In Re:) : Debtors.)

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In re: )


Chapter 1 1


Case No. 09- 1 0785(KJC)

Debtors. )

(Jointly Administered)
Related Docket No. 376


Any part participating telephonically must make arrangements through

CourtCall by telephone (866-582-6878) or facsimile (866-533-2946),
no later than 12:00 p.m., one (1) business day before the hearing.


1. Debtors' Application for Entry of an Order Authorizing the Employment and Retention

of Meyers Norris Penny LLP as Auditors to the Debtors nunc pro tunc to the Petition Date (Filed April 14,2009; Docket No. 195)
Related Documents:
(a) Certification of

No Objection (Filed April 29, 2009; Docket No. 250)

(b) Revised Affdavit of Jason Tuffs in Support of Application (Filed May 29, 2009; Docket No. 355)

(c) Certification of

Counsel with Respect to Order (Filed June 1,2009; Docket

No. 378)

Objection Deadline: April 24, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.

Objections/Responses: None to date.

i The Debtors in these cases, along with the last four digits of each ofthe Debtors' federal tax identification number, are: Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. (3442); Petrocal Acquisition Corp. (6249); Pacific Energy Alaska Holdings, LLC (tax J.D. # not available); Cameros Acquisition Corp. (5866); Pacific Energy Alaska Operating LLC (7021); San Pedro Bay Pipeline Company (1234); Cameros
Energy, Inc. (9487); and Gotland Oil, Inc. (5463). The mailing address for all of

the Debtors is 111 W.

Ocean Boulevard, Suite 1240, Long Beach, CA 90802.

Status: The Debtors have fied a revised order under Certification of Counsel the U.S. Trustee. A revised affidavit has been addressing the concerns of filed to address concerns raised by the Court.
2. Debtors' Motion for Order under Section 365(a) and 554(a) of

the Banptcy Code

Authorizing the Debtors to (1) Reject Certain Executory Contracts; (2) Reject Certain Unexpired Leases; and (3) Abandon any Personal Property Located at the Premises of any Rejected Real Property Lease (Filed April 30, 2009; Docket No. 259)
Related Documents:
(a) Certification of

No Objection (Filed May 29,2009; Docket No. 361)

(b) (signed) Order Granting the Motion (Entered June 2, 2009; Docket No.


Objection Deadline: May 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.

Objections/Responses: None to date.
Status: The Court has entered an Order granting the Motion at Docket No. 381.

3. Debtors' Motion for an Order Approving Terms oflnsUlance Premium Finance

Agreement and Granting Debtors the Authority to Enter into New Premium Financing Agreement on Terms Specified by AFCO Acceptance Corporation (Filed May 14,2009; Docket No.3 1 0)
Related Documents:
(a) Certification of

No Objection (Filed May 29, 2009; Docket No. 359)

(b) (signed) Order granting the Motion (Entered June 2, 2009; Docket No. 382)

Objection Deadline: May 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. (Extended to May 29 for the
Committee J

Objections/Responses: None to date.

Status: The Court has entered an Order Granting the Motion at Docket No. 382.

4. Debtors' Motion for a Supplemental Order (I) Authorizing the Debtors to Pay Additional

Prepetition Taxes and (II) Authorizing the Ban to Honor and Process the Checks and Electronic Transfers Related Thereto (Filed May 14, 2009; Docket No.3 11)
Related Documents:
(a) Certification of

No Objection (Filed May 29, 2009; Docket No. 360)


(b) (signed) Order Granting the Motion (Entered June 2, 2009; Docket No.


Objection Deadline: May 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.

Objections/Responses: None to date.
Status: The Court has entered an Order Granting the Motion at Docket No. 383.


5. Application of Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for Entry of an Order

Authorizing the Retention and Employment of Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP as Financial Advisor to the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors nunc pro tunc to March 26, 2009 (Filed April 30, 2009; Docket No. 258)

Objection Deadline: May 29,2009 at 4:00 p.m.

Objections/Responses: None to date.
Status: If 0 objections are fied with the Court, the Committee wil fie a Certification of

No Objection.
6. Debtors' Motion for an Order Approving a Key Employee Incentive Plan and

Authorizing Payments Thereunder (Filed May 11, 2009; Docket No. 289)
Related Documents:
(a) Certification of

Counsel (Filed June 1,2009; Docket No. 373)

Objection Deadline: May 27,2009 at 4:00 p.m. (Extended for the United States Trustee
to May 28, 2009 at 12:00 Midnight)

Objections/Responses: None to date.

