Smart Data Driven Marke-Ng

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Smart Marke+ng <

Smart data driven marke-ng

> Short but sharp history

Datalicious was founded late 2007 Strong Omniture web analy-cs history Now 360 data agency with specialist team Combina-on of analysts and developers Carefully selected best of breed partners Evangelizing smart data driven marke-ng Making data accessible and ac-onable Driving industry best prac-ce (ADMA)
March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 2

> Clients across all industries

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Wide range of data services


Data mining and modelling Customised dashboards Media aLribu+on models Market and compe+tor trends Social media monitoring Online surveys and polls Customer proling


Data collec+on and processing Web analy+cs solu+ons Omniture, Google Analy+cs, etc Tag-less online data capture End-to-end data pla@orms IVR and call center repor+ng Single customer view


Data usage and applica+on Marke+ng automa+on Alterian, Trac+on, Inxmail, etc Targe+ng and merchandising Internal search op+misa+on CRM strategy and execu+on Tes+ng programs

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Smart data driven marke+ng

Metrics Framework

Metrics Framework

Benchmarking and trending

Media ALribu+on
Op+mise channel mix Increase relevance

Benchmarking and trending

Targe+ng Tes+ng $$$

Improve usability

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

101011010010010010101111010010010101010100001011111001010101 010100101011001100010100101001101101001101001010100111001010 010010101001001010010100100101001111101010100101001001001010

> Metrics framework

March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 6

> AIDA and AIDAS formulas

Old media New media






Social media

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Simplied AIDAS funnel


(Interest & Desire)



March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Marke+ng is about people

People reached


People engaged


People converted


People delighted

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Addi+onal funnel breakdowns

Brand vs. direct response campaign

People reached


People engaged


People converted


People delighted

New prospects vs. exis-ng customers

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


AU/NZ vs. rest of world

> Importance of calendar events

Trac spikes or other data anomalies without context are very hard to interpret and can render data useless
March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 12

Calendar events to add context

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Addi+onal success metrics

Click Through

Click Through

Add To Cart

Cart Checkout

Click Through

Page Bounce

Page Views

Product Views

Click Through

Call back request

Store Search

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Exercise: Metrics framework

Level Level 1, people Level 2, strategic Level 3, tac+cal Funnel breakdowns
March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 15





> Single source of truth repor+ng

March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd



> Manual repor+ng s+ll prevails

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


101011010010010010101111010010010101010100001011111001010101 010100101011001100010100101001101101001101001010100111001010 010010101001001010010100100101001111101010100101001001001010

> Media aLribu+on

March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 18

> Complex campaign ows

= Paid media = Viral elements = Sales channels

Organic search

PR, WOM, events, etc

YouTube, blog, etc

Home pages, portals, etc

Paid search

TV, print, radio, etc

Direct mail, email, etc

Landing pages, oers, etc

Display ads, aliates, etc

CRM program

Facebook TwiLer, etc

POS kiosks, loyalty cards, etc

Call center, retail stores, etc

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Duplica+on across channels

Paid Search Bid Mgmt

Banner Ads

Ad Server

Email Blast

Email Pla@orm

Organic Search

Web Analy+cs

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Cookie expira+on impact

Paid Search Bid Mgmt

Banner Ad Click

Banner Ad View

Ad Server


Email Blast

Email Pla@orm

Organic Search

Google Analy+cs

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> De-duplica+on across channels

Paid Search

Banner Ads Central Analy+cs Pla@orm Email Blast

Organic Search

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Exercise: Duplica+on impact

Double-coun-ng of conversions across channels can have a signicant impact on key metrics, especially CPA Example: Display ads and paid search

Solu-on: $50 ini-al CPA and $100 true CPA

Total media budget of $10,000 of which 50% is spend on paid search and 50% on display ads Total of 100 conversions across both channels with a channel overlap of 50%, i.e. both channels claim 100% of conversions based on their own repor-ng but once de-duplicated they each only contributed 50% of conversions What are the ini-al CPA values and what is the true CPA? $5,000 / 100 = $50 ini-al CPA and $5,000 / 50 = $100 true CPA (which represents a 100% increase)
Datalicious Pty Ltd 23

March 2011

> First and last click aLribu+on

Chart shows percentage of channel touch points that lead to a conversion.

Paid/Organic Search

Emails/Shopping Engines

Neither rst nor last-click measurement would provide true picture


March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Full path to purchase

Introducer Inuencer Inuencer Closer

SEM Generic

Banner Click

Direct Visit

SEO Branded


Banner View

SEO Generic

Aliate Click

Social Media



SEO Branded

Direct Visit

Email Update


March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Understanding channel mix

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Adjus+ng for oine impact

-5 +5 -15 +15 -10 +10

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


101011010010010010101111010010010101010100001011111001010101 010100101011001100010100101001101101001101001010100111001010 010010101001001010010100100101001111101010100101001001001010

> Targe+ng and tes+ng

March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 28

> Increase revenue by 10-20%

Capture internet trac
Capture 50-100% of fair market share of trac

Increase consumer engagement

Exceed 50% of best compe-tors engagement rate

Capture qualied leads and sell Building consumer loyalty

Convert 10-15% to leads and of that 20% to sales

Build 60% loyalty rate and 40% sales conversion

Increase online revenue

March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd

Earn 10-20% incremental revenue online


> New consumer decision journey

The consumer decision process is changing from linear to circular.

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> New consumer decision journey

The consumer decision process is changing from linear to circular.

Online research Change increases the importance of experience during research phase.
March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 31

> Combining targe+ng pla@orms

O-site targe-ng

Prole targe-ng

On-site targe-ng

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Combining technology

On-site segments

O-site segments


March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> SuperTag code architecture

Central JavaScript container tag One tag for all sites and plagorms Hosted internally or externally Faster tag implementa-on/updates Eliminates JavaScript caching Enables code tes-ng on live site Enables heat map implementa-on Enables redirects for A/B tes-ng Enables network wide re-targe-ng Enables live chat implementa-on
March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 34

> Combining data sets

Website behavioural data

Campaign response data

Datalicious Pty Ltd

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Customer prole data

March 2011


> Maximise iden+ca+on points

160% 140% 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20%
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48

Probability of iden-ca-on through Cookies

March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 36

> Sample customer level data

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Anity re-targe+ng in ac+on

Dierent type of visitors respond to dierent ads. By using category anity targe-ng, response rates are lijed signicantly across products.
Message Blackberry Bold CTR By Category Anity Postpay Prepay Broadb. Business

+ -

+ + -

+ + +

Google: vodafone omniture case study or hLp://

March 2011

5GB Mobile Broadband Blackberry Storm 12 Month Caps

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Ad-sequencing in ac+on

Marke-ng is about telling stories and stories are not sta-c but evolve over -me

Ad-sequencing can help to evolve stories over -me the more users engage with ads
March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 39

> Exercise: Targe+ng matrix

Purchase Cycle Default, awareness Research, considera+on Purchase intent Reten+on, up/cross-sell
March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 40

Segments: Colour, price, product anity, etc

Media Channels

Data Points

> Quality content is key

Avinash Kaushik: The principle of garbage in, garbage out applies here. [ what makes a behaviour targe;ng pla<orm ;ck, and produce results, is not its intelligence, it is your ability to actually feed it the right content which it can then target [. You feed your BT system crap and it will quickly and eciently target crap to your customers. Faster then you could ever have yourself.
March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 41

> ClickTale tes+ng case study

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Exercise: Tes+ng matrix

Test Segment Content KPIs Poten+al Results

March 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


March 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 44

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