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Identifying Information Title of Unit o Indonesia: Islands Full of Information

Grade Level o 7th grade

Course Subject o Social Studies/Geography

Time Frame o 4-5 weeks

The Big Idea How and why nations and their people are so different

Unit Outcomes Knowledge Indigenous Infrastructure Political structure Economy Floods Mudslides Earthquakes Natural resources Natural disasters Biodiversity Nonrenewable energy Sumatra Republic of Indonesia

2004 Presidential election Jakarta Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Krakatau Tumpeng Java Bali Bandung Borneo Sulawesi Islam Hinduism Buddhism Tsunami Ecosystem Sustainable

Understandings Cultures very around the world Countries must use their natural resources to best fit their needs Population can greatly affect the structure of a countrys organization The way people are governed differs nation to nation Understand how countries function


Read maps Identifying major islands and cities of Indonesia

Essential Questions What makes places unique? How do the physical features of a country affect its cities and infrastructure? How does where I live, influence how I live? What can cause a county to become separated? How do natural resources affect a countrys economy?

Standards A.8.1 Use a variety of geographic representations, such as political, physical, and topographic maps, a globe, aerial photographs, and satellite images, to gather and compare information about a place A.8.3 Use an atlas to estimate distance, calculate scale, identify dominant patterns of climate and land use, and compute population density A.8.6 Describe and distinguish between the environmental effects on the earth of short-term physical changes, such as those caused by floods, droughts, and snowstorms, and long-term physical changes, such as those caused by plate tectonics, erosion, and glaciations A.8.7 Describe the movement of people, ideas, diseases, and products throughout the world A.8.8 Describe and analyze the ways in which people in different regions of the world interact with their physical environments through vocational and recreational activities A.8.11 Give examples of the causes and consequences of current global issues, such as the expansion of global markets, the urbanization of the developing world, the consumption of natural resources, and the extinction of species, and suggest possible responses by various individuals, groups, and nations

Content Outline 1. Physical Attributes a. Where is Indonesia? b. Composition of Indonesia c. Natural disasters d. Earth's Rainforest 2. Political structure a. Politics of Indonesia b. Differences to USA 3. Economy a. Infrastructure b. Urbanization c. Transitioning Economy 4. Culture a. Religion b. Arts

Performance Tasks 1. What desired outcomes will be assessing through the performance task? a. Knowledge infrastructure, economy, natural resources, Nonrenewable energy, biodiversity, Bali, Java, Tumpeng, Krakatau, Sumatra, culture, b. Understanding countries must use their natural resources to best fit their needs, population can greatly affect the structure of a countrys organization c. Skills read maps, identify major islands and cities d. Standards A.8.1 Use a variety of geographic representations, such as political, physical, and topographic maps, a globe, aerial photographs, and satellite images, to gather and compare information about a place, A.8.6 Describe and distinguish between the environmental effects on the earth of short-term physical changes, such as those caused by floods, droughts, and snowstorms, and longterm physical changes, such as those caused by plate tectonics, erosion, and glaciations, A.8.8 Describe and analyze the ways in which people in different regions of the world interact with their physical environments through vocational and recreational activities, A.8.11 Give examples of the causes and consequences of current global issues, such as the expansion of global markets, the urbanization of the developing world, the consumption of natural resources, and the

extinction of species, and suggest possible responses by various individuals, groups, and nations 2. Identify the performance task through which the students will demonstrate their mastery of the unit outcomes selected. a. Goal You will demonstrate your knowledge and understandings of Indonesias physical attributes, economy and culture. b. Role You will take the position of a businessman from Indonesia. c. Audience The audience is clients from around the world that are interested in starting businesses in Indonesia. d. Situation You will need to highlight the advantages and disadvantages that Indonesias physical attributes, culture and economy bring for foreign companies. e. Product, Performance and Purpose i. You need to prepare one of the following, and present it, in order to best inform your clients 1. A PowerPoint presentation 2. A pamphlet 3. A poster ii. The PowerPoint/pamphlet/poster will require 1. Information about


Indonesias culture i. Where have Indonesian beliefs come from? ii. What has formed the customs that they follow? iii. How will Indonesias culture be a problem for foreign companies? iv. How might Indonesias culture benefit foreign companies?

b. Physical attributes i. What does Indonesia look like? ii. What kind of climate is Indonesia in? iii. How does the physical attributes of Indonesia affect its culture and economy? iv. Where are the large cities located? c. Economy i. What is the infrastructure in Indonesia like? ii. How might Indonesias economy be good and/or bad for foreign companies? 2. Three pictures to support your presentation are required and more are highly encouraged!

