School Configuration Board Study Session 1113 UPDATED

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School Configuration Committee (SCC) Board Study Session Update II November 13, 2012 (Update VII)
TFR Updates
9/28/11 10/26/11 11/22/11 1/25/12 9/12/12

Study Sessions
4/25/12 11/13/12


Provide the School Board An Update On The Current

State Of The School Configuration Committee Work This Fall

Review Timelines Review Tasks Review Definitions Review Facts, Assumptions, Considerations and Key

Questions 7-12 Pros and Cons DRAFT Costs of Facilities for Each Option In Progress Way Ahead

Committee Membership
Elem School Name First Peggy Philip Sheri Cheri Tim Debbie Greg Denyse Ann Anne Julie Ann Scott Franklyn Steve Jo Laurie Name Last Ellis Wetherby Shipe Mlodzik McNett Allensworth Cleven Hemmersbach Sveen Lunden McKean Hoftiezer Woehrman MacKenzie Coons Conner Moore
Elem School Group Name First Susan Linda Andy Jeremy Carla J. R. Jodie Doyle John Matt Laura Jeanne David Patti Sue Nate Kari Kirstin Katie Name Last Jung Roberts Campbell Faxon Yenko Fernandez Woolf Clouser McGannon Stanford Murray Beckon McVicker Woolf Corey Andrews Clithero Nicholson Coleman Yes Administrator Yes Classified - Sec Yes Certificated - sec Yes Certificated - sec Yes Classified - Sec Yes Parent Yes Adminstrator - Sec Yes Adminstrator - Sec Yes Parent Yes Certificated - sec Yes Parent NO Administrator NO Administrator NO Administrator NO Administrator NO Bargaining Unit NO Bargaining Unit NO Bargaining Unit Yes Administrator

or Sec Affiliation Voting? Group Elem Admin Yes Administrator Elem BR Elem CC Elem PI Elem CV Elem EH Elem EM Elem EM Elem GM Elem JP Elem SR Elem SR Elem EM Sec Admin Sec CKHS Sec CKHS Sec CKHS Yes Certificated - elem Yes Certificated - elem Yes Classified - elem Yes Certificated Yes Certificated - elem Yes Adminstrator - Elem Yes Certificated - elem Yes Parent Yes Parent Yes Adminstrator - Elem Yes Parent Yes Parent Yes Administrator Yes Administrator Yes Classified - sec Yes Parent

or Sec Affiliation Voting? Sec CKJH Sec CKJH Sec FVJH Sec FVJH Sec FVJH Sec FVJH Sec KSS Sec OHS Sec OHS Sec RIJH Sec RIJH n/a Admin n/a Admin n/a Admin n/a Admin n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Special Ed

School Configuration Tasks

Complete Pros and Cons 7-12 Data Analysis (costs for each option) Research Curriculum Staffing Special Programs Extra Curricular Transportation Facilities Plan and provide input to Community/Staff Meetings Participate in Community/ Staff Meetings Analyze and review feedback from Meetings Review/Finalize Pros/Cons Superintendent Recommendation to Board

SchoolConfigurationWork SY201213
Oct15 712Pros/Cons Facilities Definitions Communication 712Clarification Committee Replacement Nov26 Staffing Dec10 Extracurricular Feb11 Curriculum SpecialPrograms Mar11 Apr22 Analyzeinput June3 ReviewSupt. Recommendation

Oct29 Facilities

Nov 28 Board Review? Jan14 Feb25 Research Provideinputto Transportation inputprocess

Mar25,Apr8 Input Meetings May13 Analyzeinput DraftfinalPros/Cons

June 5,12, 19or26? Board Meeting?

SchoolBoard Staff/CommunityMeeting 6

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
HB2776and 2661Full Implementation


School Support Levy Feb2014

Jackson Park Open Aug2014

Capital Silverdale Projects Open Measure Aug2016 Feb2016

Transp/ FS/Warehouse Open Dec2017

(Oct2012June 2013)

