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I, the undersigned, am over the age of eighteen and an employee ofOmni Management Group, I
do hereby certifY:
That I, in performance of my duties served a copy of the Notice of Transferred Claim by
depositing it in the United States mail at Encino, California, on the date shown below, in a sealed
envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, addressed as set forth below.
By J# , . .
Name: !l\\6[JIT}ieN+-r-.--o\ZI@......,.,..fQ,
UNION, NJ 07083
Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Attn: Fredric Glass
Re: Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
May 10, 2011
Omni Management Group, LLC
Claims Agent For Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC
16161 Ventura Blvd., Suite C, PMB #606- Encino, CA 91436
Telephone (818) 906-8300- Facsimile (818) 783-2737
Notice of Transferred Claim
UNION, NJ 07083
Transferee: Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Attn: Fredric Glass
Re: Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023
To Whom It May Concem,
Please be advised that a Notice was received that your claim in the above mentioned case has been
transferred; please see attached. The document states that the above named transferor has transferred
this claim to the above named transferee.
Scheduled Claim No.
Amount of Claim:
Amount of Transfer:
Re: Docket#
Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC (Case No: 10-13826)
Pursuant to Bankruptcy Rule 3001(e) (2) of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedures you are
advised that if you wish to object to the above, you must do so within 21 days of the date of this
notice or within any additional time allowed by the court. Unless an objection and request for hearing
is filed in writing with the U.S. Bankrutpcy Court- Southem District of New York Manhattan
Division One Bowling Green New York, NY 10004, the aforementioned claim will be deemed
Omni Management Group,
Form 210A (10/06)
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111 (a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(1), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
than fur security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.
Name of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Name and Address where notices to transferee
should be sent:
Fair Harbor Capital. LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO 8ox :!37037
New York, NV 10623
Phone: 212 967 4035
Last Four Digits of Acct #: ---'-'n..,/a..__ __ _
Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if different from above):
Phone: /a
Last Four Digits of Acct #: nla
Name of Transferor:
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Court Claim# (if known):
Amount of Claim: $961.65
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
565 Rahway Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
Last Four Digits of Acct. #: _.J.n!!!/a3.-_
I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
By: Is/Fredric Glass Date: May 10. 2011
Transferee/Transferee's Agent
Penally for mal<lng a false statement: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 yea1s, or both. 10 U.S,C. 15:2 8. 3571.
s t 1 o 1 ,,
In re:
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC, et al.,
Case No. 10-13826, et al., (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Claim No. (if known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111 (a) in this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
the transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerk's office of
thls court on May 10, :201 1.
Name of Transferee:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
As assignee of Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
Fah Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
NewYork,NY 10023
Name of Alleged Transferor:
Fowler Equipment Co. h1c.
Name and Address of Alleged
Fowler Equipment Co. Inc.
565 Rahway Avenue
Union, NJ 07083
The transferor of claim named above is advised the this Notice ofT ransfer of Claim Other than for Security has been
filed in the clerk's office of this court as evidence of the transfer. Objection must be filed with the court w ~ h i n twenty
(20) days ofthe mailing of this notice. If no objection is timely received by the court, \he transferee will be substituted
as the original claimant wi\t\(}1.1\ further order of the court.