Status: The Debtors received informal comments to this motion from the Official

Committee of Unsecured Creditors. This matter is resolved. A revised form of order has been fied under certification of counsel.

7. Debtors' Motion to File under Seal Exhibit A to the Motion for an Order Approving a

Key Employee Incentive Plan and Authorizing Payments Thereunder (Filed May 1 1, 2009; Docket No. 290)
Related Documents:
(a) Notice Regarding Debtors' Motion for an Order Approving a Key Employee

Incentive Plan and Authorizing Payments Thereunder (Docket No. 289) and Debtors Motion to File under Seal Exhibit A to Motion for an Order Approving a Key Employee Incentive Plan and Authorizing Payments Thereunder (Docket
No. 290) (Filed June 1,2009; Docket No. 374)
(b) Certification of

Counsel (Filed June 1,2009; Docket No. 375)

Objection Deadline: May 27, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. (Extended for the United States Trustee to May 28, 2009 at 12:00 Midnight)
Objections/Responses: None to date.

Status: The Debtors received informal comments to this motion from the Office of the

United States Trustee. A notice has been fied making public certain information which was redacted on the attachment to the Key Employee Incentive Plan Motion. This matter is resolved. An order has been fied under
certification of counseL.


8. Debtors' Emergency Motion for Authority to Payor Honor Prepetition and Postpetition Obligations to Royalty Interests (Filed March 9, 2009; Docket No. 15)
Related Documents:
(a) Notice of

Hearing on Emergency Motion (Filed March 16,2009; Docket No. 74)

Objection Deadline: April 1,2009 at 4:00 p.m. (Extended to April 27, 2009 at 4:00

( a) Response of United States on behalf of the Department of Interior, Minerals

Management Service and Bureau of Land Management in Support of Motion (Filed March 30, 2009; Docket No. 126)

(b) Response by Medema Family Trust (Filed April 8, 2009; Docket No. 151)

(c) Limited Objection of

the Official Committee of

Unsecured Creditors (Filed April

27, 2009, Docket No. 223)

(d) Limited Objection by Aera Energy LLC (Filed April

27, 2009; Docket No. 225)

(e) Limited Objection of

Union Oil Company of

California (Filed April 27, 2009;

Docket No. 226)

(t) Affidavit of Company of

Cabot Christianson in Support of

Limited Objection of

Union Oil

California (Filed April 27, 2009; Docket No. 227)

Noble Energy, Inc. (Filed April

(g) Limited Objection of

27, 2009; Docket No. 228)

(h) Cook Inlet Region, Inc.'s Joinder to MMS and Medema Family Trust's

Responses (Filed May 12,2009; Docket No. 296)

Status: The Debtors intend to withdraw the motion with the exception of payments on account of overriding royalty interests owed to the Debtors' lenders. This

aspect of the motion wil trail approval of the motion referenced in Agenda Item
No.9 below.

9. Motion of

the Debtors to Approve Interim and Final Orders Pursuant to 11 U.S.C.

Sections 105,361,362,363,364,365 and 507: (1) Approving Senior Secured

Superpriority Postpetition Financing; (2) Authorizing Use of Cash Collateral; (3) Granting Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Status; (4) Granting Adequate Protection; (5) Modifying Automatic Stay; and (6) Scheduling a Final Hearing (Filed March 9, 2009; Docket No.1 8)
Related Documents:
(a) Exhibits to Motion to Approve Interim and Final Orders Pursuant to 11 U.S.C.

Sections 105,361,362,363,364,365 and 507: (1) Approving Senior Secured

Superpriority Postpetition Financing; (2) Authorizing Use of Cash Collateral; (3) Granting Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Status; (4) Granting Adequate Protection; (5) Modifying Automatic Stay; and (6) Scheduling a Final Hearing (Filed March 9, 2009; Docket No.1 9)
(b) (signed) Interim Order Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Sections 105,361,362,363,364,

365 and 507: (1) Approving Senior Secured Superpriority Postpetition Financing; Cash Collateral; (3) Granting Liens and Providing (2) Authorizing Use of Superpriority Administrative Expense Status; (4) Granting Adequate Protection; (5) Modifying Automatic Stay; and (6) Scheduling a Final Hearing (Entered March 10, 2009; Docket No. 42)

