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I 1. Pursua.'1t to the authority contained in Arf':'.y Regulations 600-45,

the Distinguished Flying Cross is hereby awarded to the following na'1led officers
and enlisted men of the First Combat Cargo Group for eztraordinary achievement
while par<,j.cipatinp. ir~ :'lore than one hundred hours of ae~rial·flight over territory
in Burma and China where e:Arposure to enemy fire viaS prob:.:.ble and expected. Fl;r=-n,-:
unarmed transport i"ir-craft through ins"Lrwnent weather, over hazardous terrair..,
these pilots and these crew membElrs brought supplies, equipment, and reinforce-
ments to the forward areas. Their devotion to duty and degree of efficiency
reflect great credit on themselves and .:In the rtrI'W Air Forces of the United SCi-1~e2.

WYHAN A. BASS, 38533600, Private, Air Corps, from 28 May 1945 to 29 June 1945.
Home nddress: 2018 Anson Road, Da ,~.,.as, Texas.

WALTER P. CAS::;I~, 12227539, Private First. Class, Air Corps, from 9 June 19/.;.5 to
12 July 1945 •. Home address: 662 Fifty Third street, Brooklyn, New York.

DONALD R. CONSLEH, T-63385, Flight, Air COY'ps, from 2 June 1945 to 12
July 1945. Home address: 440 Cedarwood Terrace, Rochester, New York.
VJILSE E. CRAm, T-64752, Flight Officer, Air Corps; from 19 May 1945 to 20 June
1945. Home address: Montrose, Missouri.

ROBERT .T. CROFAU, Jh., G-930876, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 29 May 1945
to 19 June 1945. Home address: Biggs Field Army Air Base, E1 Paso, Te.xc.3.

L1 FOOK, 33582107 J Corporal, Air Curps, frOJil 4 June 1945 to 27 June 191.. 5.
I;V • .
Home address: 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

ANDREV'{ h.- FORSHAVJ, 39294065, Corporal, (then Private First Class) Air Corps, front
~25 Hay 1945 to 18 June 19Lt5. Home addre.'3s: 1448 Torrey Pines Road, LaJolla,

VITLLIrl1-~ HAHN, 0-4.46637, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 13 April 1945 to 2 June
1945. Home address: 320 Alta Vista Avenue, South Pasadena, California.

ROBERT D. HENDERSON, 0-778466, Second Lieutenant, ,.:l.r C:lrps, froIl! 16 ;,pril 1(" _~
to 21 I'fay 1945. Home address: Box 1+02., DundoYlCtld Lane, Flossmoor, Illinois.



.;. _ ....... ~, 1"."

-:;0 ~Jo. 201 dtd 16 August 45. Cont 1 d.

::>Jl.Y'01:D 1. HonSEL, ~.200C62L, ~;er[eal'!t, Air Corps, from 21 May 191+5 to 18 June 1945.
Horr.e c:.ddress: Route One, Alpha, New Jersey.

'NILI,J:.i.J.:~ H. MLLER,
u"R., 35216109, Private First C1a.s3, Air Corps, from 1 June 19h5
to 28 June 1945. Home address: 252 Thurman Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.

JOtE] A. KORNAK, JR., 16168459, Corporal, ;"ir Corps, from 6 June 1945 to 28 June
19L!5. Home address: 2508 South Sacr3.!""1ento lwenue, Chicago, Illinois.

ANTHQl\!,! B. LACI-lAr~S~U,
3591e648, Corpor.:.l, Air Corps, froI!l 21 :May 1945 to 18 June
1945. Home address: 6820 Hosmer Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.

BRUCE H. MAC CARTER, 0-822616, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, frolY; 18 FebrlJary 1945
to 11 April 19,~5. Home address: 215-65 Spencer Aver:.ue, CjUeens Village,
New York.

GEORyE H. EID2LElvITSS, 0-833373, Second Lieutcnad, Ai:::- CQrps, from 25 May 1945 to
13 June 1945. Home address: Millbrook, New Yorl..

ROBERT E~ HURPHY, 35732133, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 23 I\,~ay 1945 to 10 June 1945.
HOlI'e addreSB: Routo Two, Stanley, l(entucky.

J"RTIIUH A. NEIJl,'ANN, 36251959, Staff S8rgea,nt, Ail' Corps, from 30 May 2.945 to .28
,June 1945. Home address: l3g South SixtJr Third Street, Ivlilwaukee, Wiscbnsin.

JOHN~:;;. PAnnER, 34085600, Se;rgc:ant, Air Corps, fro.r:l 10 May 1945 to 1 June 1945.
Home &ddress: Route, C!'le, Spartar:.curg, South Carclina.

GEORG6 1'. ROBINSON, 36763599, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 30 Lay 1945 to 29 Jun13
19L;.5. Hom8' address: 711 North Homan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois.

CAHLOS G. SALINAS, 0-930958, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 18 l\iIay 1945 to
9 JUJ;)e 1945. Horne 2-ddress: 1904 Victoria Strset, l,ar(;do, Texas.

SILVIO F. SeILINGO, T-65462, Flight Officer, Air Corps, from 29 May 19h5 to 30
cJun·8 191+5. Home 2.dQress: 321 East Street, Jonnsonbu:::-g, Penns:rlvania.

:iODFRT L. SlUTH, 0-2064993, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 19 April 19ft5 to
18l\~ay 1945. Home address: R,lral Deli 78ry, Mound City, lli~souri.

Jom: '). STEV:c.1JS, 31258418, Sergeant, (tilen Corporal) Air Corps, from 31 March
1945 to 29 April 1945. Home address: 8 Middlesix Street, Hav-srhil1 ,
~;a,ssachus et ts.

DONALD J. STICh.'LES, 0-835841, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 14 May 1945 to
9 June l':?h5. Home address: 1025 Stone Road, Rochester, New York.



'. I
'J '

GO No. 201 dtd 16 Augus: 45. Cont'd.
HENHY J. TREADvVELL, 312742]0, Cc['pora1,' Air Corps, from 28 May 1945 to 26 June 1945.
Horr,e address: 67 Gordon Stl'cet, Hamden, Connc:cticut.

ROY S. r!ALD.•U, 31252568, S\:Jrgeant, (theD Corporal) .::"ir Corps, from 29 May 1945
to 27 June 1945. ~~omc adJress: 61 Beacon Street South Hartford, Connecticut.

CLYD~~ l,~. 'JLu.TERS, ~ 8077128, Ser:,~' 'nt, ,~ir Corps, from 20 May 1945 to 16 June 1945.
Home address: Route Two., Tal1oka, Texas.

LOUIS J. VV1~IIlS, JR., T-61/(l~, Flight, _lcer, Air Corps, from 13 May 1945 to 7
June 1945. Hope, ~ccir1re3S: Ki:-' , F"rk, Bm: :::01, Long Island, New York.

JOHN F. UILD, 0-83'/:..(), Scccond;Ji ,utenant, L'r Corps, from 21 May 1945 to 12
June 1945. Hc~,e address: 1340 Par}: ,'lenue, (12, Indianapolis, :tndiana.

ALFONSE J. Z:;:El:ffi,~, 32/+69691, Corporal, -,.ir Corps, from 29 May :L945 to 30 June
1945. Home adcir .;S3: 312 Tull: r '3{~r(;r3t, Syro,cu,se, l';ew Yurko

2. Fur;3Uant to th,-, -u(,hority containec~ in Army Regulations 600-45,

the Distinguished Flying Cross :~_s Lsreb:I av:ardect to the following named officers
Clr1d enliste:d :nen of the Fourth Combat Cargo Group for Gxtraordinary achievement
while par;:,ic:;'fJating in more than one hundred hours C;f aoria1 flight over territol'~T
in Burma. v"il'c:re exposure to enemy fiTe was probabJe arldexpectad. Fl:;7ing unarm8Q
cargo:l" rcraft avo!: Lazardous 't'3:oraj_Yl, thesE' piluts and these crew members accom-
plishc:1. the transport of supplies cmd nersonll,:::l, and 8vacuation of '.'munded. Their
devotion to d11ty and degree of efficiency r3flect gre&t credit on themselves ar.d
on the l~rrrw ~J~ Forces of V,e United :::;: 2.tes. I

WILFORD BIGGS, 38351402, Staff Scrgc2_nt, Co,-~ps, from 15 Feb 1945 to 14 March
1945. Home address: KirtLlnd, New lifiexico.

V LESTER M. BREFmR, 0-665513, Ca-· 1 '.lin, .nir Corps, frm_ 16 April 1945 to 7 June 1945.
Home address: Box 44, Fm:J;;;rton, Indiana •

GERALD J. CORCORAN, 16126612,Sergcr~Lt, Air Corps, from 15 February 1945 to 15

March 1945. Home address: ;,,209 South Marshfield, Chicago, Illinois.

IVY R. DEl,-N, 18034488, TechnicD1 Sergeant, ,:,ir Corps, from 21 February 1945 to
14 March 1945. Home aJdress: 20') North Oaks Street, San Angelo, Texas.

ELDON L. ETHINGTON, 0-'/'::.'3732, Sec on'; =-.icutenant, r\ir Corps, from 23 April 1945 to
1 June 1945. EOf'iC address: Ru6d, Iowa.

BEN.JAMIN J. FILER, 31388855, St::..i'f Sergeant, ,~ir Corps, from 13 March 1945 to 3
~~pril 1945. Home address: 22 Grafton Street, Shrewsbury, Massachusetts.


GO No. 201 d'~d 16 imgust 45. Cont'd.

c :·,ILLLcJ: R. Hli.RTILL, 32755296, Corporal, Air Corps, from 7 May 1945 to 29 May
Home address: Toms River., New Jersey.

ROBERT F', KELSEY, 3716()937, Technical Sergeant, l l U Corps, from 13 February 19L,.5
to 1.'2 March 1945. Home address: 2162 Marshall i1.vcnuu, Saint Paul, Minnesota.

CI-L';.RLES E. ~.JI;'RTIN, 32548538, Scrg,~ant, ,.ir Corps, from 15 February 1945 to 12

March 19-'+5. Han:,; add::.~ess~ 94 Oakland Street, Rochester", New YQrk •

.. I.RTHUR F. EELBY, 0-718715, Second Lieutenant, Corps, from 16 April 1945 to •
13 ~~ay 1945. Home address: 4156 Tvventy Seventh Avenue South, Minneapolis,

EUGENE B. Nf.lCH1~SKI, 16089437., Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 13 February 1945
to 16 March 1945, Ho"'.}.: c~c:lress: 21958 Eighty Third Street, West Allis,

LA.1 tv"RENCE 1. },'ORG:J';, 0·'181371, Sec end Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 9 May 1945 to
. 6 JUilC 19'1.5. Home ac.d::.~ess~ 1209 North East Ninteenth, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

CHiiRLES 1., NEHER, ,JR.) 0-77,;:;67, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 24 April 1945
to 13 Y.ay 1945· HtJmc address: 1647 West Eighty Third Street, Los .Angeles,

ElJI':ER E. NIELS0N, 18194.499: Ser.s0an.·c, Corps, from 3 May 1945 to 25 May 1945.
Home address~ General De1~very, Marysville, Kansas.

GLN~N C. PECK; 0-745776. tlrst Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 9 May 1945 to 7 June
( 1945. Home add~ess; 243 Camina Real~ Hermosa Beach, California •

. :1LL1.-'>1.1 B.PILKER, 374£,4793, S~Jaff Sergcant, Hir Corps, from 22 February 1945 to
15 March 1945. HO'll8 adc"r0Rs: RelianCe, South Dakota.

J~O Sj~J"l(jj-r- 12204083, S ,:;rgeant, •• ir Carpa, from 12 May 1945 to 30 May 1945. Home
cL:'dr 3S: 8Lt.4 South Eighteenth ,c.:trect, Newark, New Jersey.

Tt'.~RETT E. S;.NDBRSOK, 36591561, CorjJoral, .air Corps, from 3 April 1945 to 21

;"pril 1945, Homo address: 155 Hollywood, West Detroit, Michigan.

:"L'biillT .~. SELLERS, 141R2532, Staff Sergeant, ,f~ir Corps, from 17 May 1945 to 9 June
19Lt.5. H:Jme address: Route Two., Ozark, ,Uabama.
. .
GI1If.t; R, C;H:ir.~\..~~I"r, 37656351, f3~'b2pnt, ~~lt:Corps, from 14 February 1945 to 16
v March 19L~5. }!~".,~ ~r1~r'-'uj: 914 North Sixth Street, Burlington, Iowa.


GO No. 201 dtd 16 h.Ugust 45. Cont'd.

v-L.:VRdIJCE K. SIECK, 0-777541, First Lieutenant, •• ir Corps, from 8 March 1945 to

.". 1 June 1945. Horn8 address: 815 TWl;nty Third i.venuc, Council Bluffs, Iowa.

