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South Carolina carolina

Green is Good


Sustainability enterprises create many top jobs

The Meaning of Life Sciences

Biotech hub gets global notice

Tire makers roll out expansion programs

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

SponSoRed by The SouTh caRoLina depaRTMenT of coMMeRce | 2013

South Carolina


Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Tire makers roll out expansion programs

20 26 32 38

The Meaning of Life Sciences

Biotech hub gets global notice

all the Right connections



Suite of programs gives South Carolina a business advantage

Green is Good
Sustainability enterprises create jobs, investment
Table of Contents Continued on Page 7


on The coveR Michelin, bridgestone and continental Tire have made significant investments in South carolina. Photo by brian Mccord


overview almanac business climate 11 12 17

49 17


Site overview Transportation Technology education Livability Gallery economic profile 47 49 53 60 68 74 78

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P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f L C L a m B r eC h T


South Carolina
201 3 Edition , volum E 3


ContEnt dirECtor BiLL mcmeekin ProofrEading managEr raven PeTTy ContEnt Coordinator JeSSiCa WaLker Staff WritEr kevin LiTWin Contributing WritErS PameLa CoyLe, meLanie hiLL, BiLL LeWiS, BeTSy WiLLiamS, Gary WoLLenhauPT SEnior graPhiC dESignErS Laura GaLLaGher, kriS SexTon, Jake ShoreS, vikki WiLLiamS graPhiC dESignErS kara LeiBy, kaCey PaSSmore SEnior PhotograPhErS Jeff adkinS, Brian mcCord Staff PhotograPhErS Todd BenneTT, miChaeL ConTi Color imaging tEChniCian aLiSon hunTer ExECutivE intEgratEd mEdia managEr Suzi mcGruder ad ProduCtion managEr kaTie middendorf ad traffiC aSSiStantS krySTin Lemmon, PaTriCia moiSan Chairman GreG Thurman PrESidEnt/PubliShEr BoB SChWarTzman ExECutivE viCE PrESidEnt ray LanGen SEnior v.P./SalES Todd PoTTer SEnior v.P./oPErationS CaSey heSTer SEnior v.P./CliEnt dEvEloPmEnt Jeff heefner SEnior v.P./agribuSinESS PubliShing kim hoLmBerG v.P./buSinESS dEvEloPmEnt CLay Perry v.P./ExtErnal CommuniCationS Teree CaruTherS v.P./viSual ContEnt mark foreSTer v.P./ContEnt oPErationS naTaSha LorenS v.P./travEl PubliShing SuSan ChaPPeLL v.P./SalES rhonda Graham, herB harPer, Jarek SWekoSky ControllEr ChriS dudLey SEnior aCCountant LiSa oWenS aCCountS PayablE Coordinator maria mcfarLand aCCountS rECEivablE Coordinator diana Guzman SalES SuPPort Coordinator aLex markS SalES SuPPort ProjECt managEr Sara quinT SyStEm adminiStrator danieL CanTreLL WEb CrEativE dirECtor aLLiSon daviS WEb ContEnt managEr John hood WEb dESignEr ii riChard STevenS WEb dEvEloPmEnt lEad yameL haLL WEb dEvEloPEr i neLS noSeWorThy PhotograPhy dirECtor Jeffrey S. oTTo CrEativE SErviCES dirECtor ChriSTina Carden CrEativE tEChnology analySt BeCCa ary audiEnCE dEvEloPmEnt dirECtor deanna neLSon nEW mEdia aSSiStant aLySSa diCiCCo diStribution dirECtor Gary SmiTh ExECutivE SECrEtary kriSTy dunCan human rESourCES managEr PeGGy BLake rECEPtioniSt Linda BiShoP

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South Carolina carolina

Green is Good


Sustainability enterprises create many top jobs

The Meaning of Life Sciences

Biotech hub gets global notice

find out what its like to live in South Carolina and what makes the state such a special place to be.

Tire makers roll out expansion programs

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

SponSoRed by The SouTh caRoLina depaRTMenT of coMMeRce | 2013

read the magazine on your computer, zoom in on articles and link to advertiser websites. SiTe Guide >> find available commercial and industrial properties with a link to a searchable database. SucceSS bReedS SucceSS >> meet the people who set the pace for business innovation. diG deepeR >> Plug into the community with links to local websites and resources to give you a big picture of the state. deMoGRaphicS >> a wealth of demographic and statistical information puts the state at your fingertips.

We spotlight the states innovative companies.

South Carolina Commerce is published annually by Journal Communications inc. and is distributed through the South Carolina department of Commerce. for advertising information or to direct questions or comments about the magazine, contact Journal Communications inc. at (615) 771-0080 or by email at

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South Carolina department of Commerce 1201 main St., Suite 1600 Columbia, SC 29201-3200 Phone: (803) 737-0400 fax: (808) 737-0894

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an unparalleled place to call home

a message from bobby hitt, south Carolina seCretary of CommerCe bobby hitt
South Carolina Secretary of Commerce

if you build it, he will come Field of Dreams, 1989 its a simple quote that speaks volumes: if you build it, he will come. This line was made famous in the hit 1980s baseball movie Field of Dreams. moviegoers and fans alike appreciated the inspirational tone of the film and what it represents the belief that what you envision can become a reality. more than 20 years after Field of Dreams, South Carolina is proof that this concept still rings true. The Palmetto State is proving that if you build a good reputation globally for creating a business friendly environment, having a highly skilled workforce, competitive cost structure and accessible infrastructure, companies will come; and they have. during the national economic downturn, South Carolina emerged as a Southeast magnet for new jobs, investment and growth, ranking nationally as one of the top five business climates by Site Selection magazine. i have often said that we build things in South Carolina, and we build them well. our loyal and proficient workforce, and an organized and world-renowned training program help South Carolina lead the nation in the manufacturing renaissance. The state has gained manufacturing jobs in 14 of last 17 months, up more than 7,000 jobs in the last year. South Carolina has had one of the best years on record in 2011. due largely to the Governors pro-active role in business development, and the South Carolina department of Commerces aggressive recruiting strategy, efforts have created highly favorable business conditions. as a result, an impressive roster of household names across a spectrum of industries have put down roots in South Carolina from Continental Tire to Bridgestone

americas to michelin to Td Bank, to BmW to Sonoco. most notably, in 2011 Commerce helped facilitate the recruitment of 20,013 jobs and more than $5.1 billion in capital investment. The state outperformed many of its neighbors in the region, breaking the states previous record in capital investment. Commerces efforts garnered a Gold Shovel award and Project of the year award from Area Development magazine in 2012: a prestigious recognition for the second year in a row. Looking at the resources South Carolina has to offer business prospects its not hard to see why they choose to establish operations in the Palmetto State. Commerce has focused on making sure South Carolina is competitive globally and sustains a vital and thriving economy. We are manufacturing for the world, and exporting product around the globe. one of the secrets to success for the state is its investment in workforce development, ensuring residents have the skill sets businesses seek. The award-winning readySC program, for example, offers coordinated training through the states 16 technical colleges at no cost for eligible new or expanding companies. The states cultural and historic offerings and opportunities for outdoor recreation from coast to mountains make South Carolina not only a great place to do business but also an unparalleled place to call home. one of my beliefs is that business doesnt sit still and to be competitive you have to be ready for change. With Commerces top-notch project managers spearheading economic development efforts, and help from our partners and allies across the state, we are doing more than ever to show why South Carolina is the state of business and the world of opportunity we have to offer.



dRiven To expand
zf Group, a major global supplier of automotive parts for drive train and chassis systems, is revving up a major expansion at its Laurens County production facility. The expansion represents an $80 million investment in addition to a $350 million investment zf announced in 2010 that will generate 1,200 new jobs. The German-based company, one of the 10 largest automotive suppliers in the world, manufactures automotive parts and components at 117 production facilities in 26 countries. To help encourage zf Group to make the latest investment, South Carolina offered the company a $500,000 grant for facility improvements and personnel training. visit for more information.

WheRe buSineSS SoaRS

Gkn aerospace is taking orangeburg County to new heights. The manufacturer of aerostructures, propulsion systems, transparencies and specialty products for the aerospace industry will create 250 jobs with its $38 million composites assembly operation in the county. To help the company make its investment, the Coordinating Council for economic development approved Gkn for a rural infrastructure grant of $2 million. The state's readySC workforce training program will assist Gkn with the hiring process. visit for more information.