(c) Notice of

the Debtor to Approve Interim and Final Orders Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. Sections 105,361,362,363,364,365 and 507: (1) Approving Senior Secured Superpriority Postpetition Financing; (2) Authorizing Use of Cash Collateral; (3) Granting Liens and Providing Superpriority Administrative Expense Status; (4) Granting Adequate Protection; (5) Modifying Automatic Stay; and (6) Scheduling a Final Hearing (Filed March 12,2009;
Final Hearing on Motion of

Docket No. 69)

(d) Notice of

Filing of

the Execution Versions of

the Exhibits to Debtors' DIP

Motion (Filed April 9, 2009; Docket No. 167)

(e) Notice of Filing of the Execution Versions of

Certain Exhibits to Debtors' DIP

Motion (Filed May 6, 2009; Docket No. 278)

(t) Notice of Filing of Budget (Filed May 8, 2009; Docket No. 284)

Objection Deadline: April 13, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. (Extended to June 2 at 1 :00 p.m. for Creditors' Committee) (Extended to May 5, 2009 for U.S. Trustee)
Ob j ections/Responses:
Union Oil Company of California (Filed April

(a) Objection of

13, 2009; Docket No.

(b) Limited Objection by Aera Energy LLC (Filed May 8, 2009; Docket No. 282)

(c) Limited Objection by Noble Energy, Inc. (Filed May 11,2009; Docket No. 286)

(d) Objection of

the Official Committee of

Unsecured Creditors to DIP Motion

(Filed June 2, 2009; Docket No. 385)

Status: This matter is going forward.

10. Motion of

Union Oil Company of

California for Relief

from Automatic Stay (Filed

March 23, 2009; Docket No. 100)

Related Documents:
(a) Affidavit of

Kevin A. Tabler (Filed March 23,2009; Docket No.1 01)

(b) Exhibit C Part 1 to Tabler Affidavit (Filed March 23, 2009; Docket No.1 02)

(c) Affidavit of

Kim Smith (Filed March 24,2009; Docket No. 103)

Brian Findlay (Filed March 24,2009; Docket No. 104)

(d) Affidavit of

(e) Exhibit D to Tabler Affidavit (Filed March 24, 2009; Docket No. 105)

(t) (signed) Order Governing Further Proceedings on Motion of of California for Relief

Union Oil Company from Automatic Stay (Entered April 28, 2009, Docket No.


Objection Deadline: April 3, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. (Extended to April 8, 2009)

o b j ections/Responses:
(a) Objection of

the Debtors (Filed April 8, 2009; Docket No.1 50)

(b) Joinder of J. Aron & Company to Objection ofthe Debtors (Filed April 8,2009; Docket No. 152)
the Official Committee of

(c) Preliminary Objection of

Unsecured Creditors (Filed

April 8,2009; Docket No. 155)

Marathon Oil Company to the Preliminary Objection of

(d) Joinder of Committee of

the Offcial

Unsecured Creditors (Filed April 8, 2009; Docket No. 156)

(a) Reply of Union Oil Company of California to Objections to Motion for Relief from Automatic Stay (Filed April 10, 2009; Docket No.1 74)

(b) Second Affdavit of Kim Smith in Support of Reply of Union Oil Company (Filed April 10,2009; Docket No.1 75)
Shanon Martin in Support of Reply of

(c) Affidavit of

Union Oil Company (Filed

April 10, 2009; Docket No.1 76)

Status: This matter is continued to July 1,2009 at 10:00 a.m..

1 1. Motion by Aera Energy LLC to Compel Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. to (I) Segregate Production from and Pay Aera's Production Payments and (II) Provide an Accounting of the Relevant Properties (Filed May 8, 2009; Docket No. 283)
Related Documents:
(a) Notice of Withdrawal without Prejudice of

Motion by Aera Energy LLC

(Filed June 1, 2009; Docket No. 377)

Objection Deadline: May 27,2009 at 4:00 p.m.

o b jections/Responses:

(a) Limited Objection of Offcial Committee of

Unsecured Creditors to Motions to Compel of Aera Energy LLC and Noble Energy, Inc. (Filed May 27, 2009;
Docket No. 346)

(b) Debtors' Objection to Motions to Compel by Aera Energy LLC and by Noble

Energy, Inc. (Filed May 27,2009; Docket No. 348)

(c) Joinder of J. Aron A& Company to Objection of

the Debtors (Filed May 28,

2009; Docket No. 351)

Status: This matter was withdrawn by the movant at Docket No. 377.

