California Hoodwinked by Big Business

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California hoodwinked by big business

2012-11-12 12:58:11-05 Carolanne Wright, NaturalNews | Big money wins yet again this time defeating Prop. 37 in California. Monsanto, DuPont and others contributed $45 million to keep the American public in the dark about genetically modified organisms. Even though the failure of this ballot measure is a blow to those who value safe food, the battle continues [...] Read more...

UK activists to battle secret justice bill

2012-11-12 13:13:45-05 Press TV | British human rights groups are gearing up for a muscle-flexing with the British government over secret justice plan that allows closed court sessions for evidence deemed sensitive in national security terms. The Justice and Security Bill will be debated in the House of Lords on November 19 and 21. Amnesty International, Human [...] Read more...

Video: From endless growth to a new model of democracy

2012-11-12 14:58:25-05 Youtube | Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed take us on a journey crammed with apparently discouraging facts about the state of our world today, but he manages to answer the question: How can the world move from a paradigm ruled by a few, who have had constant growth as the major goal, to a paradigm with community [...] Read more...

Argentina unrest brought to you by Goldman Sachs

2012-11-12 15:23:26-05 Tony Cartalucci, Land Destroyer Report | The US-engineered Arab Spring brought us the April 6 Youth Movement in Egypt, run by Wall Streetbacked Mohammed ElBaradei in coordination with the Muslim Brotherhood, the February 17 Revolution, consisting of Al Qaeda terrorists of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group in Libya, and now Argentina has the 8N, or November 8 movement working in coordination with [...] Read more...

Skype shares private details of WikiLeaks suspected supporter

2012-11-12 17:30:14-05 RT | Say goodbye to online service providers protecting the identities of their users. With just a bit of begging, a Texas-based intelligence firm succeeded in convincing Skype to send over sensitive account data pertaining to a teenage WikiLeaks fan. Reports out of Amsterdam this week suggest that Microsoft-owned Skype didnt wait for a court [...] Read more...

Obamas first-term track record on freedom

2012-11-13 02:27:30-05 John W. Whitehead, Antiwar | I was a constitutional law professor, which means, unlike the current president, I actually respect the Constitution. Barack Obama, March 2007 Four years after Barack Obama was elected on a platform of change you can believe in, hes now promising America that the best is yet to come. However, on [...] Read more...

Kerry, John Kerry: Defense Secretary

2012-11-13 02:32:25-05 Zero Hedge | Just when the newsflow surrounding Americas military-industrial complex couldnt get any more surreal, and on Veterans day on top of everything, here comes the WaPo with news that virtually assures all defense companies should open limit up tomorrow: President Obama is considering asking Sen. John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) to serve as his [...] Read more...

Obamas Presidency Through Palestinian Eyes

2012-11-13 05:28:07-05 Dr. Elias Akleh | People worldwide were very interested and following the 2012 American election believing that their future would, somehow, be affected by the foreign policies of the new American President. Only the Palestinian people were totally apathetic to the election. They believe that the American stance toward the Palestinian cause, specifically, and towards [...] Read more...

Syrian Opposition Unity Deal

2012-11-13 05:29:12-05 Stephen Lendman, | Last week, Doha hosted Washingtons reinvented scheme to forge new Syrian opposition unity. Only pro-Western puppets need apply. So-called Friends of Syria are its enemies. Most live outside the country. They havent been there for months or years. Theyre out of touch. They have no connection to what most Syrians support. [...] Read more...

Israel Shells Syria and Gaza

2012-11-13 05:30:28-05 Stephen Lendman, | A previous article said beware of false flags. For months throughout the Syrian conflict, possible full-scale Western intervention loomed. It still does. Post-US elections, its more likely, not certain, but reports suggest expect it. Several stray mortar shells from Syria struck occupied Golan. No injuries were reported. Israel holds Damascus responsible. [...] Read more...

American Immorality Is At A Peak

2012-11-13 05:36:10-05 Paul Craig Roberts, | When Chris Floyd is at his best, as he is below, he puts things in perspective for readers that they otherwise never confront. Obama has won reelection, and his supporters think that somehow things are going to be different. Fat chance. While evil continues to envelop America, the public is [...] Read more...

FBI Agents Raid Home of Author in Petraeus Scandal

2012-11-13 13:21:59-05 WBTV | Federal agents are inside the home of the Charlotte author at the center of a scandal involving CIA Director David Petraeus, who resigned on Friday. The Federal Bureau of Investigations confirms that it has agents inside Paula Broadwells Dilworth home. While agents on scene would not confirm what they were looking for, nearly a [...] Read more...

How the CIA and FBI can read your email

2012-11-14 01:15:03-05 Zack Whittaker | The U.S. government and likely your own government, for that matter is either watching your online activity every minute of the day through automated methods and non-human eavesdropping techniques, or has the ability to dip in as and when it deems necessary sometimes with a warrant, sometimes without. That tin-foil [...] Read more...

Your Dog: Big Brothers Best Friend

2012-11-14 01:20:30-05 A parish council has proposed plans to use DNA testing on dog waste in a bid to

catch owners who allow their pets to soil the pavement. The Telegraph | Councillors sitting on Sundridge with Ide Hill Parish Council in Kent discussed the plans after hearing a string of complaints from locals in the villages. [...] Read more...

American military gets away with torture

2012-11-14 01:24:50-05 NY Times | In a decision that ignored a 41-year-old precedent and American obligations under international law, a United States appeals court has ruled that American civilians who are tortured by the American military cannot recover damages from the people responsible. The 8-to-3 ruling by the full United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit overturned [...] Read more...

McGrath: There Is a Disaster Coming. Get Ready For It

2012-11-14 01:28:34-05 Mac Slavo, | Do you think the government will be there for you in the middle of a crisis? If they cant handle the emergency response after a Category 1 hurricane, what will this country look like when the economic and fiscal crisis comes to a head? What happens if the US dollar comes under attack [...] Read more...

Government surveillance is on the rise

2012-11-14 04:03:58-05 RT | The email accounts of Generals David Petraeus and John Allen arent the only ones being targeted by the feds. Google has released its bi-annual transparency report and says that the governments demands for personal data is at an all-time high. Internet giant Google published statistics from their latest analysis of requests from governments around the [...] Read more...

Sandy: Katrina Redux?

2012-11-14 08:01:32-05 Stephen Lendman, | On August 29, 2005, New Orleans was woefully unprotected. It wasnt accidental. It was planned. In early 2001, FEMA predicted the three most likely US disasters. They included a terrorist attack on New York, a major San Francisco earthquake, and a hurricane and flood in New Orleans. Shaped like a bowl [...] Read more...

Pro-Israeli Media Coverage

2012-11-14 08:03:04-05 Stephen Lendman, | Gaza rockets respond defensively to provocative Israeli bombing and shelling. Blame the victim articles and commentaries follow. Its standard Western media practice. Haaretz knows better. More below on woeful coverage. Since Saturday, Israeli air strikes killed at least seven Palestinians, injured dozens more, and damaged or destroyed civilian property. Israel committed [...] Read more...

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