3. A variety of sources (A minimum of 3, verifiable sources). a. No Wikipedia, blog posts or other sources that cant be verified 4. A time limit of no more than 10 minutes and no less than 5 minutes. f. Standards and criteria for success i. You need to demonstrate your understanding of the information by creating a PowerPoint presentation, pamphlet or poster and presenting it in a manner that educates the clients about how Indonesias culture, economy and physical attributes will affect foreign companies. 3. What criteria will be used to evaluate the product(s) and/or performances?

Your five to ten minute presentation must be presented with the aid of a PowerPoint, a pamphlet or a poster. Your presentation must also have a minimum of three pictures (found on your PowerPoint, pamphlet or poster), that aid in helping your clients understand Indonesia. The following information should be included in your PowerPoint/Pamphlet/Poster i. Indonesias culture 1. Where have Indonesian beliefs come from?

2. What has formed the customs that they follow? 3. How will Indonesias culture be a problem for foreign companies? 4. How might Indonesias culture benefit foreign companies? ii. Physical attributes 1. What does Indonesia look like? 2. What kind of climate is Indonesia in? 3. How does the physical attributes of Indonesia affect its culture and economy? 4. Where are the large cities located? iii. Economy 1. What is the infrastructure in Indonesia like? 2. What trading opportunities does Indonesia have? 3. How might Indonesias economy be good and/or bad for foreign companies? The following should be included in your presentation Three pictures A map of Indonesia

Indonesias Culture

Physical Attributes


1 The student answers none to only two of the questions about Indonesias culture. The student answers none to only two of the questions about Indonesias physical attributes. The student answers none to one of the questions about Indonesias economy. The student has not met the required picture amount, and has no map.

2 The student answers three of the questions about Indonesias culture. The student answers three of the questions about Indonesias physical attributes. The student answers two of the questions about Indonesias economy. The student has met the required amount of pictures and includes a map. The presenter has the required amount of pictures, maps and interesting facts in their presentatio n.

3 The student answers all four of the questions about Indonesia s culture. The student answers all four of the questions about Indonesia s physical attributes. The student answers all three of the questions about Indonesia s economy. The student uses more pictures than needed and they aid in educating the clients about Indonesia. The presenter has used more pictures, maps and interestin g facts than required.

Weight 25%




Quality of Poster/PowerPoint/Pam phlet



The student has no pictures, map or interesting facts in their presentatio n

10% (1x)

Grading Rubric for Presentation on Indonesia Name_________________

Checklist for Proposal Name:__________________ Task Student used in class work time appropriately. Student uses appropriate sources for information. Student asked for help when/if needed. Student draws information from class. Student uses pictures that will aid in the presentation. Students PowerPoint/Poster/Pamphl et is well organized Yes No

Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________________________

Mr. Callahans Indonesia TestTest on Indonesia

(100 Points, 60 minutes)

Matching Terms
Please match the appropriate words to the phrases by writing the letter of the definition on the appropriate space (3 points each, 7 minutes).

1. The largest island of Indonesia is ____________. 2. The basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society is known as ___________. 3. The most prominent religion in Indonesia is ___________. 4. Indonesia is comprised of a number of different ethnicities, with the largest being ____________. 5. Indonesia is well known for its large amounts of variation of life forms, also known as ____________. 6. The government of Indonesia is a/an _____________.


7. Indonesia is well known for its large amounts of variation of life forms, also known as ____________. 8. Indonesias economy heavily relies on oil, mining, natural gas and palm oil; all of these are examples of _____________. 9. The basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a

society is known as ___________.

Natural resources Sumatra Javanese

10. A.
B. Biodiversity C. Java D. Sumatra E. Ecology F. Monarchy G. Republic H. Javanese I. J. Islam Buddhism

Republic Islam Java

Infrastructure Buddhism

A. Natural Resources B. Renewable Energy C. Structure Organization D. Infrastructure E. Societal Means


Indonesian Geography

Please write the names of the cities and islands in the blank by looking at the map below (3 points each, 5 minutes)

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

___________________________________________(City) ___________________________________________(City) ___________________________________________(City) ___________________________________________(Island) ___________________________________________(Island) ___________________________________________(Island) ___________________________________________(Island)

1 0. 1 1. 8. 1 2. 1 4.

