Course Outline: International Islamic University Malaysia

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Kulliyyah Department Programme Course Title Course Code Status Level Credit Hours Contact Hours Pre-requisites (if any) Co-requisites (if any) Instructional Strategies Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences Department of General Studies Bachelor Ethics and Fiqh for everyday life UNGS 2050 University requirement Undergraduate 3 3 UNGS 2030 and UNGS 2040

None Lectures, group discussion, presentation and problem-based learning.

Course Assessment

LO 1&2 1, 2 & 3 1, 2 & 3 1, 2 & 3

Method Mid-term Examination Term-paper Quizzes & review of relevant materials Final Examination Total

% 20 20 10 50 100

Instructor(s) Semester Offered

To be determined Every Semester

Course Synopsis

This course consists of two parts: a) Islamic ethics, b) fiqh for everyday life. The first part focuses on core Islamic ethical concepts, family ethics, Islamic ethics as applied in different professions, inter-personal ethics, and ethnic relations. The second part deals with general view of Islamic fiqh and its schools, maqid al- sharah, major bio-ethical and financial issues. This course aims at: 1. Realizing the importance of ethics in Islam. 2. Understanding ethical issues from Islamic perspective. 3. Creating awareness of the importance of fiqh in everyday life. At the end of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe his/her moral responsibilities as a professional. 2. Show theoretical ability to evaluate daily activities in the light of the principles of fiqh and Islamic values and norms. 3. Explain how to apply Islamic ethics and fiqh principles in family, interpersonal and inter-ethnic relations. Task/Reading - Ansari (2001), Vol. II, Chaps. 1 & 2. - Ansari (1989), 81-91. - Haneef (2005), Chap. 2. - Mohammed & Hussain (2003), 247259.

Course Objectives

Learning Outcomes

Content Outlines Weeks Topics Structure and Foundations of Ethics in Islam - The importance and significance of ethics. 1 - The structure of Islamic ethics. - The relationship between ethics, fiqh, and law. - Inculcation of moral values.

Core Moral Values in Islam - The concepts of Adl (justice) and ulm (tyranny). - The concept of Amnah (trust). 3

- Ghazali (1993), Chaps. 1, 2, 4 & 5. - Qutb (2000), all pages. - Al-Ghazali (1991), Chap. 3. - Izutsu (2004), 237294. - bd al (1993), 2526. - Haneef (2005), 53-58.

- The concept of Khayr/Birr (righteousness) and Ithm/Sharr (evil). 4 - The concept of al-Amru bi almarf wa al-nahy an al-munkar (promoting good and preventing evil).

Family Ethics in Islam - Social interaction between sexes in Islam (Khalwah, coupling and romance) - Islamic code of dress. 5 - Basics of happy marital life. - Fulfilling rights of wives and husbands. - Fulfilling rights of children. Islamic Values Related to Different Professions - Introduction to professional ethics. - Legal ethics: Islamic professional ethics for judges, public prosecutors and lawyers. - Business ethics: the concept of all and arm, wealth as amnah, approved and disapproved business conducts. - Environmental ethics - Inter-personal ethics: a) Behavior toward co-workers, superiors, subordinates, and neighbors. b) Foundations and principles of ethnic relations in Islam. c) A case study of ethnic relations: Malaysian constitution. - Ethics in the domain of politics.

- bd al (1984), Chaps. 2, 3 & 5. - Khurshid (1995), 742. - Al-Qaradawi (2001), Chap. 3.

- Ghazali (1993), Chap. 6, 7 & 8.

- Haneef (2005), 83104. - Mushtaq (1995), Chaps. 5, 7 & 8. - Haneef (2005), 174182. - Osman (1997), 663718. - Bari (2000), Chap. 21.

Fiqh and Sharah - Definition and differences between fiqh and sharah. - Major schools of Islamic 9 Jurisprudence Maqid al- sharah and preservation of basic human rights - Al-Kulliyyt al-khamsah (The five basic human rights) preserved by Sharah. - The rules of conflict and priority.

- Hasan (1988), Chaps. 1 & 2. - Philips (1990), Chaps. 5, 6 & 7. - Nyazee (2000), 195212.