12. Debtors' Motion for an Order Authorizing Abandonment of Interests in the Spurr Platform Located in Alaska and Rejection of Executory Contracts Relating Thereto (Filed

May 11,2009; Docket No. 291)

Objection Deadline: May 27,2009 at 4:00 p.m. (Extended to May 29, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.
for the Committee and to June 1, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. for Marathon J

o bjections/Responses:
(a) Limited Objection of the Official Committee of

Unsecured Creditors (Filed May

29, 2009; Docket No. 367)

(b) Objection of

Marathon Oil Company (Filed June 1,2009; Docket No. 371)

Status: This matter is continued to July 1,2009 at 10:00 a.m.

13. Motion of

California to Compel Immediate Assumption or Rejection of Certain Executory Contracts (Filed May 12,2009; Docket No. 298)
Union Oil Company of

Objection Deadline: May 29, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.


(a) Debtors' Objection to Motion of

California for Immediate Assumption or Rejection of Certain Executory Contracts (Filed May 29, 2009;
Union Oil Company of

Docket No. 357)

(b) Objection of

Union Oil Company of California for Immediate Assumption or Rejection of Certain Executory Contracts (Filed May 29, 2009; Docket No. 362)
the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors to Motion of

(c) Response of Marathon Oil Company to Motion of Union Oil Company of

California for Immediate Assumption or Rejection of Certain Executory Contracts (Filed May 29, 2009; Docket No. 364)
(d) Joinder of J. Aron & Company to Objection of Debtors to Motion of Union Oil Company of California for Immediate Assumption or Rejection of Certain Executory Contracts (Filed May 29,2009; Docket No. 365)

(e) Limited Objection of

the Official Committee of

Unsecured Creditors (Filed May

29, 2009; Docket No. 367)

(a) Union Oil Company of

California's Reply to Objections (Filed June 1,2009;

Docket No. 372)

Status: This matter is going forward.

14. Motion by Noble Energy, Inc. to Compel Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. to (I) Segregate
and Pay Noble's Production Payments and (II) Provide an Accounting of


from the Relevant Properties (Filed May 12,2009; Docket No. 301)
Related Documents:
(a) Notice of Withdrawal without Prejudice of

Motion by Noble Energy, Inc.

(Filed June 2, 2009; Docket No. 386)

Objection Deadline: May 29, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.

Ob j ections/Responses:

(a) Limited Objection of

Unsecured Creditors to Motions to Compel of Aera Energy LLC and Noble Energy, Inc. (Filed May 27, 2009;
Official Committee of

Docket No. 346)

(b) Debtors' Objection to Motions to Compel by Aera Energy LLC and by Noble

Energy, Inc. (Filed May 27, 2009; Docket No. 348)

Status: This matter has been withdrawn by the movant at Docket No. 386.

15. Motion by Medema Properties and Medema Family Trust to Compel Pacific Energy Alaska Holdings to Segregate and Pay Medema's 1.25% ORR on the West MacArhur Leases and Provide a full Accounting of Production from the Relevant Properties Production (Filed May 14,2009; Including Disposition of Cash Proceeds from Sale of
Docket No. 309)

Related Documents:
(a) Joinder by John M. and Debra Robinson in Medema Properties and Medema

Family Trusts' Motion to Compel (Filed May 27, 2009; Docket No. 342)
(b) Joinder by LAB Properties in Medema Properties and Medema Family Trusts'

Motion to Compel (Filed May 27,2009; Docket No. 343)

(c) Joinder by Cook Inlet Region, Inc. to Medema Properties and Medema Family

Trusts' Motion to Compel (Filed May 28,2009; Docket No. 350)

Objection Deadline: May 29, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.

o b jections/Responses:

(a) Limited Objection of

Unsecured Creditors to the Motion by Medema Properties and Medema Family Trust to Compel (Filed May
the Offcial Committee of

27,2009; Docket No. 347)

(b) Debtors' Objection to Motion by Medema Family Trust to Segregate Funds (Filed

May 27, 2009; Docket No. 349)

(c) Joinder of J. Aron & Company to Objection of

Debtors to Motion by Medema Family Trust to Segregate Funds (Filed May 28, 2009; Docket No. 352)

Status: This matter is continued to July 1,2009 at 10:00 a.m.