9. 1 3.

Multiple Choice Please read through each question and answer the question by circling the best answer (3 points each, 15 minutes) 18. The official language of Indonesia is ______. a. Javanese b. Indonesian c. Malay d. Arabic 19. The first direct presidential election took place in Indonesia

in 2004, electing ______ as president. a. Muhammad Jusuf Kalla b. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono c. Abdurraham Wahid d. Megawati Sukarnaputri 20. The most populated island in Indonesia is __________. a. Sumatra b. Bali

c. Java d. Sulawesi 21. The devastating tsunami that hit in 2004 originated from

Sumatra and was caused by a/an ________. a. Hurricane b. Volcano c. Earthquake d. Monsoon 22. Even though Indonesia has some of the greatest variations

of nature in the world, much of the rainforest is threatened by _________, often illegal. a. Oil drilling b. Mining c. Deforestation d. Pollution 23. Indonesias highest representative body (similar to

Congress in the United States) is known as ___________

a. Parliament b. Peoples Consultative Assembly c. Peoples Parliament Assembly d. Regional Representative Council 24. The two most popular sports in Indonesia are _________ and

_____________ a. Badminton and football (soccer) b. Basketball and badminton c. Football and basketball d. Basketball and rugby 25. Indonesias main economic problems are political instability,

slow economic reform and _________ a. Poor exports b. Inflation c. Corruption d. Environmental concerns

Essay Questions Please respond to each of the following questions in the space given (1 to 2 paragraphs).

23. Compare and contrast how Indonesians culture (you choose the religion/ethnic group) differs to yours. Be sure to give examples and back up your ideas by facts (8 points, 10 minutes).

24. Even though Indonesia has some of the most diverse life forms in the world, many are facing problems due to economic growth and environmental strain. Highlight two economic causes and their effects on the environment in Indonesia (8 points, 10 minutes)

25. If you had to choose a place in Indonesia to live, where would it be? Make it as specific as possible; for example, Bali is good, but Java is not because that is a large island. Make sure to draw on at least items from each of the following criteria: culture, economy (job), attractions, environment (18 points, 15 minutes)

Table of Specifications


X Geograph y Economy Environm ent Culture Politics TOTALS

% of time spent on each X time 20 20 20 20 20 100%

Number of Items per topic X 9 5 5 6 4 29

Types of Items

MC 1 1 2 2 2 8


Match 8 2 1 2 1 14


Essay 2 2 2 1 7

Pre-Assessment KWL Graffiti Chart: Know, Want to Know and Learned will be on separate pieces of poster board paper. The students will use markers to write what they know, want to know and have learnt about Indonesia. This will help the teacher to not only know what the students know before starting the unit, but also what they want to know, so that the lessons can be structured more towards their interests.

Formative Assessment 1. Think/Pair/Share Think Teacher provides question, prompt, reading, visual, or observation for each individual to consider individually for a short period of time. Pair Using designated partners, students pair to discuss their respective responses. Compare thoughts and determine which they think are most compelling, unique, convincing, etc. Share Pairs then share with entire class. 2. Response Cards Students have individual whiteboards, dry-erase markers and erasers. The teacher then asks them questions, and they write their answers, showing them simultaneously when instructed by the teacher. This allows the teacher to see the individual knowledge of students.

3. Whip Around Teacher poses question or task and students are asked to individually make a list of at least three items on paper. Everyone stands up. Teacher randomly calls on students one at a time asking for one item on the list. If other students have included that item on their lists they check it off. Once a students list is all checked off s/he sits down. Continue until all students are sitting.

Think/Pair/Share 1. The teacher will provide the question, How does the ecosystem of Indonesia differ from the one in the United States? 2. Students will individually think of their answers for a few minutes. 3. The students will then be paired by the teacher with another partner. 4. The partners will then discuss their responses, compare their thoughts and come up with what three ways in which the ecosystem of Indonesia differs from the United Statesthey deem is the best answer. 5. Pairs will then share their thoughts to the entire class. Think/Pair/Share Checklist: Does the Student Do The Following? Come up with their own answer, in the time given. Yes No

Share their answer with their partner. Contribute to creating an answer with their partner. States three facts about the Indonesian Ecosystem.Shares answer with partner to class. States three facts about the United States ecosystem.Answer shows knowledge and understanding of questions asked. Shares how these ecosystems differ.

