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Your name(s): Title of lesson/activity: Teaching date(s) and time(s):

Gabe DeSano Using Energy Efficiently Thursday November 8th, 2012 Overview and Context


Estimated time for lesson/activity : Context of The students have been working on an energy unit through Project Lead the lesson: Way called Energy and the Environment Students investigate the importance of energy in our lives and the impact energy use has on the environment. They design and model alternative energy sources and participate in an energy expo to demonstrate energy concepts and innovative ideas. Students evaluate ways to reduce energy consumption through energy efficiency and waste management techniques. Sources: Project Lead the Way

Students will investigate different ways to save energy by investigating their usage of energy through an online resource. They then will investigate different solutions to save money and energy. 1 hour and ten minutes ver=kkblue&utilid=smud&id=16160
Grade level and school: 7th and 8th Grade Willow Run ILC

Learning Goals Learning Goals (1-2 in each) Science Content Students will be able explain different ways to use energy more efficiently in their homes. Connection to Standards Connection to Activities Students will be exploring different ways to save energy in their household through an online resource. In addition, they will be using a light switch and appliance calculator to witness the differences in energy used through more efficient energy options.

P.EN.06.41 :Explain how different forms of energy can be transferred from one place to another by radiation, conduction, or convection. P.EN.06.42 :Illustrate how energy can be transferred while no energy is lost or gained in the transfer.

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S.RS.07.17:Describe the effect humans and other organisms have on the balance of the natural world Science Practices Students will be able to draw conclusions about different ways to save energy through the use of calculations. S.IA.17.13 Communicate and defend ndings of observations and investigations. S.IA.07.11:Analyze information from data tables and graphs to answer scientific questions. S.IA.07.12:Evaluate data, claims, and personal knowledge through collaborative science discourse S.IA.07.15:Use multiple sources of information to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of claims, arguments, or data. Students might say something like; it is possible to save energy and money by using Compact fluorescent light bulbs over incandescent light bulbs. o The will use their evidence from their actual calculations to show that money that will be saved. o They also might point to the idea that compact fluorescents last almost 10 times longer than standard incandescent lamps and give off one-quarter as much heat therefore saving energy. Students might say something like; the amount of energy used in my home depends on the wattage of the source and also the amount of use. o They could point to the appliance calculator to discuss the differences in costs depending on both the wattage and the amount of usage of the appliances. o They also might see that if you change the amount of hours an appliance is being used, the cost will change. Students will be exploring a light switch and appliance calculator that will show them different ways to save energy with their lights and appliances in their homes. They will be gathering data and ideas from these calculators in order to draw conclusions on ways to save energy.

Claims with evidence students could generate

Attending to the Learners: First Pass Anticipating student ideas: Students have been learning about energy and

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the different types of energy. Some students might think ways to use energy more efficiently as common sense. I know some of my students are innovative, and they will be able to come up with solutions to using energy efficiently quite quickly. Other students will really benefit from using the appliance and light switch calculators to demonstrate and reveal the actual savings in both money and energy by using different light bulbs and also by changing the usage of appliances. Incorrect claims o Students might have trouble with the ideas that energy is not matter. They may say something like, energy is an object, a think, something that is tangible. o If this comes up in discussion, it will be important to make sure students understand that energy is not matter, and by saving energy, we are not saving matter, but rather we are saving power from natural resources. Making the content accessible to all students: This lesson is unique because it lends itself well to a variety of types of learners. During the engage part of this lesson, students will be discussing and looking at a graph and a website to introduce the problem with energy in our society today. This is captivating for most students because they will be interacting with the website. The engage section involves both visual and written engagements. The experience sections also can been seen as accessible to all students because the students are set off to experience these two calculators online at their own pace. They will be able to work in partners, but I am going to make sure that each student is working at their own pace to ensure genuine and complete conclusions about energy and money saving solutions.


Type of Assessment: Monitoring: During the experience section, I will be monitoring students progress by

Learning-Goals Connection This monitoring will show me if the students are able to reach learning goal one of explaining different ways to save energy in their household. In addition, this monitoring can lead into goal 2 by seeing if the students can draw conclusions from their data and

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circulating and probing students thinking about the ideas of energy and money saving solutions. Exit slip: Students will be given an exit slip that asks of them to write down three different ways to save energy in their household. They will have to explain how these solutions save energy and money in their household.

calculations from the calculators.

