Project On Submarines and Torpedoes

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Submarines are incredible pieces of technology. Not so long ago, a naval force worked entirely above the water; with the addition of the submarine to the standard naval arsenal, the world below the surface became a battleground as well. The adaptations and inventions that allow sailors to not only fight a battle, but also live for months or even years underwater are some of the most brilliant developments in military history. Submarines in today's Navy are nearly two football fields long and weigh about 18,750 tons. That's as heavy as 12,000 cars! How can something that huge float on the surface of the ocean, dive to an exact depth and then float again? When an object is immersed in water, it feels lighter. In a cylinder filled with water, the action of inserting a mass in the liquid causes it to displace upward. In 212 B.C., the Greek scientist Archimedes discovered the following principle: an object is immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. This became known as Archimedes principle. The weight of the displaced fluid can be found mathematically. The fluid displaced has a weight W = mg. The mass can now be expressed in terms of the density and its volume, m = p V. Hence, W = p V g. It is important to note that the buoyant force does not depend on the weight or shape of the submerged object, only on the weight of the displaced fluid. Archimedes principle applies to object of all densities. If the density of the object is greater than that of the fluid, the object will sink. If the density of the object is equal to that of the fluid, the object will neither sink nor float. If the density of the object is less than that of the fluid, the object will float.

So, a ship, submarine or even a bottle with a cork will float when the weight of the water it pushes aside (displaces) is equal to its own weight. When a boat is put in the water, it displaces, or pushes water aside, and creates an upward force called buoyant force which acts opposite to the gravity.

Generally, things that are denser than water will sink. However, if the space (volume) inside an object is large enough (like an empty can), it will push enough water molecules out of the way to create an upward force greater than its weight. That's why something as small and dense as a pebble will sink straight to the bottom but an empty tin can that weighs the same amount will float. We can compare this to an empty can floating in the water. The empty can could become more "rock-like" and sink by pouring water into the can. By controlling the amount of water we pour into the can, we can control the rate and depth of its dive under the water's surface.


A submarine or a ship can float because the weight of water that it displaces is equal to the weight of the ship. This displacement of water creates an upward force called the buoyant force and acts opposite to gravity, which would pull the ship down. Unlike a ship, a submarine can control its buoyancy, thus allowing it to sink and surface at will.

To control its buoyancy, the submarine has Ballast Tanks and auxiliary, or Trim Tanks that can be alternately filled with water or air. When the submarine is on the surface, the ballast tanks are filled with air and the submarine's overall density is less than that of the surrounding water. As the submarine dives, the ballast tanks are flooded with water and the air in the ballast tanks is vented from the submarine until its overall density is greater than the surrounding water and the submarine begins to sink (Negative Buoyancy). A supply of compressed air is maintained aboard the submarine in air flasks for life support and for use with the ballast tanks. In addition, the submarine has movable sets of short "wings" called Hydroplanes on the stern (back) that help to control the angle of the dive. The hydroplanes are angled so that water moves over the stern, which forces the stern upward; therefore, the submarine is angled downward.

To keep the submarine level at any set depth, the submarine maintains a balance of air and water in the trim tanks so that its overall density is equal to the surrounding water (Neutral Buoyancy). When the submarine reaches its cruising depth, the hydroplanes are leveled so that the submarine travels level through the water. Water is also forced between the bow and stern trim tanks to keep the sub level. The submarine can steer in the water by using the tail rudder to turn starboard (right) or port (left) and the hydroplanes to control the fore-aft angle of the submarine. In addition, some submarines are equipped with a retractable Secondary Propulsion Motor that can swivel 360 degrees. When the submarine surfaces, compressed air flows from the air flasks into the ballast tanks and the water is forced out of the submarine until its overall density is less than the surrounding water (Positive Buoyancy) and the submarine rises. The hydroplanes are angled so that water moves up over the stern, which forces the stern downward; therefore, the submarine is angled upward. In an emergency, the ballast tanks can be filled quickly with high-pressure air to take the submarine to the surface very rapidly.


Leonardo da Vinci sketched a primitive submarine around 1515, and in 1578, William Bourne drafted the first design for a submersible craft. In 1620, the first successful submarine was built by Cornelius Drebbel and tested in the Thames River, where it completed a three-hour journey. At least 14 different submarine designs were patented by 1727. Early designs usually incorporated wooden submarine frames covered in oil-soaked waterproof leather, with oars extending from the hull for propulsion. American inventor David Bushnell developed the first military submarine in 1775, during the American Revolution. The TURTLE was used on July 7, 1776, to sneak up on a British battleship and attach an explosive device to the hull of the enemy ship. Ultimately, the Turtle's mission failed. Designing an underwater weapon delivery system proved to be a difficult task for years to come.

