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Also known as BC (Easier to remember than IA and it rhymes!) Volume 1, Issue 38 (Welcome to USSA United Socialists States of America!

) November 2012 Copyright 2012 by Jeffrey H. Kahn

Idiots Anonymous
All rights reserved

DBy Chawnaw Hershel Kahn Whilyyweeweee After receiving a criticism from a disgruntled reader contending that I am myopic, I Whileslsffoiho38484857579 against Obama Care; looked it up, because I sided I thought it prudent to discuss the ramifications of I this program. One should know that the reader made a good point having had difficulty getting medical treatment and only through the aid of the Federal Government was he able to do so. You readers who approve of social welfare are looking through pristine glasses! I looked it up! Just for the record I use glasses that Only correct my nearsightedness, if you looked it up that is what myopic means, and challenge you to explain where in heavens name the money is going to come from to support this and other He\\ social welfare programs? Clo Looking for a panacea? Look it up! Pay close attention! 716 BILLION DOLLARS WAS CUT FROM MEDICARE TO PAY FOR OBAMA CARE! Health care money does not grow on trees! One simple question, do you think that any health care program run by the Feds is going to be able to pay for any and all cures? Unless you are the person who makes up the budget and can fudge it anyway you want, you who are at the receiving end will have to deal with bureaucrats who will look only at the bottom line. If they dont have the money you aint going to get never it to save your life! What many dont know is the large numbers of people who can afford good medical treatment prefer our doctors to their own! What about medical practitioners who will be Federal employees with set salaries and tuition Guadagno costs that will bankrupt them! What kind of schooling do you think they will get? One thing for sure life insurance premiums and blood pressure is going sky high! If it aint broke, dont break it more!

Youve Been Skunked!

The Myth of Sleeping Beauty!

By Chawnaw Hershel Kahn For a long time we have been fed a fairy tale about a beautiful Princess who has a wicked step mother a witch and well you know the story of the Seven Dwarves. I want to lay this myth to rest, bury it once and for all. The true story of Sleeping Beauty was similar to the fairy tale, but with some major differences. The Dwarves took her in, the wicked step mother gave her a poisoned apple that put her to sleep, but do you know why she was incased in sound proof glass? The Prince found her and through a wake up ritual that will not be discussed, because he did not have permission to perform it, awoke the Princess from her slumber. The two fell in love and got hitched. What the Prince didnt know was that Sleeping Beauty suffered from Sleep Apnea! She was snorer, and really loud, creating havoc throughout the entire kingdom! Little did anyone suspect that it was the Seven Dwarves who encased her in soundproof glass! They couldnt take the noise, but since she was a great housekeeper they reluctantly let her stay. The Prince and Princess had a short marriage and then got divorced. She took him to the cleaners castle and all! The Witch was praised by everyone for getting rid of the peculiar problem that nobody, including the King knew how to deal with. The Seven Dwarves went into real estate, procured a lucrative shopping mall in the forest. They resolved the snoring Princess by putting lots of peas under her mattress! The Truth About Nonsense! 3 rd Edition By Chawnaw Hershel Kahn
Special price for the first 100 customers! Only $7.99 Featuring three new scientific theories! You will never believe in nonsense again! Go to this link on goback=.gmp_3247141.gde_3247141_member_160595523

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