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Compare and Contrast Scientific and Administrative Management

Introduction Scientific Management The concept of scientific management was developed by Frederick Taylor (1856-1915) in late 19th century. The core idea of scientific management was to increase the efficiency of workers through rationalization and standardization of work. The main concepts and techniques used to achieve increased efficiency were division of labour, time and motion studies, work measurements and piece-rate wages. Administrative Management The concept of administrative management was introduced by Henry Fayol (1841-1925) and focused on the management process and principles of management. He created a functional approach to management and argued that management is a universal process that consists of planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling. Scientific and Administrative Management Similarities Both Scientific and Administrative management shared a common goal - to increase the efficiency of the organisation. As well as a common goal both management

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theories shared the following principles: 1. Work was divided into specialised task easy enough to learn and to be performed efficiently (division of labour). 2. Managers were responsible for assigning the tasks to employees and for guiding them to achieve organisational goals (unity of direction). 3. Payment for work was related to ones efficiency and ability to meet the set targets (remuneration). 4. Managers and workers shared the common goal which was the foundation for cooperation between them (espirit de corps). 5. Managers were responsible for the employee work and efficiency of the organisation. 6. Managers were obliged to threat employees fairly. Scientific and Administrative Management Differences The main difference between Taylors and Fayols approaches was that Taylor wanted to achieve increased organization efficiency by modifying the way in which workers carry out their tasks and Fayol on the contrary by modifying the way the organization is... They both differ from each other in following aspects: Human aspect Taylor disregards human elements and there is more stress on improving men, materials and methods.He reviewed the organization from the bottom. Fayol pays due regards on human element. E.g. Principle of initiative, Espirit De Corps and Equity recognizes a need for human relations. Fayol view it from the top. Status Taylor is the Father of scientific management.Fayoll is known as the Father of management principles Efficiency & administration Taylor Stressed on efficiency while the other Stressed on general administration Approach Taylor's theory of management has micro-approach because it is restricted to factory only.Fayol's theory has macro-approach and discuses general principles of management which are applicable in every field of management. Scope of principles The former's principles are restricted to production activities.Fayol's princilples are applicable in all kinds of organization regarding their management affairs Achievement The fomer's theory is widely called as Scientific management and that of latter's is Administrative management

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