Reflective Journal Students will have an All About Indonesia journal. Each day, they will use this journal to write three things that they learned, two things that they want to learn, and one thing that they do not understand. They will be able to share their journals in small groups (this will help the students who did not understand something since another student may have the answer) Finally, when the unit is over, the students will have a chance to re-read their responses a few days later. They will be able to respond on how things have changed, or not, since the last time they reflected. By doing this, the students can see their own growth and improvement, and what they still need to work on.

Lesson Plans Day 1: Where is Indonesia? Objective: The students will be able to identify where Indonesia is on the map, and the location and name of its capital. Day 2: Composition of Indonesia Objective: The students will be able to identify the four main islands of Indonesia and name one important characteristic about each island and what it brings to Indonesia. Day 3: Natural disasters Objective: The students will be able to identify three types of natural disasters that occur frequently in Indonesia, and what their causes are. Day 4: Indonesia: Earths Rainforest Objective: The students will be able to state three ways in which Indonesia's ecosystem differs from the United States', during "Think/Pair/Share." Day 5: Politics of Indonesia Objective: The students will be able to state Indonesias type of government and three differences between the United States government and Indonesias. Day 6: Indonesian Politics versus the United States Objective: The students will be able to identify three differences between the political system in the United States and Indonesia. Day 7: Economy of Indonesia Objective: The students will be able to identify the three highest grossing sectors of the Indonesian economy. Day 8: Urbanization Objective: The students will be able to state two reasons how Indonesias urbanization is affecting their culture and/or economy and/or politics. three Day 9: Indonesias transitioning economy Objective: The students will be able to identify three ways in which Indonesias economic growth is effecting their natural habitat. Day 10: Indonesias Culture

Objective: The students will be able to identify three ways in which Indonesian culture differs from American culture. Day 11: Arts Objective: The students will be able to identify the three arts (music, art, food) that are indigenous to Indonesia.

Substandard 1h (mc-ea) or 1e (ea-a): Designs and employs relevant, content specific, assessments.
I wanted to make sure that I used assessments that were not only engaging for the students, but also gave them enough choice to work with their own interests. Assessments can be the breaking point of understanding if students learnt the material or not. By tapping into students interests and granting them choice, I will be able to get a better representation if they learnt the material or not. Furthermore, the assessments used in my unit greatly vary; from presentations, to journaling, to small group work, which should allow students to show their understandings in many different ways. Lastly, through the assessments, the students will be able to get feedback about their performance throughout the unit.

Substandard 7d: Long-term planning - Unit Planning

I have always taken a deep interest in geography; especially learning about other countries, cultures and beliefs. There are so many fascinating things about the world, and when I decided to do my unit on Indonesia, I wanted to teach these fascinating facts about Indonesia, to my students. I also feel that as teachers, one of our duties is to open the eyes of our students to the diversity around the world. Even though the students will only be looking at one country to compare to their own country, Indonesia is a country full of micro cultures. Furthermore, the biodiversity of Indonesia is a great way to show students how precious our ecosystems are, and how they can hold such amazing and interesting facts. I took all of the facts about culture, biodiversity, natural resources and other interesting information, and put that as the basis for what I wanted my students to learn. From there, I was able to create the unit plan, which offered the students a great amount of choice and information.

Substandard 8a: Knowledge of assessment strategies

Prior to taking EDUC 333, I was not aware of the large variety of assessments available to teachers. I think that there are many teachers that tend to forget the amount of assessments available to them, and they take the easier and more common path, of tests. Tests, which can be used well, are usually the pinnacle of student assessment. When I created my unit plan, I aimed to create a unit where the tests were simply reinforcements of other prior assessments. In other words, the assessments prior to the test will help guide the knowledge and understanding of what will be on the test. The prior assessments are aimed to be much more hands on and engaging. For example, the presentation about Indonesia will put most of the control in the hands of the students about how and what information

they are going to present about Indonesia.

Substandard 8b: Assessment and evaluation techniques for measuring student learning outcomes
Student learning outcomes can be assessed and evaluated in a number of different ways. The key to ensuring that students are getting fair assessment, is by guaranteeing that the students get a variety of assessments, that specifically measure their knowledge, understanding and skills from the unit. While this task sounds simple, it can be very challenging to ensure that the students are getting assessed strictly based on the right goals. This means that the assessments have to align with the objectives and outcomes for the unit. Furthermore, it is essential to learn what the students already know. Pre-assessments help teachers to learn what they have actually taught the students during the lesson, and allow teachers to build off of knowledge the students already have.

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