Date: ______ _
Clerk of the Court
tiniwt SBnkruptcy Court
Soul hem Dlstrid Of New York
---<----- ------------X
In fe.:
Grand Pru Flo a tin% :L .. LLC
Chapter II
Cue No. 16-138:25
(Jointly Administered Under c .. e Na. 16-13800)
Ballkruptcy Rule 3000(o)
PLEASE TA !i'E l'i'OTlCB tlt:lJ: th$ scheduled cluim ofFOWLER EQl!IPMENT CO. INC. ("TI'81!8feror") against the Dcl>tor(s) in tha amount oU961.6$, ..,
lited wi!biR Schedule F of <;he Selledule of AS5e\8 Liobililios lilod by !he Dob<or(s), and ell clim (inoloding without llmltat!on the Proof of Claim, if eny,
identified below ood rights to ru:eiw all intereSt, otii'B payments tlltlt lt may be entitled Ill receive on acCOlllll (l'f the on of ll11Y
executory eorura.:t or lease related to lhe Clalm and fees, if my, wl!ich may be paid with I'IISpect to lhe Claim 1md !Ill other claims, cause. of action llj!l!.inst tl1e
!Jeblm, it> affiliates, lll\Y guO<anlor or ot],or>hiol p!lrty, t<>gelher wlth vothlg and oll\or ond bono fits Ji:om, urule:r or relntlng to any of the foregoing,
and all '""'ll'ilie, instruments and other properly which may be paid or issw:! by Debtor in satisfacti<m afthD Claim) ofTr!lTlli!ror hs\'o been transferr<!d
und assigned other than for to Foir Harbor CBpital, LLC ("Transroree'1 in cQrJBideratlon of the stlD1. ( The eigtlli!Ure. of lhe Tl:f.n!i:ree oo this
nANSFER OF CLAIM OTiiER. THAN FOR SECURITY AND WAIVER OF N'OTICE Is evidence of the.""""'"'' or the ()]rums llnd all rights and benellts of
TJMfero:r re!atiog to the Claim. The Cll!lm Is b""ed <m amounts owed to TransferOr by Debtor ond this mnsfur sba.ll be d=crned Rn Qbiolute and u.nconditi<maf
tranSfer oftlle ClAim for tile )'UIJlo"' ofc.olleot!oo.and sball notb to cream:c a ><=lilY l" l'lww:oota*'>t F>lrH!IrtorCupim1, l.LC is nat
obligotcd to file ony applioa.lion,' motion, Proof of Claim or other doO\mlezt with !he )'IBOkraplcy Court witb tegml to your claim.
I. the undc:rt.if!ned Tronsfl:;ror of the ubo,..describedolo.!ms, hereby !l$!dflll 0:t1d transfer my claima ond oil ril!hts there und01 to tho T:tan!furee Upon tenns set
forth in C<Jvet letta =aivl 1 and 'Mim'lllt 1lmt lhe daitn Is than and luis not boen previOilsly objected t<>, sold, or satisfled.
notification by Transferee, I ilgree to rciml;>urse Transfbrce a pra-rala porticn ofthe purchese prlce lf1he el9lm is redu<:W, objoct.:d to, or in wbole or
part by tho Debtor, the Court, or ""-Y otl1er potty lll!d Tnmsfi>ror lllld WIUI'lllls 1lult lhm Ill'< no otllrets or defon.lS or prell>rential. J)aymcnll!lll3t
bceo m m!l)l 1le MilCIIed b:r or on bel1alf of Debtor or nny othCT party to redUce the amount oftbe Ctrum or to imJ"lif its value.
A ProGfofC!aim Hos in the amount pfS /Bos pot (strike ooel beon duly llll<himely tiled in 1hel'roeeediiJS.' (Md a trueoop} of5Uth Proof of
Claim U; attached 10 Ibis Asignmellt), If the l'roofofCIim arn.otml. differs from tlle Claim arn.mmt !let furtl\ above, T:tansfuree shal\nevetU>dess be deemed th
o'''"'' ofthnt Proof of Claim subje<:t tn terms offl1is Aweement andslulll be entitled to iden1.icy it..elfas oW!l<r ofuch l'nJofofClRnn on llle reoords of the
In the evcutthe Cluim is 11\timtel) ollttwed in {Ill amollllt in e.:cess of the amonnt purchased herein, Tranforol' is lt<lteby deemed to sell to T:rnn.sferee, and, oL
Transferee's option only. Tranfcree hereby agreeo !o pnrthBSe, tbe balance of said Claim nt the SBn11' pcrcenl<lge nf elaim paid hereln nat to twioe the
C!oim arnolJllt above, Transl'erco re!llit sucb to 'l'rn!!sli!ror upon Transferee's satisfuctiou .1h8t tlle Ctllim !w. allOV!ed in the lllg\,er
lll\\OUl\t audinnt.,.lbjcc:tto llllY objoctionbytheDebtor.'
