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Information Literacy Lesson Plan

GRADE: 3rd MEDIA SPECIALIST INTERN: Ashley Friend TEACHER(S): Deborah Copher

CONTENT TOPIC: Informational Writing Research using GALILEO for Kids STANDARDS FOR THE 21ST-CENTURY LEARNER GOALS Standard: 1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. Skills Indicator(s): Benchmark(s): 1.1.4 Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions 1.1.5 Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, appropriateness for needs, importance, and social and cultural context Dispositions Indicator(s): 1.2.2 Demonstrate condence and self-direction by making independent choices in the selection of resources and information. Responsibilities Indicator(s): 1.3.2 Seek divergent perspectives during information gathering and assessment. Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s): 1.4.1 Monitor own information-seeking processes for eectiveness and progress, and adapt as necessary. CONNECTION TO LOCAL OR STATE STANDARDS (List here relevant content, information literacy, and technology standards) ELACC3RI5: Use text features and search tools (e.g., key words, sidebars, hyperlinks) to locate information relevant to a given topic quickly and efficiently. ELACC3W2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. ELACC3W2b. Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details. OVERVIEW: This lesson will be the first lesson of an eight day introductory unit on informational writing. In third grade, the concept of using external reliable sources to help to research an informational topic becomes a new focus for students. In this lesson, the students will be introduced to GALILEO for Kids to help them to research their given topic. Students will also learn about the importance of organizing the information that they find into a pre-writing web. This will help them to quickly research areas that they do not have information on and will set up the writing structure for their future five paragraph essay. FINAL PRODUCT: Their final product, for this first lesson, will be to have a completed pre-writing web containing information found using GALILEO for Kids. Their ultimate final product at the completion of the unit will be a five paragraph writing containing research put into the pre-writing web.

LIBRARY LESSON(S): The lesson will start out as an introduction to informational writing. The media specialist will show the children examples of informational texts so that they can have an idea of what type of writing they are about to learn about. Then, the media specialist and the teacher will demonstrate the research and pre-writing process using the topic of lighthouses. The media specialist and the teacher will research the topic of lighthouses using GALILEO for kids. Before beginning their research, they will ask themselves questions about lighthouses such as: 1) What does the inside of a lighthouse look like? 2) Who works in a lighthouse? 3) Where are lighthouses located? After asking themselves these questions and writing those questions on the board, they will begin to research their topic. They will specifically research to try to answer the questions above. As they find answers, they will write them below the questions. After finding at least two to three answers for the questions, they will then transfer the information that they have found into the pre-writing web. ASSESSMENT Product 1) The student will use a note-taking sheet (provided) to ask themselves questions before researching their given topic. After writing down the questions, the student will then try to find answers to their questions while they research using GALILEO for Kids. They will fill in information that they find, underneath the question that it answers. 2) After the student has found information that answers the question he was looking for, he will use the best three main ideas to fill in a pre-writing web for the topic (provided). 3) After the first day of instruction, the teacher and media specialist will collect the webs and note-taking sheets and will score them based on a rubric (provided). The rubric will score both the note-taking sheet and the pre-writing web on the basis of content found, the students ability to organize the thoughts together, and their ability to put the information into the web in an organized fashion. 4) Eventually, at the end of the unit, the student will be assessed on their ability to create a five paragraph informational essay about their topic. Process The students will be observed and guided through a 50-60 minute lesson. They will see a model of exemplary work and what is expected. The students will also use their rubric to self-guide what they are working on. Student self-questioning As the students work, they should ask themselves the following questions: -How do I properly search for reliable information in GALILEO for Kids? -How do I take notes in an organized way that will help me when I create my pre-writing web, and later on, write my rough draft for my paper? -Am I taking notes that are meaningful and answer my questions about my topic? -Am I taking notes in my own words instead of copying word for word from the text? -Does my final product reflect a score of meets on the assessment rubric? INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN Resources students will use: ___Online subscription database(s) _X_Web sites ___Books _X_Reference _X_ Nonprint ___Periodicals/newspapers ___Other (list): Instruction/activities o Direct instruction:

