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Form 210A (10/06)

United States Bankruptcy Court

Southern District Of New York

In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No. 10-13800)

See docket #3212

A CLAIM HAS BEEN FILED IN THIS CASE or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a). Transferee
hereby gives evidence and notice pursuant to Rule 3001(e)(2), Fed. R. Bankr. P., of the transfer, other
than for security, of the claim referenced in this evidence and notice.

Name of Transferee: Name of Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC City of Foster City
As assignee of City of Foster City

Name and Address where notices to transferee Court Claim # (if known): 1808
should be sent: Amount of Claim: $7,323.47
Date Claim Filed:

Name and Address of Transferor:

City of Foster City
Lin Lin Cheng & JEAN B.
San Carlos, CA 94070

Phone: ___212 967 4035________________ Phone:
Last Four Digits of Acct #: ____n/a________ Last Four Digits of Acct. #: ___n/a____

Name and Address where transferee payments
should be sent (if different from above):

Phone: ________n/a____________________
Last Four Digits of Acct #: _____n/a_______

I declare under penalty of perjury that the information provided in this notice is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.

By:________/s/Fredric Glass__________________________ Date:____February 29, 2012__________
Transferee/Transferees Agent
Penalty for making a false statement: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. 152 & 3571.
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023

10-13800-scc Doc 2313 Filed 02/29/12 Entered 02/29/12 15:06:58 Main Document
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United States Bankruptcy Court
Southern District Of New York

In re: Grand Prix Fixed Lessee LLC,
Case No. 10-13825, (Jointly Administered Under Case No. 10-13800)

See docket #3212

Claim No. 1808 (if known)
was filed or deemed filed under 11 U.S.C. 1111(a) in this case by the alleged transferor. As evidence
of the transfer of claim, the transferee filed a Transfer of Claim Other than for Security in the clerks office
of this court on February 29, 2012.

Name of Transferee: Name of Alleged Transferor:
Fair Harbor Capital, LLC City of Foster City
As assignee of City of Foster City

Name and Address of Alleged

City of Foster City
Lin Lin Cheng & JEAN B.
San Carlos, CA 94070


The transferor of claim named above is advised the this Notice of Transfer of Claim Other than for Security has been
filed in the clerks office of this court as evidence of the transfer. Objection must be filed with the court within twenty (20)
days of the mailing of this notice. If no objection is timely received by the court, the transferee will be substituted as the
original claimant without further order of the court.

Date:_________________ ____________________________
Clerk of the Court

Fair Harbor Capital, LLC
Ansonia Finance Station
PO Box 237037
New York, NY 10023