16. Motion of Union Oil Company of California to Compel Immediate Payment of

Administrative Expenses (Filed May 15, 2009; Docket No.3 1 5)

Objection Deadline: May 29, 2009 at 4:00 p.m.


Ob j ections/Responses:

(a) Debtors' Objection to Motion of

California to Compel Union Oil Company of Immediate Payment of Administrative Expenses (Filed May 29,2009; Docket No. 356)

(b) Objection of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors to Motion of Union

Oil Company of California to Compel Immediate Payment of Administrative Expenses (Filed May 29, 2009; Docket No. 363)
(c) Joinder of J. Aron & Company to Objection of

Union Oil Company of California to Compel Immediate Payment of Administrative Expenses (Filed May 29, 2009; Docket No. 366)
the Debtors to Motion of

(a) Union Oil Company of

California's Reply to Objections (Filed June 1,2009;

Docket No. 372)

Status: This matter is going forward.

17. Motion of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors of Pacific Energy Resources to File under Seal the Unredacted Objection of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors to DIP Motion (Filed June 2, 2009; Docket No. 384)
Status: This matter is going forward.

Remainder of Page Intentionally Blank)

1 1

Dated: June 2,2009


r Davis Jones (DE Bar No. 2436)


. Kharasch (CA Bar No. 109084)

S a E. McFarland (DE Bar No.4 184, CA Bar No.1 65391)

Robert M. Saunders (CA Bar No. 226172)

James E. O'Neil (DE Bar No. 4042)

Kathleen P. Makowski (DE Bar No. 3648) 919 North Market Street, 1 ih Floor P.O. Box 8705 Wilmington, DE 19899-8705
Telephone: 302/652-4100 Facsimile: 310/652-4400

Counsel for Debtor and Debtor in Possession Pacific Energy Resources Ltd.

68773-002\DOCS _DE: i 48953. i



In re:
) Chapter 1 1
) ) ) )



Case No. 09-10785 (KJC) (Jointly Administered)


) ss:


Kathleen Forte Finlayson, being duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that she
is employed by the law firm of

Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP, attorneys for the Debtors in

the above-captioned action, and that on the 2nd day of June, 2008 she caused a copy of

following document(s) to be served upon the paries on the attached service lists in the manner



Kat een Forte Finays r




Mr commission expires Nov. 4, 20

the Debtors' federal tax identification number, are: Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. (3442); Petrocal Acquisition Corp. (6249); Pacific Energy Alaska Holdings, LLC (tax J.D. # not available); Cameros Acquisition Corp. (5866); Pacific Energy Alaska Operating LLC (702 i); San Pedro Bay Pipeline Company (1234); Cameros the Debtors is i i i w. Energy, Inc. (9487); and Gotland Oil, Inc. (5463). The mailing address for all of Ocean Boulevard, Suite i 240, Long Beach, CA 90802.

i The Debtors in these cases, along with the last four digits of each of


Joseph McMahon, Esq. (U.S. Trustee) Ira D. Kharasch, Esq.
Robert Saunders, Esq.

FAX NUMBER 302-573-6497




Scotta McFarland, Esq.

(counsel to the Debtors)

Jeffrey Sabin, Esq.

(counsel to the Lenders)

617-345-5001 312-407-8511


Amy Kyle, Esq.

(counsel to the Lenders)
Seth Jacobson, Esq.

312-407-0889 302-777-6500

(counsel for the Lenders)

David B. Stratton, Esq. James C. Carignan, Esq. (counsel for Creditors' Committee)

Francis J. Lawall, Esq. (counsel for Creditors' Committee)

215-981-4750 202-429-3902

215-981-4000 202-429-3000

Filiberto Agusti, Esq.

Steven Reed, Esq.