Early submarines were usually propelled by hand-operated cranks, and their offensive strategies centered on covertly confronting a surface ship, attaching explosives to the enemy's hull and escaping before the explosion. Though it may sound simple, the process was quite difficult. Many submarines were simply unable to catch up to enemy warships. Attaching explosives also proved tricky since it was difficult to penetrate the ships' hulls using screw-type devices.


Designs for a battery and diesel -propelled submarine emerged in the years following the Civil War. In 1867, an important step was made with the successful launch of the world's first steam-powered submarine, the ICTINEO II, created by Spain's Narcis Monturiol .This development is notable because nuclear submarines are essentially steam-powered. The main difference is that in nuclear submarines, the steam is created by superheating water using atomic fission. By contrast, in conventional steam engines, the power is created by burning coal. Before World War I, the United States focused its submarine fleet on coastal defense. The groundwork for the submarine race was laid at the turn of the century, as many features of future submarines were already in use. Engineers continued to tweak the designs of propellers, devised new systems for using water as ballast and the made strides toward the development of Diesel-Electric Hybrid Submarines. These subs were propelled on the surface using the diesel engine, and they went electric when submerged underwater. This combination saved valuable oxygen underwater and helped maintain the integrity of the air inside the submarine.

The United States realized that its submarine designs didn't compare favorably to those of other World War I combatants. In the decades between the World Wars, the U.S. reinvested in research and development, greatly improving the quality of its submarine fleet. One of the biggest improvements to U.S. submarines was that they were enabled to move at faster speeds that allowed them to accompany and protect naval fleets as they traveled across the world. The long-range fleet of U.S. submarines would later be responsible for bringing destruction to the Japanese fleet in the Pacific theater of war. After World War II, both the U.S. and the Soviet Union studied the designs of the superior Nazi U-boats and altered their own submarines to mimic the U-boat. U-boats had a streamlined hull, which made them run faster than U.S. and USSR subs. They also utilized a snorkel, which was basically two tubes running between the submerged vessel and the surface. One tube brought air to the diesel engine and the other took foul air away. This allowed the submarine to remain submerged, even while the diesel engine was running. In this postwar period, more streamlined and efficient diesel-electric subs emerged. Because of their low construction costs and stealthy silence, variants of those diesel-electric subs are still in use by navies worldwide today. The U.S. Navy, however, was cooking up a bigger, bolder idea that would change naval strategy and tactics forever.

Going Nuclear: The First Nuclear-powered Submarine

The United States developed the world's first nuclear-powered submarine: the NAUTILUS. Its first nuclearpowered journey took place on Jan. 21, 1954. In contrast to the diesel-electric subs that preceded it (and are still in service around the world today), the Nautilus had a practically unlimited range. What's more, it could stay underwater for great lengths of time because it didn't have to surface to recharge electric batteries. And while most submarines were designed to travel primarily on the surface and dive on occasion, the Nautilus was designed to remain underwater and only surface on occasion.

At least six nations now operate nuclear submarines: the U.S., Russia, India, France, China and the U.K. Nuclear submarines offer these nations a bit of prestige, not to mention enhanced offensive and defensive capabilities. As more nations seek to acquire this technology, navies must decide how to reconfigure their fleets

Nuclear Submarine Parts

A submarine has an Inner hull, which protects the crew from the water pressure bearing down on the submarine, and an Outer hull, which provides a streamlined shape to the submarine. The hulls of nuclear submarines are made of HY-80, an alloy made from nickel, molybdenum and chromium that protects the submarine from the incredible pressures exerted upon it at great depths.

The Sail is the streamlined portion that rises above the main body of the sub. It consists of several components, such as the horizontal diving planes, the radar masts, communications antennas and periscopes.

Ballast tanks are located between the two hulls. They help control the depth of the submarine by taking on or releasing water. Trim tanks -- located in the front and aft (rearward) sections of the sub -- are also able to take on or release water in order to keep the submarine's weight equally distributed.

The Rudder is vertically aligned, and by moving it, the ship can be directed side-to-side. Stern planes are horizontally aligned, so that moving them will guide the submarine's movement upward or downward.