GReenviLLe iS The SoLuTion

Greenville is adding another corporate headquarters. a supplier of performance-based process safety engineering and automation solutions for the petroleum, chemical and process manufacturing industries, aeSolutions is consolidating several facilities into a single location in Greenville. The company is investing close to $2 million in the project and adding more than 40 new jobs to its 140-person workforce. The 24,000-square-foot Greenville office will house corporate headquarters, engineering, and research and development teams. Go to for more.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

GoinG up in fLoRence
next time you step into an elevator, it could be because of work done in florence County. otis elevator Co. has located a 423,000-square-foot design, engineering and manufacturing facility with a 150-foot-tall testing tower in florence. The new facility will deliver more than 360 jobs to the Pee dee region and produce the Gen2 elevator, which features an efficient, eco-friendly design. otis, a subsidiary of united Technologies, is the worlds largest manufacturer and maintainer of mobility products including elevators, escalators and moving walkways. The company offers its products and services in more than 200 countries. find out more at

WRapped up in WeaLTh
uniscite inc., a China-based manufacturer of plastic films commonly used for food packaging, likes what it sees in Laurens County. The company will invest $70 million in a new plant to produce a high-quality biaxially oriented polypropylene (BoPP) film. The project will generate as many as 100 new jobs for the community. With projected completion in 2014, the facility will become the first China-based company to locate in Laurens County. The Coordinating Council for economic development helped encourage uniscite to locate operations in South Carolina by approving job development credits for the company and a grant of $400,000. The state's readySC workforce development program will also help deliver pre-employment training.

TaLenT ScouTinG
Peoplematter, a comprehensive talent management agency, helps service industry employers locate and train individuals who deliver superior customer service. Through its use of integrated management processes, Peoplematter is able to provide a supply of talent that helps streamline employers hiring procedures. The firm has unveiled plans to relocate its headquarters to downtown Charleston. which is projected to bring 265 jobs to the area in addition to an $18.8 million capital investment over four years. once the relocation process is completed, Peoplematter will be the largest privately held technology company in the area. Learn more at





The buSineSS cLiMaTe iS heaTinG up in The paLMeTTo STaTe brings you South carolina in a whole new way
facTS & STaTS LivabiLiTy
Dive into the details, demographics and information What makes the state a great place to live, raise a family and have fun

cooL coMpanieS

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Top induSTRieS

Key industry segments that drive the economy

Top eMpLoyeRS

find out who the major players are


stay connected with the latest developments


Pinpointing the deals and developments that shape the economy

on The cuTTinG edGe in chaRLeSTon
TiGhiTCo inc., part of Charleston-based The interTech Group, is locating a new manufacturing facility in Charleston County. The airplane structures facility entails an investment of more than $30 million; it is expected to create about 350 new jobs after all phases of the development are completed. TiGhiTCo inc.s new facility will be located in Palmetto Commerce Park. for more information, visit

openinG dooRS To pRoSpeRiTy

masonite international Corp., a manufacturer of residential and commercial doors, plans to expand its Bamberg County operation. The company, with customers in about 70 countries and more than 7,000 employees around the world, will invest $14 million in its denmark operations and create 159 new jobs once new technology is installed. The Coordinating Council for economic development approved a $1.5 million grant for Bamberg County to purchase and upgrade the building it will lease to masonite. Learn more at

cRuiSinG ToWaRd expanSion

known for its vehicles' engineering, styling and luxurious ride quality, German automobile manufacturer BmW has attained success in every major automotive market around the world. The automaker, which came to South Carolina in 1994, is expanding again in Spartanburg County. This expansion will enable the plant to produce the companys new x4 vehicle, a crossover built on the same platform as the x3. The x4 will also incorporate the x3s engine variants, but the x4 will boast dynamic styling and enhanced engine outputs with the most powerful version short of the m series delivering up to 306 horsepower. The plants expansion will represent a massive $900 million investment in the community, and promises to create 300 new jobs. Learn more at



Business Climate

advantage South carolina

low costs, pro-business attitude bring growth, jobs to the state
Exporting to thE World
South Carolinas 2011 export volume totaled more than $24.8 billion in goods sold to 198 countries. That figure represents a 21.4 percent increase over 2010 totals.
Story by Bill Lewis

BMW is making a $900 million investment at its Spartanburg operations.

ts no surprise that some of the best-known names in business The Boeing Co., BMW Manufacturing Co. and TD Bank, to name just a few have chosen South Carolina as the place to invest billions of dollars in new and expanding operations. With its unbeatable combination of low tax rates, business-friendly tort and workers compensation systems, major research facilities, world-class transportation assets and skilled workforce, South Carolina is attracting investments by job creators in business sectors ranging from finance, auto manufacturing and aerospace to biotechnology and renewable energy. Boeing assembles the worlds most technologically advanced widebody airliner in Charleston. The first completed South Carolina-made 787 Dreamliner was rolled out in spring 2012. The companys investment is expected to exceed $870 million and create 4,000 direct jobs.

Todd BenneT T


south Carolina in groWth ModE

new jobs in 2011

$5.12 billion
capital investment in 2011

Total projects in 2011

$3.7 billion
foreign direct investment in 2011, resulting in 9,269 jobs Td Bank is expanding its South Carolina operations. P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f T d B a n k

bMWS ModeL foR GRoWTh German automaker BMW is investing another $900 million and creating 300 new jobs at its South Carolina facility, where it will manufacture a new model, the X4, which is an entry-level Sports Activity Coupe that is expected to launch in 2014. The company has manufactured 2 million vehicles in Spartanburg since 1994. With the latest expansion at the facility, which has more than 4 million square feet of space, BMWs investment has grown to nearly $6 billion. The facility now employs nearly 7,500 workers. Two million vehicles have prepared our team well to meet

the new opportunities that lie ahead for our plant. We look forward to a new model with great anticipation, says Josef Kerscher, president of BMW Manufacturing. For nearly 20 years, this team has always proven their steadfast commitment to producing quality vehicles for our customers around the world. South Carolina has numerous advantages for BMW, says company representative Kelly Wamsley. They include: The statewide technical education system that meets the skills training needs of employers A highly skilled workforce Proximity to key

transportation infrastructure, which the BMW operation uses to ship the approximately 1,000 vehicles it makes each day The states pro-business attitude The Port of Charleston, which is the fourth-busiest container port in the United States and provides service to 140 countries around the world BMWs South Carolina facility is the leading U.S. automotive exporter and contributes positively to the balance of trade. In 2011 the facility exported more than 192,000 passenger vehicles, valued at more than $7.4 billion, through the Port of Charleston. That

What othErs arE saying

The South Carolina department of Commerce earned a second-place Silver award in Business Facilities magazines 2011 economic development deal of the year competition for the new Continental Tire the americas plant in Sumter County. The Small Business & entrepreneurship Council ranks South Carolina as the fifth-most friendly state in the nation for small business and entrepreneurship. Forbes magazine ranks South Carolinas regulatory environment fifth-best in the nation for business. Area Development magazine named South Carolina fourth in the nation on its Top States for doing Business list.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

represents a 68 percent increase over BMWs 2010 value, according to U.S. Department of Commerce data. BMWs impact on South Carolinas economy and overall competitiveness is always worth celebrating. This new economic investment and commitment of jobs is a testament to South Carolinas strong automotive manufacturing industry, says Bobby Hitt, South Carolina Secretary of Commerce.
Td bank ReGionaL hub TD Bank, one of the 10 largest banks in the United States with more than 1,280 locations, is expanding corporate operations at its campus located on Interstate 85 in Greenville and is creating more than 1,400 new jobs over the next three to five years. TD Bank is also creating more than 200 new positions in Lexington. Overall, TD Bank employs approximately 1,465 people throughout South Carolina and plans to add 1,600 new jobs in the state by 2016. While TD Banks dual United States

headquarters are located in New Jersey and Maine, South Carolina is a cornerstone in the banks expansion plans. Step one in our growth plans was to identify a third regional hub and we have done that in Greenville. The new I-85 campus will support TD Banks corporate operations from Maine to Florida and it will also be the base from which we continue our retail growth in the southeast, the Carolinas and Florida, says Rob Hoak, TD Banks regional president for North and South Carolina. TD Bank is investing an additional $17 million to complete work at the I-85 campus and an additional $2.5 million at its Lexington Tech Center. TD Bank chose Greenville because of the strong ties we have to South Carolina and because it is a great state in which to do business, Hoak says. Once the new I-85 campus is finished, the available space will give us a more robust platform to accommodate TD Banks continued growth and we also welcome the opportunity to continue hiring from South Carolinas talented workforce.

south Carolina tradE FaCts

The fastest-growing sectors were vehicles, with a 52 percent increase; cotton yarn and fabric at nearly 50 percent; and electrical machinery, nearly 25 percent. South Carolina ranked first among U.S. states in tire exports. Germany was South Carolinas No. 1 export market in 2011. Canada was second, while China was third. Other top export markets were Mexico, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, Brazil, Japan and Saudi Arabia. Exporters in South Carolinas manufacturing and agricultural sectors benefit from access to competitive, deep-water port facilities, says Jim Newsome, president and CEO of the South Carolina Ports Authority. Growing our export base is essential to generating jobs in the maritime industry and across the state.

