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University of Sharjah Collage of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research M.Sc.

in Civil Engineering Program

Advanced Topics in Transportation Engineering (0401528)

A Proposal for a Paper in

Geotechnical Boreholes Data Modeling Using GIS (Sharjah Case Study)

Done By: Hussain Osama Salah (U00028420) Under Supervision of: Dr. Khaled Hamad

Abstract: This paper is a project proposal introduces a relatively new method that immerged recently into the discipline of geotechnical engineering that can be used for either an easy task such as ordinary data storing or a hard tasks such as modeling the terrain bellow in maps, 2D sections or even 3D sections or models which are dynamic, interactive, user-friendly and easy to be understood by other nontechnical personnel, clients or legislators. The method is using the GIS capabilities of modeling spatial data (borehole logs) to form these sections, maps or 3D renders. An example from Sharjah Emirate (UAE) will be used as an illustration example.


Table Of Contents
Title Abstract Table of Contents List of Figures 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 2.1 Essence and Importance of GIS 2.2 GIS as A Tool For Geotechnical Engineers 2.2.1 Data Recall System 2.2.2 Modeling 3D Contour Maps 2.2.3 Modeling 3D Sections and Surfaces 3. Proposal Statement 4. References Page 1 2 2 3 4 4 7 7 8 9 11 12

List of Figures
1 2 3 4 GIS Stages Depth to bed rock in the town of Gyeonjgu in Korea Geo-sections created by hand and Combined geo-sections in 3D render presented in ArcScene 3D geo-surfaces and 3D boreholes and section - all presented in ArcScene Title Page 6 8 9 10


1. Introduction:
This section of the paper introduces the reader to the paper by an introductory statement, expressing goals and objectives of it and briefly states the layout of the paper. Normal structures -by logic- rests on soil. this fact which is understood by geotechnical engineers who are responsible of structural safety against soil related structural failures. the best way this is being done is by exploring "what is beneath us", and this is the greatest challenge that faces geotechnical engineers. That's why they put many tests to do that. The best one relatively that give us a great idea of what is beneath us is digging boreholes and interpolate the found logs to give a sectional view of soil stratum where the boreholes were dug and this gives a good information about the geotechnical status of the land and how the structure can be built on it. This paper is a project proposal introduces a relatively new method that immerged recently into the discipline of geotechnical engineering that can be used for either an easy task such as ordinary data storing or a hard tasks such as modeling the terrain bellow in maps, 2D sections or even 3D sections or models which are dynamic, interactive, user-friendly and easy to be understood by other nontechnical personnel, clients or legislators. The method is using the GIS capabilities of modeling spatial data (borehole logs) to form these sections, maps or 3D renders. An example from Sharjah Emirate (UAE) will be used as an illustration example. This paper is structured as follows; an introduction that describes the scope of the paper. Then, literature review for stated scope. After that, the proposal statement. Finally, references will be stated.


2. Literature Review:
This section summarizes previous works completed in the area of GIS applications in geotechnical engineering, compares them and chooses the best methodology from one or more papers. As stated before, geotechnical engineers have put and developed borehole tests. The acquired data from these tests, if they were well organized, give us multiple perimeters for the soil such as the ultimate bearing capacity and the shear wave velocity which very important in structural safety and stability. Moreover, knowing soil layers configuration under structures is handy in predicting possible failure scenarios and their safe resolution -sure in economical friendly manner-. 2.1.Esscence and Importance of GIS The best thing as a starter for this literature review is addressing some definitions of GIS and its relation to geotechnical engineering. Parker [2] (1996) has defined the GIS as "Methodologies for the organization and analysis of geographic data." Although this definition is good somehow in explaining what GIS is. But, somehow, Parker's definition has some shortenings. Parker only stated that methodologies can be outlive systems and technological developments. He didn't deal with these methodologies as components which is more general to be stated for a general tool like GIS. Also, he didn't state anything about displaying these geographic data. Another good attempt was the Chorley's definition which is also (1987) "A system for capturing, storing, checking, integrating, manipulating, analyzing and displaying data which are spatially referenced to the Earth." Also, this definition is