This exit slip will ask the students to prove that not only can they come up with different ways to save energy in their home reaching goal 1, but also asking them if they can explain how that solution DOES SAVE ENERGY. In other words, the exit slip will also address learning goal 2 because the students should be using the conclusions they made from their calculations to come up with solutions and explanations on how to save energy in their home.

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Instructional Sequence

Material s:

GTT/Science notebook Pencil Computer with Internet access for each student Exit slips Online activity worksheets
Instructional Sequence: Engage Element

Steps for Engage Element

Time 20 minutes
The teacher will: Ask the students what they remember about energy. Ask the students what they know about the energy use in the United States Ask the students to predict how much energy is used in this country. Take predictions from the students. Start a discussion about the use of energy in the United States with the use of some statistics. o Would you believe that the U.S. consumes almost 25% of the worlds energy, but has only 3% of the worlds population? All of the resources that we use every day to meet our needs and wants are provided through the use of natural resources. o Energy derived from natural resources, lights, heats, and cools our homes, schools, and factories. It powers the machines of industry and transportation. The clothing we wear, the food we eat, the buildings in which we live, and even the systems we use to communicate all are dependent on energy. For generations, our society has been enjoying the benefits of plentiful, inexpensive, and easily available energy fossil fuels. But these fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are finite. As supplies have decreased and become more expensive to extract, the search has intensified for alternative energy sources sources of energy other than fossil fuels. o Show students graph of US usages of energy. o Have students discuss the graph and notice the huge amount of energy that the US uses. o Human activities over the past 100 years, particularly fossil fuel burning and deforestation, are releasing unnatural amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. Today people are concerned about the rising CO2 concentration in the atmosphere due to the dangers of climate change

The students will: Share ideas with class about US energy use. Share predictions about US energy usage.

Listen to the teachers ideas about energy use.

Observe and share ideas about the graph.

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Tell students that today we are going to be exploring different ways to save energy in our homes so that we can both save money but most importantly save energy and release LESS CO2 into the atmosphere helping our environment! Use this website to go over some considerations about energy efficiency. ver=kkblue&utilid=smud&id=16160

Management Considerations for Engage Element: o I will be using the projector to lead a whole class discussion about the energy efficiency website; I need to make sure that all students can see the material presented on the computer through the projector. The students need to be able to see the graph from the back of the room. I need to make sure I monitor how many times people are talking during the initial discussion so that many students get to share their contributions and ideas about their prior knowledge of energy and the usage of energy.

o o

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Instructional Sequence: Experience Element

Steps for Experience Element

Time 30 minutes The teacher will: Show the students some examples of gas and electric bills that they can use if they did not bring examples from their household. Show the three important factors that students need to find on gas and electric bills. 1. Estimate the household's total annual cost for natural gas (if used) and electricity combined. If 12 months of bills are not available, a reasonable estimate will suffice. Cost per kWh of Electricity. If the electric bill shows multiple electricity charges or if the cost per kWh varies, divide the total charges for electricity by the number of kWhs used in the billing period. Cost per Therm of Natural Gas. If the cost per therm does not appear directly on the bill, look for cost per CCF, which is 100 cubic feet and roughly equivalent to a therm. If the cost per therm or CCF does not appear as a single number, divide the total cost for natural gas by the number of therms or CCFs used in the billing period. o Students will receive worksheet and move with the partner that is assigned to them. Students will work efficiently and productively on this online resource to gather the given information and calculations about energy efficiency. The students will: Observe the important qualities of gas and electric bills.



Tell the students that they will be doing the following task first. If possible, find the answers to the following questions about the home you live in:

An estimate of the money spent on energy per year. _______________ Cost per kWh of electricity found on electric bill or contact utility _________ Cost per Therm of natural gas found on gas bill or contact utility_________ o

Then tell the students that they will be using the following website to explore energy efficiency, use the light switch calculator, and use the appliance calculator.

o ver=kkblue&utilid=smud&id=16 160.