Todd BenneT T


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

south Carolina tire makers roll out major expansion programs
Story by Gary Wollenhaupt

hen your car or truck is riding down the road, theres a good chance the tires gripping the pavement came from a plant in South Carolina. The state, which is poised to become the top tire-making state in the country, has developed a critical mass of automotiveindustry production that reflects the thriving climate for manufacturing. More than 480 manufacturing companies with more than 100 employees have a presence in South Carolina, thanks to a business-friendly climate, a well-educated workforce and a transportation infrastructure that

carries goods across the country and around the world. Some 250 automotive-related companies and suppliers contribute to manufacturing components for automotive and commercial vehicle makers.
GRoundbReakinG inveSTMenTS Since 1975, when Michelin began production, South Carolina has become a powerhouse in tire manufacturing. It ranks first among tireexporting states, with about 30 percent of the U.S. tire export market and second in the nation in total tire production. The states share of the tire market will

continue to grow with expansion plans from Bridgestone, Continental and Michelin. In Sumter, Continental Tire the Americas is building a $500 million tire plant that will employ about 1,600 workers when it begins production in 2014. The company is also expanding its headquarters in Fort Mill. From a financial perspective, the incentive package was competitive among the other states and there is a very strong labor force and technical competence in this area, says Craig Baartman, Sumter plant project manager. In Aiken County, Bridgestone Americas Inc. announced plans to

South Carolina is home to michelins north american headquarters in Greenville, as well as several manufacturing plants.


right: michelins earthmover tire facility in Lexington. below: Bridgestone americas has announced $1.2 billion in investment for operations in South Carolina.

PhoTo CourTeSy of miCheLin

invest $1.2 billion in its operations, including an off-road radial tire plant and expansion of a lighttruck and passenger tire plant, in the largest single investment in the states history. The new plant will bring 850 jobs. The collaboration that went into our decision to build our new plant in South Carolina is a perfect example of a public-private partnership that provides an economic engine for both the county and state of South Carolina, says Steve Brooks, chief project officer with Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Since 1973, Michelin North America Inc. has invested more than $5 billion in South Carolina, with eight plants and more than 8,000 employees. The latest addition is a $750 million plant to make tires for equipment for the mining industry. Most of these tires will leave the state via the Port of Charleston. The port is critical for any business in South Carolina, and



we have an excellent rail and highway system, says Wayne Culbertson, executive vice president, personnel and chief human resources officer for Michelin North America Inc.
ManufacTuRinG pRoWeSS South Carolinas leap into automotive manufacturing began when BMW came to Spartanburg County in 1994. The automaker has produced more than 2 million vehicles in the state and is adding production capacity with a $900 million investment in its Spartanburg County plant, raising BMWs output capabilities to 350,000 units a year and employing 8,000 people. State incentives are encouraging other manufacturers to invest and create jobs including: JTEKT Automotive South Carolina Inc., a manufacturer of driveline components, which plans to expand its operations in Greenville County. The $102 million investment is

expected to generate at least 80 new jobs. Accuride, a component supplier to the commercial vehicle industry, which will invest $8.73 million to expand aluminum wheel product at its Kershaw County plant. TWL Precision, a supplier of precision automotive components, which will invest $5 million to expand operations in Charleston County that will create 35 jobs. Streit USA Armoring, a maker of armored vehicles, which plans to spend $5.8 million to build a new facility in Charleston County. Gestamp is investing $51 million to add capacity to its Union County plant that creates body structure stampings for BMW. The officials of Union County and the state Department of Commerce have worked diligently with us to make this project feasible for this location, says John Craig, president of Gestamp North America.

Major ManuFaCturing EMployErs in south Carolina

Michelin North America Inc. BMW Manufacturing Co. LLC Robert Bosch LLC Miliken and Co. Louis Rich-Kraft Foods Sonoco Products Co. Nucor Corp. The Timken Co. Eaton Corp. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations Continental Tire the Americas LLC

south Carolina ManuFaCturing

Continental Tire has broken ground on a $500 million facility in Sumter County.

number of manufacturers with 100+ employees

Workers trained through the readySc program

$24.7 billion
Total 2011 exports

countries served by Sc ports

Miles of rail


new Meaning to Life Sciences

south Carolinas biotech hub gains global notice
Story by Melanie Hill Photography by Todd Bennett

outh Carolina is a leader in the life sciences industry, attracting domestic and international biotechs, pharmaceutical giants, educators and researchers. The state also boasts networking initiatives, which empower South Carolinas universities, health-care systems

and life science companies. Spearheading that partnership is SCBIO, a membership organization that advances South Carolinas life science industry through collaboration, advocacy, workforce development, enhanced purchasing power and education. The group connects members

with needed resources such as capital and translational research, facilities and incubator assistance. We have a record of entrepreneurship and unique partnerships, and institutions willing to partner to complete a link, says Wayne Roper, president of SCBIO.

above: South Carolina is a leader in life sciences innovation. right: The medical university of South Carolina in Charleston


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

PhoTo CourTeSy of SCra

alivE and WEll

biotech and life sciences companies in South carolina

biotech and life sciences jobs in South carolina

average annual wage for life sciences workers in the state

Life sciences patents issued to South carolina inventors since 2005 Source: SC Bio



univeRSiTy paRTneRShipS Universities are a vital link in the states life sciences chain. The University of South Carolina, Clemson University and the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) all operate life science programs and business incubators, and are eager partners in collaboration and research. Located in Charleston, MUSC includes six colleges and more than 2,600 students. The school receives more external research funding than any other state university. In 2011, faculty received 1,282 extramural awards totaling $243 million, with federal funding making up about 70 percent of extramural support. Dr. Stephen Lanier, associate provost for research at MUSC, relocated to South Carolina after seeing first-hand the states commitment to life sciences. The two major themes that appealed to me were the dramatic growth of research programs

across the state, and partnerships being developed among the three major research universities and health-care providers in the state, Lanier says. It was clear to me that the alignment of support systems was ramping up the energy around biomedical-based technology development. Today, Lanier helps MUSC build regional infrastructure and intellectual partnerships including the development of clinical trial programs. Each week he interacts with colleagues from state universities and development alliances and sits on boards for innovation development within South Carolina. We also interact closely with the Charleston Regional Development Alliance, and work with the city to develop infrastructure and provide connectivity between partners, Lanier says. We try to match industry and corporate life science companies with expertise on

campus, and provide access to core facilities and advanced technology they may not have access to otherwise. Thats good news to South Carolinas nearly 600 life science companies, which employ more than 13,000 people statewide. More than 35 medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers and 50 research laboratories and development companies are in Charleston alone. SCBIO notes that the average wage for a life sciences worker in the state is more than $53,000. Researchers in the state have earned 357 life science patents since 2005.
pReScRipTion STRenGTh In 2011, Florida-based Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corp. announced plans to build new operations in Lexington County. The $313 million investment will create 707 jobs upon opening. The decision to expand into South Carolina was based on

several reasons, which included insurance concerns, need for geographic diversity of operations, competitive marketplace and state incentives, says Lou Kennedy, CEO of Nephron Pharmaceuticals. Roche Pharmaceuticals also calls South Carolina home. The Swiss company operates Roche Carolina Inc., a strategic process development and manufacturing facility in Florence. The company completed a $60 million expansion at that facility in 2009. The company has cited available land, access to rail, proximity to the Port of Charleston, location near major interstates, and an available and trainable workforce as among the advantages of its location. The Florence region has attracted other life sciencesrelated investment. IRIX Pharmaceuticals, a contract research and manufacturing organization (CRMO), counts some 150 pharmaceutical and

medical diagnostic services company Lab21 has its u.S. headquarters in Greenville.

