United States Bankruptcy Court Southern District of New York Floating No. No

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Form 210A (1 0/06)

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York
In re: Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
A CLAJM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a). Transferee
t:ereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R Ba11kr. P., of the transfer, other
tlia11 for security, of t>le clalrn referenced in this evidence and notice.
Fafr Harbor Capital, LLC City Of Ontario Revenue Department (3)
As assignee of City Of Ontario Revenue Department (3)
Name and Address where notices to transferee
be sent
Fair HarbGl' LLC
Ansnnia Finance StHtion
PO Box 237037
New l'ork, IOOJ3
Poone: 212 967 4035
last Four Digits of Acct #
Name and Address wt:ere transferee payments
should M sent (if different from above):
Phone: 1
last Four Digits of Acct# a
Court Claim# (if known}: 312
Amount of Claim: $3,220.59
Date Claim Filed:
Name and Address of Transferor:
City Of Ontario Revenue
Department (3)
303 East B Street
011tarto, CA 91764
Last Four Digits of Acct #: _.Jnrui!!!a __
I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in th!s not!ce is true and correct to the
best of my lmOINiedge and belief.
By: ./S!Fredric Glass Date: August 11, 2011
Transferee/Transferee's Agent
Permfly fer mai-;M_q <'l R1/se st&tefr!ent: Fine of i.lp to S50c.ooa or lmpr'sonrner: fur up to 5 yeare. or bc:f'l ;e u.s.c" 152 & 3571.
United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York
In re:
Grand Prix Floating Lessee LLC,
Case No.
10-13826, (Jointly Administered Under Case No 10-13800)
Claim No. 312 (if known}
was filed or deemed tied '.:rider 11 U.S.C. ';(a) tt>is case by the alleged transferor. As evidence of
tf'le transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Trans"er of Claim Other than for Security in tl"<e clek's office of
this court or August 11, 2011.
Name of Transferee: N!il!IlEl of Alleged Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital
LLC City Of Ontario Revenue Department (3)
As assignee of City Of Ontario Revenue Department (3)
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New Yol'k. NY 100:0
Name and Address of Alleged
City Of Ontario Revenue
Department (3)
303 East B Street
Ontario, CA 91764
The transferor of clafm above is advised lhe this Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security hss been
filed ln the clerk's office of tr-tis court as evidence of the transfer. Objection must be filed wiih the court within twenty
(20) days of the mailing of this notice. If no objection is timely received by the court, the transferee will be substituted
as the original claimant without further order of the court.