The teacher and the media specialist (SLMS)will present a whole group lesson using a large 55 display. The teacher and the SLMS will work together to introduce what informational writing is. The SLMS and teacher will show the student examples of informational writing in the form of mentor texts from the media center. Next, the students will learn how to use GALILEO for Kids to search for articles that pertain to their topic. Student will see how to search using GALILEO up on the large display. o Modeling and guided practice: The teacher and the media specialist will work together to model how to find information and then how to take the information that is found and put it into an organized note taking page. First, the instructors will demonstrate how to ask yourself questions to help focus a database search. Then, using the questions on the note-taking page, the instructors will demonstrate how to search specifically for answers to those questions. Once the teacher and SLMS have shown how to find information and take notes, they will then demonstrate how to put the information they have found into a pre-writing web. o Independent practice: After the teacher and the SLMS have finished demonstrating how to properly find and organize information using GALILEO for Kids, they will then allow the students to work independently on their own computers. With their own topics in hand, the students will first begin on their note-taking page by writing 3-5 questions that they would like answered about their topic. Then, after they have finished writing their questions, they will begin searching GALILEO for information that goes with their topic, and information that answers their questions. As they find information, they will put the answers to their questions on to their note-taking page underneath the question. o Sharing and reflecting: At the end of the class period, we will all come together on the carpet and we will share a few exceptional student examples. We will be sure to point out how each of the examples meets the standard. We will also use the examples and compare to the rubric (which is also based off of standards) and model for the students how they can check their own work. The most important part of our share time is to allow many of the students to lead and tell how they did the work. This will conclude our first days lesson. As a homework assignment, the students will visit their class blog and reflect on what they liked and did not like about finding information through GALILEO. They will tell what they think the most important thing is that they learned from todays lesson and why. Research Pathfinder

Reflection on Lesson and Collaboration Experience When Mrs. Copher and I began to collaborate on this lesson, we wanted to create a lesson that would really take the students researching skills to the next level. At our school, children mostly researched using books in the library or searched through Google. It was apparent that the students needed a quicker way to find more reliable researcher. It became obvious that GALILEO was the answer.

In all of the years that I have used GALILEO for my own research, I did not realize that there was a GALILEO page just for kids. I was so excited to use this resource. We wanted to make sure to introduce those resources at the beginning of the informational writing unit. Still, we wanted to make sure that we take the time to make sure kids could explore GALILEO for themselves. Implementing the lesson did take longer than expected and the lesson actually took two full class periods. This was mostly because the students needed time to get acquainted with the new website. At the end of the two days, the students work was assessed and 82% of the class was able to score in the Meets section on the rubric. The rest of the students scored in the progressing section of the rubric. In addition to the rubric, we also used conferencing and anecdotal notes to be able to see what the specific needs of each student were. This was very helpful in being able to see exactly what the students would need in future conferences and small group sessions. I have enjoyed being able to serve in the role of the media specialist. It is a unique role where you really feel like you are serving others. It has been great to reach out to teachers and students around the school and feel like a support in that way. I can see where the media specialist can play an invaluable role in the academic life of a school building. I have learned from my small amount of experience that the children in the different classrooms look forward to having the media specialist in the classroom with them. They enjoy the extra specialized assistance, and another smiling face.

Information Seeking Assignment Rubric

Does Not Meet

Choosing a Topic The child is unable to independently choose their own topic. Their topic may be very inappropriate for school, or may not be informational.

The student chooses a topic independently or with teacher guidance. The topic may be less interesting than other more appropriate topics. The topic may be inappropriate for the childs age or level. The student finds information but it does not fully answer the questions asked, or the student finds information with a moderate amount of guidance from the teacher. The student is somewhat able to take the information found while researching and organize it into a prewriting web with little difficulty. Parts of the web are organized and clear to understand. Some parts may be unclear or unorganized. With conferencing, the web has the potential to help produce an informational writing.

The student is able to successfully choose a topic independently that is informational and also interesting to both them and other readers. Also they are able to choose a topic that is appropriate for their age level. The student is able to find information independently to answer their own questions about their chosen topic.

Finding Relevant Information using GALILEO for kids

The student is unable to find information about their topic. Their notes page or their web is mostly empty.

Organizing Information Found

The student is unable to take the information found while researching and organize it into a pre-writing web. The web is unorganized, unclear, or not easily understood. The web does not appear to have the potential to help produce an informational writing piece.

The student is able to successfully take the information found while researching and organize it into a prewriting web with little or no difficulty. The web is organized, clear, and easy to understand. It is clear the web has the potential to help produce an informational writing.

Note Taking Page Question: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Answers: ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________

Name ____________________ Question: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Answers: ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________

Topic: ______________________________ Question: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Answers: ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________

Pre-Writing Web Topic:

Name ______________

Question: Question:


Answers: Answers: Answers:

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