ANZ Marketing Analytics Session 2

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Marke(ng Analy(cs <

Using data to boost return on marke1ng investment

> Short but sharp history

Datalicious was founded in late 2007 Strong Omniture web analy1cs history 1 of 4 preferred Omniture partners globally Now 360 data agency with specialist team Combina1on of analysts and developers Carefully selected best of breed partners Driving industry best prac1ce (ADMA) Turning data into ac1onable insights Execu1ng smart data driven campaigns
Datalicious Pty Ltd 2

December 2011

> Smart data driven marke(ng

Using data to widen the funnel

Media A<ribu(on & Modeling

Op(mise channel mix, predict sales

Targeted Direct Marke(ng

Increase relevance, reduce churn

Tes(ng & Op(misa(on

Remove barriers, drive sales

Boos(ng ROMI
December 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 3

101011010010010010101111010010010101010100001011111001010101 010100101011001100010100101001101101001101001010100111001010 010010101001001010010100100101001111101010100101001001001010

> Media a<ribu(on

December 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 4

> Campaign ows are complex

= Paid media = Viral elements = Sales channels

Organic search

PR, WOM, events, etc

YouTube, blog, etc

Home pages, portals, etc

Paid search

TV, print, radio, etc

Direct mail, email, etc

Landing pages, oers, etc

Display ads, aliates, etc

CRM program

Facebook Twi<er, etc

POS kiosks, loyalty cards, etc

Call center, retail stores, etc

December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Media channels feed each other

TV/Print/DM audience

Banner audience

Search audience

December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Success a<ribu(on models

Banner Ad Paid Search Organic Search $100 Success


Last channel gets all credit

Banner Ad $100

Paid Search

Email Blast



First channel gets all credit

Paid Search $100

Banner Ad $100

Aliate Referral $100



All channels get equal credit

Print Ad $33

Social Media $33

Paid Search $33



All channels get par(al credit


December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> First and last click a<ribu(on

Chart shows percentage of channel touch points that lead to a conversion.

Paid/Organic Search

Emails/Shopping Engines

Neither rst nor last-click measurement would provide true picture


December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Full purchase path tracking

Introducer Inuencer Inuencer Closer

Paid search

Display ad clicks

Social referrals

Direct site visits

Online sales

Display ad views

Aliate clicks

Social buzz

Retail store visits

Oine sales

TV/print ad views

Organic search

Website events

Direct mail, emails

Life(me prot

December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

> Search call to ac(on for oine

December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> Personalised URLs for direct mail > redirect to >

CampaignID=DM:123& Demographics=F|35& CustomerSegment=A1& CustomerValue=High& CustomerSince=2001& ProductHistory=P1|P2& NextBestOer=P3& ChurnRisk=Low [...]

December 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 13

> Understanding channel mix

December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


101011010010010010101111010010010101010100001011111001010101 010100101011001100010100101001101101001101001010100111001010 010010101001001010010100100101001111101010100101001001001010

> Experience op(misa(on

December 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 15

> New consumer decision journey

The consumer decision process is changing from linear to circular.

December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


> New consumer decision journey

The consumer decision process is changing from linear to circular.

Online research Change increases the importance of experience during research phase.
December 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 17

> Seamless research experience

TV, print, direct mail, etc Ad Server / SuperTag Display ads

Organic, paid search


Ad Server / SuperTag

Display ad re-targe(ng

Customised landing pages Test&Target / SuperTag re-targe(ng Applica(on process

Test&Target / SuperTag

Fall-out email follow-up

December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd

18 twi<

December 2011 Datalicious Pty Ltd 19

Contact me Learn more Follow me

Data > Insights > Ac(on

December 2011

Datalicious Pty Ltd


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