Tell the students that through the use of these calculators, they need to records their observations and data that they think will help them find THREE

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different ways they can commit to saving energy and money in their own household. They also will need to record the amount of savings that the students will be dealing with given these changes that they choose. o They will be given a worksheet to document these changes. o Hand out worksheets. Assign students with a partner and have students go get laptops two groups at a time from the laptop cart. Monitor the students while they are working on the websites being sure to see that they are doing the calculations with the appliance and light switch calculators but also that they are drawing conclusions about three different ways to save energy and money in their home.

Students will record their calculations of savings and changes on their worksheet.

Management Considerations for Experience Element: o The students will be working on laptops so it will be important that they students are monitored very closely to ensure that they stay on task. Partners should be picked before the lesson to ensure that partnerships are productive without problems. Be sure to point out the different parts of the gas and electric bills that will be used in the online activity.

Instructional Sequence: Explain Element

Steps for Explain Element

Time 15-20 minutes
The teacher will:

The students will: o Students will share out about their calculations and ways to save money and energy in their homes. Students will share ideas about their calculations and solutions.

Call the students back together as a whole group. Ask the students about their calculations. o What were ways you found that you can save money and energy in your home? Discussion points to address Heating and Cooling Your House Keep your house free from drafts. Insulate your house, close curtains at dusk to keep the heat in during

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the winter, close the curtains during the day in the summer to keep the heat out. Use appliances with thermostats to avoid overheating. Use timers to turn an appliance on (especially furnace or air conditioner) before you get up or come home rather than keeping them on all the time. Wear extra clothing or add extra bedding instead of turning up the temperature on your furnace. Use fans and ducts to move air. Install a ventilating (opening) skylight to let heat out at night. Choose energy-efficient appliances.

Kitchen and Laundry Many appliances use power when on standby. Unplug them when you are on vacation. Refrigerators work better in cooler areas, so keep them out of the sun and away from the oven. Cook several dishes in the oven when you use it. Grill outdoors in the summer. On the stovetop, dont put small pots on large rings. Use the dishwasher only when it is full. Use your washing machine when you have a full load, and use a clothesline to dry clothes in the sunshine whenever possible. o

Students will rephrase what the task is asking of them Students will ask questions if they have questions about the exit slip. Students will complete the exit slip and turn it into the teacher.

Water Heating Lower the thermostat on your water heater. Take shorter showers using a water-saving showerhead. Install a tankless water heater so that you only heat water as you need it. Install an insulating blanket designed for water heaters with tanks.

Lighting Switch from incandescent light

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bulbs to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL). Turn lights off when you leave a room, and use security lights outside that only turn on when you need them. Add skylights to your home or paint the walls a light color to increase reflection.

Ask the students what factors played a role in the savings? How did they find ways to save money with light bulbs? How did they find ways to save money with appliances? Did usage matter? Did wattage matter? Record different ways that students were saving money and energy in their homes on the whiteboard. Rephrase all the students conclusions by saying something like, it looks like we have come to a conclusion that there are different ways that we can save energy in our home such as class do you agree with that? Tell the students that they have come up with some amazing ways to save energy and money in their homes. Tell the students that they will be filling out an exit slip so I know what all of them are thinking. I will show them the exit slip on the Elmo projector. Ask students to rephrase what the task is asking of them. Ask the students for questions. Distribute exit slips. Give students time to complete and explain task.

Management Considerations for Explain Element: o I will need to make sure that I organize the students observations about the calculations and ways to save energy and money separately from each other so that students do not get confused. I will need to make sure many different students share their ideas about their experience with this online activity about energy efficiency.

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Reflection on Planning Learning goal for self: I hope to teach the three elements of this lesson with fluency. By this, I hope that the students see the transitions from the engage to the experience to the explain portions of the lesson as smooth. I want the lesson to come together as a whole despite the three different sections. To prepare to teach this lesson, I will be practicing using the online resources and also using the tools. I will practice what I am going to say during my introduction, and I will also anticipate potential problems and issues that students might encounter during the lesson.

Preparing to teach this lesson:

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