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Semester-end eProject 3D Animation short film Project Documentation

R. Kasturika Sujeet Singh Sanjeev Sharma Mohit Rathi Narender Arvind Kumar Vikas Kumar Amrish Kumar

The Gift

Chocolate n Chillies Studio, Arena Animation, South Extension I, New Delhi

Produced in

D ev elop er s / Ro les
R. Kasturika Pre-production, Rigging, Prop Modelling, Texturing, Compositing Sujeet Singh Pre-production, Animation, Prop Modelling Sanjeev Sharma Pre-production, Character Modelling, Texturing, Set Design, Lighting Mohit Rathi Background Modelling, Texturing, Rendering Narender Background Modelling, Texturing Arvind Kumar Background Modelling Vikas Kumar Background Modelling Amrish Kumar Background Modelling

P r o ject G ui dance
Ms. Riya Manchanda Mr. Rakesh Sharma

Techno logy
Autodesk Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe After Effects

Musi c
Demain je change de vie Lohstana David - Folk Acoustic Music and artwork under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license Obtained from

P r oducton i
Chocolate n Chillies Studio, Arena Animation, South Extension - I, New Delhi

P r ob lem St em ent at
This is a story of a small boy. Yesterday was his birthday so his room is filled with lot of gifts. He wants to get the special gift that is kept on an upper shelf which is out of his reach. He jumps twice but could not even touch the gift. He gets disappointed and starts thinking upon how he can get the gift. Suddenly an idea flashes in his mind and he runs towards the other gifts kept on the floor. He brings them and stacks them one above another. Then slowly climbs on it to reach for his desired box kept on the shelf. Finally he reaches there and takes the gift. He happily opens the gift; suddenly a hand with boxing glove comes out of the box and punches the boy; the boy falls down on the floor.

Charact er

B lend Shap es


Ambient oCClusion

All blend shapes were added to a base blend shape. This base blend shape was then added to the main model. A spare blend shape was kept, in case any additional shapes were required to be created, for future use. Separate shapes were created for each half of the head, and some for the complete head.


nose sCrunCh

Com p let li st of b lend shap es e

Blink Eye Lid Up Eyebrow Up Smile Cheek Up Furrow Down Half Blink : : : : : : : Left & Right Left & Right Left & Right Left & Right Left & Right Left & Right Left & Right Aah Sad Nose Scrunch Double Smile : : : :



Complete Complete Complete Complete

Charact Te xt r e er u

R i g and Conto l Set - Up r

IK Spine, Reverse Foot, and IK and FK controls for hands, jaw, expression and tongue

Joint set up


Complete rig

P r ops

gift box

with boxing glove


Controls for spring height, curvature in X and Z axes.

Scene E lem ent - Modelled and Te xt r ed s u

To complete the room, the following were modelling and textured: Beachball, Bed, Books, Bookshelf, Curtain, Cycle, Door, Dustbin, Fan, Football, Gift Boxes, Photo Frame, Piggy Bank, Room Walls, School Bag, Study Table & Chair, Toy Plane, Toy Train, Wall Shelf.


with ChArACter

Cam era Angles and Shot D escr i pton i

Shot# 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Camera Angle Medium shot Long shot Medium shot Character point-of-view High Angle Long Shot Long shot Medium Shot Close-up Medium Shot Medium Shot Long Shot Long Shot Close up Long Shot Close Up Medium Shot Character point-of-view Medium Shot Medium Shot Boy looking into gift box Boy turns around Camera pans looking around the room. Settles at the gift box on top of a shelf Boy looks at the gift box Boy walks towards the shelf Boy stretches out towards the box, jumps, then jumps a second time Boy turns around, head hung low Boy looks up, sees something and smiles Boy runs towards one of the gift boxes Boy picks up a box Boy places box in front of shelf, quickly turns around and places another box on top of the box Boy begins climbing up the boxes Boy climbs up Boy reaches out for the gift box Boy picks up the box Boy opens the box A boxing glove shoots out of the box Boy dazed, lying on the ground The Boxing Glove Action Boy opens a gift box. Feels happy after seeing the gift.

Anim aton i
Each shot was animated in a different scene file, with a camera set up.

Li g ing R ender ing and Com posit ht , ing

Three point lights were used to light the scene. Beauty Passes and Ambient Occlusion Passes for each shot were rendered in HD 720, which were then composited.

Documentation By R. Kasturika

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