not the best one do describe what GIS is. The word "A system" carries vague about the nature of this "system". A good definition is stated by Dr. Khaled Hamad (2012) civil engineering professor at the University of Sharjah describes GIS which is "A system (organized collection of computer hardware, software, data, and personnel) for capturing, storing, checking, updating, manipulating, analyzing, and displaying data which are geographically referenced." [4] This definition is the best among many approaches to define GIS. It carries most of the features of GIS (componential and functional). From the previous text I could come out with this definition of GIS as "An organized set of methodologies and systems of organized and specialized tools, computer hardware, computer software and personnel, used to capture, manipulate, analyze, check, update (if necessary), display and store data which are spatially or geographically referenced to earth." From the first look, this definition seems to be the same as Dr. Khaled's definition. From my point of view, the template of Dr. Khaled's definition is the most suitable as a definition for the GIS. Inspired by Parker's definition, the word methodologies was used in the definition, and the importance of them is given by equating its level of importance to the level of other "tools". Also, not only

computers and personnel are the constituents of GIS componential organization, but also non-computerized tools are very much handy in collecting data. Also, GIS is a specialized science that requires specialized tools (either if it was computerized or not). Another thing is the order of the functional part of the definition is revised to be more appropriate with the logical data processing order of stages. Also, the reference to earth by logic is understood. but to cut any doubt of the base of referencing for the GIS system which is the earth.


Now how GIS works? A good answer is the one presented in the paper of Hellawell et al. [3] (2001)(Fig. 1). They stated that GIS has three main components in the concept of GIS; Database, graphic interface and data analysis. In my point of view, this diagram explains more how do GIS works. First of all, the raw gathered data are entered in the first stage. In the second stage the main processing of the data occurs, each of the three components of the are correlated to each other by interpretation relations. In other words, nothing can be understood if something is missing. Finally, output stage comes in form of graphs or reports or even both. GIS importance appears since spatial data is becoming a big issue for civil engineers and many other space-related operators which is by default stored on paper for formal references. GIS helps digesting these paper data and present it on lighter means like computers or even more lighter and more fashionable means like tablets or even smart phones rather than holing and monitoring a large pile of papers and documents that has the possibilities of being lost or damaged because of bad storing or aging.
Not only GIS is a means of fashionable presentation of geographic data. But also, GIS is an analysis tool that digests these data and present results of these analyses. This is of great importance in the case of subsurface modeling of borehole data as an example.
Fig. 1: GIS Stages [3]


2.2. GIS As A Tool For Geotechnical Engineers. GIS can help geotechnical in many ways to understand the surface bellow. Either storing borehole logs in a means of a recall database, modeling boreholes and creating 3D sections or in some times 3D surfaces or doing a 3D model for the terrain bellow. The following is a list of some previous works been done by GIS in the field of geotechnical engineering. 2.2.1. Borehole Data Management System The NJDOT Bureau of Geotechnical Engineering [6] (2002) keeps an enormous database of boreholes locations and logs which is stored in boxes, file cabinets or drawers. Finding the data if the personnel has bad memory of where the data were stored might be a hard (if not impossible) task. If it was found, a good amount of time has been consumed in finding these data. That's why NJDOT - BGE has used GIS systems to organize and display this enormous amount of data. The used data are the Rutgers Soil Series that were made in 1950's. the NJDOT - BGE has adopted the following methodology to form the data base 1. Identifying the boring location plans and boring logs 2. Scanning hard copies of the boring location plans and boring logs 3. Placing the boring location plans at the proper location on the NJDOT base map 4. Linking the boring logs to their corresponding boring location plans 5. Inputting key attribute data that is included in the boring location plans and boring logs. The NJDOT - BGE id a respectful effort and were successful in their project. They could manage the enormous amount of data. But this project has a very large