FacilitiesCommittee Work

PhaseIIElection Planning

DistrictEvent CommunityEvent Technology(CPL) RepairsAcrossDistrict(CPL) 7

SCC 2012-13 Tentative Meeting Calendar S 2 9 16 23 30 S 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 31 M 3 10 17 24 Sep-12 T W T 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 F 7 14 21 28 S 1 8 15 22 29 S 7 14 21 28 M 1 8 15 22 29 Oct-12 T W T 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 31 Jan-13 T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 Apr-13 T W T 2 3 4 9 10 11 16 17 18 23 24 25 30 F 5 12 19 26 S 6 13 20 27 S 4 11 18 25 30 S 3 10 17 24 M 5 12 19 26 31 M 4 11 18 25 Nov-12 T W T 1 6 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 27 28 29 Feb-13 T W T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24

M 3 10 17 24 31 M 4 11 18 25

Dec-12 T W T 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27

F 7 14 21 28

S 1 8 15 22 29

S 6 13 20 27

M 7 14 21 28

F 4 11 18 25

S 5 12 19 26

F 1 8 15 22

S 2 9 16 23

Mar-13 T W T 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28

F 1 8 15 22 29

S 2 9 16 23 30

S 7 14 21 28

M 1 8 15 22 29

F 5 12 19 26

S 6 13 20 27

S 12 19 S 2 9

M 13 20 M 3 10

May-13 T W T 14 15 16 21 22 23 Jun-13 T W T 4 5 6 11 12 13

F 17 24 F 7 14

S 18 25 S 8 15

School Configuration Four Phases

Phase I
Support Plans

Configuration Options K-8

Phase II
Phase III

Cost of Options K-12

Boundary Options K-12

Phase IV

Implementation Options K-12


Extracurricular is defined as optional non-credit student

activities that are either Cultural, Athletic, Recreational, or Social in nature.

Co-Curricular would be those activities that are somehow

connected to a curricular program. Examples are DECA, FCCLA, Choir, Journalism, Newspaper, Yearbook, Band, Drama, The Orchestra Middle Level We will not use Middle School Grades 5-8, 6-8, 7-8 Junior High Grades 7-9



After much study, the School Configuration Committee (SCC) is reviewing three alternate configuration options 9th graders will move up to high school in both all alternate configurations Transitions impact student achievement Current Junior High and High School buildings have additional capacity. Few elementary schools have additional capacity The School Board will make a decision after receiving a recommendation from the Superintendent following review of all data, options, and pros and cons from the SCC including feedback opportunities for community and staff



Implementation of any changes would begin not sooner than 201516 2012 Demographic Study indicates that enrollment will continue to decline slightly for five years and then level-off Other districts have studied configuration, and for the most part have gone to a K-5, 6-8, 9-12 A configuration decision will be required to complete the Facilities Committee work on Phase Two of the Capital Projects Long Range Plan HB 2776 includes recommendations for reductions in K-3 class size and statewide implementation of All Day Kindergarten The Superintendents recommendation is scheduled for June 2013


One or more schools may close Over time, reconfiguration will provide a savings In terms of infrastructure and organizational resources,

we have the capacity to reconfigure

Reconfiguration may require facilities changes Any change made would have benefits for students


Early identification of individual student needs for

support/intervention Maximize options for student achievement Professional Development support and time Emotional impact for students, families, staff Balanced and efficient enrollments Improve feeder system Voter Confidence- timing of 2014 SSL election Implementation plan Grading Model integration Cost integration with Capital Projects Phase Two Time on the bus


Athletic and activity programs High School Athletic Classifications

(1A, 2A, 3A, 4A) Building start and end times Capacity for gym space, science labs, art classrooms, music performance, special education and specialized Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses Non-District (ND) and Non-School (NS) transfer student data (in and out) along with student data for enrollment in online programs outside the district Grandfathering of current transfers


Key Questions
What are optimal building sizes? Elementary 450-500, Middle/JH 700-900, HS 1100-1300 What does the demographic study tell us about our future

Enrollment will continue to slowly decline over the next five years

mostly at the secondary level before leveling out somewhere above 10,000 students.
What is the capacity for each building? See additional worksheets (link) What facility modifications will be required and how will we pay

for them?
Depends upon which configuration is selected. Modifications will

require Capital Projects Funds. Currently, all funds are committed except future Emergent Critical Repairs, which means that modifications would need to be included in Capital Projects Phase II


Key Questions
How will configuration meet the need of special education,

including preschool? Does reconfiguration for all schools need to occur simultaneously? Will either option produce potential school closure?
If the current class sizes (or close to current) continue, most

options will produce a potential school closure. If K-3 class size is reduced, this answer could change based on the state funding, configuration selected and Capital Projects Phase II

Is data available about 6th -12th grade students riding the

same bus?