Clerk of the Court
68/04/!B!! 17:24
ll'ftJtl!d S:mt51JP11J't<{ltcy C'.ourt

Omr.d Mx Floot;ing l.J!,,oo t.t.C.et tl
--..... --_,.._.,..._, .
Cha-;,tcr 1l
Sl!l"krJpf=y Rule 300li(a)
f'LiASI! TAK111"011CF.ihat tho claim of Lily ofi,)Qu-le ..,nue DtiiRrtl'nftt ("'fl''mJkr\1r")
!h<; t>tl;tnr{!l) In ttmount f' uftho e.f r.ml Llcl>i'iitfen filed l:!ytllt:
h nnd -n tbr; J>r.;oH.:lnlln. lf>'if\Y. iden1ffi:<d b;)Qwll!'ld 'i'tlmsftlrof'll m
l'li lntere:n, Jlltl'!A!I:W., etml paymtmtl itl\\Y be cniDIOO to '"l'll<.-ivl: Qfl \li:I!!O!)I'It of ;nr,v
cnnV'!Hif.tr ni!awr.\ ro lite Lleimtmd !flW)'. wtridl wflbt>tspnel \1.:1 Cmlm Wid tt!
nf:;,l.lt!oo r.g..1in111 Dcloor. ft!J w ot B1kllltth1rd vhb VC1lftt m11l rights :md txmof'ltll
nmrns lfofl1, under ut re"l>ll m llnY ttftlm and tdt clllilh inl\tnlrm<-i'IS lind otMr propili'I:'J lMlicli 1miY IJc
p!!ld or iMluad ey cl'lhe C:1m) Jnrvc 4een tt11Mfet'fM tiM oilillrt1um fur
k1 Filfr Hlli'l)m' Ozrnl. LLC io Wf/1 o- $ oftbe ort
'l'RAN:Sn:R OF CLATM O'IH11 '!'HAN FOR SEC'Ultll"f AID WA!vt!.k Ul' II<VI JO', 6rt11c
claims aN fl!Jbto; ofTnm:dlilrur fl) ihe Cltim. The Cla!m lG 011 !'ll'n'nmtsowcil m Trar.sfianr
this a" abrohrtc Pl\d !01 oioolfct.1:1nn imd
&hllll nntlrt to th-at Fnlr r:nt1w,lr 'LLC I! nntobligmcd Oi!c kl'IY
tn6tton, 1' olbou 4oclllftei'itwilh itre wr111
i, Trruwfwur of the t:illlmr. btm:t llhi;n lllld t"v.sf;; my ntul.a!l
mat: ondliirW d!e Mt !\:lrth l'll otl'lor ll:t!l:l'l"l:otiwd, I tM WM""ttftt timt eiaim t9 MI.
$1.220.!9 srut1ms :rotmn previolrnly objco!nd to, sold, U;xm 110tiw!tm l!y I lljrt !0
Rimb11m 4 pOrtkm oftht p;ii'Cttmt<: ptiQt iflb& clftilr is flt.(]Qwd, tl). llt disal!ou'lld Jn-.vm;fo:\(11'
""'-"t by the Delrt\lr, tbc Ql\ltt, or !!'I)' ntlru p!lrty llfld Mil Wllfl'SIIiS tmrt lhl:n: nr oo of!ret!! or !1r
prc1lm:ntio.! :bt!l bM b!Wt :mnqy M 1ll!sen&illiy i1t tm lmhRif' of M a!li' rt!kcr fiWf;r !U Md!l.OCc of
tbe ctm'm 1''1n lmpalr its
A PMof'ofC!Ain:! '!Wi't (lllrike tlnei if! 0 nfl'!! J)fl(l l,imdy Ak:d in the
lli;ruG ecpvofl!UCl' Proof(1-';Wm is :lttlcl!ed: IE) thi!< If tho rmof 11fCJW11 iltooln1t dlf!l:m
Jl'Om 1M Clnlm 1tfl11ltml TtM!d'llffi'l i:bt.Ut1ovcrtkdcss be deemed l'1e i'IWnllt ortlmt tmofrtfC1mm M.tl!Jee! t;;
tbt ll':nJ!\'1 Wthig Agneowm 1111t:1 WI! Is: l<.ienttfY it!lerr t.!l l'roofolCWm <nt fhc Co-JTt
111 ihc <:mlm b ul!frt:Atotly 31'1 2'1'1'1GU!lt in l)flbc hel\\in,
hef!::by deell'IC1.'! In n::n at:d, ilt TrM!l-!'Crco'll{lptkm oo!y, Tmlltlletflt lleMy pun:tlllc_ lht
Clnlm ftf: the tint!# pntter:Wtl"l! pd<J i'rerelt'l t'Uitlll twiec Cl:Um q:cQifled b!)ve, 't'nlrntl!ree
temi'l SUW!pJY!'flent ro "frnoofi:rnr Cl!rim hM bm1 n.!lowed f!lthe: h{Sh!Jl' ll:tM\lnt md k
ru:rt: w lll'll' oOjj,r:atlm'l lzy ttl:; !'ftbror,
f. t'1-!: l'letcbj> fi1t u aftrnllflf;r l'UI'WMI:in R1tle Jlmt (c)orfflt
R11lu of PtrlQCdure ("F'RBP"}, witb tht Cialnt, while due Of'!
!be Chim. 'rf'!!Mtl:l"t. nt hs ro:e wlmquff.tly tl'lmSii::r' tit: Claim ban1t ff Cue !; not
in IE) 1111>11 ltb!I01utecli$1:t/ltilm Plil'tA!mt lOOt (r:) FR3P. In
Clr.tm to tht;ii lnln& .at!!lll':t! b<lt11 aad TranflihM
tltlim- IIlli' 1;1r thifl of Clnlm, Tl'flnnfl::fOJ'
to Of L'l't !!ct "'orth Ill of C!ffim a.-r.1 (!) lti'i right m urr flerrnn. C'ld (ii)
rightt'l reuive punrownt tn Rc11>300J (e) ofthtt f1U!F'. ifwt mr.y C!.l\11}'
l!t'llt lite C!uiM, tng6'.her with .all title 11m;l t)i'TmnAI'cr.x: in lind D 11111 Tnltmfur 1:1f0aim. All
Md Wl1rrnr6ns \'ttl'i!.1e nntl delivcryQfhf!> Trmt!lf'et nfC!Ifirn rn!;l lJl1)' !l1Jilh

ea/04/ZBll 17:24
PAGE 03/00
Offl<tthnn tran!ffi:lrct WW Rbility !Q 4im'!"bt# i'lindD. '(n:ro:A!nv
dtll1Mt'.n CnpiUI, LLC any or w.ehed ttl tc dt!\;::
lligny tills 11m c:e.t of the cttt'l"t '\!;: to. 1l.w nddren rognrd:iflg thn claim t>l fue W
rtrtlw ilstJ b;::Qw,
This Tm1:Jfbt Qfelt!M wnba by witt. the lnwt1 o:n!le orNe-.v YorO:,
t\llY u:ttd!f" o-: r,,lfmme; ttl' Al!lt;nnmttofCinirn l::t bmught ;my Stata 07 ltl the
:rt'Ntw lmd TmMft:rort:tfl\ll!!r.l:ti'""M(i .ztmli:rs by !'l141 atWI'1: or (o:'m1:'1 "'tl
rmw bB uprm 1'1'aruilh>trh
&"flY craM m 'l"''Ansfurmo forth
Ytl ,thk trl'CU!im., in llfl1!.mtiw rl$ht ttl nmrql !\1rlll:l by 'TnJ'Meror
it1 Llj ''lm'!'knlprey CMe H Moorwrtc!,!) ur.dci Clwl:uer 7
Dnnk.rttplcy Clldc .Mid Tmm;teree lwl'{l3id fOI' t\tt CIMm. lm!Mdimmiy mmi jO all I!.J
lfl rngnt1:1 m CUI:fnl.:md or the Clai1rt "'W!rt !!! 1"mnl:ft:r.gr.
City of Onlarlt>
Mst B .!J,'treet

E..tl'lllll: ________________ __
1841 10th Ft. NY. 1'-"Y

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