:'i.~TERSTEIN, 32874696, Corporal, , Corps, from 7 May 1945 to 23 May 1945.
Home addr8ss: 81 Bay Twenty Second Street, Brooklyn, Neil York.

ROBERT R. STUDENlV1.1JND, 13186217, Sergeant, .~ir Corps, from.13 February 1945 to

7 March 1945. Home address: 115 West Mount Pleasant· '!\venue, Philadelphia,

lLiROLD H. W"LKER, 0-806942, Captain,' "ir Corps, from 11 February 1945 to 26 liarch
[,. 1945. Home addres s: 301 West Burnett, Long Beach, California.

ROBERT E. L. WHITE, 34671599, Staff Sergeant, l~ir Corps, from 6 Febru.:lry 1945 to
17 March 1945. Home address: Route Two, North Lumberton, North Carolina.

LEO C. Zl.GRid(ALIS, T-136019, Flight Of fi c er, Air Corps, from 18 May 1945 to 8
June 1945. Home-; address: 2434 West 45 Place, Chicago, Illinois.


1. Pursuant to the authority contained in L~rmy Regulations 600-45,

the First Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished Flying Cross is hereby awarded
to the following named officers and enlisted men of the First Combat Cargo Group
for extraordinary achi8vement while participating in more than one'hundred hours
of aerial flight over Burma and China where exposure to encmy fire
was probablE: and expected. Flying Ul22...Fl].ed ,t:r.:.a.!lqpo:rt ,aircraft thr..ough .. inst.:rnmEmt
weather, over hazardous-terrain;'these pilots and tht:~S8 crew members brought
" supplies, equipment, and reinforcements to the forward areas. Their devotion to
duty and degree of efficiency reflect great credit on themselves and on the ",rmy
Air Forces of the United States •
GEORGE ;i. CHILDS JR.) 18124101, Staff Sergeant, .air Corps, from 19 May 1945 to
25 June 1945. Home address: 610 Court Street., Fort Worth, Texas.

GillRGE E. KING, JR., 0-835217, Socond Lieutenant, 'lir Corps, from 30 May 1945 to
21 June 1945. Home address: 100 South Vlcst Eleventh Street, Fort Lauderdale,

DON.ilLD:;i.KREICHBAUM, 0-833349; Second Lieutena.nt, .~i:r Corps, from 14 Jurl'" 19!+)

to 10 July 1945. Home address: 2144 South Fou:r;th Street, Rockford, Illinois.

BUELL 1. LITTLE, 0-415457, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 18 Mny 1945 to 26
. June 1945. HOme address: 15 East Catewba l~vonue, Mooreavillo, North Cnrolina.


GO No. 201 dtd If) ,.ugust 45. Cant' d.

JOHN K. MORI:illTY, 0-790023, Major, Air Corp:.>, from 22 April 1945 to 7 June 1945.
Home addreDs: 1226 Glenview Roa~,Birmingham, Alabama.

'rHEODJM NUDEI~.t·.N, 12036881, Technical Sergeant, ",ir Corps, from 7 June 1945::'0
13 July 1945. Home address: 1014 Bann8r AVCllUC, Brooklyn, New York.

ALBF.RT J. RICCI, 31370444, Sergcant, idr Corps, ,from 18 June 1945 to 13 Ju~ 1945.
Home addreGs: 348 Rantoul Street, Bev(:rly, Mr.ssachuset·ts.

ROBERT L. SMITH, 0-206h993, Seeond Lieuterk"l.nt, Corps, from 7 June 1945 to
27 Juntl 1945. Home addre::.;s: Rural Delivery, Mound City, Wdssouri.

JOHN W. STEVENS, 31258418, Sergeant, ..·iir Corps, from 15 ~,~a~v 191+5 to 27 June 1945.
Home address: 8 Middlesex Street, Haverhill, Massachusetts.

Jom~ M. THIELEN, 0-2071399, Second Licutenant, J~ir Corps, from 8 June 1945 to
27 June 1945. Home c:.ddress: Box.274, Hartington, Nebraska.

JOSEPH B. ViHITTON, 32533383, Sergeant, Corps, from 18 June 1945 to 11 July
19~.5. Ho!1lo address: 11509 One Hundred Seventy Second Street, Saint :u.bans,
Long Island, New York.

Hl.R,RY W. viJINNER, '31278785, Staff Scrguant, Carps, from 13 May 1945 to 2 June
. 1945. ' Home address: 60 Wintonbury l1.v€l1.ue, Bloomfield; Connecticut.

2. Pursunnt to the authority contained in Army Regulations 600-45,

the First O~ik Leaf Cluster to the Distinguished Flying Cross is hereby aw::trded to
th;:; following named officers and enlisted men of t.he Fourth Combnt Cargo Group
for 8;A-trncrcJj'nary achievement while participating in more thnn one hundred hours
of ael'inl £"'.:!.ght over territory in Burmn where exposure to enemy fire \'111:'.5 probable
and expec .... eri. Flying unarmed cargo aircraft over hazardous terrain, these pilots
and these crew members accomplished the transport of supplies and personnel, and
evncuation .)f ~1ound(d. Their devotion to duty and degree of efficioncy reflect
gr..:Jat. crGdit on themselves and on the A.rmy ..~ir Forces of the United Stc-tes •
. .
EUGL.~E D. i.D,'.MS, 0-667432, Captain, .iir Corps, from 14 April19h5 to 30 May 1945.
Home addr.:;ss: 518 West Seventh Street, Tulsa, Oldahoma.

MOPJlIS C3'JY1:R, 13124196, Technical Sergeant, ;.l.r Corps, from 27 Barch 1945 to
19 .~rrll 1945. Home address: 622,2 Addison Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

EOBERT .>1. DOD8ETTI<~, 0-778748, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 5 May 1945 to 3
tTune 19h5. Home address: 1759 North Hi Mount Boulevard, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

BENJ1JHN J. FILER, .31388855, Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 24 April 1945 to
12 Mc.y 1945. Home address: 22 Grafton Strc\;lt, Shrewsbury, M.3.ssachu3cttS.


.. -
~- .. ,

COY GIBSON, 18132162 ~J(~Ii' :J(;rgoant, rllr Corps, from 17 ,',pril 1945 to 1 June 1945.
Home addJ.'ess: Bo~: 480, Stonewall, Oklahoma.

TOM H.,TFlliLD, 35464417, Technicc1.l Scrgoo.nt, Corps, from 18 May 1945 to 20
June 19L.5. Home address: iElm Strcd, Williamsburg, Kentucky.

W::LLBUR D. HELTSLEY, 367446~~~), Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, from 27 i.pril 1945
to 31 NillY 194~S. I-lome z_cddress: Kansas, Illinois.

JOHN H. HErui_~,S, 36342662, Staf" Sergeant, iiir ;Corps, from 22 April 1945 to 29
lJby 1945. Home address: 1302 West Seventy First Place, Chicago, Illinois.

H,.RRY 1. KiJJTER, 3814.3999, St:_:~ff Sergeant, ,'iir Corps, from 7 May 1945 to 31 May
1945. Home address: 804 East Euclid, San ~ntonio, Texas.

ROY E. MC C1E_ARY, 0-718916, Second Lieutenant,. ,~ir Corps, from 1 ~pril 1945 to
25 .tlpril 1945. Home address: 412 East Third Stred, Dixon, Illinois.

l~OB-=n.T L I,i~CGILL, 171.32172, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 20 May 1945 to 11 June 1945.
Ho:--::.ddress: Route Two, IndeI?endc:lce, Iowa •

•1LBERT V. NEELEY, 0-683755, First Li0ut(;nant, ,iir Corps, from'2 May 1945 to 27
~fuy 1945. Home address: 714 Pine Street, Trinid~d, Colorado.

BiillN,l.RD L. NELSON, 0-':178908, Second Lieutenant', Air Corps, from 28 ,;~pril 1945
to,6 Junei$45. Home address: 112J. High Street, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.

BILLY M. NEvJE1L, 0-779970, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 9 April 1945' to 9
Mc.1.y 1945. Home address: SILI- North Lee J\,Venu8, Sherman, Texas.

RICK'eRD E. PARK, 0-810':',89, C', Corps, from 19 April '1945 to 14 Y..ay 1945.
Home address: 94 \t\'oodland St;reot, Worchester,' Mc.:.ssClchusetts.

Flli.NK M. PEDALINO, JR., 0.,,;,779210, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, fro;1l,28 .:l.pril
1945 to 30 May 1945. Hom_: c\ddress: 12 Hilton Stroet, BelleVille, Now Jersey.

Wl,LTER L. POULSEN, 0-77921':', E30cond Lieuten3.nt, Air Corps, from 4 May 1945 to 8
JQ~e 1945. Home ~ddress: 1005 North Taylor, El Dorado, Kansas.

DON;.r,D iC,IRDm:, 35141766, Staff' .3crgonnt, Air Corps, from 9 May 19l~5 to 4 June
1945. Horne addres s: ROlr~. Three, Alexandria, Indiana.

EVERETT E. Si.NDERSON, 36591%1, ;3crgeant, Air Corps, from 7 M[ty 1945 to 7 June
1945. Home address: 155 Holl;ywood West, Detroit, Michigan,



GO No. 201 dtd 16 .\ugust 45. Contld.

. "

. / CH..PJ,23 E· SINj;;ONS, 0-778977, Second Lie'J.tenC'nt, Corps, from 28 ;.pril 1945
v to 22 May 1945. Home address: Route; O:-ie~ Stuart, Virginia •

.•LBERT B.STEVENS, 11066100, Technical S'-!rg8Cl:1t, ,Ur Corps, from 3 April 1945 to
5 Hay 1945. Home addre3s~ Old Orchard Road, North Haven, New Haven, Conn-

JOHN H. STITES, JR., 13118167, staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 10 May 1945 to
2 June 1945. Home a.ddres s ~ Wolf, Pen 1lil1, Prospect, Kentuc 1<:>r.

JAMES F.' STu;mT ,18016S:05, Master Sergea:1t, Lir 'Corps, from 10 lIhy 1945 to 8
June 1945. Home address: 1905 East Power Street, Victoria, !]'exas.

HOBERT R. STUDEN!mND, 13186217, Sergeant, l~ir Corps, from 31 March 1945 to 28

"~pril 194~. Home address: 115 West Mount Pleasant j,venue, Philadelphia 1

JACK K. T.,YLOR, 0-709692, First Lieu ten3.nt: Corps, from30 March 1945 to 22
April.1945. Home.: ciddress; Box 98, DawCity, Oklaho!Th1..

IRV..N W. W;.LDRON, 0-777875, First Lieutenant, .hir Corps, from IS' April 1945 to
14 tlay 19L~5, Home address: 308~ South Washington Street, 1'fuittier, Californi::.

3. .Pursuant to ,the authority ,contained in ArmY Regulations 600-45,

the Second Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distirguished Fly:Lng Cross is he~>eby awarded
to thefoilovling officers and enlisted men of the First Combat Cargo Group
for 8:>..-traordinary achievement while participnting in more than one hundred hours
of ael"ial flight over territor;y in 'Buri1Ji: ar:d, China where exposure to enemy fire
was prcbJoble and expecte'i. Flying unarmed tro..nsport o..ircro.ft through instrument
weather, over hC'.zardous, these pilots md these crew members brought
: supplies" equipment, and relnforc:ements to theforvl'ard areas. Their devotion to
duty 2.nd degree of efficiency reflect great credit on themselves and on the Army
Air Forces of the United Sta.tes.

ROBERT .:\. BILLINGS, 0-·774409, Second LicutcnClIlt, Alr Corps, from 1 June 1945 to
28 June 1945. H9me address: 6122 Tenth. Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin.

BL,.INE ;~. BURTON, 19102901, Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 31 Mo.y 1945 to 8 July
1945. Home.addres[;: 2903.South East BrookJ.yn
. ' .
Street, Portlang; Oregon.

lUCH;.RD E. C;.NPBELL, 14117079, Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, from 7 May 1945 to
23 June 1945. Home addr-ess: 1000 Church Street, Columbia, Mississippi.

Jii.\LTER E. Cf-..RR'::ER, 0-684271, First Lieutenant, ,ar Corps, from 27 Yill.y 19/+5 to
29 .June lS45. Home address: 1208 Vermont l,venue, Boise, Idaho •


li.L0 '1'11.1 CT 1D

GO N~.
201 dtd 16 Augu~t ·45.

Coht1d •

.L_~ ~ ~ .~-'Jl.~~, 1..1-<:.0(-,('4), l'lrS\, :Lieutunc,nt, ,dr CQrps, from 20 l~;:..y 1945 to 13
June 1945. Home address: 823 Cherokee, Signal MoUntain, Tennessee.

EDG;',R J. FL'JLGjiN, 0-743438, First LicutenClnt, .\ir Corps, from 6 Juno '1945 to ~l
July 1945. Home addr,ess: 216 South Logan ,~venue, •.udubon, New Jersey.

