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Were All Creative

Inspired by Patton Oswalts Toronto Open Mic

Claire held onto Donny tight. Her hands met around his torso and embraced one another, as a steady rain continued to fall. At that moment, they both felt invincible. Love as powerful as theirs couldnt be squelched; their love was forged of the strongest steel. Nothing could stop them: the rain that continued to pour down onto them, Claires disapproving father, a universe that seemingly could not respect the pure, unadulterated passion that encompassed I should probably close those blinds encompassed encompassing them their with wth w. Alright, Im getting up and closing those blinds. This is a thing Im doing. Am I supposed to pull on the front or the back of this? Living here 6 months and I still have to think about my blinds. This is my study. Desk. Aristotle. Old-timey globe. Im gonna spin you. Boop. Alright, alright, center. Find your center. Get back into this. Love. Lovelovelovelovelovelovelove. Claire. could not respect the pure, unadulterated passion that encompassed their singular form. They were only one person now. Souls merging in a bleak wasteland of a universe that wasnt ready to embrace their devotion. Claire nuzzled her head into Donnys breastbone. Donny tightened his embrace. You mean everything to me. Claire raised her head. Even with the rain, Donny could tell there were hot tears of passion in her eyes. Ugh, stom I dont want to be with anyone growl Jesus ever again. The rain. The rain cont The rain waswas Alright, fuck this, Im hungry. Sandwich? Sandwich no. Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now Im da da da da da da dum dahhhhhh Pepperoni. Cheese. Shredded cheese. Quesa no tortillas fuck all. Im grocery shopping. Once my muse leaves. I got a muse. Knights of Cydonia. Bawwwww, baw baw bawwww, baw baw bawwwwww, baw food. Triscuits! Box opening. You know what? I need a plate. Paper plates. Unstick, goddamn you. I dont need twelve. Walking walking walking, walking walking walking, walking walking walking KEEP walking walking walking, walking walking walking, keep those legs a-walking, keep those legs a-walking, keep

those legs a-walking, Rawhiiiiiiiiiide!!!! Dah dah dum dum dah dah dum, dah dum dum dah dum, dah dah dum dum dah dah dum, Rawhide. Focus. Focus focus focus. Lets seeShit, theyre still in the rain? Lets get out of the rain, my love, Donny mused. They walked hand in hand, Claire resting her delicate facial features onto Donnys firm bicep. Who wouldnt feel safe with Donny? But hes mine, Claire mused as they walked, all mine. They found shelter in a veranda Fuck. Claire held on to Donny tight, as they stood in the middle of a public park. Ha HA! They found shelter in a veranda that was located in the center of the park. They were the focal point of the world now. They were the North Star, their love shone that bright. Radiated with the glow of genuine, young passion. Donny faced Claire and looked into her eyes. I will never let you go. Oh, Donny. And they kissed. Their lips gently touched one another, moist from the rain. Their kiss was tender, hesitant. They were still both so unsure about their love. Still amazed that they could feel so intensely, when before they met there was nothing. Everything seemed like nothing compared to their love. Love so true. Donny delicately placed his hand on the side of Claires neck. Claire responded by gingerly placing her arm around the back of Donnys neck, the bend in her elbow resting against him, pulling them closer. There was a warm feeling at their core; not butterflies, something both intense yet comforting. It was the physical manifestation of passion. Finally, their lips separated. Claire, only one thing matters to me in this world. This time it was Donny whose eyes welled with tears. Claire could see his eyes grow deeper, more reflective. She could barely stand the beauty of the moment. You are all I piss. How long have I been not important have to go to bathroom. Man, I probably shouldnt stand. Im just gonna wheel the chair over to the bathroom. Big ol office chair. Made of leather. Christ, how am I gonna pull myself along with my legs while keeping them crossed? Its cool. I can do this. I. Can. DO THIS! Gentle gentle gentle Im writing a masterpiece gentle gentle gentle gentle what did I even drink? Lemonade? No. Coke? No. Maybe my mouth still has the aftertaste and I can go from there. Triscuits, alright, I remember that. Uhhumumumumba dum ba dum. Fuck it. You know what I need? Febreeze. Yeahhhhh buddy.

Phew. You know what? Imma run at the chair and then jump and then ride it down the hall. Nah, nah, I wont do that. Faulkner wouldnt have done that. Faulkner would love me. No he wouldnt. Maybe. I wish he were still alive so I could meet him. Ugh. No more writing. T.V.

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