A016-1213 An Act Concerning The Repeal of Illegal U-Turns

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240 AN ACT CONCERNING The Repeal of Illegal U-turns FOR the purpose of allowing drivers to save time and gas by making a U-turn where they see fit BY adding to Article- Transportation Title 21. Vehicle Laws- Rules of the Road Subtitle 4. Right-of-Way 21-402. Vehicle turning left or making U-turn Annotated Code of Maryland SECTION 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE MARYLAND STUDENT LEGISLATURE, that the laws of Maryland read as follows: 21-402. Vehicle turning left or making U-turn (a) Turning left. -- If the driver of a vehicle intends to turn to the left in an intersection or into an alley or a private road or driveway, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any other vehicle that is approaching from the opposite direction and is in the intersection or so near to it as to be an immediate danger. (b) U-turn. -- If the driver of a vehicle intends to turn to go in the opposite direction, the driver shall yield the right-of-way to any approaching vehicle that is so near as to be an immediate danger. (C) A DRIVER MAY MAKE A U-TURN AT ANY INTERSECTION, DURING ANY TIME OF DAY, THAT THE DRIVER DEEMS APPROPRIATE AS LONG AS IT IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 21-402 A AND B. SECTION 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, that this law shall take effect and remove all Illegal U-turn signs upon passage. MANDATES: Martin OMalley, Governor of Maryland Anthony G. Brown, Lieutenant Governor of Maryland

SPONSOR: Grace Hegarty Tory Caucus Whip University of Maryland, College Park ghegarty@terpmail.umd.edu

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