The Propeller is powered by the steam-driven turbine and generators. The steam is created by the nuclear reactor. A Nuclear Reactor is essentially a glorified steam engine. It's usually located in the rear portion of the submarine. The reactor is protected by a thick metal casing that weighs around 100 tons. A specially designed alloy inside this shielding further protects the radioactive fuel rods.

The Sonar Sphere is located in the nose (or front) of the submarine. Sonar helps a submarine detect other objects in the water. It works by sending out a sound wave. If this sound wave strikes an object, a portion of the sound will be echoed back to the sub.

Atmosphere control equipment decontaminates the crew's breathing air by ridding it of carbon dioxide and impurities. The submarine's crew is housed and fed in very tight, efficient quarters called the Berthing and Mess deck.

Distilling plants purify saltwater to be used for the engine or for drinking water.

The Control room/Attack center is the nerve center of the submarine. It contains the operational controls for all navigational, sonar, communications and weapons systems on the submarine. From here, the vessel's activities are directed.

The Torpedo Room is where all torpedoes are stored and loaded into torpedo tubes to prepare them for launching.

Nitty-gritty Nuclear
Within the nuclear reactor, a neutron is used to split an atom of uranium, producing energy in the form of gamma radiation and heat. A coil filled with circulating water is superheated as it's routed past the reactor. This water is under extremely high pressure, which prevents it from boiling. Inside self-contained piping, the water is directed through a secondary source of water, where it's heated again. Here, the water is converted to steam and is piped toward the turbine that generates power for the submarine. The steam is condensed again in special cooling tubes, and the resulting water flows back into the steam generator. Inside the generator, it's reheated and the process repeats. This method requires no oxygen, so the submarine doesn't need to maintain or refresh a supply of air from above the surface.

Light does not penetrate very far into the ocean, so submarines must navigate through the water virtually blind. However, submarines are equipped with navigational charts and sophisticated navigational equipment. When on the surface, a sophisticated Global Positioning System (GPS) accurately determines latitude and longitude, but this system cannot work when the submarine is submerged. Underwater, the submarine uses inertial guidance systems (electric, mechanical) that keep track of the ship's motion from a fixed starting point by using gyroscopes. The inertial guidance systems are accurate to 150 hours of operation and must be realigned by other surfacedependent navigational systems (GPS, radio, radar, satellite). With these systems onboard, a submarine can be accurately navigated and be within a hundred feet of its intended course. To locate a target, a submarine uses active and passive SONAR (sound navigation and ranging). Active sonar emits pulses of sound waves that travel through the water, reflect off the target and return to the ship. By knowing the speed of sound in water and the time for the sound wave to travel to the target and back, the computers can quickly calculate distance between the submarine and the target. Whales, dolphins and bats use the same technique for locating prey (echolocation). Passive sonar involves listening to sounds generated by the target. Sonar systems can also be used to realign inertial navigation systems by identifying known ocean floor features.


A Torpedo is essentially a guided missile that happens to "fly" underwater. A Torpedo therefore has a propulsion system, a guidance system and some sort of explosive device. Torpedoes can travel several miles on their way to the target, and therefore they need a propulsion system that can run for 10 to 20 minutes. Normally they use the technique called SUPERCAVITATION to create a bubble of gas inside a liquid large enough to encompass an object travelling through the liquid, greatly reducing the skin friction drag on the object and enabling achievement of very high speeds.

In water, cavitations occur when water pressure is lowered below the water's vapour pressure, forming bubbles of vapour. That can happen when water is accelerated to high speeds as when turning a sharp corner around a moving piece of metal such as a ship's propeller or a pump's impeller. The greater the water depth (or pressure for a water pipe) at which the fluid acceleration occurs, the less the tendency for cavitations because of the greater difference