I, the undcr>;igned Transferor hereby onthoti"" Trnnsferee' to file notice oftnmsfer ptlmlont to Rule 3DDI (e) oftbe fccl"f'll RulC!l ofBenkruprey Procodure
with re<pect to the ClaiJn, while Tran.U'ereo per.llltt!l!l its duediligetJ.ce ro the Claim. Trnnsl'eree
ol its solo optitlll, may Sllbsequciltly tmnsfer the
Cla1m back to TronBferor if due diligence is not saliof.!otory, in Transfme's sole and absolute diooretlon pUtSwmt to Rule 3001 (e) oftlm FRBP. Jn the cvam
fl1c Cl81rn bock 10 TllUlSfurnr or withdmwo the lmnsfur, nt such time both Trun.sfuor >md Transferee oaclt other of all !!Dd any
obligation 0\' liability regard!ll.!l; thio Aa<igmnmt <If Claim. Trnnsforor hereby aolmowlcd!1"5 and ""''"'""ts to aU of tile terms et forth In tbiJ Tranfer of Claim
ntld hereby (I) its right 10 ""e any objecti<>nhen:to, Olld (ii) its right Ia rocei"" pursuant to Rule 30()1 (c) oftbe FRBl'. Traosl'ernr hereby
acknowledgos lliat Tran..o:fetee may ut any tltne reae..'figu the Cl.oim, !O!hor willtall rlgbt, title and interest ofTranfOT<>e in and to this T1'11!1skr of ctaim- All
reproscntatlou '!ltd Waaontie.B medl!> nttein shall .,:,cutioo 81J.d delivery ofthi Trensfer ofCJairn Olld ""Y snell ,...,wjgnmenl.
OthoT thm ebove, TrflhSfuree 1!5Silme.; all risks associated widt dcbror' abillty to distribule fimds. Transfuor agree to deliver to Falr Herber Ce.pital,
LLC any C<lrresponde.noe ar pl\)lltlon!ll rcce[ve<l .mbsequ<nt to the date n.rufor= aigo this The cl<;:l;: Gf !be <Utl i nlbllli2ed to ehonge lbc
"rl"'"" regording ilie claim oftbe T.-*rar to that ofthe Transf.....,lisred below.
Tbt Tl'8ll&!Clo ofCl!dm sba!llle gowrned by ""d COI1Strued in occordanco with tho laws of the Slam afNew Yorlc. At>Y notioo Mising oodcr or relating to
Of Claim may he brou@)lt in any Suru. <I( Federnl kl<:a!ed In the St:!te of New York, snd T:ronsferor COII50Qtsto aod oonf<rs pernonnl
Junsd>Cloon over Trllllliferor by snch court or oourts .wl agro., that servioe may npon Tmusreror by rruilling a copy ot'sflid process to 'Jhnsferoc at
th.e set forth in thi< Assignrnont of Claim, and in rrey action hereumkr l'mnsferor WR(vco the. right to demarul a trial by Jury. "rmlsfur<lr!Mge'
m >he svont tllar t1.t1; cos > dhmL"Cd ot convottad too case 1mdet Chaptor 7 afth" Code and Tranf= has paid for the
Clarm, TranaiOror shollrlllJllediately .-emil to TOUlsfereo all monioo paid by TI'IU!!Iferee In teglll:d to the Claillland OWltOr.lbip ot'tlle Claim mall revert bank to
T .ronsferor.
UNlON, NJ 'USA 07083 ' .
Title; A?OC,i lf'\1m.f\""\'
B\ lZ\J.l_
Page I ofl
,., ern.bor Fair Harhnr C.p(tal, LLC-.,.
'J,'c\-., { (-......___o---,
hlkoeptf. 10-13826

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