Lab partners
stateWiDe initiative ConneCts life sCienCes innovators
from major universities to promising startups, South Carolinas life science players are well connected thanks to the nations only statewide biomedical research collaborative. Columbia-based health Sciences South Carolina is transforming the states public health and economic well-being by harnessing the power of research. newcomers here have connectivity that in another state would be regional or local, says Jay moskowitz, Ph.d., president of hSSC. Partners include the states six largest health systems, three major universities and companies of all sizes. among hSSCs greatest achievements is the statewide implementation of electronic medical records, now used by more than 1,200 South Carolina physicians. The switch will help us research not only patients at major medical centers, but people who arent normally in clinical studies, such as rural and underrepresented groups, moskowitz says. a second accomplishment is the establishment of a statewide clinical data warehouse. The CdW comprises a range of components, each of which will play a role in managing, organizing, and providing useful access to the patient data generated by hSSCs collaborating hospitals. hSSC also participates in the South Carolina SmartState Program, which creates Centers of economic excellence in research areas that will advance the states economy. Spinoff company Cephos Corp. is now marketing patented brain imaging technology developed by the Brain imaging Center of economic excellence as the most advanced brain-imaging techniques for scientifically accurate lie detection. another game changer is SimTunes, a spinoff of the Center of economic excellence in Clinical effectiveness and Patient Safety, creating educational material for use in health-care simulation training. Story by Melanie Hill

P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f B r e n n a n W e S L e y. C o u r T e S y o f m u S C .

biotech companies among its clients. The company, which engages in the generation of process technology for new and existing drugs, and the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients, has 33 Ph.D. scientists among its staff of 150. Not far from IRIX, General Electric Healthcare manufactures magnetic resonance imaging equipment used by health-care providers around the world. Greenville serves as the U.S. headquarters for Lab21, a global provider of medical diagnostic services. The company discovered South Carolina after purchasing a molecular diagnostics startup from life sciences entrepreneur Michael Bolick in 2009. Today, Bolick oversees the companys 10,000-square-foot lab in Greenville. He says South Carolinas partnerships helped entice the British lab leader. Were not in a commodity market, so the more successful our peers are the more successful we all will be, says Bolick, who expects to add manufacturing to Lab21s Greenville operation. It should be a really exciting time in South Carolina over the next few years.

The medical university of South Carolina includes six colleges and 2,600 students.


all the Right connections

suite of programs gives south Carolina a business advantage
Story by Betsy Williams Photography by Todd Bennett

he phrase buy local is more than a slogan in South Carolina; its a call to action. BuySC is a purposeful effort to increase business opportunities for South Carolina companies, says Chuck Bundy, manager of business services for the South Carolina Department of Commerce. BuySC is a purchaser-oriented, material and service locator program designed to help South Carolina companies connect with South Carolina suppliers and vendors. The goal is to help

companies control costs and delivery times to make them more competitive in todays economy. But that doesnt mean BuySC is just another business directory. We ask companies to give us a deeper level of information, Bundy says. We are looking for a differentiator, quality certifications, product specifications the kind of information that helps us better connect the company to an opportunity. By going through the BuySC process, companies looking for a service or

product and those seeking to provide those services or products are likely to find a better fit. A better fit translates into orders placed and products sold. They made a point to get to know our business, says Pat Young, owner of Alpha Manufacturing, a precision machine shop in West Columbia. Alpha Manufacturing has more than 25 years experience in the nuclear industry and more than 35 in the aerospace industry. Because the Department of

top: a wing-bending test on The Boeing Co.s 787 dreamliner ground test airplane, The test bends the wings one-and-a-half times what the plane would experience during service. bottom left: alpha manufacturing is a precision machine shop located in West Columbia.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

rEadysC : a WorkForCE lEadEr


year the readySc workforce training program was established

Workers trained since 1961

Workers trained in 2010-2011

number of technical colleges readySc works with Source:

P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f C o P y r i G h T 2 01 0 B o e i n G . a L L r i G h T S r e S e r v e d.



Commerce made the effort to know who we are and what we do, they could send potential customers our way. Those potential customers have become paying customers for Alpha Manufacturing and many other companies in the state. Bundy says the program is a classic win-win for businesses. Companies including The Boeing Co., Bridgestone and Nephron announced moves to South Carolina and indicated they needed suppliers, both on the

construction and product-andprocess sides. What we do is use the BuySC program as a means for announcing to South Carolina companies that an opportunity is available, Bundy says.
focuS on WoRkfoRce The state helps promote small business in other ways, too. Another program aimed at promoting business in the state is readySC, one of the oldest and most experienced workforce training programs in the

United States. Working through the technical colleges, readySC teams with eligible companies that are starting up, expanding or relocating in South Carolina to provide a full range of services including workforce recruiting and testing, curriculum and materials development, customized training and project management.
infoRMaTion iS key Launched early in 2012, the Small Business Network is a web

above: The BuySC program has helped connect suppliers and vendors in South Carolina to companies such as Bridgestone americas and The Boeing Co. right: Trident Technical College is part of the readySC workforce training program.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

hub of information and resources to help small business owners and entrepreneurs grow or establish their companies. The networks website, sc-business-network, offers a variety of tools including new market information, business financing options, export services, workforce development and regulatory information designed to aid small business owners and entrepreneurs in the state. One of the reasons we put up

the site is that we wanted more emphasis on small business, Bundy says. We focused on the idea of connection we wanted to connect the business community with the large and growing number of resources to help them grow. The Small Business Network seeks to answer questions business owners ask. How do we find financing? Where can we find skilled workers or training programs? Who can provide regulatory help? How can

we find new customers for our products? The answers to these types of questions are fundamental components of any business, Bundy says. Our goal is to help people find information they can use right after they look at the site. The information is provided for the specific geographic area requested and includes the contact information for the people in that area of expertise.

PhoTo CourTeSy of ed rode



Successful collaboration
state initiative linKs suPPliers to buyers
Sometimes who you know matters. in the Palmetto State, making the right connections for the states business sector is one of the many services provided by the South Carolina department of Commerce and the results generate sales, profits and jobs. Just ask Pat young, owner of alpha manufacturing, a precision machine shop in West Columbia. i cant say enough good things about the department of Commerce, she says. When the downturn in the economy came it hurt our business like so many others. They worked with us to help us find new customers. The states BuySC program encourages and assists state companies in doing business with one another. The Boeing Co. called upon the department of Commerce for assistance in helping some of its suppliers find quality machine shop work done by a firm with aerospace and nuclear experience. The department of Commerce in turn contacted young. Boeing representatives came to our facility because of the information the department of Commerce provided, young says. We were able to show them the work we do. They were very happy with what they saw and wanted us to work with their suppliers. Since then alpha has been receiving requests for quotes and been awarded work by those suppliers and other companies directed to youngs company by the BuySC program. The help didnt stop there. Contracting with Boeing suppliers is a tall order for a small machine shop, one that requires a substantial amount of paperwork and certification. We dont have the staff to work through all of that, young says. The department of Commerce helped us so we could do what we do best make parts for the aerospace and nuclear industries. Betsy Williams

alpha manufacturing



Green is Good
sustainability enterprises create jobs in south Carolina
Story by Pamela Coyle Photography by Todd Bennett

ustainability has become second nature in South Carolina, where companies are manufacturing sustainable products and investing in sustainable processes to run more efficiently themselves. Johnson Controls, for example, is expected to start production in summer 2012 at a new, fully integrated battery recycling facility in Florence. The $150 million investment will create up to 250 direct and 1,000 indirect jobs.

PolyQuest Inc., which distributes recycled polyethylene terephthalate (commonly known as PET) used in plastic packaging and automotive products, is investing $4 million to increase capacity at its Darlington facility. This will be PolyQuests seventh expansion in 11 years and will create 20 new jobs.
fiRinG up a bioMaSS boiLeR A number of South Carolina companies are updating existing infrastructure with sustainable

alternatives for power generation. Sonoco, a global producer of packaging products, is one highprofile example. In upgrading its Darlington County plant, Sonoco will invest $100 million $75 million of it to add a new biomass boiler to replace two old coal-fired boilers. We are putting a new heart in this manufacturing complex, says Roger Schrum, Sonocos vice president of investor relations and corporate affairs and the overseer of the companys sustainability

direct and indirect jobs that will be created by Johnson controls in the florence area

Jobs that will be created by ecapS corp. in bennettsville

$75 million
amount invested by Sonoco in its darlington county plant to replace coal-fired boilers


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

Sonocos new biomass boiler facility, shown here, replaces two coal-fired boilers at the companys darlington County plant.



efforts. We could have scaled down our operations. With 22 mills around the world, we could have increased others and decreased here but we are actually increasing the capacity of mill operations in South Carolina. The benefit for South Carolina is twofold, he says. In switching from coal the company reduces its carbon footprint, and in using biomass wood waste from logging operations it takes advantage of an unutilized resource to create power. The boiler will produce about 16 megawatts of green energy for the manufacturing complex and steam used in paper making.
biG on baTTeRieS Johnson Controls Florence County site is near its distribution center and a short drive from its existing manufacturing facilities, saving time, money and energy. The Carolinas generate about 13 million spent lead-acid
clockwise from top left: recycled cardboard is used in manufacturing at Sonocos darlington County plant; Constructing Sonocos new biomass boiler

rtanburg Rock Hill

Recent Sustainability projects in Sc

Bennettsvile Darlington


2 1

Florence Sumter



Myrtle Beach



1. florence: Johnson controls operates a battery recycling facility in florence 2. darlington: polyQuest inc., which distributes recycled polyethylene terephthalate, is expanding its darlington facility Sonoco is upgrading its darlington county plant to add a new biomass boiler 3. bennettsville: ecapS corp. is creating customized panels that can take the place of wood siding and other materials made of scarcer resources carolina aac, which produces energy-efficient concrete, is opening a facility in bennettsville


