United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York

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Form 210A (10/06)

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re: Grrand Prix General Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13831, (Jointly Administered Uder Case No. 1 0-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S. C. 1111 (a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
Name of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Howard Fey/ Howard's Candy
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
Phone: 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #: nla
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if different from above):
Phone: n/a
Last Four Digits of Acct #: n/a
Name of Transferor:
Howard Fey/ Howard's Candy
Court Claim# (if known): 595
Amount of Claim: $4,419.84
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
Howard Fey/ Howard's Candy
21 Scenic Loop Road
Boerne, TX 78006
Last Four Digits of Acct.#: _ _,n,la.,__
I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By: Is/Fredric Glass Date: Mav 10. 2011
Transferee/Transferee's Agent
Penally for making a false statement: Fine of up Lo $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 16 U.S.C. 152 & 3571.
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix General Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13831, (Jointly Administered Uder Case No. 10-13800)
Claim No. 595 (If known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S. C. 1111(a) In this case by the anege<.i transferor" As evidence of
the transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerk's office of
this court on May 10, 2011.
Name of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Howard Fey/ Howard's Candy
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
1'0 Box 237037
New Yf1rk, :"'fV- JOOZ3
Name 9f Alleaed Transferor:
Howard Fey/ Howards Candy
Name and Address of Alleged
Howard Fey/ Howard's Candy
21 Scenic Loop Road
Boeme, TX 78006
The transferor of claim named above is advised the this Notice onransfer of Claim Other than fur SecurilY has been
flied in the clerk's office ofihs court as evidence of the transfer. Objeclion must be f!!ed with the court within twenty
(20) days of {he mailing of th's noiice. If no objection is timely received by 1he court, the transferee will be substftuted
as the original claimant wflhout further order of lhe court.
Date: ....
Clerk of lhe Court
St:.t1: Cu11rt
!lq,.ti!(lrn Dilltr1et York
'<o. lll- tJ!!Jl
tklbtur. ."\llt<n.mt !lj.S;t

Of' l'IJAi" I"QRS!U:l.'RtTY A "iU WAf''ER (W StJ.TI("G
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