H,',ROLD 1. Hi,SKINS, 0-704478, First Lieutenant,, Corps, from ILl June: 1945 to 10
July 1945. Home addr\i?ss: Route OnC', ?ox 23, Littlo Rock, "~rknns.:J.s.

WILLIil.k H. HLSTIE, 37537526, TGchni~J.l Scrgewt, , Corps, from '1 June') 1945 to
12 July 1945. ,~om8 address: 309 East Lincoln, Hichita, Knnsas.

WILLI;Jtl L. HOLLID;.Y, 0-826174, First Lieutenant, Corps,·from 15 May 1945 to

26 June 1945. Home ad'fress: Siler City, North Carolina.

JOHN M. HYDE, 0-713455, First Lieutenant, Corps, from 13 Ma~l 1945 to 16
June 1945. Home address: 99 Pitkin Street, M<:mchester, Connecticut.

EUGENE M. JONES, 35805037, Staff Sergeant, .iir Corps; from 8 June 1945 to i4 July
1945. Home nddruss: 110 East Eleventh Street, Covington, Kentucky.

;,NDREt·'J B. LO:ffi.:.NCE, 0-714132, First Lieutennnt, j,ir Corps, from 24 May 1945 t.O
28 June 1945. Home address: Oldfort, Termessee.

;,LEX N. MARKO, 0-721815, First Li cut enant, ,c,ir Corps, from 18 May_ 1945 to 18
June 1945. Home Clddress: 3901 MClin Str(;;;et, Hollidays Cone, vicst Virginia.

ROYCE V. r£'l.TKIN, 0-713644, First Lieutenant, ;iir Corps, from 16 .May~1945 'to 10
June 1945 •. f-!omc address: Pittsburg, Texns~

H.0NRY D. MLll~l~RSKI, 0-767611". First Lieut enc..1..rit , Air Corps, from 2l Iv.k1.y 1945 to
29 June 1945. Home address:. 476 Farmington ,~venue, New Britctin, Connecticut.

EMERY S. I\:OLILR, 0-768~35, First Lieutenant, "'~ir Corps, from 20 May 1945 to 9 JUIl(;
1945. Home ad.dress: 207 Cherry Street, TGrrace, PennsylvQniH.

PERRY C. Pi;.TTERSON, 0-8g9293, First'Lieutenant , . i r Corps, from 7 June 1945 to

2 July 194'5. Home 2.ddress: Box L.75, Cnsc::,de, Idaho.

NELSON J. SAVOY,' 0-72057$, First Licutenant; "~ir Corps, from 7 June 19L5 k; :c;:
July 1945. 'Homcnddress: General Delivery, Hayes, •.

ROBERT J'J.. ST.~HLE, 0-820093, First Licutem,nt, .dr Corps, from 25 May 1945 to ;1.5
June 1945. Home address: 175 South Street, Jersey City, New Jersey.

GO No. 201 dtd 16 /~ugust 45. Cont'd.

HERSHEL R. T'~,[LOR, 0-775645, Second LiLut.en:.:.nt, J~ir Corps, frOJi"i 24 lvi,'lY 1,)4,-, v(;
26 uune 1945. Homo address: 874 East Thirteenth Street, Eugene, Oregon.

CL..xTQl.: D. TlmmLL,·0-701024, First Licutel"1J.nt, Jlir Corps, from 7 June 1945 to

·26 June 1945. Home address: 1006 Second street l'les"t;. Birminghnm, laabnmn.

h'ILLL'JL V. V;~UGHN, JR., 0-719805, Second Lieutenant, ;!.ir Corps, from 24 Hay 1945
to 25 June 1945. Home address: 2724 Fanwood Rond"Houston, TCYills.

LO·~VELLE. WHIP:o!E, 0-735847,, J.:ir Corps, from 16 1by 1945 to 17 June 1945.
Home c.ddress: -57 West High Street, Union City, Pennsylvania.

4. Pursuant to the authority contained in Army Regulations 600-45,

the Second Oak Leaf Cluster to the Distinsuished Flying Cross is hereby awar~ed
to the following named officers and enlisted men of the Fourth Combat Cargo Group
for extraordinary achievement while participating in more than one hundred hours
of aerial flight over territory in Burma where exposure to enemy fire was probable
and expected. Flying unarmed cargo aircraft over hazardous terrain, these pilots
and these crew members -accomplished the transport of supplies and personnel, and
evacuation of wounded. Their devotion to duty and degree of efficiency reflect
great credit on themselves and on the Army Air Forces of the United States.

JERROLD B. BOSECK, 37659343, Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 7 ~Vlay 1945 to 4 June
1945 •. HeIDe address: Route One, Griswald,.Iowa.

WADE M. BROWN, 19158854, TeChnical Sergeant, Air Corps, from 13 May 1945 to 11
June 1945. Home addre:=-s: Route One, Box 333, Delano, California".

ROBERT J. I'flKO, 35048040, Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 13 May 1945 to 2 June
'1945. Home address: 13115 Svee Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.

ROBERT C. mITENS, 35362949, Staff Sereeant, Air Corps, from 17 May 1945 to 21 June
. 1945. Home address: 240 Kemil, Lafayette, Indiana.

ALBERT RCBERSON, 18242033, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 13 May 1945 t'o 12 June 1945.
Home address: 401 Avenue. B, North East, Childress, Texas.

KENNZTH J~. STACK~IOUSE, 33505392, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 18 May 1945 to 7 June
19.45. Home address: 85 South Fourth Street,Hughesvil1e; Pennsylvania.

JOHN P. STOTKO, 0-705845, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 12 May "J..945 to 10 u"--'.LC
1945. -Home address: 922 George Street, Lake Geneva, 1Visconsin.

HAROLD 1. ~IALKER, 0-520510, Captain, Air Corps, from 9 May 1945 to 27 May 1945.
Home address: Box 67, Crystal City, Texas.

WILLIAI.f J. ZIAK, 13109311, ,Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 9 May 1945 to 4 June
1945. Home address: 'Box 74, Wick Haven, Pennsylvania.
GO Eo. 201 (ltd 16 August 19/+5. Contlcl.

Pursuant to thE; authority contained in ~\rmy Regulations 600-45,
the Third Oak Leaf Clust~r to th'::; Distin:3;uished Flying Cross is hereby awarded to
First Lieutenant (thenSecont Lieutenant) A.NTHONY F. ROTOLO, 0-824892, Air Corps,
of the First Combat Cargo Gro;~p for cxtraordinary achievement while participating
in more than one hundred hours of aerial flight during the period 22 May 1945 to
21 June 1945 over territory in Bur~a and China where exposure to enemy fire was
probable and expect(~cl.· Flying una::'med transport aircraft through instrument
weather, over ha~::u>(:;us terrain, ti. . is pilot brought supplies, equipment, and re-
inforcements to the forward areas. His ci8votion to duty and degree of efficiency
reflects great credit on himself and 'On the Army Air Forces of the United States.
Home address: 68 Market Street, Garfield, New Jersey.


1. Pursuant to the: authority contained in Army Regulations 600-45,

the Medal is hereby awardc~d to the following named officers and enlisted men
of the First Combat Cargo Group for meritorious achievement while participaiing
in more than one hundred hours of atJrial flight over territory in Burrne. [md China
where exposure to en~lny fire was ~Jrobable ,::md expected. Flying un~tl°med transport
aircraft through instrument v!z'ather, OV8r !12.zardous tGrrain, theSe; pilots and
thest.: crew members brought supplic:s, €c~uip::lcnt, and r.einforcernents to the forViD-rd
areas. Their devotion to duty and de ~r,-,c of efficiency reflect credit on t:1E:Tl-
3elves anci on the ",.rmy Air Forc8s of -the Urli ted State,".

GUAD"LUPC; G. "·J.,V,,,REZ~ 39568966, Private, .oir Corps, from 12 May19LI-5 to 11 Jur'l(;

1945. Home 2,ddress: Post Office Box h'j, 120 Evelyn Street, Placentia,
CD-lifornia: .

VIYl\~;J'1 ;,. B,,3S,

38.533600, Pl'iv:;te, .hr Corps, from 15 March 19!~5 to 29 April 1_)I,~.•
Home address: .-::OlC', Ln::30n R.o~:_~, Dallus, Texa2.

CH:~RLRS O. BOVEE, .TR., 3854050(:, Private First Class, Air Corps, from 7 May 1945
to 2 Jum; 1()45. Home ackr83S: 4709 Clay Jivcnue, Houston, Texas.

HILLIA1: M:. BRUNSWICK, 35697194, Corpo~·3.1, ;'lir Corps, from 17 June 1945 to 9 July
1945. ! Home address: 2827 West Kentucky Street, Louisville, Kentucky.

ROBERT F. CHAMBERS, 16026425, I~D-3ter Sergaant, Air Corps, from 21 June 1945 to 8
July 19h5. Home addres E': 1015 Wes;, Prospe ct Street, Kewanee, Illinois.

Pl~UL M. wlER, 33700692, Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 16 June 1945 to 7 July
1945. Home address: 1112 Penna Avenue, Monaca, Pennsylvania.

LI W. FOOK, 33582107, Corporal, ;,ir Corps, from 28 March 1945 to 14 May 1945.
Home address: 48 North Front StN0t, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


Dm;ALD 1. EA\llKU:S, 37506407, Sergeant, 'Air Corps, from 16 June 1945 to 10 July
1945. Home address: Route One, Box 43, Joplin, 1!ri.ssouri.

ROElli{T D. H}]-JDE.:.qSCN, 0-778466, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 28 Noverriber

1944 to 21 February' 19450 Home address: Box 402, Dundona1d Lane, Floss-
moor, Illinois.

CHARLES S. HOOKE, 33633116, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 25 May ~945 to 16 June 1945.
Home address: Fort Republic, Virginia.

Jf-J·:73 R. HOULDS'v'iORTH, 16018223 ,Corporal, Air Corps, from 17 April 1945 to 30 May
. 19"-5. Home address: 3008 Eighteenth Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois.

RAYMOND 1,. HOUSEL, 42000628, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 28 March 1945 to 29 Arr il
1945. Home address: Route One, Alpha, Ne~v Jersey.

DAVID C. JACOB, 37205738, Staff Sergeant, Air CDrps, frolT! 7 May 1945 to 29 May
1945. Home address: 28th Merchant Street, Emporia,

WILLIAMH. KEtLER, JR., 35216109, Private First Class, Air'Corps, from 10 April
1945 to 5 May 1945. Home address: 252 Thurman Avenue, Colun~us, Ohio.

HElli,]JJ FORGAN, 34728940, Ser.geant, Air Corps, from 18 1945 to 30 April 1945.
Home address: 202 Hickory Street, Cookeville, Tennessee.

ROB 3RT E. MURPHY, 35732133, Sergeant, Air Corps,~ .from 20 lviarch 19h5 to 10 May
1945. Home address: Route Two,Stanley, Kentuc10J.

ARTHUR A. tJEill·IANN, 36251959, Staff Sergeant) Air Corps, from 28 March 19h5 to 5
May 19.';-5. Home address ~ 138 South Sixty Third Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

HAROl.D K. SWJ:LEY, 0-740120, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 21 April 1945 to
19 lviay 1945. Home address: 321 North High Street, Uvalde" Texas.

HENRY J. TREADVJElJ.., 31274230, Corporal; 'Air Corps, from 28 March 1945 to 5 Aiay
1945. Home address: 67 Gordon Street,.Hamden, Connecticut •.

2. Pursl1ant to the a uthority contained in Army Reguiations 600-45,

the Air };;edal is hereby awarded to the following named officers and enlistecl men
of the Fourth Combat Cergo Group for meritorious achievement.while participating
in more than one h1.Uldred houl~s"ofaerial ~light overterrito17 in Burma where
exposure to enemy fire was probable and expected •. Flying unarmed cargo aircraft
over hazardous terrain, these pilots and these crew members accomplished the trans-
por"" of supplies and personnel, and evacu,.::.tion of wounded. Their devotion to duty
and degree of efficiency reflect cr~dit ~;nt.hemselves and on the Army Air Forces
of the United States.

-12- ,

GO No. 201 dtd 16 AU.:;ust 45. Cont I d. .!'

R.,L?E • :i.;::..-':.=:r1S0N ~ 33806L.63 , Sageant, Air Corps, from 13 Decemb8r 1944 to 9 June
1945. Home address:. (Ji+ East Chelton Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania:

R03~RT -J. CRARY, 32949~~36~ Corporal, Corps, from 10 May If945 to 1 June 1945 •.
Home address: 36 Sailly Avenue, Plattsburg, New York.

JO,j3P~i E. DE CHICC:US, T-4385, 'Flight Officer, Air Corps, from 24 lviarch 1945 to
18 iq:',ril 1';45. HO!:l2 2<:1'·-:;ss: 821 State Street, Clairton, Pennsylvania.