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce




Whats online
To lean more about innovation in South carolina, visit south-carolina.

batteries each year, and the region has had a gap in recycling capacity, the company says. More than 97 percent of all automotive lead-acid batteries in the United States are recycled, making them the most recycled post-consumer product nationwide, Mike Carr, vice president and general manager of Johnson Controls Power Solutions North American business, said in an April 2012 construction update. This facility will enable us to continue to responsibly recycle our customers used batteries, while maintaining a reliable source of raw material to support battery production. The Palmetto State also is attracting manufacturers that produce green materials for the construction industry. Located in Bennettsville, Engineered Composite Aluminum Panel Systems Corporation, also known as ECAPS Corp., is a startup manufacturer of sustainable aluminum composite panels for old and new buildings. Using a combination of aluminum sheets and composite insulating materials, the company makes customized panels that can take the place of wood siding and other materials made of scarcer resources. The Bennettsville site, a $3.4 million investment, is home to ECAPS Corp.s fabrication, distribution and customer service operations and will create at least 150 jobs. Carolina AAC, which produces energyefficient concrete, is also opening a facility, investing $20 million and creating 36 jobs. The company produces Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC), a lightweight, sustainable, fire-resistant material relatively new to the U.S. building industry but long in use for both residential and commercial construction in Europe and Asia. Both Carolina AAC and ECAPS Corp. set up shop in Marlboro County. The projects, according to the South Carolina Department of Commerce, help establish the Pee Dee region as a leader in sustainable building materials at a time when the emerging green construction industry surges.

clockwise from top left: engineering work stations at eCaPS Corp. in Bennettsville; Johnson Controls Powerframe grid technology improves the quality and performance of automotive batteries.; Workers construct Sonocos biomass boiler.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f eC a P S C o r P.

P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f r e a L Ly r e a L Ly B i G i n d u S T r i e S , i n C .




SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

Recycled opportunity
state effort bolsters eCology, eConomy
recycling doesnt just provide an ecological benefit; it also packs an economic wallop in South Carolina, to the tune of more than $10 billion each year. its not just a feel-good industry that lessens the garbage load in landfills. recycling also means jobs in several individual communities, says Chantal fryer, senior manager for recycling market development with the South Carolina department of Commerce. There are 37,000 statewide jobs associated with this green growth industry, and today more than 300 companies are involved with the recycling business. The Commerce department offers an online directory of recycling businesses throughout the state, which can be seen at The website is categorized by haulers, collectors and processors, as well as end-users who turn recyclables into new products. The site is also searchable by commodity types such as paper, plastic, metal, glass, rubber and chemicals. $4 billion in additional investment has taken place, fryer notes. recycling companies continue to find the state an appealing place. ohio-based Grace Plastics opened an industrial plastics recycling operation in Simpsonville in april 2012, with a $1.2 million investment that will create 15 jobs. Today in South Carolina, with even more emerging recyclable markets being established, such as construction and demolition materials, food products and carpeting, the recycling industry will continue to grow, for many good reasons, fryer says. Kevin Litwin

econoMic poWeRhouSe
The recycling industry continues to grow as an economic force in South Carolina. a 2006 study showed that recycling had a $6.5 billion economic impact, and since then more than




SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

Site Guide
South Carolina has more than 30,000 acres of certified sites, with available acreage and spec buildings in practically every county carefully catalogued in a user-friendly online database. The certified site program has been rated and scored by an independent third party against a 161-point, comprehensive set of standards that addresses the startup demands of the manufacturing industry and mirrors their site selection process. This field-tested, thorough evaluation can save a prospect six months or more on its site selection and startup schedule by proactively addressing and documenting the availability, serve-ability and develop-ability of a property. visit the new building and sites locator to search available property in the state at for additional information, contact: jennifer deCesare buildings and Sites manager (803) 737-0597


Tyger River industrial Site acreage: 1,140 acres Sewer/Water access: available additional info: SC Certified Site, interstate access

conder Site acreage: 1,468 acres Sewer/Water access: available additional info: SC Certified Site, interstate access White hawk commerce center acreage: 1,175 acres Sewer/Water access: available additional info: SC Certified Site, interstate access

SiTe & buiLdinG LocaTionS

Note: These listings were provided by the South Carolina Department of Commerce and were considered correct at the time of publication. However, due to the nature of real estate, the information and availability may change during the lifetime of this publication and accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Go to for the most up-to-date information.

1 Tyger River industrial Site 2 i-20 industrial center 3 White hawk commerce center
other available Site/building




high Tide for Logistics

south Carolina charts active course for ports, distribution assets
Story by Bill Lewis Photography by Todd Bennett

ith its unparalleled infrastructure and a strategic location halfway between New York and Miami, South Carolina makes it easy for businesses to reach markets in the United States and around the world. From roads to rail and airports to deep-water ocean ports, South Carolina is a transportation, distribution and logistics (TDL) powerhouse. The states assets include five major airports, service from two Tier I rail carriers, shortline and switching railroads, multiple interstate highways and the world-class Port of Charleston. Two initiatives are making South Carolinas logistics position even stronger the creation of the public-private TDL Council to promote and guide the states TDL resources, as well as continuing improvements of the Port of Charleston in anticipation of the widening of the Panama Canal. Recognizing that TDL supports virtually the entire economy, the TDL Council has taken on the mission to bring together public- and private-sector leaders to target investments and eliminate obstacles to competitiveness in areas such as infrastructure, incentives and workforce.
TdL induSTRy GRoWS In the past year, South Carolina has seen capital investment of over $194 million and more than 3,000 jobs created from distribution and logistics companies, says Bobby Hitt, South Carolina secretary of commerce. The states infrastructure, location on the East Coast and workforce talent make it an attractive location for TDL industry
Wando Welch Terminal at The Port of Charleston in mt. Pleasant



port oF CharlEston
The port of charleston handled 1.38 million shipping container units, or 20-foot equivalent units, in 2011. container volumes have been steadily increasing for many months since global track slackened significantly in 2009. The port of charleston ranks eighth in the nation in terms of cargo value, with $58 billion worth of cargo traded across the docks in 2011. charlestons container trade is very balanced between imports and exports, each carrying about a 50% share.

firms. The goal is to make South Carolina more competitive, and the TDL Council will only enhance our states ability to attract new firms and build our economy. The Port of Charleston is investing in improvements to handle increased volume and the arrival of even more large, Post-Panamax-size vessels once the Panama Canal is expanded to allow larger ships to make the quick passage between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Over the next decade, the South Carolina Ports Authority plans to invest about $1.3 billion in new and existing facilities. This plan includes a new container terminal the only permitted port terminal that is currently under construction on the East Coast major improvements to existing facilities, technology upgrades and a new cruise terminal.
a poST-panaMax WoRLd We are making an all-in bet on the future of big ships in our port, the expansion of the Panama

Export voluME Source: WiserTrade

$24.7 billion

$20.3 billion

$16.5 billion


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

Canal and the growth of the Southeast. Our aggressive capital plans reflect a lot of optimism in not only our ports future, but also our states future, says Jim Newsome, president and CEO of the South Carolina Ports Authority. The ports users include some of the worlds most recognized and respected brands including Michelin, BMW, adidas, GE, Fujifilm, Mercedes-Benz, Bosch, Boeing and Starbucks. The Southeast is the nations exporting region, and there are hundreds of companies in South Carolina that have established a presence here to manufacture and export goods that have global demand, Newsome says. Big ships arent just a thing of the future. Already, ships too large for the Panama Canal are arriving at the Port of Charleston. They come from Asian trade lanes via the Suez Canal as well as Europe. These big ships will arrive with

greater frequency, necessitating the need for a deeper harbor that can accommodate them under any tidal condition, 24 hours a day. To prepare for the increased frequency of big-ship traffic in the port, a nextgeneration Harbor Deepening Project for Charleston is currently under way. The tremendous opportunity afforded the East Coast, particularly the Port of Charleston, from the Panama Canal expansion is a game changer for the shipping industry. It is the most significant thing to happen to shipping since the advent of the container, says Newsome. There is no turning back on this big ship trend, Newsome says. Were seeing ships in our harbor today that are much too large for the Panama Canal, and these ship calls will only be increasing in the coming years as businesses look to reduce their transportation costs.

