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1.) Create a JPG, BMP or PCX in a sane size with Photoshop or any other good image program. I used CS3. Export it for Web, uncheck Progressive and optimization stuff, put quality to 100%. 2.) Get WINFLASH from Insyde. It is kidna easy to find n the net. For those who are lazy, I put a link to rapidshare on the bottom. This tool is freeware and available form multiple vendor sites, so safe to distribute. 3.) Edit platform.ini file to look like the following:
;The file is Insydeflash utility configuration file [Version] Version=00 ;Insydeflash utility will display the value at top [FDFile] FileName= BackupName=current.fd ;FileName ;BackupName -> Utility always load this file. -> Utility will backup current BIOS to the file.

[UpdateBlock] PatchFv=0 FileName=intel.fv FileOffset=0 FlashSize=0 PhysicalAddress=FFF00000 FvID=945PL-A IDErrorAction=1 ;If user set PatchFv to 1, utility will go update mode. ;If user only need to update some blocks in file, please enter file offset and size ;in here. If flash size is 0, utility will update all binary in file. ;If flag in Platform_Check section is 1, utility will compare FvID with current ;platform ID. When ID comparison failed, user choose result by IDErrorAction. ;1 mean show error message box, 2 mean close utility and reboot/shutdown. [Platform_Check] flag=0 PlatformName= ;This flag is the switch of comparing bios project id with rom file project id. ;When flag is 1, utility will check project id.If id doesn't match, utility will

;close the application. When flag is 0, utility won't check project id. ;PlatformName ->check platform name by .INI [AC_Adapter] flag=1 BatteryCheck=0 BatteryBound=20 ;This flag is the switch of checking AC. When flag is 1, utility will check AC. If no AC ;plug in, utility will display warnning message. When flag is 0, utility won't check AC. [Bios_Version_Check] flag=0 ;This flag is the switch of checking Bios Version. When flag is 1, utility will ;check Bios Version. If rom file Version is older than Bios, utility will display warnning ;message and close application. When flag is 0, utility won't check rom file version. [ForceFlash] ALL=1 BB_PEI=0 CPU_Microcode=0 Variable=0 DXE=0 EC=0 Password=0 OEM_NVS=0 Logo=0 Type#09=0 Type#08=0 ;ALL 1 -> Flash all ROM part. 0 -> Resverd all protect areas. ;BB_PEI, CPU_Microcode, Variable... ;1 -> Force flash these area if BIOS report them are protected areas. ;0 -> Protect these area if BIOS report them are protected areas. [FlashComplete] Action=0 Dialog=0 Counter=15 ;Action 0 -> ;Dialog 0 -> ; 2 -> ;If user need ;user can set [UI] Confirm=1 Silent=0 DisplayID=1 InsydeInfo=1 Do nothing, 1 -> Shut down, 2 -> Reboot Do not display dialog, 1 -> Display dialog, Display dialog and wait several seconds. to reboot or shut down automaticlly in several seconds, counter be a integer.

VersionInfo=1 GroupInfo=1 ConfirmInfo=0 OnFlashingBeep=0 OnFlashingBeepDelayTime=800 DisableMouseAndKeyboardInput=0 BeforeFlashDelayTime=0 ProgramStartToWrongMessageBox=0 GetFDFileButton=0 ;Confirm 1 - > Display confirm dialog, 0 -> Do not display confirm dialog ;Silent 1 -> Silent mode, hide main dialog, 0 -> Normal mode ;DisplayID 1 -> Display BIOS ID, 0 -> Do not display BIOS ID ;InsydeInfo 1 -> Display Insyde copyright information and URL, 0 -> Do not display it ;VersionInfo 1 -> Display BIOS version, 0 -> Do not display BIOS version ;GroupInfo 1 -> Display group box, Do not display group box ;ConfirmInfo 1-> Display version and date information in confirm dialog ;OnFlashingBeep 1-> Beep on flashing, 0 ->Do not beep on flashing ;OnFlashingBeepDelayTime -> set BEEP delay time(Milliseconds) ;DisableMouseAndKeyboardInput 1-> Hook mouse and keyboard without "CTRL+ALT+DEL", 0 ->Do not Hook mouse and keyboard. ;BeforeFlashDelayTime ->If user need to delay begin flashing in several seconds, user can set delay time be a integer. ;ProgramStartToWrongMessageBox 1-> Display a wrong message box,0-> Do not display a wrong box ;GetFDFileButton 1-> Display FD file browse box, 0-> Do not display FD file browse box [Logo] PatchLogo=0 FileName= GUID= [Others] ClearCMOS=0 FlashDevice=0 DisableCompare=0 ErrorRetry=0 ;FlashDevice 0 -> default, 1 -> SPI flash part, 2 -> Non-SPI flash part. ;DisableCompare 0 -> Compare binary, 1 -> Do not compare binary, flash directly in write ROM mode. ;ErrorRetry 0-> Do not retry if found flash error. 1 -> Try to flash again if write or verify error. [Option] Flag=2 ;Flag 0-> Auto-flash mode. ;Flag 1-> User option mode, including option, start, exit buttons. ;Flag 2-> User flash mode, including start, exit buttons. [ApplicatonFlash] Flag=0 Model=

;Some specific platforms need to flash by application. Only support 32bit Windows. ;Flag 1-> Flash by application ;Flag 0-> Flash by BIOS ;Model is the name of the platform. [ReturnErrorCode] FileNotFound=3 ErrorBeforeFlash=4 [UpdateEC] Flag=0 ;0 -> Not flash EC by BIOS. ;1 -> Flash by BIOS now. ;2 -> Flash by BIOS after windows shutdown. [Region] BIOS=0 GbE=0 ME=0 DESC=0 [Log_file] Flag=1 FileName=InsydeFlash.Log ;0 -> Not create log file ;1 -> create log file [ReturnCodeDefinition] RETURN_SUCCESSFUL=0 RETURN_MODEL_CHECK_FAIL=259 RETURN_USER_CONFIRM_CANCEL=1602 RETURN_AC_NOT_CONNECT=1602 RETURN_LOAD_DRIVER_FAIL=1602 RETURN_NEED_REBOOT=3010 RETURN_USER_EXIT=1602

4.) Put latest update FD in the same folder 5.) Flash your AAO once and reboot 6.) now put your JPG (or use the sample below) to the WINFLASH fodler and edit following lines:
[Logo] PatchLogo=1 FileName=hax_splash.jpg GUID=


[ForceFlash] ALL=1 BB_PEI=0 CPU_Microcode=0 Variable=0 DXE=0 EC=0 Password=0 OEM_NVS=0 Logo=1 Type#09=0 Type#08=0

If you don't have a logo yet, use the test one I made. 7.) start flashing, it won't show you a new revision beeing installed, but thats ok. 8.) Check the log if everyhting was ok 9.) reboot and enjoy your logo

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