1 ,.,aD li. l}OY:2W3, C-'rh/2?, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 7 May 1945 to 7
June 19!+i;. E0'1' (' ac.icJ.rcss: 453 Cl12.nning Avenue, Palo Alto, California.

CHJ~RLES A. NEl-ER, JR., 0-7799l7, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 24 February
1945 to 2' April 1945~ 'rOi';:' address: 1647 West Eighty Third Street, Los
.~geles, California.

:W}~RETT :So SANDERSON~ 36591561, S0r[Gcmt, .Ur Corps, froEl 23 December 1944 to 5
1<arch1945. Home address: 155 Hollywood 'iv-est, Detroit, Michigan.

::'~'~OT~.r'E "';. YOJT, 0-805237, ',Firs~ Lieutenant, Air Corps , from 25 April 1945 to 8
J;:~-.; 1945. Home address: '7 F.cre Street, Port Carbon, Pennsylvania.


1. Pursuant to the authority contained in Army Reguldt ions 600-45,

the First OZik Leaf Clu:::ter to, the Air 1Iedal is hereby awarded to the following
named officers and enli::otec; lTlen of the First Combat Cargo Group for meritorious
achievement while participating in more than one hundred hours of aerial flight
over territory in Burma and China wh::re exposure to enemy fire was probable and
expe.cted.' Flying unarmed transport <lircraft through instrument weather, over
h2.zardous terrain, thes,? pilot;] and these crew members brought supplies, equipment,
, and reinforcements to the i'ol".'c'.:r;d \'J,reas. Their devotion to duty and degree of
efficiency'reflect credit on themselves arid on the Lrmy r"ir Forces of the United

ovv-ml_. ".\YCTT3, 36866002, Ser[~emt):'ir Corps, from 2 April 1945 to 16 June 1945.
Home address: 521 North G~', Street, Bay City, Michigan.

"Y!'::.N .:•• BhSS, 38533600, r'--l\,,,.te, Air eorps, from 29 April 1945 to 28 May 1945.
Home address: 201S 1'"nson Eoad, Dallas, Texas.

CrL,RLIES O. 'JO-JEE, JR., 38540509" P:'~'.vate First Class, H:~r Corps, from 2 June 1945
to 29 June 1945. Home arl".'.'8SS: 4709 Clay ,\venue, Houston, Texas.

JOSEPH 1. CHANDLER, 35762708, ,S2rgoant (then Corporal) Air Corps, from 21 May
1945 to 26 June 1945. Home 2ddress :1101+ Madison S~ rE>::t, Charleston,
West Virginia •.


L1 .~~. FOOK, 33582107, Corporal, Corps, from 14 May 1945 to 4 June 1945. Home
address: 48 North Front street, PhilCidolphia, Pennsylvania.

Jlv!iES D. Cic.:CFFIN, '0-904142, Major, jlir Corps, from 4 .April 1945 to 6 May 1945.
Hom8 address: Bradenton Beach, Florida.

WILLL"JJ HiUlN, 0':"446637, Second Lieutenant, ":lir Corps, from 19. February 1945 to .
13 April 1945. Home address: 321 Alta Vista Avenue, South Pasadena, Cal-

ROBERT D. HENDERSON, 0:"'778466, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 21 February 1945
to 16 April 19L,5. Home arldY"':;:~G: Box 402, Dundonald Lane, Flossmoor, Illinois.
JAJ.EES R. HOULDSWO;lTH, 1601822 ), :"orporal, riir Corps, from 30 May 1945 to 10 June
1945. Home address: ::Jl'c, Eigh~88nth h.venu8, Rock Island, Illinois.

RllYMOND L.' HOUSEL, 42000628, SergG"'1t; ;~ir Corps) from 29 April 1945 to 21 May
1945. Home C'.dd~,::3S: Route ~,lllpha, lk;"] Jersey.

SHELLEY F. HULL, 0-817365, Firs'" LieuteD~' 't, Air Corps, from 30 November 1944 to
21 January 1945. Hor..e ~"Jdress: 10ute One, Lynf'c, Connecticut.

DAVID C. J,·.COB, 37205738, Staff Sbrgcant, Air Corps, from 29 May 1945 to 17 June
1945. Homc add::.'ess: 28th 1.Icrchant Street, Brnporia, l(ansas.

WILLL·.M H. KELLER', JR.'~ 35216109, Private First Class, .tiir Corps, from 5 May 1945
to 1 J"me 1945. Homo .:tddress: 252 Thurman llvenue,' Ccilmnbus, Ohio.

j;NTHONY E. LACHf.NSKI, 35918648, Corporal, Air Corps, from 29 J\.pril 1945 to 21

IhW 19~.5. . Eorne addres s: 0820 Hosmer ilvcnue, Cleveland, Ohio.

I RICHA,RD E. MOORE; 0-816916, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 7 June 1945 to
12 July lS'45. Home address: 27]0 West College Street, Shreveport, Louisiana.
~ ROBERT J. MORENO, 39282852, Corporal, ."dr Corps, from 28 April 1945 to 31 May 1945.
Horne address: 1327-ThirtyThird Str~~et, San Diego, California.

HEEMJ-iN MORGAN, 34728940,. Ser[,;oant, Air Corps, from 30 .'l.pril 1945 to 19 June 1945.
Home address: 202 Hickory Street, Cookeville, Tennessee.

ROBERT E. MURPHY, 35732133, Sergec:.n+" Air Corps, from 10 May 1945 to 23 May 1945.
Home address: Houte Two" StaClley, KentuckY.

l1RTHUR A. NEUIvlJ\NN, 36251950.~taff Sergea.nt;.:"ir Corps, from 5 May 1945 to 30 May

1945. !~""m," F...:ldrr"RS! 1.)2 SO'1tr. ,sixty Third Stre8t, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

GO No. 201 dtd 16 August 45.Contld.

V:';lYNE S. NOHDSTROM, 0-2074746, Second Lieutenant, Corps, from 2 lYfay 1945 to
26 June 1945. Home address: Route One, Cambridge, Illinois.
JOHN 3:. P"JNTER., 34085600,3ergeant, Jiir Corps, 'from '20 April 1945 to 10 May 1945.
Home address: Route One, Spartanburg, South Carolina.

JOHN :i.' STEVENS, 31258418, Sergeant, (then Corporal) Air Corps, from 10 March 19'-:.5
to 31 March 1945. Home address~ 8 Middlesix Street, Haverhill, Massachusetts.
HENRY J. TREADWELL, 31274230, Corporal, Air Corps, from 5 1b,y1945 to 28 May 1945.
Home address: 67 Gordon Street ~ Hamden, Connecticut.'

CLYDE M. ;'JiU.TERS, 18077128, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 28 hpril 1945 to 20 M2,y
1945. Home address: Route Two, Tahoka, TeX3;s.

ALFONSEJ. ZIEMBA, 32469691, Corporal, ;'ir Corps, from 30 April 1945 to 29 May
J-945. Home a,ddress: 312 Tully Str,eet, Syracuse, New York.

2. Pursuant to the authority contained in, Army Regulations 600~45,

the First Qak Leaf Cluster -to the Air Medal is hereby a~varded to the following
~~med, offigers and enlisted men of the Fourth Combat Cargo Group for meritorious
achievement while participating in more than one hundred hours of aerial flight
over territory in Burma where exposure to enemy fire was probable arid expected.
Flying urlarrned cargo aircraft over hazardous terrain, these pilots and these crew
members accomplished the tro.nsport of -supplies md personnel', and evacuation of
wounded. Their devotion to duty and d~gree of efficiency reflect credit on them-
selves and on the Army Forces of the United StatDfl.

ROBERT E. BiJ,CHLET, '1'-7548, Flight Officer, Corps, from 8 May 1945 to 29 May
1945. Home, address: 1114 Seventy Fifth Street, Brooklyn, New York.

MICHAEL C. BERTOGLIO, 0-767731, Second Lieutenant,'~:,irCorps, from 13 May 1945

to 9 Jvne 1945. Home address: 2934 South East FrQDcis, Street, Portlm1d,

WILLLlM O. CUDDY, JR., 35563408, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 29 March 1945 to25
May 1945. Home address: Route One, Box 65, Palm City, Ca1ifornia~

JOCEPHE. DE CHICCHIS, T-4885~ Flight Officer, Air Corps, from 18 April 1945 to
16 May 1945. Home address: 821, State street, Clairton',Pennsy1v3nL"

BILLY B. DF2{ENT, 0-764250, Second Lieutenant, ilir Corps, from 8 .May 1945 to 30
May 1945. Home address: 1210 East .1lr1ington, Fort Worth, Texas.



(".to No. 201 dtd16 ,~ugust 45. r;ji]t'd.

-,LInI;}:, J. 11 L1:: 2 , 313L-:'c55, '~l.:lff.Serg8ilnt, i~ir

Corps, from 31 January 1945 to
13 March 1945. Homo address: 22 Grafton Street, Shrewsbury, M~ssachusetts.

CECIJ~ M. FO~'.LDS, 0-783742, Second Lieutenant, .'.ir Corps, from 26 J,pril 1945 to
23 M(2Y 1945. }fome -address: Box 169, Glenwood, 1!lihhesota.

J"-T10~~- ";)'i,3S0, 42006268, Sergeant, Corps, from 22 i~pril 1945 to 27 May 1945.
I:r,' 'leIdress: Route One, Whippany, New Jer.scy.

b{'l-u,~·.N L. JE~lNDON, 0-7$3978,. Second Li0utenant, Air COfPs, from 8 M:~.y 1945 to 30
l.t:y 1945. Home address: Box 213, Ev.:ms, Colorado.

BilRNi,RD T. KING, .12228260, Sergeant,AirCorps, from 8 May 1945 to 27 May 1945.

Home address: 248-45 Eighty Ninth i,v8nue, Bellerose, Long Island, New York.

JEtiN G. IGHSELL:., 17157524, Scrgcant, ilir Corps, from 15 May 191+5 to 4 June 1945.
Home address: 110 West Thi"lye.r, Bismark, North Dakota •

Cl{.?..LES H. KRIETER, 130;:~8692, S(:rgoant, Jlir Corps, from 13 May 1945 to 6 June 1945.
Home address: RO'.lt~ One, Box 220, Valley Station, Kentucky. .

RICH.u1D,V. LEE, 0-7202$0, Second Li8utenant, "~ir Corps, from $ May 1945 to $ June
191+5 • i-lome address.: 3529 Pine, Omaha, NeOraska •

. ~OHN F. 1,lC PicRTIJ'I.ND, 3294$13E'; Sergeant, ; CO,rps, 'frDin 7 May 1945 to 3 June 1945.
'Home,address~ . 99 Yill881and Ilvenue., Bingha.rnton, -New York •

. J:OSEPH F. I'.~.tlS~~DUNO, 31171855, Tee! riical Sergcc:mt, ;lil' Corps, from 11 :May 1945 to.
29 1b.y 1945. Home a ddrosc: ~-56 Prospect Drive, Strctford, Connecticut.


'q O~?79[J(';,Second Lieutenant, hir Corps, from 2 j';.pril 1945
. to 24 ;.pril 1945 •. Hom8 2.ddress:1647 West Eighty Third street, Los' ""ng(;les,
. Culiforni2..

J:lETER P. PICCIONE, 0-7$2615; Second Lieutenant, "i.lrCbrps,-'frorn 13M6:Y1945 to

8 ,Jun8~1945. Home address: 2505 Lee Street, i.lcxandria, Louisiana.

]'=::;1d\ i~.;":~:1~B.i, 0-776026, Seco~dLieutenant,! Corps, from 13 May 1945'to

7 ,}:. 1945. Home address: 1i!illovl Creek, Montana •

.ROBERT D. PR,TT, 31398162, Sergec:.nt, Hir 'Corpe, from 9 Mi?,y 1945 to 3 ,Tune 1945.
. Home address: 79 New York :.venuc, South Portland, Maine.

FR..',NK RIGGENi3.. CH, 0-2076741, Second ]~icutenant, i'iir Corps, from 15 IviQy 191+5 to
8 June 1945: Home address: nr60c Monica, Detroit, r'iichigan.


GO No. 201 ~td 16 l.ugust 45. Cout I d.

s..::nsRSOU J 30;;91561, Corporal, ,.ir Corps, from 5 M.::.rch 1945 to 3

A1-;'.~.l 1945. Home o.ddress:155 Hollywood West, Detroit, Michigan.

DOI,;'.LD ,.;. ST,:mLEY, 0-782615,'Licuten2Dt, ;.ir Corps, from 13 May 1945 to
9 June 1945. Home <,.ddress: Box 1031, Cushing, Oklahoma.

R"OUL ,.. VICINELLY, 33671315, Sergeant J ;~ir Cor P3, from 14 M:'.y 1945 to 8 Juno;:;
1945. Home 2.ddrc:3S: 1/.".7 Cedo.r Avonuc, Masontown, Pennsylv2.nia.