Major airports
Five major airports place any location in South Carolina within an hours drive of airline service. Commercial airport locations: Charleston Columbia Greenville/ Spartanburg Myrtle Beach Hilton Head

Top left: a crane loads cargo onto a ship at the Port of Charlestons Wando Welch Terminal in mt. Pleasant. bottom left: Charleston international airport serves more than 2.5 million passengers annually.

Welcome to the Certified Business Ready Region of South Carolina

Giving Your Company the Competitive Edge by Offering:

Certified, Buffered Industrial Parks Planned for Manufacturing and Distribution Strategic Locations on I-95 Excellent Proximity to Nearby Ports Rail Sites with Room to Grow Certified Workforce Certified Assistance Certified Incentives Welcoming Communities That Appreciate Industry Located Halfway Between the Boeing and Gulfstream Aerospace Clusters

Representing the Southern Carolina Region of South Carolina: Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper Counties

For more information and to view our available industrial properties, visit or contact: Danny Black, President SouthernCarolina Alliance 803.541.0023


Launch assisted
south Carolina program gives lift to new tech ventures
Story by Pamela Coyle Photography by Todd Bennett

talented vascular surgeons idea is now one of three dialysis devices and the only one on the East Coast part of the federal Food and Drug Administrations innovative fasttrack approval program. The doctoral work of a Clemson University advanced materials Ph.D. is giving wounded U.S. soldiers better control and ability with prosthetic devices. Both are new technology ventures in South Carolina, and

both received cash infusions from SC Launch at critical times that allowed them to move forward with innovative product development. SC Launch, a collaboration of the South Carolina Research Authority and research institutions in the Palmetto State, assists startup companies with counseling, seed funding and access to a network of resources. Forbes magazine in 2010 recognized SC Launch as one

of the top five programs in the nation that support entrepreneurship, and in 2011 it was named nonprofit organization of the year by the American Business Awards for leading collaborative entrepreneurial and economic development efforts. With Clemson University, the University of South Carolina, and the Medical College of South Carolina combined with the South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA), state-of-the art

above: The South Carolina research authority (SCra) helps develop technology-based industries in the state.



Bill Mahoney serves as CEO of the South Carolina Research Authority (SCRA).


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

laboratories and business acceleration facilities fledgling businesses have powerful tools for technology development and commercialization.
bRidGinG The Gap CreatiVasc Medical, which is working closely with the FDA, received two $200,000 grants from SC Launch. The first allowed the company to build a network of investors and raise $3.5 million in private equity. The second meant product enhancements and the start of human clinical trials. Their infusions came at a very critical time where the company could have gone either way, says CEO Steve Johnson. SensorTech is another success story. The company develops smart polymers that boost the ability of other devices by conducting electricity through embedded sensors. Applications include medical devices and consumer electronics the patent-pending technology, which can measure force, pressure, torque or impact, can be made into any shape or size. What SC Launch does is help young companies begin to build the infrastructure they need, identify and

develop a management team and physical presence, says David Myers, SensorTechs CEO. That initial development is really critical to help get a company off the ground. SensorTech and CreatiVasc, both based in Greenville, were among the first companies to receive seed money from SC Launch. Since its start in 2006, the agency has made grants to or investments in 251 companies across six sectors: advanced materials, life sciences, information technology, energy, transportation, and chemical and engineering process. Those companies have raised $167 million in angel, venture and other capital. Receiving SC Launch funding means a young company already has met important benchmarks and sends a strong signal to other potential investors, Myers says. SCRA itself is an applied research and commercialization services corporation started by the state legislature in 1983 to help develop technology-based industries in South Carolina. It has evolved into a self-sustaining organization that wins research contracts from the U.S. government and private

Whats online
Learn more about energy and technology in South carolina at south-carolina.

SCRA: Increasing Revenues

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 $0 $50 $75 $100 $125 $150 $175 $70 $88.5 $94.2 $110 $111 $171 $195.2 $200

(Dollars in Millions)




SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

PhoTo CourTeSy of SCra

corporations and uses proceeds to invest in state-grown new technology. Its status as a federal contractor, especially with the Department of Defense and Department of Energy, allows qualification of SC Launch companies as federal subcontractors, creating a winwin-win for all parties involved, says Bill Mahoney, CEO of SCRA. We have a happier end customer, we earn incremental revenue and non-diluted cash, Mahoney says. It is like an ecosystem. Weve built a technology-based economic development program on a business footing. The thing pays for itself.

number of enterprises that Sc Launch has assisted and supported since it began in 2006

average annual salary earned through a position created by Sc Launch

PhoTo CourTeSy of SCra

clockwise from top left: Steve Johnson, Ceo of Creativasc medical in Greenville; Steve Johnson demonstrates his companys hemoacces valve System; Proceeds from SCra research are invested in state-grown new technology; SCra muSC innovation Center




SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

positive energy
south Carolina PoWer generation is tWiCe national average
The Palmetto State is a powerhouse. Literally. four major generating utilities operate in South Carolina, providing business, manufacturers and residents with ample, reliable and cost-effective power. duke energy, Progress energy Carolinas, South Carolina electric & Gas, state-owned Santee Cooper and a robust network of rural cooperatives generate reliable power to meet high capacity requirements. industrial power rates, though, average 5.96 cents per kilowatt hour, about 13.5 percent less than the national average. South Carolina utilities do far more than generate electricity, however. They invest where they live, backing economic development efforts with money and other resources to promote growth and investment. in the nuclear power arena, South Carolina is the third-largest generator among states, producing more than 50 million net gigawatt hours of energy from nuclear power. utility generators understand what it takes to attract new business and take very good care of existing industries, according to ralph Thomas, who serves as the Ceo of the South Carolina Power Team, an economic development alliance of Santee Cooper and 20 cooperatives. it confirms the fact that South Carolina is very pro-business and business-friendly, he says. Pamela Coyle




Job Ready
Certification initiative will help match worker skills to employer needs

Story by Kevin Litwin Photography by Todd Bennett

ccording to economic developers, the number-one issue for companies locating anywhere in the U.S. today is the sustainability of a high-quality, skilled workforce, a consideration that ranks higher than features such as infrastructure, tax incentives and labor costs. To help meet the needs of businesses for qualified workers, South Carolina has partnered in a workforce and economic development initiative with the testing company ACT that will better match workers with businesses that need them. South Carolina is one of six states, including Oregon, Wyoming,

Certified Work ready Communities initiative benefits employers.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce


P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f S e a n J u S T i C e /C o r B i S


Newberry County, South Carolina:

Manufacturing ProsPerity

Utah, Missouri, Kentucky and Virginia, where ACT has launched its Certified Work Ready Communities Initiative, which involves several tests that measure an individuals job-related skills. The ACT program will give employers a good idea on the work credentials of individuals, says Elisabeth Kovacs, coordinator of South Carolinas Certified Work Ready Communities Initiative. South Carolina has actually been using the WorkKeys assessment since 2007, so the ACT initiative takes everything a step further.
Second in The u.S. Up until now, the WorkKeys program has been testing potential workers on their skill level in three fundamental components: reading, applied mathematics and locating information via computer. If workers score low, they can access online tutorials to help them learn the needed skills and information, and can test again at a later date. South Carolina currently ranks second among states for people who have earned
above and right: The aCT Certified Work ready Communities initiative helps match worker skills to what employers need.

Mid-carolina commerce Park

463 acres on Interstate 26 Sites from 10 to 100 acres 4,000+ feet of interstate frontage South Carolina Certified Site Infrastructure installed 20 minutes to Columbia MSA 135 miles to Port of Charleston 803-321-2042 Located on Interstate 26 between Greenville and Columbia, SC, Newberry County is home to Caterpillar, Komatsu, Kraft Foods, Georgia-Pacific, International Paper and more.

