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Rodolfo Ramirez Period:1

Inglewood Banks
Rodolfo Ramirez Period : 5 11-6-2012 Journalism

Animo Inglewood Charter High school are getting Budget cuts. Like about forth fithy students goes there to get their expectations. Students at Animo Inglewoods can testify that their only meals is lunch. Additionally , our school are serving meals that we students dont want to eat at lunch. Meals are important toward our body system. This helps the brain to function more and be active. Without meals it will cause depression to the body, also sleepiness causing students not want to learn. Maybe it will cause them not coming to school and the school wont get paid if the student is absence. Budget cuts for Animo Inglewood is a bad idea. Testifying students only meal is lunch , it will cause them not eating the whole day. Are we repeating history in our schools today? When WWI was over the Great Depression came along. The Great Depression causes a lot of problems. One main problem was that schools didnt have money to buy meals for their students. Making them not going to schools or slack off. History is repeating again. However, its not that bad right now. Animo Inglewood have budget cuts meaning the lunches are going to be bad

Rodolfo Ramirez Period:1

Inglewood Banks
results. Currently most schools spend less than a dollar per meal. Most meals are extremely unhealthy. I had this personal experiences myself. On October 25, 2012 , I was extremely hungry , but when I got to the cafeteria , the school lunch was hotdogs. Not ordinary hotdogs that we at home or the streets , yet those hotdogs that the buns are cold

and the weenie really cold to. Otherwise this will make me barf if I eat it. Doctors says, Cold hotdogs can wreck your health (Internet). This reveals that Animo Inglewood shouldnt give this out. This showing to student that they dont care about their health isnt they? We should earn something good. Uncooked meals can make us barf. Additionally this isnt the only reason that lunches make students to do; skipping meals students do often. Skipping lunch students because their food is disgusting and unhealthy to eat. If they skip lunch , they will lose a lot of energy because foods creating energy into our body system. This will prevent students not learn the next class being lazy and off focus. Sometimes catching them by their grumpy mood. In the other hand, school should have the lunches for the people who badly wants to eat. We know that is our decision to eat or not to eat? But still we have to eat

Rodolfo Ramirez Period:1

Inglewood Banks
something to get our bodys system still working in process. If they know they giving us lunches that we dont even want to taste or even see it , just gives us salads. Salads are healthy and can provide a lot of energy to our bodies. However, why do our schools know that is unhealthy to eat that and still serve it? And also they know students will not eat why waste money on certain lunches they can serve; thats wasting money. Ours schools should think , better not just let us go to streets and buy ourselves our lunch like fast food restaurants. They always appears a block away, why not just buy it their instead of eating unhealthy meals.

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