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A group of people find themselves on a busy

interstate at rush hour. 2. There is a drifter on the side of the road,

beckoning to the people and shouting. 3. No one in the cars is slowing down.

The first person looks around and, seeing only a dirty man on the side of the road, finds nowhere he wants to go. Thus, the first person is struck by a car and killed. The second person hears about the drifter, is confident that the drifter is real, but does not step over the drifters side of the road. Thus, the second person is struck by a car and killed. The third person rejects that he is on a highway at all. There is not a highway, nor is there a drifter, he says. And because there is no

highway, there can be no cars. Thus, the third person is struck by a car and killed. The fourth person sees the drifter, recognizes him, and dashes to him immediately. Upon arriving at the side of the road, however, she can find nowhere to sit. It is uncomfortable, and rocky, and littered with trash. Disappointed, she wanders back onto the road. Thus, the fourth person is struck by a car and killed. The fifth person sees the drifter and wants to get to know him. He walks to the side of the road and engages the drifter. They talk, and after a while he notices that the traffic has stopped and rush hour is over.

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