DOUGL:.S L~ WHITE, 14130085, St::tff Sc.;rgu2.nt, :lir Corps, from 2 May 1945 to 29
May 1945. Home address: Pnlmetto, Georgia.

lVlURR,S WOLF, 0-2076805, S,;cnnd Lieutena::1t, :"ir Corp;:;, frorE 30 Lpri1 1945 to 1
June 1945. Home acidr8t.iS: 257t, 'ij(' j',venue, Broi·l.x, new York.

J. Pursuant to ~~h(. ,.uthority cont::inc,u in Hrmy R(;gulJ.tion~

the 3,scond 0:.1<: Lenf Cluster to tbe Medal is hereby avrarded to
the following officers and enlistedcl:m of the First CombJ.t Cargo ""roup for meritorious
achievcITl\..!nt while p-'lrticip:~tihg in more than one hundred hcurs of aerio.l flight
OV:Jr territory in Eurma emu Chin.::\. where exposure to' enemy fire was IX' obable and
8:A.,})Gctod. -Flying unarmed' transport. aircralf't. thr.ough instrlilllcont we~ther, . over
ho.zerdous -terrain; these pilote amI·those crew members brought supplies, equ.1.p-
ment, ond reinfor:cements toth-:.;forward areas. Their devotion to duty and degree
of efficiency reflect cre,'j t U~ themselves iC.nd on the J~rmy "Ur Forces of the United

GEORGE vi. ARCH)J.ffi.kULT, JR., 31330949, Sergeont, 2'~ir Corps, from 26 MCiy 1945 to
27 June 1945. Home address: Box 652, Bridgeport, Connecticut.

P",Ui.- D. B'2.NTLEY, 32293812, Se~ge:mt, >dr Corps, from 15 ,-,pril 1945 GO 22 May 1945.
Ho:,'~ -';dCiress: 408 LUCQS Street, Creston, Imia.

CL~~ENCEjj;DSOE, 39700504, Private First Cl[153, < Corps, from 14 June 1945 to
\ 7 J'J..1y1945 •. Home address! 751o·University ,wenue, L.J.Hes2., C2.1lfornia.

2.0BERT L. C;;.LDWELL, 33601455, :Sergeant, ldr Corps, from 29 111ay 1945 to '16 Jun<;
1945. Home address': 5234 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

MICH1',El, ;1. C"RllTTINI, 32913779, Sergl:3Qnt, 2~ir Corps, from 15 June 1945 to 12 '
July 1945.. Home 241V;ln :Vorst Street, Jersey City, New Jersey •

. GEORGE '1{. CHILDS, JR., 18124h)l,' St~ff Sergeant, icir Corps, from 16 April 1945 to
19 ~i[~y 1945. Home :1dd:cess: .610 Court Street, Fort Worth, TexQs.



GO No. 201 dtd 16 45. Cant I d.

DQIlL.LD F _ FORRESTER, 31131374, Sergeant, Alr Corps, from 16 June 1945 to 11 July
1945. Home .address: 110 Clark Street, New Bedford, Massachusetts.

BUELL L. LITTLE, 0-415457, First Li,cutenCl.l1t, Air Corp~, from 23 April 1945 to
18 Killy 1945. Home ,address: 15 East Ce.tewba ;.venue, Moorenville, North

Ei',JJETI H. MCPHERON, 0-822176, Second Lieutenant', ",~ir Corps, from 30 May 1945 to
26 June 1945. Home'address: 3604 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio.

ROBERT B. MOORE, T-13346;1-, Flight Officer, Air Corps, from 25 May 1945 to 28
June 1945. Home address: 4718 North Twentieth Street, .J.partment 203.,
iirlington, Virginia.

DICK N. NIELSON, 39922335, Private First Class, hir Corps, from 17 June 1945 to
11 July 1945.. Home address: Huntington, Utah.

JOHN E. P..~INTER, 34085600, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 1 June 1945 to 27 June 1945.
Home address: Route One, Spartanburg, South Carolina.

FRAl\JCIS E. PASHOW, 32941873, Serge.:lnt, (then Corporal) Corps, from 13 June 1945
to 30 June 1945~ . HomE: address: 149 Second Street, Lyon Mountain, New York.

LOUIS R. PIKE, JR., T-65455,' Flight Officer, .~ir Corps, from 21 May 1945 to 12
June 1945. Home address: Fire Hill, Pennsy1vo.nia.

RICH..RD S. ROBERTS, T-63092, Flight Officer, Corps, from 29 ..pril 1945 to
27 June 1945. Home address: 1321 Calhoun Street, IndinnClpolis, Indiana.

HARRY H. S/.VITER, T-64829, Flight Officer, Air Corps, from ~9 May 1945 to 1 July
1945. Home address: Route Two, Centerville, Tennessee.

S.';UL SCH.·tCHTER, 0-836345, Second Lieutenant, :~ir Corps, from 18 May 1945 to 8
June 1945. Home, address: 225 Fabyan Place, Newo.rk, New Jersey.

"RTHUR E. SCHMITZ, 0-833598, Second Lieutenant, I.irCorps, from 15 June 1945 to

10 July 1945. Home addres~.... Route Two, Bangor, Michigan."

WALTER C. SHEPARD, T-7515, Flight Officer, ~'dr Corps, from 22 June 1945 to'12
. July. 1945. Home address: Rur3.1 Delivery, East Jordan, Michigo.n.

EDVLRD K. SHUTT, 13093259, Sergeant, Air Corpc" from 19 June 1945 to 10 July 1945.
Home z,ddress: Otterville, Missouri.-

ROBE..B.T G. SKINNER, 0-764482, Secong Lieutenant, .i,ir Corps, from 28 lv'l:l.y 1945 to
27 June 1945. Home address: 2930 Deodar Circ~e, Pa~adcDa, California.



GO No. 201 dtd 16 !mgust 45. Cont'd.

ROBFB.T L. mUTH, 0-2064993, Second Lieutenimt, l~ir .Corps, from 18 May 1945 to
7 June 1945. Home address: Rural Delivery, Mound City, Missouri.

PHILIP SOBELHfiN~ T-4160, Flight Officer, itir Corps, from 12 June 1945 to 11 July
1945. Home address: 2730 North, Saint Louis, Missouri.

JOHN N. STEVENS,' 31258418.) Sergeant, (then Corpore,l) }~ir Corps, from 29 ~.rr il
1945 to 15 May 1945. Horne, address: '8 Mi.ddlesix Street; Haverhill, Ni<:lSS-

JOHN M.· THIELEN, 0-2071399, Second Lieutenant ~ ;.ir Corps, from 19 .l.pril 1945 to
8 June 1945. Home address: Box 274; Hartington, Nebr~ska.

GEFkLD VICKERS" O~35.300,.second Lieutenant, l~ir, Corps, from 19 June 1945 to .

13 July 1945. Home address: Headland, h.labClJIla.

CL1JtENCEH. wEim, T-64928, Flight' Officer, . l\ir Corps,' from 17 Mc:.y 1945 to 11
June 1945. Hoineaddress: Route Two, Ethridge; Tennessee.

HitRRY'W. VITNNER, 31278785, Staff Sergeant, Ai.r Corps, from 26 ilpril 1945 to 13
May 1945. Home address: 60 Wintonbury il.venue, Bloomfield, Connecticut.

CI-LJtLES R. WORRALL, T-133736, Flight Officer, Air:Corps, from 10 June 1945 to

13 July 1945. Horne address: 1739 Noble Drivo, Atlanta, GBorgi2..

4.. .' Pursu2.nt' to the authority contained in i~rmy Regu1Oltions 600-45,

the Second O:rk Leu£:. Cluster to the Air Medal is hereby ClwClrded to the following .
named officers and cnlistedrrien of the Fourth'Combat C8.rgo Group formoritorious
achievement while-,p:lrt'icipClting. in more than one hundred hours of a-eric.l .flight
over territory in Burma where exposure to enemy fire vms prob!lble and expect8d.
Flying. imnrmea cargo aircr2.ft overhn.zardous, these. pilots c.nd those crew
members' D.c'complished the tr~msport of supplies and' personnel, and eVJ.cuaiion: of
wounded. Their devotion to duty and degree of efficiency reflect credit on them-
,\ selves ~nd on the !.r:my .hi±- Forces bf the United State~.

ROBERT G. BOOCHARD, 36859861, Corporal~,jiir Corps, from 8 MD,y 19h5 to 22Mo.y 1945.
Home address:. 24-3 Sanborn, Big ,R,.'1.pids, MichigCln.

ii.GEL V. BROWN, 39329238, Sergeant, .tiir Corps, from 13 MOlY 19J+5 to 31 May 1945.
Home address: 7126 Tyler ;,venue, Portland,. Orogon.

MORRIS CENTER, 13124196, TBchnicCll Sergen.nt, ":':ir Carps, from 2 Mc.rch 1945 to
27 M.arch'1945. Home 2ddress: 6222 ;\.ddison street, Phil2..delphiu., Pennsylvar:il..



.3';::;:JJJJ'ln: J. FILE..R, 31388855, S:aff Sergeant, Alr Corps, from 3 April 1945 to 24
,April 1945'. Home address:. 22 Grafton street, ShreWsbury, Massachusetts.

~1LFRED F. GALLUP, 0-663142, Captain" Air Corps, from :3 l::ay 1945 to 2 June 1945. '
Home address: 1233 Rhode Island, Lawrence, Kansas.

MANDEL S. GRUESNER, 37561539, .3ergeant,Air Corps, from 9 May 191+5 to 30WlClY 1945.
Home address~ 1100 Upton
Avenue, North, I

. WALTER L. ,HO:2:FER,0-745387, First Lieutenant, Air, Corps, from 5 May 1945 to 6'
June 1945. Home address: 4L.. East Hudson Avenue, Dayton, Ohio.

MERLEJ. I,Rg, 0-778515, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 11 May 1945 to 6 June
. . 191.5. Home address: 62 Pine Avenue, RiverSide, Illinois.

::1.0Y E. :.~ CLEARY", 0-718916, First Li eutenant, Air Corps, from 7 March, 1945 to
1 <):,i1 1945. Home address: 412 East Third Street, Dixon, Il1inoi9~

HGJp.RD I,IC . IWviE:(, 0~833554, Second Lieutenarlt, Air Corps , from 30 April 1945 to
'25 IVlay 1945. Home addr~ss: 1051 North Baxter Street,Johnson City, Tennessee.

1fHLLV1; A.. ivfANOS, '32977571, Sergeant, Air Corps, from 14 May 1945 to 7 June 1945.
Home address: 488 East One Hundred Thirty Ninth street, Bronx,New York.

CHARLES, E.K..JtTIN, 32548538, Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 12 March 1945 to
, .28 March 1945. Home address:. 94 Oakland Street; Rochester, New York.
ARTHUR i.MELBY, 0-718715, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 13 May 1945 to
10 June 1945. Home address: l;.J.56 Twenty Seventh Avenue South, YJ.nneapo1is;

JACK C. MICHAEL, 0-721165, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 30 April 1945 to--
7 J~:(1e.1945~ Home a(}~rei3S: WhiteH~aven" Tenne3see.

CHARLESA. NEHER, In., 0-779967, Second Li8utenant, ~ir Corps, from 13 :Hay 1945
to 7 June '1945. Home addr'8:3S; 1647 West Eighty, Third street ,:r..os Angeles,:
. California.

EVERETl' E. SANDERSON, 36591561, ,Corporal, Air Corps, from 2],. April 1945 to 7
May ,1945. Home address: 155 Hollywood, ilest Detroit, Michigan.

RDY J. SAYRE, 0-782375, Second Lieutenant, Air COY'ps, from 4 May 1945 to 4 June
1945. Homea.ddress: Box 266, Claremont.,. ~J.linois.



ALBErn E. JT.CVl2JJS, 11066100, 'l2chnical Sergeant, Air Corps, from 4 1viarch 1945 to
3 April 1945. Home ad:iress: Old Orchard Road, North Haven, New Hav_D,

ROBERT R. STUDZN~{uND, 13186217, SergeaLt, Air Corps, from 7 lVlarch 19h5 to 31

March 1945. Home address ~ ~-15 ',,-est f,bunt Pleasant )_venue, Philadelphia,

-.f'IIJI..IA:" c:. TENNY, JR., 0-674868, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 12 ME',y 1945 to
e cY,G 1945. Home address: 2205 RyeI' Avenue, New York, New York.

l;}:;LVIlJ 1'. TJLLE, T-3987, Flight Officer, Air Corps, from 11 May 1945 to 1 June
1945. Hor.te address: 206 South Chester Street, Bloomington, Illinois.