Key Questions: Boundaries

What data tool do we use to determine the current grade

levels and numbers within the current boundary lines?


Are clean feeders a requirement to our boundaries? Any boundary changes have not been completed. There are benefits for clean feeders, yet this may not be possible when boundaries are redrawn. What impact do NS/ND students have on creating new

None. The option for NS and ND students waivers will be

determined after new boundaries are drawn.


Key Questions: Implementation

What is our middle school structure/school philosophy,

including sixth graders?

This question will be part of the implementation phase and highly

dependent upon which configuration is selected.

What Professional Development will support the changes? How will student transitions be accomplished? What athletic and activities programs will exist? Will we extend or change special programs (TEAM,

Montessori, Venture, Special Education)? What is the plan for implementation for the transfer/moving process?
The implementation plan will be developed following a determination

of what configuration we will use moving forward.


Key Questions: Implementation

What support is required for students, staff and parents? How will configuration impact the cost of transportation? The cost of transportation will be completed in the analysis of each configuration What is the communications plan? The current communication plan will be focused on providing updates and preparing for staff and community input opportunities.


Scoring Results with K-6, 7-12

Previous scoring


Options and the Facility Impact of HB 2261 and 2776

Potential for State Funded All Day Kindergarten Potential for K-3 Class Size Reduction Implementation Schedule Not Later than 2018-19 McCleary Decision Legislative Authority Planning for Multiple Alternatives


Summary of Costs
2 2 -1 -1 ,9 ,9 A -8 B -8 E -12 n n n i o 6, 7 i o 5, 6 i o 6, 7 pt pt pt O KO KO KS KS 12 7S KS , 12 6) ls oo h sc ll (a s 12 er 7 - ion ) th d t lo al an ura 2 SS ") -1 fig (K us 10 co n , F -12 mp -9 nt n i o 6, 7 "ca , 7 urre 6 pt K- (c O K- as

MaximizeStudent Achievement

Organization -Curriculum OSPI

Research - Middle School Structure (Transitions)


Staffing Efficiency



Program Impact

Extra and Co-Curricular CostEffective Returnon Investment



Transportation and Food Services


Facilities Costs Update

Assumptions Current1213ClassSize ADKPaidbyState NoElemBoundaryChanges IncludesSpaceforADK Assumptions NoElemBoundChanges K3ClassSize17:1 IncludesSpaceforADK ADKPaidbyState

ClassroomsAvailable ClassroomsNeeded IncreasedStaffingCosts(ADK) IncreasedStaffingCosts(17:1) SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost 10 0

Costs Savings
$0 $0

10 4610=36** 14sections+1.0Specialist 46+5=51 None 1smallschool

Costs Savings

Budget Impacted

$3,600,000 CapitalProj $75,000 $255,000 GenFund GenFund GenFund GenFund

14sections+1.0Specialist $75,000 0 None 1smallschool $0

ScienceLabsNeeded GymSpaceNeeded Art,Music,SpecialEd,CTEModifications SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost GeneralFundAddedCosts/Savings CapitalProjectsAddedCosts/Savings ScienceLab 1LabCKHS KSS(Phase2)"current" Nonerequired Uptoone(1) 2smallschools

Costs Savings

1LabCKHS KSS(Phase2)"current" Nonerequired

Costs Savings

Budget Impacted

$300,000 CapitalProj CapitalProj CapitalProj $1,000,000 GenFund GenFund $670,000 GenFund


Uptoone 2smallschools

$925,000 $300,000 Portables/ScienceLab

$3,900,000 CapitalProj

**Otheroptioninlieuof1823portableswouldbeanotherelementaryschool=approx$27,500,000in2012dollars Ifthisoptionwasselected,thetotalCapitalProjectscostswouldbe$27.5M+$1.8M+$300K=$29,600,000


Assumptions Current1213ClassSize ADKPaidbyState NoSecBoundaryChanges IncludesSpaceforADK Assumptions K3ClassSize17:1 NoSecBoundChanges ADKPaidbyState IncludesSpaceforADK