Contemporary Issues Contraception, sterilization, artificial insemination, surrogate motherhood 11 and fatherhood. 12 13 Adoption, abortion, and plastic surgery. Euthanasia, organ transplantation, transsexual. - Riba issues in financial institutions: saving, loan, investment, credit cards etc. - Insurance companies.

- Yacoub (2001), Chap. 7. - Yacoub (2001), Chap. 7. - Yacoub (2001), Chap. 6. - Rosly (2004), Sections 1 & 9.

14 References

Required Al-Ghazali, M. (1991). Muslim behaviour. (S. Badrul Hasan, Trans.). New Delhi: Kitab Bhavan. Al-Qaradawi, Y. (2001). The lawful and the prohibited in Islam. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust. Haneef, S. S. S. (2005). Ethics and fiqh for daily life. Kuala Lumpur: Research Centre IIUM. Recommended bd al , H. (1984). The family structure in Islam. Indiana: American Trust Publications. bd al , H. (1993). Islam in focus. Kuwait: International Islamic Book Center. Ahmad, K. (1995). Family life in Islam. Delhi: Markazi Maktaba Islami. Ahmad, K. (Ed.). (2002). Islam: Its meaning and message. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust. Ali, S. (1975). Administrative ethics in a Muslim state. Lahore: Publishers United. Ansari, A. H. (1989). Islamic Ethics: Concept and Prospect. The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, 6 (1), 81-91. Ansari, M. F. (2001). The Quranic foundations and structure of Muslim society. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust. Bari, A. A. (2000). Perlembagaan Malaysia: Asas-asas dan masalah. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Ghazali, A. (Ed.). (1993). Islam and justice. Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Islamic Understanding. Hasan, A. (1988). The early development of Islamic jurisprudence. Islamabad: Islamic Research Institute. Izutsu, T. (2004). Ethico-religious concepts in al-Quran. Kuala Lumpur: Islamic Book Trust. Mohammed, R & Hussain, D. (2003). Islam: The way of revival. Leicestershire: Revival Publications. Mushtaq, A. (1995). Business ethics in Islam. Islamabad: IIIT & Institute of Islamic Economics. Musleh-ud-din, M. (1989). Morality: Its concept and role in Islamic order. Lahore: Islamic Publications. Nyazee, I. A. K. (2000). Islamic jurisprudence. Islamabad: IIIT & Islamic Research Institute. Osman, F. (1997). Concepts of the Qurn: A topical reading. Kuala Lumpur: Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia. Philips, A. A. B. (1990). The evolution of fiqh. Riyadh: Tawheed Publications. Qutb, S. (2000). Social justice in Islam. (J. B. Hardie, Trans.). New York: Islamic Publications International. Rosly, S. A. (2004). Critical issues on Islamic banking and financial markets. Indiana: Authorhouse. Yacoub, A. A. A. (2001). The fiqh of medicine. London: Ta-Ha Publishers. Proposed Start Date (Semester) Batch of Students to be Affected Semester I, 2006/2007

Semester I,2006/2007

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Approved by: ________________ (Dean/Director)

NOTE: 1. The course outlines should reflect the course description/synopsis and Islamic mission of the university as well as to provide the room for Islamic critique. 2. Latest editions of textbooks and references should be used unless otherwise necessary or if the course is classical in nature. Please check with the library to ensure that the books are up-to-date and incorporating the latest edition. 3. The reference lists shall be presented in accordance with APA bibliographic practices and in alphabetical order. 4. The reference title shall be italicised or underlined or bold. If in doubt, please consult the Librarian. 5. Proposed course outlines should be presented to the Senate Standing Committee for approval at least four months prior to the course offering.


Final Examination

Mid Semester Examination

Quizzes & review of relevant materials



1. Demonstrate realization of their moral responsibilities as a professional. 3

3 3 3 3 2

3 3 1

3 3

2. Show theoretical ability to evaluate his daily activities in the light of principles of fiqh and Islamic values and norms. 3. Explain how to apply Islamic ethics and fiqh principles in inter-personal and interethnic relations.

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