Whats online
find out more about the states educational offerings by visiting


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

privatE Four-yEar CollEgEs and univErsitiEs

allen university, Columbia american College of the Building arts, Charleston anderson university, anderson art institute of Charleston, Charleston Benedict College, Columbia Bob Jones university, Greenville Charleston Southern university, north Charleston Claflin university, orangeburg Coker College, hartsville Columbia College, Columbia Columbia international university, Columbia Converse College, Spartanburg erskine College, due West furman university, Greenville Limestone university, Gaffney morris College, Sumter newberry College, newberry north Greenville university, Tigerville Presbyterian College, Clinton South university, Columbia Southern Wesleyan university, Central voorhees College, denmark Wofford university, Spartanburg
LeaRn MoRe: WWW.Scicu.oRG



P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f L a u r a d o S S /C o r B i S

from top: Programs such as aCT Certified Work ready Communities initiative are helping employers in the state identify the skilled workers they need.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f S T e Wa r T C o h e n

Certified WorkKeys Readiness certificates. In past four years, more than 160,000 people in South Carolina have gotten their WorkKeys certificates, says Jim Reynolds, who serves as chairman of the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce, and CEO of Greenville-based Total Comfort Solutions, an HVAC company that has utilized WorkKeys for hiring. WorkKeys helps both the individuals and businesses. For example, SMI Steel in Columbia has reduced its employee turnover by 50 percent with WorkKeys, because SMI can immediately place applicants in the correct jobs. The ACT initiative will now expand this process.

south Carolina CoMMunity and tEChniCal CollEgEs

1. aiken Technical College, aiken 2. Central Carolina Technical College, Sumter 3. denmark Technical College, denmark 4. florence-darlington Technical College, florence 5. Greenville Technical College, Greenville 6. horry-Georgetown Technical College, Georgetown, horry 7. midlands Technical College, Columbia 8. northeastern Technical College, Cheraw

09. orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College,orangeburg 10. Piedmont Technical College, Greenwood 11. Spartanburg Community College, Spartanburg 12. Technical College of the Lowcountry, Greenville 13. Tri-County Technical College, Pendleton 14. Trident Technical College, Berkeley, Charleston 15. Williamsburg Technical College, kingstree 16. york Technical College, rock hill


11 Spartanburg 5 13

Rock Hill




10 7


Florence Sumter


15 9 3

Myrtle Beach




Hilton Head

transFErring MadE siMplE SouTh caRoLina MakeS iT eaSy To eaRn fouR-yeaR deGRee
South Carolinas statewide transfer agreements allow students to easily transfer from one higher education institution to another within the state. for example, the university of South Carolina in Columbia offers a Bridge Program in association with the South Carolina Technical College System, which enables students to transfer to uSC when they have completed a minimum of 30 semester hours of coursework at one of the states technical or community colleges. in addition, South Carolina provides the Statewide articulation of 86 Courses. The agreement, often called the List of universally Transferable Courses, comprises a list of the general education courses that will transfer to any college or university in the state. While some courses may fulfill degree requirements, others may be counted as elective credits. for more information about the South Carolina Course articulation and Transfer System, go online to



a naTionaL daTabaSe For 12 months beginning in February 2012, state of South Carolina officials are being academy-trained in all aspects of the ACT initiative. Once their training is completed the following February, the department will assist each of the states counties in implementing the ACT Certified Work Ready Communities Initiative. ACT will create a national database, providing real-time information about South Carolina counties with regard to economic development, recruitment and expansion, Kovacs says. The database will present a strong message to industry that South Carolina counties are work ready, so come locate your plant here. The bottom line these days,

Kovacs says: If a company is going to invest in a community for at least 20 years, it wants to know that a sustainable, highquality workforce is available, one that can constantly improve its skill levels. By posting ACT-certified workers on the database, it tells companies that counties in South Carolina are well-trained, and are globally competitive, she says. The ACT certification program is a major strategic initiative for South Carolinas economic development. Local leaders who will be supporting the ACT Certified Work Ready Communities Initiative include mayors, council members, superintendents, principals, teachers and business directors.

publiC Four-yEar CollEgEs/univErsitiEs

The Citadel, Charleston Clemson university, Clemson Coastal Carolina university, Conway College of Charleston, Charleston francis marion university, florence Lander university, Greenwood medical university of South Carolina, Charleston South Carolina State university, orangeburg university Center of Greenville, Greenville university of South Carolina, Columbia Winthrop university, rock hill


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

Multiple choice
south Carolina offers abunDant higher eDuCation oPtions
more than 231,000 students currently attend South Carolina higher education institutions, a hefty number that ensures a ready supply of workers for emerging industries. South Carolina has 23 private fouryear colleges, 13 public four-year colleges and 16 public two-year technical colleges. four colleges and universities in the state were named to Princeton Reviews best-value colleges in 2012 Clemson university, College of Charleston, university of South Carolina and Wofford College. Ten South Carolina colleges were included on Forbes list of americas top colleges The Citadel, Clemson, College of Charleston, Converse College, erskine College and Seminary, furman university, north Greenville university, uSC and Wofford. president James f. Barker. many students and families are looking for that kind of comfortable experience. The Carnegie foundation recognized the university of South Carolina in Columbia for its research efforts. The university has earned a top-10 ranking from U.S. News & World Report, which called it most promising and innovative. Professional schools that are located on the Columbia campus include business, engineering, law, medicine and pharmacy. uSC is also home to the largest collection of 18th-century poet robert Burnss compilations that exists outside Scotland. Kevin Litwin

ReSeaRch LeadeRS
The two highest-profile universities in the Palmetto State are Clemson and uSC, with student enrollments of 19,000 and 46,000 respectively. Clemson is a top research university that provides students with a comfortable academic setting on a large campus. When i asked a group of students recently if Clemson is a large or small school, one answered, i think i go to a small school with lots and lots of other students, says Clemson

above: The Central Carolina Technical College is bringing education opportunities and the promise of a pool of qualified skills workers to local and relocating companies at their new campus in Camden, SC.



SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce


natures playground
beaches, boats, golf and water sports flavor south Carolinas wealth of outdoor attractions

Story by Jessica Walker Photography by Todd Bennett

hether youre looking for a new place to put down roots, craving an adventure-filled trip, or looking for a family-friendly vacation destination, South Carolina delivers more than enough options.
upSTaTe SouTh caRoLina Comprising 10 counties, South Carolinas Upstate region is home to approximately 1.34 million residents. The region is located two hours from both Atlanta and Charlotte, N.C., making it an ideal location for companies to expand or relocate. The areas many downtown districts are also attracting new businesses, thanks to recent improvements. Downtown areas in almost all Upstate cities have gone through revitalization, says Hal Johnson, president and CEO of the Upstate
from left to right: middleton Place, which is home to 65 acres of gardens.; a couple strolls through downtown Charleston.


clockwise from above: Jack nicklaus Course at Colleton river Plantation Club in Bluffton; riverbanks zoo and Garden in Columbia; Charleston City market in downtown Charleston; middleton Place house, located in Charleston, is a national historic Landmark.

SC Alliance. These areas are attracting restaurants, boutiques, pubs and more. Theres been an incredible resurgence. The region also offers opportunities for outdoor recreation. Lake Hartwell, located near Anderson, features fishing and boating, while Sadlers Creek State Park, situated on a peninsula that extends into the lake, provides 37 lakefront campground sites. Whitewater rafting is available at the Chattooga National Wild & Scenic

River, which features Class IV and V rapids.

cenTRaL SouTh caRoLina South Carolinas central region is home to an expansive array of outdoor attractions such as Riverbanks Zoo and Garden, Harbison State Forest and Sesquicentennial State Park all located in Columbia as well as Congaree National Park in Hopkins, Dreher Island State Park in Prosperity, and Hickory Knob State Resort Park in McCormick.

Mike Briggs, president of Central SC regional development authority, says Lake Murray is the most popular vacation spot in the region. The 50,000-acre lake offers 525 miles of shoreline and features the Purple Martin Sanctuary at Doolittle Island. On summer evenings, boats gather at dusk to watch the spectacle of thousands of purple martins coming to roost, Briggs says. Another popular attraction is Aiken State Park, which includes


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

CharlEston City MarkEt

Open throughout the year in downtown Charleston, the Charleston City Market is one of the citys most popular attractions. The open-air market, which has served residents for over 200 years, features more than 100 vendors that provide a wide range of items such as paintings, sweetgrass baskets, pottery, souvenirs, candles, home decor, jewelry, toys, and more. In addition, the market offers food products including herbs and spices, cookies, candy and other speciality items.

the South Edisto River, where visitors may enjoy canoeing and fishing. Camping is also available.
chaRLeSTon aRea Charleston offers a variety of activities, cultural amenities and attractions perfect for the whole family. The area features more than 90 miles of coastline, providing opportunities for sailing, boating, swimming and surfing. Life in Charleston revolves around the water, says David Ginn, president and CEO of the

P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f L C L a m B r eC h T

Charleston Regional Development Alliance. Charlestons historical attractions, such as the Aiken-Rhett House and the Edmondston-Alston House, draw tourists and residents alike. Middleton Place, a National Historic Landmark, features the oldest landscaped gardens in the United States, while at Charles Towne Landing visitors can see what local life was like in 1670. Fort Sumter National Monument, located on Sullivans

Island nearby, also draws history buffs. The site is open for selfguided tours, while the Fort Sumter Visitor Education Center in Charleston features a museum with exhibits that tell the story of the battle that took place in 1861. The area also offers more than 20 championship golf courses including The Ocean Course at Kiawah Island Golf Resort. The course, named the toughest course in America by Golf Digest magazine, will host the 2012 PGA Championship.


downtown Charleston is a popular shopping destination as it is home to several specialty shops.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

aLonG The coaST Hilton Head Island, the largest sea island between New Jersey and Florida, keeps golfers entertained. The Harbour Town Golf Links at Sea Pines Resort has hosted the RBC Heritage, a PGA Tour event, for more than 40 years. The Jack Nicklaus Course at Colleton River was named one of the top 100 greatest courses in the U.S. by Golf Magazine. The island is also known for hosting the Hilton Head Island Wine & Food Festival, one of the largest tented wine festivals on the East Coast. Guests can expect to enjoy wine tastings from domestic and international wineries. Another popular coastal spot is Myrtle Beach, which scored the No. 3 spot on TripAdvisors list of the top 10 beach destinations in the United States, based on travelers reviews. The familyfriendly area features 60 miles of beaches, amusement and water parks as well as abundant shopping and golf.