shortening in terms of data modeling. The project was only about data management and recall but these data as they were scanned from a hard copy cannot been interpolated. A GIS software has to have the data entered manually rather than scanning them, as to make the software "read" the data rather than relating these valuable data as imagery attributes. 2.2.2. Modeling soil layers Here, three GIS professionals has came with an idea to make more interactive contour maps bay laying these maps on a terrain represents the area under consideration [1] (2004). This is of a good importance since the modeled data represents valuable parameters in seismic design of structures, such as; bedrock depth, shear wave velocity in rocks and site soil classification. (Fig. 2) shows one of their results which is the depth to bed rock in the town of Gyeonjgu in Korea. The effort spent in modeling these data is respectful compared to the NJDOT - BGE. But still not as interactive as it was wished to be. The idea of modeling contour maps on 3D terrain is a nice idea. But, if the terrain itself was practically modeled rather than 3D contour maps. It will make their model of great respect.

Fig. 2: Depth to bed rock in the town of Gyeonjgu in Korea [1]


2.2.3. Modeling Soil Profile In 2007 a GIS and geographic specialist at the ISGS Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Jennifer Carrell, has developed a software in order to model 3D sections for borehole logs [5] (2012). Carrell has recognized the perils of manual cross sectioning since ISGS geotechnical people model the borehole data which was modeled by hand to her in order to place it in the GIS system. This time consuming process consumed more time if the given data encountered an error. Carrell has developed a visual basic tool that can make 2D sections that can be digitally managed in ArcMap software or a 3D sections and surfaces that can be viewed in ArcScene .(Fig. 3) compares between a hand produced sectional map and a 3D section produced by Carrell's tool.

Fig. 3: Left. Geo-sections created by hand. Right. Combined geo-sections in 3D render presented in ArcScene [5]


Here, Carrell could come with something that GIS can deal with. Rather than the NJDOT - BGE method of just scanning and relating. In fact, Carrel could relate more interactive CAD to the GIS software which is ArcGIS in this case. She could also make 3D surfaces from interpolating the data given in the boreholes. (Fig. 4) shows a result from her work. This was the best methodology that really models the surface bellow and gives a spectacular view for what is beneath us. This method (if applicable) will be done for our project for this course. If not applicable, the example from Korea will be our way in the project

Fig. 4: Left. 3D geo-surfaces. Right. 3D boreholes and section - all presented in ArcScene [5]

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3. Proposal Statement:
From what has been introduced and for the sake of fulfill the requirements of the Advanced Topics In Transportation Engineering course (0401528) at the University of Sharjah. I, Hussain Osama Salah, holding the student ID (U00028420) propose the following as a term project: To do a geotechnical 3D model for Sharjah City, UAE, or some parts of it, where the data are available. Using the ArcGIS software. This will be performed by doing the following 1. Doing literature review of: a. The essence of GIS b. The role GIS plays in civil engineering in general and in geotechnical engineering in particular 2. Manipulating the most advanced GIS software ArcGIS [4] 3. Reading and understanding the acquired data to fulfill the project 4. Implementing these data into a GIS data base 5. Modeling these data through the ArcGIS software 6. Extracting results and final conclusion and submission

So, may Allah help me!

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4. References:
[1] C. Sun et al., " Geotechnical Information System Based on GIS in Gyeongju and Hongsung for Seismic Design and Hazard Mitigation", Case Histories of GeoInformatics, Asian Regional Technical Committee No.10 Urban Geo-

informatics of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Japan, November 2004. [2] D. Parker, "An Introduction to GIS And The Impact On Civil Engineering", Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineering, Vol. 114, Special issue 2, Geographic Information Systems, UK. 1996. [3] Hellawell et al., "GIS As A Tool For Geotechnical Engineering", Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineering, Vol. 149, Issue 2, Geotechnical Engineering, UK. 2001. [4] K. Hamad, "Lecture Notes For Advanced Topics In Transportation Engineering Course -Course Overview- (0401528)", University of Sharjah, UAE, 2012. [5] M. DeMeritt, "Modeling The Surface Below, Creating Dynamic Subsurface Perspectives in ArcScene", ArcUser Magazine, USA, Spring 2012 [6] T. Williams et al., "GIS Applications in Geotechnical Engineering", NJDOT, USA, March 2002.

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