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Chapter two -1- Unit one

Sound as a wave motion

……………………………………………Sound produced as a result of •

?How does Sound transfer •

..………………………………………………………………………… •

:Sound Ray
………………………………………………………………………………… •

:Reflection of sound
..………………………………………………………………… :Definition •

Sound propagates in form of ………. Wave, where the source of •

the sound at ……. of that spheres, when sound waves reflect, it

reflect as if the source of the repeated sound ………. The


……….…………………………………………… Sound reflects when •

The repeated sound is similar the original one, and it seems to •

..………………………………………………… be produced from

.………………………………………………………………… :Definition •

:Laws of reflection
..……………………………………………………… :Angle of incident

……………………………………………………… :Angle of reflection

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -2- Unit one

:Laws of reflection
…………………………………………………………… :The first law •

………………………………………………..……… :The second law •


:Application of reflection
……………………………………………………………………………… •

……………………………………………………………………………… •

:Refraction of sound
………………………………………………………………… :Definition•

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -3- Unit one

When sound falls on a separating surface between two media, a•

……………… portion of the sound ………….. and the other portion

If the velocity of sound in the first medium is (greater than – less •

than) that in the second medium, sound refract away from the

:Laws of refraction
:The first law

.......... . .......... .
.......... . ..........


..…………………………… φ is •

...…………………………… θ is •

:The second law




The relation between velocity of sound and density of gas can be •

…………………… written as

If the temperature of air increases, therefore its density •

.)(increases / decreases

If the density of air increases therefore the velocity of sound •

.)(increase / decrease

When sound transfers from high velocity to slow velocity, it •

.refract (towards / away from) the normal
2008/2009 Work Sheet
Chapter two -4- Unit one


Sound heard more clear at night than that at day time •

...…………………………………………………………………………… •

?How can you form a lens to diverge the sound •

...…………………………………………………………………………… •

What is the relation between density of gas and velocity of •


...…………………………………………………………………………… •

Sound ray fall in the separated surface between air and water.1

with an angle of 30°, find the angle of refraction given that

.velocity of sound in air = 320 m/s and that in water = 400 m/s


]’38° 40 [

If the velocity of sound in air is 0.7 that in Hydrogen, given that.2

:density of hydrogen is 0.19 kg/m3 find

.Density of air)a

Refracted angle in hydrogen given that the incident)b

angle in air is 30°

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -5- Unit one


]’kg/m3, 45° 35 0.38775 [

:Interference of sound
.…………………………………………………………………… : Definition


Explain an experiment to illustrate the interference of sound by

using of two coherent sound sources (two loudspeakers are

:)connected with generator

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -6- Unit one






:Constructive interference
…………………………………… :Definition

……………………… = Path difference


).… m is integral number. (0,1,2,3

:Destructive interference
.…………………………………………………………………… : Definition

……………………… = Path difference


).… m is integral number. (0,1,2,3

Two waves of wavelength 0.5 m and velocity 300 m/s, if one of.1

the two waves starts after the second by 0.1 second. Find if the
.sound will be loud or decay


2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -7- Unit one


:Diffraction of sound
.…………………………………………………………………… : Definition

Diffraction of sound takes place when the diameter of the hole

.(smaller than, greater than) the wave length of the wave

.We can hear the sound of talking person in a closed room •

..…………………………………………………………………………… •

.We can hear the sound of talking person behind a thick barrier •

..…………………………………………………………………………… •

:Sound as wave motion

:Sound considered as wave motion for the following reasons






2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -8- Unit one

Superposition of waves

It is ………………………………………., where the intensity of the •

...…………………………………………………… resultant wave is

If the frequencies of the two •

superposed waves are slightly

different, …….which are high sound

.are formed

Superposition of waves may •

produce as a result of incident and

.reflected wave in a string

If the end of the string is fixed, the •

crest reflect as ………………., and

.that case (increase / decrease) in intensity

If the end of the string is free, the crest reflect as ……….. and •

that cause (increase / decrease)