STERART S. HAGN~R, 3382874L" Corporal, Air Corps, from 6 nay 1945 to 29 May 1945.
Home address: 1+36 Bingaham Street, heading, Pennsy1v:-mia.

HA..1i.RY E. 1'JHEELER, J"R., T-3647, Flight Officer, Air Corps, from 13 }.,[ay 1945 to 3
June 1945. Home address: Route Two, Columbus, Kansas.

H;~YDEN G. WILCOX, JR., 0-7189/+6, First Lieutenant, flirCorps, from 30 April 1945
to 6 June 1945. Home address: 1175 Illinois Avenue, South West Huron,
South Dakota.

5. Pursuant to +he authority contained in Arrn,v Regulations 600-45,

--'],e Third Oak Leaf Cluster t c i:he Air ldledal is hereby awarded to the following
named officers of the First. Co.rnbat Car[:o Group for meritorious achievement while
participating in more t:~Jl1 one hundred hours of aerial flight over territory in
Burmc" and China where exposure to enemy fire was probable and expected. Flying'
-lnarIT'_ed transport aircraft thN)lr:}; i.nstrument weather, over hazardous terrain,
these pilots brought supplic8, ':-,;.iprn. . 'nt-, and .reinforcDm8nt<i t.o- th';nv:\rd ,'rea.s.
Trkir devotion to duty and. ,1___, .J: _-of 1]1 l.lci(;l1Cf I!efloct cl',;dl-c. L'L t: l,';;~,ij ~'; ,:.r~J.
on t.he; <,rm;r Forc<.;3 ofi),_ U:;dt"cl St.:rG-:!3.

)-LRTIY J. BLOSS, JR., 0-2058679, Scccmd Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 28 Hay 1945 to
25 June 1945. Home address: Box 179, hTaynesboro, Vircinia.

FnED riC COl'JN:2:LL, JR., 0-721824, First Lieutenant, ;,ir Corps, from 14 May 1945
-('0 ] .--.June 1945. Home Route One, Breckenridge, Texas.

BAREY --. ;:~TERS, JR., 0-719726, F1rst Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 25 May 1945 to
27 June 1945. Home address: 7~ East Main street, SprinGfield, Ohio.

THOMAS S. SEABURY, 0-796891, Captain, Air Corps, from 17 June 1945 to 15 July
1945. Home addressl 12 Rockwood Avenue, Ansonia, Connecticut.


----------------- - -

GO 1':'J. 201 dtd 16 J~ugust 45. Cont rd. D. TlmVE1T" 0-701024, First LieutellClrit, ~~:ir Corps, frc'IQ 30 April 1945
~';O 7 June 19.',5. H0me address: 1006 .second Street, ("fcst Birmir:ghum, Alabarna.

6. Pursuant' to t~he authority cO!1t.ainE::d in Arrw Regulations 600-45,

the Third 0ak teai' ClU3te~ to tlv) Air Medal. is her·,"ty ~"Hrded lo the following
named o:~ficGrs and ~r:.l'::"stad men of the Fourth Combat Cargo Gl'OUP for meritorious
achieve.m.ent while participating in more than onehuncred hours of: aerial flight'
over territory in, Burma where eX1Josur'e to enemy fj:::>e was probable and expected.
Flying ' cargo air·cr,St· ovc;r haza;r'd~us,' t,hese pilots and these crE;W
memb-rs accomplish8d the trc)t1sport of 811.pplh~s arid personnel, ano evacuation of
wounded. Their devotion to duty and qC[:'8(: bt: efficiency reflect credit on thGm-
s(;lvGS and ori t.he Army Ai:r i'orcci.; of thE; Uhitt::dStatcs.

JOHN E. CHILTON, 0-763952, Fi!'st Lieutenant, Air CO~~p3, from 4 May 19/;5 to 25
1v'l.d.~r 1945. Hom·) ariarGSs: ~0Ut e One, Miami,' Ari zona.

[ P.~_TRICKF. CIANDELLA, 121658:;3, Serecant, Ai!.' Corps, fr'om 3 May 1945 to 24 M2y
1945. Home c..daress: 391 Bc:.ldi:in Avcnu,;, Jersey City, New Jersey.

JOSEPH ,J. DIEZEL, 16025231,Sta:ff .serg~ant, Air Corps, 'from 9 May 1945 to 6 Jun.e
1945. Heme addre~~s: 3h56 Harth Jansen Avepue, Chicago, Illinois.

KENNETH 1,-. DODD, 0-778745, Second Lieutenant, . Air Corps , from 4 May 1945 to 31
M3.y 1945~ Home address: Box 314, Jonesboro, Illinois~ ,

WILBUR ·E •. FIGUK::RA, 0-889821, Second I,ieutetJrtnt; Air. Corps, from 30 April 1945 to
r 2 1 M a y 1945. Home address: 3722 Thirty Eighth Avmue, Oakland, Ca.lifornia.

L BElUi.J.HK J. FILER, 31388855, Staff Sergeant, Air Corpa, from 12 M.3.y1945 to 9

June 1945. Home a.ddress: 22 Grafton Stred, ShrewsbuJ?e;, !Jassachusetts.

JOHN W. FOEISTER, JR., 0-20~),)891, Second Li·autcnant; Air-Corps, from 1 May 1945
to 25 May 1<;'45. Hom\; aC:cJress: 750 Cherokee StrE;et, Memphis, Tp,nnessee.

JAIJES T. GIIBEATE, 14075676, Ser€8(1nt, Air Corps, frpm'9 May 1945 to 26 May 1.945 •
Home a.ddress: 301 Cutters Green', Macon,Gl.orgia. ' .

JOSEPn F. p,~CKn:WICZJ' 36760734, Technical Sergeant, Air Corps, .from 16 MB;y 1945
to 20 Jnne 1945. Home address: 1..83J.South l,l"a.:tshfield Avonue, Chicago,
IWB.;;R.T D. H..'u'LJ1IC-AN, O:-690~13 J First Li€utGnant, Air Corps, from 24 April 19lt5 to
20 May 194:5. Home address: 722 Van Buern Street, South Bend, Indial"1a.


- Rl,3TIU(;T.2.D

'30 No. 20~. :ltd 16 hugust J-j5. Cant' d. •

. 'ELTON D. HASTAY, 0-927814, Second Ii8utenant, Air Corps, from 17 ?flay 1945 to 25
• May. 1945 •. Home address: 5111 }Jorth East Rodney, Portland, Oregon.

:'i'ILLlJU/ J. HEALY, 0-809801, First Licutc.:nant, Air Corps, from 8 NlaY 1945 to 17
June 1945. Home address: 268 Upham street, Melrose, Massachusetts.

JOI-IN D. 'HZNNO, 0-7J".CJ92, Captain, .,ir Corps, from 7 May 1945' to 4 June 1945.
Home address: 2270 Hidalgo Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca1ifor~ia.

GEORGE C. HORVATH, 0-718912, First Licut,mant, Air Corps, from 3 May 1945 to 29
May 1945. Home address: \ 304 Ivhp1e Street~ \Irwin, Pennsylvania.

HARRY S. J.IlJHSON, 0-691259, First Lieutenant, Corps, from 4 May 1945 to 7 June
, 1945. Home ~ddress'Post' Office Box 249, Higgins, Texas.

EDi':. .RD J. K~=ND.i.LL, 0-773l42, First Lic: 11tenant, Air Corps, from 29 April 1945 to
28 Mu;y 1945. Home address: .i.toute TWO, Box 133, Chowchilla, California.

STEPHEh;.. KOGUT, '12078601, Staff. ;:;ergeant, Air Corps, from 12 May 1945 to 5
. June 1945.. Home address': 310 Elm Street, Canonsburg, PennsylviJ.nia.
.GEORGE A,' LINF.13RINK, 35328168,- T~chnical Sergc3.nt, ldr Corps, from 30 .l.pril19hJ
to 14 J"Iay 1945. HOIne address: 100 Senaca Street, DefiC=ll1ce, Ohio.

ROY E. MC CLEARY, 0-718916, First Lieutenant, Corps, from 25 .:;'pril 1945 to
17 May 1945. Home iJ.ddres·s: 412 East Third ,strGct, Dixon, Illinois.

RQBillT E. MCFJ;LL; 0-7788(3],' T'irst Li:::utenant, Air Corps, from 29 J.pril 1945 . . . 0
~' 22 l,fay 1945 •. Home addres3: 2157 GrarnGrcy, San Lntonio, TexiJ.s.

CHARLES E. MARTIN, 32548538, Stafl' Sergeant, ;"ir Corps, from 21 April 1945 to
28 May 1945. Home address: 94 Oakland ,Street, Rochester, New York.

TRriCY P. UIlCHELL, 0-711000, 8e:cond Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 4 May 1945 to
8 June 1945 •. Home address: 4509 Park Avenue, As.hta Bula, Ohio.

ULYSSES G.' HONROE, 0...,.1298089, Fir~;l. Lieute:lant, Air Corps, from 3 May 1945 to 4
June 1945. Homo address: 905 :f/est Thirteenth Str2et, Crete, Nebraska.

LAvvRLNCE )". MUCKEY, JR., 0-778904, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 2 May 1945
to 29 }fiay 1945., Home address.;...Fourth Street, Nlapleton, Iowa.

WADE E. MUMMh, 0-710858, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 27 April 1945 to 4
. June 1945. Home address: -122 North NJain, Bluffton, Ohio.


GO No. 201 dtd 16 imgust 45. Cont (d.

ROBERT E. Nl~SSET, 0-779195, First Lieutenant, hlr Corps, from 26 April 1945 to
2 June 1945. Home; address: New England, North Dakota.

BILLY M. NEiffiLL, 0-779970, SGcond Lieutenant, 'Air Corps, from 9 May 1945 fo
31 Eo..y 1945. Home address: 51D. North Lee ~·,venue, Sherman, Texas.

ROBERT C. O'fENS, 35362949, staff Sergeant, l:~ir Corps, from 16 .-l.pri1 1945 to 17
May 1945. Home address: 240 Kemi1, Lafayotte, Indiana.

JOSEPH M. PEEBLES, 0-718832, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 3 May 1945 to 28
wIQy 1945. Home aduress: Rushtown, Ohio.

ROBERT C. PELLER, 0-718925, First Lieutena~t, Air Corps, from 4 Way 1945 to 25
May 191+5. Home address: 324 West Pleas.:mt. Drive, Pierre, South Dakota.

E.'.RL N. PIERC2, JR., 37520829, Staff Sergeant, l-!.ir Corps, from 5 May 1945 to 4
~une 1945. HQme address: 402 North Kansas, ~vichita, Kansas.

ROSS H. PRESLEY, 0-778554, Second Lioutenant, ,"ir Corps, from 13 May 1945 to 22
June 1945. Home address: Route One, Box 23, Wichita Fal1~, Texas.

LEON REED, 0-709,643, First Lieutenant, 'jiir Corps, from 27 il.pril 1945 to 26 May
1945. Home address: Route Three, Jacksonville, Texas.

J.\MES R. RENFRO, 0-684B95, First Lieutel)3nt, Air Corps, from 30 /lpril 1945 to
18 May 1945. Home address: 1603 South Grant Street, Springfield~ Missouri.

ALBERT ROBERSON, 18242033, Sergeil~t, Lir Corps, from 26 April 1945 to 13 May 1945.
Homt: address:. 401 Avenue B, North East, Childress, Texas.

D,WID L. RUSMISEL, 0-780019, First Lieutenant, ilir Corps, from 1 ]{m.y 1945 'to
27 May. 1945. Home address: Burbank High School, San ,:mtonio, Texas.

WALTER 1{. SCHIEFFER, ,0-709832, First Lioutenant, Air Corps, from 9 May 1945 to 8
June 1945. Home address: Route One, Per~, Oklahoma.

RICIU.RD W. SCIDLIDT, 0-691295, First Lieutonant, Air Corps, from 29 April 1945 to
30 14::ty 1945. Home address: 1815 Chapman Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.

WALTER E. SHOTWELL, II, 0-7::50038, Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 25 it!Jril
1945 to 15 May 1945. Home address: 751 Sixteenth Street, Des Moines, Iowa.

ROBERT E. SPENCER, 13109942, Sergeant, Air Corps, from. 2 May 1945 to 27 May 1945.
Home address: 34 Wellington Street, Northeast, Pennsylvania.
\ '

JOHN R. STONE, 0;';'718941, First Lieutenant" Air Corps, from 3 May l r;:45 to 23 May
1945. Home address: 3416 9~ Avenue, Rock Island, Illinois.

I) . :-j
~~-" -.... -""--~

GO No. 201 dtd 16 rlugust 45. Cont1d.

r-789L,ll, Second Licutcn,cwt, Lir CCI'})S, frorE 30 ;,pril L!+:.-c
,iOlIlU address: Leonard, Texas.