P h o T o C o u r T e S y o f L a k e h a r T W e L L S TaT e Pa r k

Lake hartwell State Park, located in fair Play, offers hiking, camping, fishing, boating, bird watching and other outdoor activities.

eight pack
south Carolinas national ParKs shoWCase states history
South Carolinas rich cultural heritage includes eight national parks and historic sites that showcase important events in the nations history. visitors can stand where american history is forever preserved, while admiring some of the most beautiful natural settings anywhere. The most-visited national park in South Carolina is fort Sumter national monument, where the first shots were fired in the Civil War on april 12, 1861. from the fort Sumter visitor education Center at Liberty Square, visitors board a ferry that transports them to the historic fort.

ShapeR of The conSTiTuTion

fort moultrie, a Palmetto log fortress from 1776, was only partially completed due to attacks by British warships. other sites in South Carolina include kings mountain national military Park near Blacksburg, where a patriot militia defeated British forces in 1780, and Charles Pinkney national historic Site in mount Pleasant, which honors one of the men who helped shape the u.S. Constitution. at Cowpens national Battlefield near Chesnee, americans won a decisive battle against the bettertrained British army in 1781. Congaree national Park in richland

County has 20 miles of backcountry hiking trails and the largest contiguous tract of old-growth hardwood forest in the united States.

oLe 96
about 60 miles south of Greenville, ninety Six national historic Site, nicknamed ole 96, was the site of an important revolutionary War battle. it is widely regarded as one of the nations best-preserved revolutionary War sites. The historic Camden revolutionary War Site is part of a nicely preserved 18th-century town occupied by the British for more than 11 months. Kevin Litwin



The South carolina State house in downtown columbia photo by Todd bennett


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

Workers pit peaches at Mccall farms in florence. Staff photo



The congaree River in columbia is a popular spot for kayakers and water enthusiasts alike. photo by Todd bennett


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

Ge energy in Greenville. photo by Todd bennett



econoMic pRofiLe
buSineSS SnapShoT
South Carolina is a hub for aerospace and aircraft manufacturing, automobile production, advanced materials manufacturing, life sciences and distribution operations, among a range of industry sectors. South Caorlinas transportation network includes five commercial airports, six major interstates and the deep-water Port of Charleston, one of the largest container port in the united States.

2011: 4,679,230 2000: 4,012,832 Change: 16.6% households (2010): 1.7 million

LaboR foRce
may 2012: 1,872,500 may 2011: 1,851,100

Sumter: 45,054

ReTaiL (2010)
Sales: $65.43 billion establishments: 400,570

MaJoR MSa popuLaTion (2011)

Columbia: 777,116 Greenville-mauldin-easley: 682,121 Charleston-north Charleston: 647,701 Spartanburg: 286,868 myrtle Beach-north myrtle Beach-Conway: 276,430 florence: 206,131

MSa LaboR foRce (2012)

anderson: 83,379 Charleston-north CharlestonSummerville: 336,802 Columbia: 377,147 Greenville-mauldineasley: 314,86 myrtle Beach-north myrtle BeachConway: 139,138 florence: 95,915

houSinG MaRkeT
Median SinGLe-faMiLy hoMe pRice (June 2012)
Charleston mSa: 200,,000 Greater Columbia: $139,000 Greater Greenville: $143,000 myrtle Beach area: $137,000 South Carolina: $150,500

Main Street in downtown Columbia features a variety of businesses.


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

MaJoR induSTRieS
(by peRcenTaGe of ToTaL eMpLoyMenT)
Government: 18.5% Trade, Transportation & utilities: 19% Professional and Business Services: 12.6% Leisure & hospitality: 11.6% manufacturing: 11.8% education & health Services: 11.8% finance: 5.0% Construction: 4.1% other Services: 3.7%

norfolk Southern

coMMeRciaL SeRvice aiRpoRTS

Charleston international airport (843) 767-7010 Columbia metropolitan airport (803) 822-5000 Greenville-Spartanburg international airport (864) 989-0788 myrtle Beach international airport (843) 448-1580 florence regional airport (843) 669-5001

Alliance Consulting Engineers Berkeley County Economic Development BMW Manufacturing Company Central SC Alliance Charleston County Economic Development Clemson University Darlington County Economic Development Partnership Dorchester County Economic Development Duke Energy Carolinas Economic Development Partnership Greenwood Partnership Alliance Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, PA Holiday Inn & Suites Columbia Airport KBR Building Group Laurens County Development Corporation MeadWestvaco Michelin Newberry County Economic Development Oconee County Economic Development Commission Orangeburg County Development Commission Santee Cooper South Carolina Department of Commerce South Carolina State Ports Authority Southern Carolina Regional Development Alliance Sumter Economic Development The Rockefeller Group Development Corporation Thompson Industries University of South Carolina

visit our

Top eMpLoyeRS
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Bi-Lo BmW manufacturing Co. The Boeing Co. food Lion Greenville hospital System Lexington County health Services district mcLeod health michelin north america inc. milliken & Co. Palmetto health Piggly Wiggly Carolina Co. inc. SCana Corp. Spartanburg regional healthcare System uPS-SC district verizon Communications Walmart Stores

The state is crisscrossed by five interstate highways: i-85, i-26, i-77, i-95 and i-20. South Carolina is halfway between new york City and miami, about 650 miles to each metro area measured from the centrally located capital city of Columbia. The state is within 1,000 miles of 35 states and roughly 75 percent of the total u.S. population.

The Port of Charleston is one of the busiest container ports on the east Coast and the seventhlargest container port in the united States, and provides direct service to more than 140 countries. approximately 2,000 ships and barges, representing some 40 different shipping lines, use the services of the South Carolina ports each year. additional port facilities can also be found at the Port of Georgetown. for more information about the Port of Charleston, go to

Per Capita Personal income 2010: $23,443 median household income 2010: $43,939

RaiLRoad (cLaSS i)
CSx Transportation




high School Graduates

associate degrees

South Carolina Chamber of Commerce 1301 Gervais St., Suite 1100 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 7994601 Central SC alliance 1201 main St., Suite 100 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 733-1131 Charleston regional development alliance 5300 international Blvd., Suite 103 north Charleston, SC 29418 (843) 767-9300 Charlotte regional Partnership 550 S. Caldwell St., Suite 760 Charlotte, nC 28202 (704) 347-894 economic development Partnership 471 university Parkway aiken, SC 29802 (803) 641.3300

north eastern Strategic alliance 121 evander Place florence, SC 29502 (843) 661-4669 South Carolinas information highway (843) 795-3951 SouthernCarolina regional development alliance 1750 Jackson St., Suite 100 Barnwell, SC 29812 (803) 541-0023 upstate SC alliance 124 verdae Blvd., Suite 202 Greenville, SC 29607 (864) 283-2300 development@upstatealliance. com

Bachelors degrees

Graduate degrees

econoMic ReSouRceS
South Carolina department of Commerce 1201 main St., Suite 1600 Columbia, SC 29201-3200 (803) 737-0400 (800) 868-7232 The State of South Carolina 1301 Gervais St., Suite 710 Columbia, SC 29201-3326 (866) 340-7105 (803) 771-0131 South Carolina Jobs-economic development authority 1201 main St., Suite 1600 Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 737-0268

Whats online
for more in-depth demographic, statistical and community information, go to and click on facts & stats.

thiS SECtion iS SPonSorEd by

502 E. Main St. Walhalla, SC 29691 (864) 638-4210


SouTh caRoLina coMMeRce

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