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10-13800-scc Doc 2313 Filed 02/29/12 Entered 02/29/12 15:06:58 Main Document
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' United States Bonkrupiey Court
Southern Distrkt OfN(:'W York
ln re:
Chapter 11
Case No.ltl-131125
(Jollltly Administered Under Case No. 1013800) /
,.,. .. -
-------- X ,'"'
Bankruptcy Role 3000(e) /'
. ..-
4 /5Z3,"f7
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE-the schedu:ed claim of CITY OF FOSTER ("Tmnsf<>ror") sgainst the pet>w:(s) m ilie amnunt of $4,49'1.79, as HSI<d within
Scl.edule F of the Schedule of Assets and Liabitities filed by the ond all claims (includipg'{;itbout limitation the Proof ofC!nlm, if Oil)', idenrifled
below and Transfcrots rights to receive all interest, penalties, cure payments that it may he to receive on itooonnt of the any execotruy,
contract or lease related tQ the Ciaim and fees. if any, which may he paid with respect to the-Claim and an other claims, causes ofact1on against tf5
aff"diates, any guarantor or other lhird together with voting and other righm and arising ftom, under or :relating to any of the and aU
cttsh., secmities, instr'UD1Mts and other property which may be paid or issued by De9t0i in satisfuctkm of the Claiir' nf'fumsferor nave been transferred and
assigned other than for seourityto Fulr Hal'bor Capital. LLC ('"Transferee") in oortSidemtioo of the sum C ! s:ignatu::e of the Transferee Qn tbl(J
TRANSFER OF CLAIM OTHER 'THAN FOR SECURITY AND WAIVER.0f NOTICE is evidence of we nanst..- oftbe claims and all rights and berefiiS of
Tnmsfuror relating!<> the C1aim.' The Claim is based on amounts owed ';S':r"ronsferor by Debtor and this -shall be denmed an absolute and uncondilional
!rllnsfur of tile Claim fur the J)1J1Jl<lOO of collection and shall not be det)m'cd m """'"'a ""'urity interest. Please note that Fair Harbor Capital, LLC is not
obligated to file :any application, motion, Proof ofClnim or other do6Ument with 1he Bankruptcy Court with regard ro your claim.
I, the v.ndemigned Transferor of the above-described claims, assign and transfer my claims and a.ll I'ighls there under to the T:rensferee upon terms as set
forth in cover letterreeeived. I represent and warrant that is not les.."f than $4,497.'7fJ and has not been previously objected to, t?r satisfied. Upon
notification by Transferee. I agree m reimburse pro-rata portion nftbe purchase price if the claim is reduced, objected or disallowed in whole nr
part by the the Court,. or any otherpart;y and or rcpresenbi and watTtU:lts that there are no offsets or defenses or preferential pQYJlll!lnts that have
been or may be asserted by or on bebelf of Debtor erpartyto reduce the amount of the Claim or to impair its value.
A /Has e been duly and timely filed in the Proceedings (and a !rue COI'J' of sueh Proof of
Claim is llltaOhed m this Assignment). If the Proof o amount differs from the Claim amount set furth above, Traooflm:e shall!WVerthe!ess be deemed the
owner of that ProofofC!aim subject to the terms ofthis Agreement and shall be entitled to identitY itself as ownerofsucb Proof of Claim on the records oftlm
In the event the Claim ls ultimately allowed in nn amount in eiilcess of the amount purchased herein, Transferor is hereby deemed to seU to Trans and;, at
Transferee's option only, Transferee hereby agrees to purchast\ the balance ofsafd Claim at the seme pereentage of claim paid herein not m exceed twice tbe
Claim amount specified above, Transferee shall remit such payment ro Trnn.'qferor upon Transferee's satisfaction that the Claim bas been allow-ed in the higher
amount and is not subject to any objection hy the Debtor.
l, the undersigned Tronmror hereby authorize Tntnsf<>roe to file a norice oftntnsfer pursuant t<> Role 3001 (e) of the Federal Rnks of Bonl<ruptcy Proee<!ure
with respect to the Claim, while Transferee petf<mns its due diligence on the Claim. Transferee, at its soie option, may subsequently transfer the
Claim back to Transferor if due diiigence is not satisfootor:y, in 1'ratmJ:eree;s sole and absolute discretion pursuant to Rule 3001 (e) oftheFRBP. In the evmt
Tnm;:fen:e transfers the C1airo back to Transfuror the at sueb time both Transferor artd Tramferee release eaeh ather of all and any
obligation or liability regarding this Assignment of Claim, Transferor hereby acknowledges and eons en!.< wall of the terms set forth in this Transfer of Claim
end hereby waives (i) its right to raise any objection hereto,. and {ii) its right to receive notice pursuant to Rule 3001 (e) of the FRBP .. Transferor hereby
acknowledges that Transferee may at any time reassign the Claim, together with all right, and interest of 'Transferee in and to this Transfer of AU
representation and warrnilties made herein shall survivo the and delivery of this Transfer of Claim and any sueb :re-assignmenl
Ulan stated Transferee assumes aU :isks associated with debtor's ability to distribute furuts. Transferor agrees to deliver to Fair Harbor Capital,
U.C any correspondence- or payments nx:eived s:tibse.quent to the date Transferee signs this agreement. The clerk oftfte- court is authorized to ehange the
address regarding the claim of the Tronsf<>ror lo tilot of the Tronsferec lillted below.
Th:fs Transfer of Claim sbaU be governed by and in aoomdance with the laws of' the State of New Yorf Any action arising under or relating to this
Assignment of Claim may be brougbt in anY Slate or Fedund coort locoted in tile State of New York, and Transferor eonsents !<> and confers pecso!Uil
jurisdiction over Transferor by such eoun or eourts and agrees that service of process may be upon Trnnsfer.or by mailing a copy of said process to Transferor at
the address set forth in this Assignment of Claim, and in any aatlon hereunder Transferor waives the right to demand a trial byjucy. Transferor acknowledges
that, in the event that the bankruptcy case is dismissed or converted to a case under Chapter 7 of the Bankroptcy Code and Transferee has paid forthe
Claim, Transfuror shall iltunediately remit to Tran.o;ieree all monies paid by Transfcroe in regard to the CJalm and ownership of the Claim shaH revert back to
P.O. BOX 8269,

Update b tO J
--,- _ ,.
Pagel of!
Fair Harbor Caplml, LLC
1841 Broadway, Suite I 007
spital, LLC

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