ClassroomsAvailable ClassroomsNeeded IncreasedStaffingCosts(ADK) IncreasedStaffingCosts(17:1) SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost(noclosure) 41 0 14sections+1.0Specialist 0 Uptotwo(2) 7smallschools

Costs Savings
$0 $0 $75,000 $0 $1,600,000

10 4641=5 14sections+1.0Specialist 46+5=51 Uptoone(1)Closure Adds19Portables## 7smallschools

Costs Savings

Budget Impacted

$400,000 CapitalProj $75,000 $255,000 $800,000 GenFund GenFund GenFund GenFund

ScienceLabsNeeded GymSpaceNeeded Art,Music,SpecialEd,CTEModifications SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost GeneralFundAddedCosts/Savings CapitalProjectsAddedCosts/Savings ScienceLab/Gym 1LabCKHS KSSGym** Nonerequired None None(enrollment?)

Costs Savings
$300,000 $3,000,000

1LabCKHS KSSGym** Nonerequired None None(enrollment?)

Costs Savings

Budget Impacted

$300,000 CapitalProj $3,000,000 CapitalProj CapitalProj GenFund GenFund $470,000 GenFund

$1,525,000 $3,300,000

(IncreasesPortables)## Portables/Science Lab/Gym

$3,700,000 CapitalProj

**Ifmovetoa612KSScouldwaitforPhase2,thentherewouldbenoadditionalcostsimilartoK6,78,912,712option IfwaitedforimplementationthenCapitalProjectsadditionalcostswouldbereducedby$3,000,000foreachscenario ##Ifthisoptionsselectedthen19portableswouldbeneededifoneelementaryclosed=$1,900,000AdditionalCost


Assumptions Current1213ClassSize ADKPaidbyState NoElemBoundaryChanges IncludesSpaceforADK Assumptions K3ClassSize17:1 NoElemBoundChanges ADKPaidbyState IncludesSpaceforADK

ClassroomsAvailable ClassroomsNeeded IncreasedStaffingCosts(ADK) IncreasedStaffingCosts(17:1) SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost(noclosure) 10 0 14sections+1.0Specialist 0 None 1smallschool

Costs Savings
$0 $0 $75,000 $0 $0

10 4610=36** 14sections+1.0Specialist 46+5=51 None 1smallschool

Costs Savings

Budget Impacted

$3,600,000 CapitalProj $75,000 $255,000 GenFund GenFund GenFund GenFund

ScienceLabsNeeded GymSpaceNeeded GymSpaceNeeded Art,Music,SpecialEd,CTEModifications SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost GeneralFundAddedCosts/Savings CapitalProjectsAddedCosts/Savings ScienceLab/Gym 1LabCKHS KSSGym## CKHS,OHS,RTJH## Nonerequired Uptotwo(2) None(enrollment?)

Costs Savings
$300,000 $3,000,000 $9,000,000 $2,000,000

1LabCKHS KSSGym** CKHS,OHS,RTJH Nonerequired Uptotwo(2) None(enrollment?)

Costs Savings

Budget Impacted

$3,000,000 CapitalProj $9,000,000 CapitalProj CapitalProj $2,000,000 GenFund GenFund $1,670,000 GenFund

$1,925,000 $12,300,000 Portables/Science Lab/Gym

$15,900,000 CapitalProj

**Otheroptioninlieuof1823elemportableswouldbeanotherelementaryschool=approx$27,500,000 in2012dollars ##Thisisanestimateandwillneedtobeadjustedbasedonadditionalstudyandeachparticularbuildingsituation


Assumptions Current1213ClassSize ADKPaidbyState NoElemBoundaryChanges IncludesSpaceforADK Assumptions K3ClassSize17:1 NoElemBoundChanges ADKPaidbyState IncludesSpaceforADK

ClassroomsAvailable ClassroomsNeeded IncreasedStaffingCosts(ADK) IncreasedStaffingCosts(17:1) SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost(noclosure) 10 0 14sections+1.0Specialist 0 None 1smallschool

Costs Savings
$0 $0 $75,000 $0 $0

10 4610=36** 14sections+1.0Specialist 46+5=51 None 1smallschool

Costs Savings

Budget Impacted

$3,600,000 CapitalProj $75,000 $255,000 GenFund GenFund GenFund GenFund

ScienceLabsNeeded GymSpaceNeeded Art,Music,SpecialEd,CTEModifications SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost GeneralFundAddedCosts/Savings CapitalProjectsAddedCosts/Savings ScienceLab/Gym 1LabCKHS KSS(PhaseTwo)"current" Nonerequired Uptoone(1) None(enrollment?)

