<k T:r=fun:w lo ddlvcr l:u f1dr liwto;
LLC iill':' paylli.MJB to th<l dtJUI npmen!. Th,..;lo:rk ottlw 10 chi111!5fl he
1h::: clnlm offu: Trnna.f.;rm'to thm 'frusteree bdo'w. ', 'l
Til iN TmnU'et ufCiniln sfu\!1 b.: g0?.med by tn of th" S1414 York. Any >telkm arlsJng tmder or w tills
b bro\!ght [n Ill!}' Suire {If CO!Irt dle State <>fNe,y; Yotk, llld Tt1lll$furot rollSO'II'i hl and Ct!nf::uqu:n<l.lllllll
jurlsdkz!!oo o>w Trmmfcror by 11\Kh 0011!1 ot OO:ll"l.'l 1hat seNiee ul' ptO!J:'Iti! ma;. be u.p0t1 Tt;;u"4ferw by nl!()Jl, <>fs;;ld tc Tl'llrl.llN!"& Jt
1he tfddtest forth in m;;; or Claim, and in \IllY 4C!lon ho;NW.der Tl'<m:l'!l::!'Ol' wal'l'e9 the rlpjx tn domaOO !'1: trial by ju'.')', Ttertd'e(ot
1lmt, in tht tim!: ;ht; OWW:r's: hsnkru:ptcy cue is or \{1 a ta.-(e I.Jnder Chap!er 7 "flht: Bookwpt\IY COO ami I rnnsflm.:r. .Us peld fl'l!' th-:
CJulm, J}lltrl by'! Ill te&Jitd to ll'le Clflirn a."\d <.lwmu'ii:hlp of !lui C!uim \Shall rffit he.df 10
'j i'llllSfuffu".
60 fih$1" HANQV1lAV1"UE,

P tSA 01951) ..., r1o" /) .., fl

""-ULiA,X,e.Liur4. - "31 'i'"" II
1Jp4u,'"'l '"- . n-rcmm",.;"
Fair HarbnrC<lpilai, LLC
11141 y,SuJ,e 100'/

Pl\gc 1 of:

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