ROBE..B.T R. 3TUDEJ\'1hmD, 13186217, Serg8ant, Air Corps,. from 28 ltpril 1945 to 17 L-;~-
19/+). 'Home: address: 115 West Mount Pleasant ,'~venue, Philc:.delphia, Perm-

1• ' ( BILLY C. SYKES, 0.-780.0.72, First Lieutenant, AU Corps, from 12 Hay 1945 to 7 June
19L15. Horne a.ddress: 60.38 Thirty Eighth street, Ballinger, Texas.

V'JILLI"J.' M. THo.MPSo.N, 0.-7790.47, First Lieutenant, .i~ir Corps, from 6 MD.Y 1945 to
9 June 1945. Home address: Route Three, o.tterbein, Indiana.
LOVIS F. V;,LENTOUR, JR., 0-7800~1, Second Lieutenant, ,"ir Corps', from 6 !!iay 1945
to 31 lIay 1945. Home address: 228 Third street, McDonald, Pennsylvania.

RICHi.RD G. VOGI', 0.-70.9866, First Lieutenant, kLr Corps, from 22 April 1945 to
21 1by 1945. Horne addreSS: 239 North Spring Street, Elgin, Illinois •
IRVJ.':.N \1., W~J.,DRON, ..0-777875, First Lieutenant, Air_ Corps, from 14 M.cq 1945 to 20.
June 1945. Horne address: 3o.8~ South Washington Street, Nhittier, C2.1ifornia •.

a::::ORGS B. 'J;tLLACE, 0-821382, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 6 hl-.y 1945 to 26
May 1945. Horne address: Carnesville Pi~e, Lewisburg, Tennessee.

:tlLTOl: L:':iJ,'J.TKINS, JR ,07110.51., Second Lieutenant, clir Corps -' from 30 April 1945 to
21 May 1945. Home address: Post o.ffice Box 34, Fentress, Te::Ll.s.

JOHN B. WATSCHKE" 0.-689423, First Lieutenant, inr Corps, from 3 Mc.y 1945 to 29
May 1945. Honie address: 5452 Blaisdell .Avenue, Minnc:lpo1is, Minnes.ota.

H,JWLD 'i-, .• -'iATSON, 0:..;.709703 ~ First Licu.ten:lnt, Corps, from 29 April 1945 to
25 May 1945. Home address: 719 o.hio Boulevard, .i'...valon, Pennsylv{:mia.

DUGc.LD J. iVILSON, JH., o.81363o.~ First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 9-M..J.y;1945 to
5 June 19L~5. Horne ad.dress: 2844 State Street, Saginmv, Michig,:m~
J)MF.3 1. ,aI\'GE.HT, 0.-78010.9, First Lieutenant, .Ur Corps, from 11 May 1945 to 2
June 1945. Home address: 4514 Upton South, MinneapoliS, Minn8sotc..

CHhRlES E. Wo.OD, 0.-70.5871', First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 2 fucl.JT 1945 to
May 191+5. Horne address:' 571 North Twenty Sixth Street, East Saint Louis,

RICH:.RD K. YOUNG, 0-70.4523, First LieuteD.c';.nt, ','iir Corps, from 26 .ri.pril 1945 to IJ
M.'l.y 1945. Home address: '~een City, W.Lissouri.


GO No. 2Ul ..dtd 16 Augus t 45. Cont I d.

FRJ~CI.s B. Z!~GRODNY, 0-389~22,·Second Lieutcnant," Corps, from 21.f2.Y 1945 to

21 "}.J12.Y 1945. Home address: 75 Plain, Fountain, Massachusetts.

7. Pursuant to the authority cont2.ined in Army Rcgul t ions 600-45,

the Fourth Oak Leaf Cluster to the ;"ir 1-Ied.::tl is h6reby 'awarded to the followinG
nam6d oL'icers and enlisted men of the First Combat C2.rgo Group for meritorious
achievement while participating in more thiill onE:: hundred hours of aerial flight
over territory in Burma and Chin2. where exposure to enemy fire was probable and
eA-pccted. Flying unarmed transport aircraft through instrument weather, over
h.:l.zardous terrain, these pilots and these crew members brought supplies, equip-
ment, and reinforcements to th~ forward areas. Their devotion to duty cmd degree
of efficiency reflect credit on
themselves and on the Army Forces of the
United StJ.tes.

J!-l.MES R. FR'J'JCISCO, 0-663141, C~ptain, ~'.ir Corps, from 7 June 1945 to 12 July 1945.
Home address: 3120 South Adams, Fort rlorth, Texas •.

Eii.RCEL U. GAU'l'HIER, 0-750972, Capt3.~n, (then First Lieutenant) Air Corps, from
27 Mayf1945 to 26 June 1945. Home address: Route One, Box 1066; Miami,

JAlEES J. GRCSSART, 0-767530, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 13 JunE; 1945 to
13 Ju1y'1?45. Home addri;)ss: 2020 Gaylord Street, Denver, Colorado.

ANDERSON E. HONTS, 0-817679, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 5 June 1945 to
30 June 1945. Home address: Box 108, Front Royal, Virginia.

Lm;NIE M.· HURLEY, 35637993, Staff Sergeant, Air Corps, from 7 June 1945 to l' July
1945. Home :,ddress: Star Route, Pica, Vlest Virginia.

RlI.l'1.10ND LOrrERY, 0-768146, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, ·from 10 June 1945 to 10
July 1945. Home o.c.dress: 2743 Lower Azuca Road, El Monte, C2.1ifornia.
ROBERT D. MACNICOL, 0-709599, First Lieutenant, ! Corps, from 12 June 1945 to
11 July 1945. . Home address: : 427 South Fifth Avenue, A..."ln .h.rbor, Michigan.

·,'JILLL::..M E. P.El'·TCE, 0-745739, First Lieutenant, Air Corps, from 5 June 1945' to 12
July 1945. Horne c,ddress: Box 391, ,ill~on, Texas.

Gl'DRGE L. ROCK, 36859988, staff Serge2.nt, Air Corps, from 9 Lfuy 1945 to 31 Me":!
1945. Home address: Route One, Cadillac, 1lichigan.

J/J,1ES W. S.~GER, 33688415, Sergeant, (then Corporal) Air Corps, from 6 May 1945 to
28 May 1945. Home address: l,Vater street, Coal Center, Pennsylvania.

Afu'IJOLD F. SONNENSCHEIN, 0-824969, First Lieutenant, .Air Corps, from 18 June to

13 July 1945 •. Home address:. 2226 Desp1ainesStreet, Blue Island, Illinois.·


";i'C,- , -;OJTHVnCK, 0-6722/4 J, C'., (tben Fir,~t Licut2.rkl,nt) Air Corps, from
.::'~: ,:C-·Y 1945 to 19 June 1945. Home .:lddross: S. O. ,M. HOild, Wickliffe,

.,. __ .. -.-.
r£(,LNK E.L'lO;:;"'ill, 0-796454,' CL~pt:'.i;l, 'Lir Corps, from 11 JUDe 1945 ,to 13' July 1945.
Hot1~:' ~L'c\dress: _1403 Seventy,::'irst ':ivcnu':,' O~::,k Lnrrc';-;Ph'il"ld,,,lphia,'Penn-

R.LPH 1. TOWN, 0-714870, First Licutem,nt, Corps, from 25 Ho.y 1945 to 24-.. __
June 1945. Home 2.Gdrc;ss: ,L;.8"'-5 C:.:.mpbcll Street, K,:1Stl.S City, Nus'sou.ri.
THEODORE ;l. ~iHITING, 0-825035, Fir:.;t, Licutcn~.nt, i"ir Corps, frOlY: 15 May'1945 to
- 25 Jtm: ~945. 'Home i'dcr~~~:J: . Route: One; :'jo;t.(jrford, Connectic-u:L.

8. P'~l'S"J.l}t~CJt,hc cmtho:::'ity in c,rmy HegulL. tions(;QO,-45,

the: Fifth 02K I,,8:,f Cluster to the .'~ir Eedal is hGreby aVl~,rdcd to FlrGt'Lieut(;nGDt
rtOB,.;;;:n n. HIV2RS) u-721865, Air ,C9rp_~,.bf the Fil~st Combat Cargo Group for merit-
orious 3.<;:hievernent while participating iri morothan one hundred hours of aerial
flight during the period 26 i!{::'.'y 1945 to :25 June 1945 over territory in Burma. and
\~hina, where exposuroto CL:":::W' firevr3.s" prCibG.blc and expected. Flying un;:trmed
tl':::.nsport 2.ircraft throuGh instrument weather, over hazardous terrain, this pilot
brougbt supplies,. equipment, and reinforcements to the forwO-rd ilreas. His d-.;votion
,to duty and degree of ef,ficicDcy rc;f18ct credit on himself and on the ;.rlTlY lUr
Forces <;>f tbe United States.· Heme [~ddress: Estes Pn.rk, Colorado.

1. So much of p( 2, Scctiori I, Gener.l Ord0rs, Ihunbcr 160,

this Hec~dquarters, $ July 1945, .::{C' ~"GQd3 .,HH;'Th8sc; pilots Lrou,\::11t troops, engineer-
ing c0.uipment, ammunition, food and other supplies to the front lines • .,;-lHc is here'::'
by <'Iih,ndcrl to ren.d: -lHHc These fl3.vigator:1> ,assisted in bringing troops, engineering
c:q-clipr'1cnt )1Jllffiunition, food arid other supplies to the front lines • .,<-3H<-

I ;~\,
2. 3, Section· I, Gencr:'.l Ordl~rs Number 160, this H8~d­
,Jnly 1945,· is hereby rescinded.

3. So much of 3, Section II, Gr;nc:ral.Ordors NumbertL60,

this He3.dquart-ers, e,July1914S,as G.wards tho Distinguished Flying Cross to:
LUCIE!.\; J. BELi:"NCER JR., T-q3739,. Flight Officer, .:ifr Corps,
HIR,~M D•.BUfu1, .0-702230, First. LieutenC1.nt, cd!,. Corps,
- ,

LIili ,:',. D.tcVIPSOH,. 7000545., '}'h~l::liu~l SEir:::;2[~nt, nir Corps,

.1 i: "-

.• HTHl)R
"., .
G. D~~KiR, _(1..,.718596,- Second Lieutcm,nt,· .~ir Corps,
. 1- j

r (, ' .:).


GO No. 201 dtd 16 August 45. Cont'cl. :.'

'LLOYDP. KING, 0-775392, Second Liouten:,nt, Gorps,

;;.\.ROLD V. KISER, 0-776335, Second Lieutenant '. l Corps,

GEORGE C. MACHOS, 0-2059099, Second Lieutemnt, Corps,

GuN E. MATOUSEK J 0-2059101, Sc;cond Lieutenant, .nir Corps,

H.~RRISOF R. MCGREGOR, 0-2059560, Second Liell.tqn,ant, 'Corps,

J...'.:SSE W. IilYERS, 37485522; T(;cl1n:i:cal Sergco.n.i:,,'AirCo-,:p,r;

FR:\NKLIN F. PURKEY, 35423935, Staff Sergeant, ;.. ir Corps,.

EDW,"illD SCHNEIDER JR., 0-780027, Second Lieutenant, ,~ir Corps,

RICI:LRD E. ST~mZCK, 16135113, Corporal, Air Corps,

2,RTHUR ::;.. 5TEDDOM 0-782647, Second Lieuteno.nt, Air Corps,

LJ::ES N. STIGLER, 38403640, Sergeo.nt, lo,ir Corps,

=i.OBERT O. UTTER, 34724979, St::'.ff Sc:rgcc:.nt, "~ir Corps,

is hereb Jr rescinded.

4. 'So much,ph 1, Section II, Gerieral Orders Number 143,

this Headquarters, 21 June 1945, ns reads: fI~HH:-GERA.LD J.CORCORAN, 16126612,
Sergeant, :!.ir Corps from 15 Fcbrunry 1945 to 4 i'.:pri1 1945 .,Hf-;~fI is hereby amended
to r·~',O'.d: fI.,HH:-GmlLD J. COHCOR.1N, 16126612, Sergeant, Corps from 15 March 1945
to 1+ ,\pri11945 -:HH'rfl

5.' So ,much of p",r,'\gmph 2, Section I,Gencral Orders Number 146,

lhisHci.cdqmlrteis,'24 June 19h5,as reads fI.,HP,~CH.t·WLES E. M.j,RTIN, 32548538, -Stn'ff
.scrsc;,~nt, ~~ir Corps, from 15 February 1945 to 21 1l.pril 1945"h'H~fI is hereby £'.J11ended
to re8,~ II-:HH<-CH,~RI...ES E. l':.RTIN, 325h8538, staff Sergeant, .~ir Corps from 28 March
1945' to 21 :,pril 1945. -:HH:-II ., : '

6. So much of pnr2.~raph 1, Section I, General Orders Number 148,

thisHec..dquartors, 26 Junl] 194) ~ as reads: II-lHH~J;JAES E. SHEMMON, 39294178,
Pri vt~te First Class, Corps -:HHHI is hereby wncnded to rend II.,H:--><JA:MES E. SLEMMON,
39294178, Priv~te First Class, J,ir Corps -lHH<-"


GO No. 201 dtd 16 'LUgust 45. Cont ' d.