Costs Savings

1LabCKHS KSS(PhaseTwo)"current" Nonerequired

Costs Savings

Budget Impacted
CapitalProj CapitalProj CapitalProj


Uptoone(1) None(enrollment?)


GenFund GenFund

$925,000 $300,000 Portables/Science Lab/Gym



$3,900,000 CapitalProj

**Otheroptioninlieuof1823elemportableswouldbeanotherelementaryschool=approx$27,500,000 in2012dollars Ifthisoptionwasselected,thetotalCapitalProjectscostswouldbe$27.5M+$1.8M+$300K=$29,600,000 ThisOptionwillhavetobeadjustedovertimeinPhaseTwoandPhaseThreeofCapitalProjectsLongRangePlan Thisoptionwillnotbetimespecificcurrentlyandcouldhousebuildingsnearorattachedtoeachother


Assumptions Current1213ClassSize ADKPaidbyState Elementary ClassroomsAvailable ClassroomsNeeded IncreasedStaffingCosts(ADK) IncreasedStaffingCosts(17:1) SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost(noclosure) JuniorHighSchool ScienceLabsNeeded GymSpaceNeeded Art,Music,SpecialEd,CTEModifications SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost HighSchool ScienceLabsNeeded GymSpaceNeeded Art,Music,SpecialEd,CTEModifications SchoolClosurePotential SmallSchoolCost GeneralFundAddedCosts/Savings CapitalProjectsAddedCosts/Savings ScienceLab/Gym 1LabCKHS KSS(PhaseTwo)"current" Nonerequired None None(enrollment?) $925,000 $300,000 Portables/ScienceLab/Gym $0 None None NoneRequired Uptoone(1) 2smallschools CostsSavings $300,000 $0 $1,000,000 10 0 14sections+1.0Specialist 0 None 1smallschool CostsSavings $0 NoElemBoundaryChanges IncludesSpaceforADK CostsSavings $0 $0 $75,000 $0 $0 K3ClassSize17:1 ADKPaidbyState Elementary 10 4610=36** 14sections+1.0Specialist 46+5=51 None 1smallschool JuniorHighSchool None None NoneRequired Uptoone(1) 2smallschools HighSchool 1LabCKHS KSS(PhaseTwo)"current" Nonerequired None None(enrollment?) $670,000 $3,900,000 $0 CostsSavings $300,000 $0 $1,000,000 CostsSavings $0 Assumptions NoElemBoundChanges IncludesSpaceforADK CostsSavings $0.00 $3,600,000 $75,000 $255,000 $0 CapitalProj GenFund GenFund GenFund GenFund BudgetImpacted CapitalProj CapitalProj CapitalProj GenFund GenFund BudgetImpacted CapitalProj CapitalProj CapitalProj GenFund GenFund GenFund CapitalProj BudgetImpacted

**Otheroptioninlieuof1823elemportableswouldbeanotherelementaryschool=approx$27,500,000in2012dollars Ifthisoptionwasselected,thetotalCapitalProjectscostswouldbe$27.5M+$1.8M+$300K=$29,600,000


Facilities Costs - Summary

CurrentClassSize Option OptionA:K6, 78,912, KSS712 OptionB:K5,68, 912,KSS612 OptionE:K6, 712AllBldgs OptionF:K6, 712Campus Current:K6,79 1012,KSS712

K3ClassSize17:1 GFAdded Costs/Savings# $670,000 $470,000 $1,670,000 $670,000 $670,000 CPAdded Costs/Savings $3,900,000* $3,700,000 $15,900,000* $3,900,000* $3,900,000*

GFAdded Costs/Savings# $925,000 $1,525,000 $1,925,000 $925,000 $925,000

CPAdded Costs/Savings $300,000 $3,300,000 $12,300,000 $300,000 $300,000

Includes savings from potential school closure Uses up to 36 portables or requires additional elementary at $27.5M


The Way Ahead

Next Update - Late January Early February 2013 Facilities Final Cost Summary Staffing Costs Extra and Co Curricular Costs Transportation Costs

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