between local pressure and vapour pressure. Once the flow slows down again, the water vapour will generally be reabsorbed into the liquid water. A common occurrence of water vapour bubbles is observed in a pan of boiling water. In that case the water pressure is not reduced, but rather, the vapour pressure of the water is increased by means of heating. If the heat source is sufficient, the bubbles will detach from the bottom of the pan and rise to the surface as steam. Otherwise if the pan is removed from the heat the bubbles will be reabsorbed into the water as it cools, possibly causing pitting on the bottom of the pan as the bubbles implode. A supercavitating object uses cavitations in a larger and more sustained manner. A supercavitating object's main features are a specially shaped nose, usually flat with sharp edges, and a streamlined, hydrodynamic and aerodynamic shape .When the object is travelling through water at high speeds, the flat nose deflects the water radially outward at speeds such that there is a tremendous drop in pressure aft of where the water passes over the sharp edge of the periphery of the nose, causing a cavitations bubble that will generally close in behind the object. The bubble will persist, travelling with the object, forming at the nose and closing in behind. If the resulting cavity is not large enough, it may be extended by internally generating additional gas to inject into the cavity. The result is that the only portion of the object in direct contact with the water is the nose, and skin friction drag is substantially reduced. That is what happens in Torpedoes. They are designed to explode very close to the target boat and create a "void" in the water causing the ship to buckle under its own structural pressure. In other words, it makes a HUGE bubble under the boat and it sinks.

Torpedoes are set to detonate at a certain range and depth; ideally at the centre of a ship. The blast created lifts the ship at this point before the downward movement from the 'void' breaks the spine of the ship. Torpedoes do not actually 'hit' a ship. The torpedo does not actually "hit" a ship because it explodes underneath the vessel. This creates steam (essentially) in enormous amounts of pressure that lifts up the ship and smacks it back down, while at the same time the explosion is striking the ships hull. Most missiles that fly through the air use either rocket engines or jet engines, but neither of these works very well underwater. Torpedoes use one of two techniques for PROPULSION:

Batteries and an electric motor -- This is the same technique that any non-nuclear submarine must use when running underwater.

Engines that use special fuel -- Most engines that we are familiar with, like car engines and jet engines, draw their oxygen from the air around the engine and use it to burn a fuel. A torpedo cannot do that, so it uses a fuel that either does not need an oxidizer, or it carries the oxidizer inside the torpedo. OTTO fuel has its own oxidizer mixed with the fuel. Hydrogen Peroxide does not need an oxidizer. We don't encounter too many fuels that contain their own oxidizers in our normal lives for two reasons. When a fuel has its own oxidizer it tends to make it explosive. Dynamite, for example, has its own oxidizer and it is quite explosive. Rockets have to carry their own oxidizer. But because we normally run engines in the air, which has a good supply of oxygen, carrying the oxidizer means extra weight and hassle which is unnecessary.


Compressed air This first successful self-propelled Whitehead torpedo of 1866 used compressed air as its energy source. The air was stored at pressures of up to 2.55 MPa (370 psi) and fed to a piston engine which turned a single propeller at about 100 rpm. It was able to travel about 180 meters (200 yd) at an average speed of 6.5 knots (12.0 km/h). The speed and range of later models was improved by increasing the pressure of the stored air. In 1906 Whitehead built torpedoes which could cover nearly 1,000 meters (1,100 yd) at an average speed of 35 knots (65 km/h). Heated torpedoes This led to the idea of injecting a liquid fuel, like kerosene, into the air and igniting it. In this manner the air is heated up more and expands even further, and the burned propellant adds more gas to drive the engine. Construction of such heated torpedoes started circa 1904 by Whitehead's company. Wet-heater A further improvement was the use of water to cool the combustion chamber of the fuel-burning torpedo. This not only solved heating problems so more fuel could be burnt but also allowed additional power to be generated by feeding the resulting steam into the engine together with the combustion products. Torpedoes with such a

propulsion system became known as wet heaters, while heated torpedoes without steam generation were retrospectively called dry heaters. Most torpedoes used in World War I and World War II were wet-heaters. Flywheel The Howell torpedo used by the US Navy in the late 19th century featured a heavy flywheel which had to be spun up before launch. It was able to travel about 400 yards (370 m) at 25 knots (46 km/h). The Howell had the advantage of not leaving a trail of bubbles behind it, unlike compressed air torpedoes. Electric batteries Electric propulsion systems avoided tell-tale bubbles. John Ericsson invented an electrically propelled torpedo in 1873; it was powered by a cable from an external power source, as batteries of the time had insufficient capacity. The Sims-Edison torpedo was similarly powered. The Nordfelt torpedo was also electrically powered and was steered by impulses down a trailing wire. Modern electric torpedoes such as the Mark 24 Tigerfish or DM2 series commonly use silver oxide batteries which need no maintenance, allowing torpedoes to be stored for years without losing performance. Modern drive systems Modern torpedoes utilize a variety of drive mechanisms, including gas turbines, monopropellants, and sulphur hexafluoride gas sprayed over a block of solid lithium.


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