7. So much of paragraph 1, Section I, Gom~r3.1 Orders Number 148,

this Headquartc;rs, ?6 June 1945, 2.S reads: u::HHcR.hLPH'I. STOCKHECKER, 36057113,
Sergo[cnt, Corps-:;'-;HHI is hereby am(;n~led to read: II-lHH~AALPH 'ii. STOCICHEKER,
36057113, Serceant, hir COrpS-lHH;-1l .

. 8. So much of par2.graph 1; Section II, Gener'o.l Orders Number 148,

this Heo.d:=Juo.rters, 26 June 1945, QS reads: lH;'-;Hi-RUDOLPH L. V~U.,DEX, 18028165,
Technical Sergc3.n"t!; ,.ir Corps';HHc ll is hereby 2.lIl(;nded to read: lHHH~RUDOLPH 1. V.l.LDEZ,
18028165, .Technical Serge2.I1t, ldr Corp::)">HH:1l

9. So much of p~:C2.graphl, Section Ill, G:;nc r2.} Orders Nwnbcr 148,

this He2.dc~uc.rters, 26 JunE;: 1945, e.s r(;~.:.ds: 1l-l.HH~l:!.illIT MAD'\l, 0-711741" Second·Lieut.-
enant,' ;iir Corps-lf-~--lHl is hereb;" i.!.mcnded to :roc-.ct fHHH,BURTON MAn~, 0-711746, Second
Lieut<:m311t, ~'"ir Corpc: HHH1 •

10. So much of jJ.::.r:'.gro.~jh 1, Section III, Gener,"'.1 Ord8rs Numbcr 142,

this He.C'..dqu:::.rters, 26 June 19~r5, as re'~ds: II-lHH;-LOUIS J. WEIHS .JR., '1'-64931, Flight
Officer, .:,ir Corps';HH;-1l i6 hereby .o'...mcr~dud to re3.G: II-;HH;-LOUIS J. WEIRS,JR., T-64931,
Flight Officer, ;.ir Corps->HHt ll •

11. So much of pclY' J, ,section III, Gencr3.1 Ordors Number 172,

this Headquartors, 20 July 19h5, C.S r0;2.ds: II-lHPA-NORV;,1J U. VOSTv{[CK, 0-822994, First
.' Lieutem.nt (then Second Lieut.lm311t) ~'~il~ Corps-lHHHl is her(1)y c'",rnended to read:
".,:-rn~NORVji.N 'v/. BOSTWICK, 0-822994, First Lieuten3.nt, (then Second Lieutenant) ••ir
Corps-lHHtli •

12. So much of p' 1, Section IV, Genere.10rd,n's Number 172,

this Headquo.rt.ors, 20 July 1945, as reads 1I-:HHi-ANTHONY DOZLOSKY, 33669051, Corporal,
:Ur Corps.,v":;;-';~lI is hereby oI'lcnded to road: II-lHr->':-..-u'JTHONY KOZLOSKY, 33669051, Corpo~::,.l,
~·.ir Corps-:HH:-I1.

13. So much of pc.ragraph 5, Section I, General Orders Number 156,

this Headquc.rters" 4 July 1945, as Llwards the First Oak Leaf Cluster to the Dis-
tinguished Flying Cross to Captain FR:iNK N. DlI.VIS, 0-812767, Air Corps, is here-
by amended to award the 2econd Oak L83.1 Cluster to the Distinguished Flying Cross
to C2.ptnin FRANK N. Di~VIS,' 0-812767, i~ir Corps.

14. So much of 3, Section II,' General OrderS Number 156,

this HOG.dquarters, 4 JulY'"1945 , ::.8 reads: 1I-lH<*LEE. F. MILLINS, 0-692182, First
Lieutcm:.nt, [tir Corps-lHHHI " is hereby runended to· read IHHH~LEE F. IvillLLIKS, 0-692182,
First Lieut8nunt , Corps·k:,:,II. .

15. So mm:h of parccsraph 7, Section III, General Orders Number 156,

this Headquarters, h July 1945, 2.[; awards the Second Oak Loaf Cluster to the Air
Modo.1 to Technict~l Scrgee.nt JOW, C. G":.LL:~GHER, 19080543, J~ir Corps, is hereby
2Jllcndod to award the ThirdCb.J.c LG~'lf' Cluster to the l'lir lIiedal to'TcYehn:J-cal Ser-
gCilnt JOHN C. G!~Lk.GHE,,'?, 19080543, /d.r Corps.

.. _..... ·RESTRICTED

~,'-o =., () . .'

16. So much of::2.Y'2,.:; 9, Section III, General Orders Number' 156,

this ;-;-:;:ldqu::.rter~.'. 1+ July 19L!,;, 'lS reG-ds: 11~H,"::'-?ir3t Li<;)uten<'.r!t VE..1iNON NOLJJ,
0-889176, Air Corps·~HHcli is hcr0h;y 2.ffi:md,:;r; to rcccd: 1I·;H~:- First Lieutenant VERNON
NOLt~D, 0-889176, /.ir Corps-)<·;, ;,11.

17. E:,~ 21uc11 of par,~ 'r~:"}Jh 11, Scc-~ion III, General Orders Number 156,
this Headquarters, 4 July 1945, ','_,; reads: II-lHH~-G~le First O?k Leaf Cluster to the
:,ir t.k:do.l is h,:;r'-T :~wilrded to the follov!-in", n~med enlisted men of the -lHHcAir
Comrno..ndo Group·;,-:H:·II is hereb~r'.ffi8nded to ~'~:-cd: l1·:,,·;H;-U'i'- First O::.k Leilf Cluster to
the Air Me'~_;ll is hereby :l-dare.;;d to th,., follmJing n~ill'Ld ,officer ::md enlisted men
of the -lHHc/~ir Commo..ndo Sroup·:dH<-l1; and is further '('mended to add:

11 JULIUS GOODEAN, O-ClU 5811, C,::c)t:<_!., Cor~)~, ~l~om 7 December 1944 to 31 J:mun.ry
1945. HOITtl~ ,::cddross: 12 W:d_:1_ ,::trcct, SpncGl', ~\:I~~-::;::;J..chus"tts. 11

So much of :)arccgL,.'l-j L~, Section III, Gcn(:r('.::" Orders I:UJllber 156,

this E(;:":Lln~Tters,
4 July 1945, .'}s p.::-rto.incs to L~.l.LS GOOm... l'l, 0-805811,, Corp::, is hereby rescinded.

19. So much of pG.r'::~T2.;Jh 1, SectioD IV, C;'cn0rc'"1 Orders IJur!'b8r 156,

this HC2.d('juL.rtcrs, 4 July 19~5, ,;.5 r,~,,'L:: l1-;HPFvIC{;Of~ 1. EUrJE, 20755705, Pl'ivccto
First Cl~~'2' ~ Air Corps-lHHc ll is hcr(;b= '-:.rn,_nd.::-;i to l',-,ad: II-lHHf-VIG'TO:2. L. ~i.hIN:L,
20755705, PrivLltc First Cl:css, •. ir C01'ps-lHH;,1!.

f':~ 0.,co ",_.,,:::,1(c

20. u'.;-.. . .r'1Uvu '."'1" ';-'~rh
)" (~,~' i - I "
-:. ,-,,-,C'L_on v, G·-,y
\C,.lCI,~ l"'~0 Hl~umb"",r 15
"·-,1 0 rc\..-J.oJ i
_ 0,
this HC.J.dqu:::crtcrc, 4 Jul .- Ell-5, ~~s rends:. iJ-;HHi-KINB.,LL I:U~j'USTEH) 18097459, St:-.ff

Serge.:::.nt, .'_ir Corps~i-~:-3i-1l jp ','-Jh,7 ·.r;,c;nckc'_ to rC2.d: IlciHHcIUI::B.cLI: ~;·J.JIGSTKi., 18097 h59,
Staff SergG:mt, .. ir Corps-Jd,c".Il. o.

21. ~.) HiUel, ').:' ::>~r':;l'~,)b L~, S,;cc..ion IV, GcLi,r2.J.Orrlcn; Nur:lbcr 156,
this Headquarters, h July 1945, ~1.:J r8[::.ds: lI-JHdcDUNCAL R. CHITTN-JDEN, 0-713292,
Second LiGutenont, Air Corps~NH;'1I is hore~:;y 3.JTIGnd~d to rt:nd: I1-lHH~DUNCl;N R. CHITTEN:-
DEN, 0-71.3?92, Second Lieutl~nt, _'tiT COl"PS-lHHcl1.

22. So nuch of p::'_r;'.::rc'.~:)h 1, Section IV, C'tCneral Orders Number 163,

this Hoadqu0.rters, l -: July 1945, /: re.J.ds :11-;HH'dILLI/J.~ I. FOSTER, 33464561, Ser-
geant, ;cir, ?orps>;:~c::,,~s hereby ,c':~(;nded to r:'D.d: II-lHHCIITLLLJ,1 h FOSTEI1., 33464561,
Sergeant, .'llr Corl-,s·"""I1.

23.' So !TIuett of pm:·[~)h 4, Secti on II, GencrG1 Orders Number 30,

this HeilcquJ.rters, 10 Fobruilry 1945, [;,3 reads: 11·~HH~FFWiNCIS J. P. PERREt.ULT,
0-701523, Second Licuten~nt, i,ir Corps, (~s co-pilot from 26 NovembGr 1944 to 23
.J~uC!.ry 1945-lHHcl1 is hereby amended to rc:.d: l1c'HH~·FR,;JJCIS J. P. P':£RRE.~ULT, 0-701523,
Second Lieutenant, Air Corps, as co-pilot from 22 Nov0mbor 19h4 ~o 23 Jnnuary


-_.- __
- - ..... ..

;:'4. 00 nuel:. 0:;' 1):::..r:'.grG.j)h2, Soction II, Gcncr.::.l Orders Number 111,
this HC.:101tlo.rters, 8 Mo.;)" 19:,+5, :13 r(:;ads: rr-~HH<-ROY C. SCHU1l;~N, 'T223905, Flight
OfficGr, ",:.:." Corps, ~lS pilofirom ;].9 JanUQ.!:.'1 191~5 to 31 lvI2.rch 1,)45-:HHP,f is hereby
'.!'1cndGcl to re::::.d: "';:-';,-;c~-{CY C; • . :::HUM..\NN, T223905, Fli8l1t Officer, Air Corps, as
pilot from 20 J.:mu2ry ] 94~ to 31 ~Jb,rch 1945~HH:-".

2'). So much Of'):,l".;:'J,ph 3 J Section II, Gcn0r~11 Orders Number 15,

this I-k,:::dqu:-:rtvrs, 23 Jc:.nuc,r7 . ," i r5, QS r,-".:~ds: IHHHi-CI·L;RLE.3 B. meITH, 0-526326,
First Licuter12.nt, ",ir Corps, jJi:tot from 4 October 19h4 to 19 December 19/+4-)&:<-11
is herub~- amended to r8o,d: 11 :;::-CL,~::L.c::S B. SMITH, 0-526326, First Licuton::nt, Air
Corps, i::.,spilot from 4 NovGmbcr 1944 to 19 Duccmbcr 194h~Hd:·rr.

26. So much of P':':':c2r;::ph 2" Section I, GcnlOr':'.1 urdors Number 70,

this HC.:1dClU'lr~;ers, 25 Mcc.rch 19L;5, a.s re:lds: II-)HH:-CK.HLES ~: . .SMI'l'h, 0-526326, First
Licut8":.'.nt; HiI' Corps, QS pilot from 4 October 19i+4 to 11, Febru2.ry 191.5-;HHi- II is
hcr·')v·:cl8d to re:ld: "~HHi-CILRLZS B. SMIT]-l,- 0-526326, Fir;:;t Lieutenant, Air
r;or;~sJ ,ilot from 4 November 1944 to 14 Fcbruc:.ry 1945.';HHi-If.

27. So much of p2.r'::tgrClph t, Section II, GenGY'::LJ. Orders Number 136,

tr;is Headquarters, 14 June 1945, .~_"jre[lds: II';HHi-;,USTIN E. L,'J,illERTS, 0385126, C;;.ptClin,
>IcdicCl1 Corps7HHHI is hereby cllrlcnded. to rC:1d: lI7HHc"\USTIN E. LJ.mERTS, 0419188,
C:-~pt.:dn, Mcdiccc.l Corps~HH<".

Colonel, .. ,ir Corp3,
Chief of Stc:.ff.


j,. Vi. STnEET,

l,t, Colons1, ;',8-D,
"~djut2.nt G0nOl"CLl.





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