Josehua Taylor, Esq. (counsel for Creditors' Committee)

Robbin Itkin, Esq. Katherine Piper, Esq. Kelly Frazier, Esq. (counsel for Creditors' Committee)



Norman M. Monhait, Esquire (counsel for Union Oil Company ofCA)

Cabot Christianson, Esquire (counsel for Union Oil Company of CA)
Karen M. McKinley, Esquire (counsel for Aera Energy LLC) Steven E. Rich, Esquire (counsel for Aera Energy LLC)

302-658-7567 907-258-2026 302-652-3117 213-625-0248




Charles S. Kelley, Esquire Andres G. Romay, Esquire (counsel for Aera Energy LLC)



Tobey M. Daluz, Esquire Joshua E. Zugerman, Esquire (counsel for Noble Energy Inc.) Mitchell E. Ayer, Esquire Rhett G. Campbell, Esquire (counsel for Noble Energy Inc.)
Kevin J. Mangan, Esquire (counsel for Marathon Oil Company)





302-661-7729 302-654-2067 212-752-5378 302-425-7177 302-661-7729


302-654- 1888

Amanda M. Winfree, Esquire

(counsel for J. AfOn & Company)

Jeffrey S. Sabin, Esquire

(counsel for J. AfOn & Company)

302-425-7171 302-252-4361

Robert W. Mallard, Esquire (counsel for Cook Inlet Region, Inc.)

Francis A. Monaco, Jr, Esquire (counsel for Marathon Oil)

Wiliam E. Chipman, Jr, Esquire (counsel for LAB Properties) (counsel for John M. & Debra Robinson)



Pacific Energy Local Counsel

Service List

Case No. 09- 10785

Document No. 146724

12 - Hand Delivery

Hand Delivery (United States Attorney) Ellen W. Slights, Esq. United States Attorney's Office District of Delaware
1007 N. Orange Street, Suite 700

Wilmington, DE 19801
Counsel for Debtors) Laura Davis Jones, Esquire James E. O'Neil, Esquire Kathleen P. Makowski, Esquire Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
919 North Market Street, 17th Floor

P.O. Box 8705 Wilmington, DE 19899-8705

Hand Delivery (Counsel for the Debtors and Debtors in Possession) Ian S. Fredericks, Esquire Skadden Ars, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP One Rodney Square P.O. Box 636 Wilmington, DE 19899

Interoffice Pouch to Los Angeles Counsel for Debtors) Robert M. Saunders, Esquire Ira D. Kharasch, Esquire Scotta E. McFarland, Esquire Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP
10100 Santa Monica Blvd., 11th Floor

Hand Delivery (Counsel for J. Aron & Company) Don A. Beskrone, Esquire Amanda M. Winfree, Esquire Ashby & Geddes, P.A.
500 Delaware Avenue, 8th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90067

Hand Delivery (United States Trustee) Joseph McMahon, Esquire Office of the United States Trustee J. Caleb Boggs Federal Building 844 North King Street, Suite 2207
Lockbox 35

Wilmington, DE 19899
Hand Delivery (Counsel for Union Oil Company of California, a California Corporation) Norman M. Monhait, Esquire Rosenthal, Monhait & Goddess, P A Citzens Ban Center, Suite 1401 919 Market Street, P.O. Box 1070 Wilmington, DE 19899

Wilmington, DE 19801
Hand Delivery (Copy Service)
Parcels, Inc.

. .

Vito i. DiMaio 230 N. Market Street Wilmington, DE 19801

Hand Delivery (Counsel for Westchester Fire Insurance Company and Noble Energy Inc.) Tobey M. Daluz, Esquire Joshua E. Zugerman, Esquire Ballard Spah Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP 919 N. Market Street, 1 ih Floor Wilmington, DE 19801

Hand Delivery (Counsel for Oxy Long Beach Inc.) David L. Finger, Esquire
Finder, Slanina Liebesman, LLC

One Commerce Center 1201 N. Orange St., ih Floor Wilmington, DE 19801

Hand Delivery (Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors) David B. Stratton, Esquire James C. Carignan, Esquire Pepper Hamilton LLP
Hercules Plaza, Suite 1500

13 13 Market Street

Wilmington, DE 19899
Hand Delivery (Counsel for Marathon Oil Company) Kevin J. Mangan, Esquire Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC 222 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1501 Wilmington, DE 19801 Hand Delivery (Counsel for Cook Inlet Region, Inc.) Eric Lopez Schnabel, Esquire Dorsey & Whitney (Delaware) LLP 1 105 North Market Street, Suite 16th Floor Wilmington, DE 19801 Hand Delivery (Counsel for Area Energy LLC) Norman L. Pernick, Esquire Karen M. McKinley, Esquire Cole, Schotz, Meisel, Forman & Leonard, P.A. 500 Delaware Avenue, Suite 1410 Wilmington, DE 19801

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