.decrease in intensity

:Stationary "standing" waves

Standing waves arise from the •

superposition of two identical waves

having the same amplitude and

frequency traveling with the same speed but in ………………

.)directions (incident and reflected waves


………………………………… :Definition •

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -9- Unit one


..………………………………………………………… :Definition •

:)Wave length (λ
..………………………………………………………… :Definition •

:Melde’s experiment
…………………………………… •

…………………………………… •

…………………………………… •

…………………………………… •

:Vibration of strings

When a string of length (L) is fixed at both ends and plucked near

the center, it vibrates forming its "fundamental tone". This wave has
.a smallest possible frequency

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -10- Unit one

Relation between number of waves, segments,

:antinodes and nodes

Number of waves Number of Number of Number of

segments antinodes nodes


:Vibration of strings

Fundamental Second
First overtone
.t overtone

First Second Third

.harmonic t .harmonic t .harmonic t


Number of
………… ..………… .…………
segments n

)L (related to λ ..…………… .………… ..…………

Ratio of ν .…….…………… .…….……………

:As general

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -11- Unit one

L =

:Ratio of ν

V = .......... .× .......... ..
.......... .
∴ν =
.......... .
but λ =
.......... .
∴ν =
.......... ..

when L and V are const.

ν 1 n1
ν2 n2
ν 1 : ν 2 : ν 3 = n1 : n 2 : n 3
ν1 : ν 2 : ν 3 = 1 : 2 : 3

:Equation of strings

The velocity of propagation of the transverse waves in a stretched

:string can be calculated from the following formulas

V =........ ×.........
......... V =
but λ= m
∴ V =ν
.......... .

.......... .........
ν =
.......... .........
........ ..........
......... .........

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -12- Unit one


Ft: is ………………………….. and has unit of ……………. and it can be

.……… calculated from the relation ………… where: M is

m: (longitudinal density) is ………………….. and has unit of …………

….. , and it can be calculated as m = ………… and it can be

..………… calculated from the relation

:Factors affecting the frequency

:)The length of the string (L-1

The frequency is ……………. Proportional to the length, when the

.rest of variables are constant

ν ∝ ..........

ν 1 .......... .
ν 2 .......... ..

:)The tension of the string (Ft-2

The frequency is …………… proportional to the square root of the

.tension, when the rest of variables are constant
ν ∝ ..........

ν1 .......... .
ν 2 .......... ..

:)The mass per unit length (m-3

The frequency is ………….. Proportional to the square root of mass

.per unit length, when the rest of variables are constant

ν ∝ ..........

ν 1 .......... .
ν 2 .......... ..

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -13- Unit one

Find the relation between the frequency and density of string's-1



Find the relation between the frequency and radius of the string-2


A string of length (L) stretched on a sonometer with a.1

certain tension emits its fundamental tone with frequency

50 hertz. Find its frequency if its length is decreased to half

.)of (L





]Hz 100 [

The tension of a string stretched on a sonometer is changed from .2

6.4 N to 8.1 N without change in its length. Find the ratio of the

frequencies in the two cases if you know that the string always
.emits its fundamental tone


2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -14- Unit one



]8:9 [

A string of length 1.5 m and mass 1.5 x 10-3 kg. is stretched with-3

a mass of 20 kg (acceleration of gravity = 9.8 m/s2). Find its

.fundamental frequency





]Hz 147.57 [

A string made of steel 1 m long vibrates in two segments. It is-4

stretched by a mass of 8 kg (g = 9.8 m/s2). Calculate its

.frequency if its mass per unit length is 0.001 kg/m




]Hz 280 [

A string of mass per unit length 0.01 kg/m is stretched by mass-5

of 10 kg. Calculate velocity of propagation of a transverse wave

)on this string (g = 10 m/s2



]m/s 100 [

2008/2009 Work Sheet

Chapter two -15- Unit one

.…………………………………………… = Number of segments *

..…………………………………………… = Number of antinodes *

.…………………………………………… = Number of nodes *


You can differentiate between the musical tones emitted from •

different musical instruments although their fundamentals are





2008/2009 Work Sheet

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