Creating A Table in SAP

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Creating a Table in SAP

Run transaction code SE11 to create table.

Enter the desired table name. Make sure that you follow the naming convention. Name should either start with 'Z' or 'Y'.

Delivery class needs to be entered as shown in the figure below.

Select A application table master and transaction data.

Check the table maintenance box. And click on the Fields Tab.

Enter the Filed names as shown in the figure below. Matnr with data element 'MATNR' For the 'ADDDESC' field please click on the Data element button as shown in the figure below.

Click on the technical settings button. For data class select APPL0

And For size category select 0

Select buffering not allowed for this table.

Make Material number as the Primary Key.

Activate the table.

Go back to transaction SE11 and select Utilities------> Table maintenance generator.

In the resulting screen for Authorization group select &NC&

Select the one step and standard recording routine

Now we need to create a Function group. For that we need to run transaction SE37.

Select Function group create.

Name the function group as ZMAT_ADD. Give an appropriate description.

Select Generate Objects from the drop down menu and select Create.

We need to activate the function group. To do so run transaction SE80. Select Function group and type the Function group name. Right click on the function group and click activate

Once this is done enter the scree number as 1 or select the available screen number by clicking the find screen number button.

Run transaction SM30

Enter the Table name.

To add entries click on New Entries.

Enter the Desired data and save the data.

Posted by ABAP FRIEND at 8:42 AM Labels: Create able SE11, Creating Tables in SAP, Generate table maintenance in SAP, SAP transaction code SM3

How to Create Data Element and Domain

Call T-Code SE11 and choose Data Type Fill in the name of data with prefix letter Y or Z. (e.g ZDETXT)

Press Create. Choose Data Element

Fill up the short description and create domain (e.g ZDOTXT)

Double click on Domain name (ZDOTXT) to create the domain and confirm saving.

Confirm create Domain. Click Yes

Fill in all the domain parameters. such as: short description, data type, no. of characters, output length, conversion routine.

Save the domain & data element.

steps to create database tables 1.go to se11 2.give name the database table 3.give short description for the table 4.Give delivery class name as A and data browser / table view maint as Display/maintenence allowed fields tab 6.give field name data type(user defined element type/built-in-type),short text technical settings tab ,give data class as appl0 and size category as 0 it 8.go utillities menu click table contents select create and enter the field values then select display in table contents and u can view the table values with field lables

step 1: creating a domain: *se11,select the object type as domain ,name it ,create,description,enter the datatype and length(size),save ,activate step2: creating a dataelement; se11,select the object type as :date element,name it ,create,desc,assign it with a domain what we created now,save,activate it. step3: creating a table; se11,select the object type as table,name it, create, enter the field name and assign it with the data element instead of assigning a datatype to it, like this create req fields: on behalf of this: table maintainence: assign the type of the table ie.,A C G L S NEXT maintaince: allowed,not allowed ,allowed with restricions ______________________________________________ fields of a table:(as descripted above) ___________________________________________ techical settings: A0 OR A1 AND BUFFERED OR NON-BUFFERED

In this tutorial you will get the idea about the difference between data elements and domains and the steps for creating them.

Data elements and domains are SAP data dictionary objects that can be created using the transaction code SE11. Both of these describe the characteristics of a data field. What is data element? Data element describes the semantic characteristics of a field like description and online help. A user can view this by pressing F1 help button on a field. What is a domain? Domain objects stores the technical characteristics of a field like its data type, decimal places, data length and value range. Step by step procedure to create a domain Step 1: Enter transaction code SE11 (or go to the path Tools->ABAP/4 Workbench, Development>ABAP/4 Dictionary) Step 2: In Object name field enter the name of data element. Step 3: Choose the domain radio button and press the create button. (Next window will appear) Step 4: Enter a description (short text) for that domain Step 5: Enter data type field and length field.. Step 6: Press Activate button Step 7: Enter the local object button. Step 8: For going back to the dictionary initial screen press back button.

Step by step procedure to create a data element Step 1: Enter transaction code SE11 (or go to the path Tools->ABAP/4 Workbench, Development>ABAP/4 Dictionary) Step 2: In Object name field enter the name of data element. Step 3: Choose the data element radio button and press the create button. (Next window will appear) Step 4: Enter a title (short text) for that data element. Step 5: Enter the domain name and press enter (This domain should be active.).Then its data type and length will be displayed there from the domain values. Step 6: Enter the field labels.( short with maximum 10 characters, medium with maximum 15 characters, long with maximum 20 characters, Header field length should be equal or less than the output length of the domain) Step 7: Press Save button (Another screen will be displayed) Step 8: Enter the local object button.

Step 9: Enter the documentation button. Another screen will be displayed. Here we need to enter the documentation of the field. By default first line will contain the character &DEFINITION&. Dont change that, and start to enter the description from the second line) Step 10: Press save and then back button on the screen. Step 11: Press Activate button (Now our data element is activated and ready) Step 12: For going back to the dictionary initial screen press back button. As per the hierarchy we can say that table field objects contains domain objects and domain objects contains data elements (tables ->fields -> Domains -> data elements)

Steps to Creating domains, Data Elements, Tables

To give you the steps for creating table:. There are two approach in creating a table. 1. Bottom-up approach 2. Top-down approach. Both are valid and you can choose which approach is suitable for you. I always use the bottom-up approach. Here are the steps to create the tables with this approach. 1. SE11 will take you to the DDIC and enter the name of the new table to be created. Let us say Zname. Click create. 2. Enter the short discription of the table and enter the field of the table. If it is primary key and you have to check the box. 3. Enter the data element and double click it, you will be asked to save and will take you to data element discription page. Enter the short discription of the data element and enter the information of domain like the length of field and type of field. 4. If you wanted to use the existing domain then its fine, or else, you have to create one. Enter the domain name in the data element page and double click it. Page will ask to save and jump to domain creation page. 5. In the domain page, you have to save the information which you have already given in the data elements page and check it. Before going to data element page, you have to activate the domain.

6. Go to data element page and save, check and activate. 7. Go to main table page and save, check, and activate. 8. Also, you have to save the technical settings of the table. The table is now ready for operation. You can use it in your program or you can use it to enter information. Check table: It is the table which will have all the information about the Foreign keys which are the primary keys in the check table. It can be created by creating the foreign key from the main table. Click foreign key in the main table and it will take you to a page which will ask for table name and field to which foreign key relation has to be associated. Enter the information and you can create the check table automatically. SM30 is used for maintenance of the table, that is to realease the errors occured during the creation of the table.

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