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$MART Grant

Supplemental Media and Resource Technology Grant

The Satilla REMC Foundation establishes the $MART Grant Program to assist media specialists and their smart students at schools within Satilla REMCs service area.
Sponsors: The Satilla REMC Foundation and Satilla REMC sponsor the $mart Grant Program. The Foundation administers the Smart Change Program in which the

Cooperatives Members volunteer to round up their power bills to the nearest whole dollar. The change goes directly to the Satilla REMC Foundation, a nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing educational opportunities for students in Satillas service area. Satilla REMC is a not-for-profit, consumer-owned power cooperative providing electricity to more than 52,000 accounts in Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Coffee, Jeff Davis, Pierce, Ware and Wayne counties.
Questions: Call Sue Johnson, Public Relations Coordinator, at 912-632-3423 or @

$MART Grant

Supplemental Media and Resource Technology Grant

Purpose: Media Centers lack
the funds necessary to carry out the mission(s) that is assigned to them. The $MART Grant helps fund mission projects that otherwise would not be funded. Project provides/improves needed programs or facilities that add value to the educational process. (20%) Project affects all or a significant portion of the student body. (20%) Project is clearly defined with goals to be accomplished. (15%) Project enhances current instructional experiences. (15%) Project provides both immediate and multi-year benefits to the school and its students. (20%) Application provides a detailed budget summary. (10%)

Eligibility for 2012 Funding Year:

Public Middle School Media Centers in Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Coffee, Jeff Davis, Pierce, Ware and Wayne counties. Individual Media Centers may submit only one application during the funding year.

Grant Limits: Maximum

funding for acceptable applicants is $1,000. Partial funding requests are acceptable. The Foundation retains the right to fund applications at an amount less than the maximum.

Selection Criteria:

Audit: After acceptable

applications are determined,
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Satilla REMC Foundation will communicate with each media center to work out a paper trail for audit purposes. It is the intention that the program(s) and/or equipment purchased with the $MART Grant funds be verified easily. After a specified period of no longer than six (6) months in which the grantee agrees to expend the funds, the Satilla REMC Foundation will perform an audit to verify the results and will have the discretion to review the use of the funds beyond the initial audit.

Public Relations: By applying

for the Grant, the applicant conveys the right to the Satilla REMC Foundation to use his/her name, photo and information about the grant in publicity.

Board Review: The

Foundation Board has the right to review and revise the $MART Grant Program as needed.

Application Deadline: All

applications must be received by Satilla REMC Foundation no later than November 19, 2012. Grant Number___________________________ Date Received___________________________ Meets word limits________________________ Materials attached________________________ Amount Requested_______________________ Amount Funded__________________________

$MART Grant

Supplemental Media and Resource Technology Grant

2012 Grant Application

OnlyThis Section For Office Use

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Please Read Before Completing!

Applications will not be considered if instructions are not followed completely.

Grants are for Media and Technology Resources within the Media Centers of applicable school systems. Grants will be awarded to Media Specialists in middle schools in the primary service area of Satilla REMC. Counties included are Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Coffee, Jeff Davis, Pierce, Ware and Wayne. Individual Media Centers may submit only one application during the funding year. The maximum grant amount is $1,000. The Foundation retains the right to fund applications at an amount less than the maximum grant amount. Partial funding requests are acceptable. The grant funds should be used within six (6) months of awarding. The Grant Application Form should include the name of the school, the name of the Media Specialist requesting the Grant and the county in which the school is served. Please complete and submit the $MART Grant Application Form. Attach any supplementary materials that would substantiate the application request. All grant recipients are required to submit a report on the outcome of the grant project. The Foundation will perform an audit to verify the results and will have the discretion to review the use of the funds beyond the initial audit. Applicants agree that their names, photos and projects may be used in print, broadcast and other forms of media in publications of publicity of the Satilla REMC Foundation and/or Satilla REMC. The $MART Grant Application Form must be submitted to the Satilla REMC Foundation, P. O. Box 906, Alma, GA 31510. All Grant Applications must be received at the Satilla REMC Foundation by November 19, 2012.

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2012 Grant Application
Number__________ Grant

Applicant Information
Media Specialist Applying for Grant (First and Last Name) Vickie Cothern/Niki Taylor Title of Proposed Grant Project________Ipads in the classroom______ School Where Media Specialist Works Bacon County Elementary School ________________________________________ School Mailing Address__523 East 16th street_____________________________________ City, State, County, Zip__Alma, Georgia 31510___________________________________________________ School Telephone Number__912-6324133________________________________________________ School Fax Number__912-6325414______________________________________________________ School Principal_Judy Rowland___________________________

Applicant Agreement
I am a Media Specialist in a school in the area Satilla REMC serves. This is the only $MART Grant application I have submitted in 2012. I have full support of my principal for this project and its implementation at my school. I will use this grant, if awarded, for students in middle grades. I agree, if I win, to submit a report about the Grants outcome, to provide an itemized receipt of the program(s) and/or equipment purchased and to allow Satilla REMC personnel to review and audit the use of the project funds. After a specified period of no longer than six (6) months in which I agree to expend the funds, Satilla will perform an audit to verify the results and will have the discretion to review the use of the funds beyond the initial audit. Should the funds not be expended within six (6) months, I agree to return the full grant amount to Satilla REMC Foundation.
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I agree to submit a detailed report to the Satilla REMC Foundation.

Printed Name


Thank you for your application. All applications must be received at Satilla REMC Foundation by November 19, 2012. Please ensure that you have adhered to all instructions. If you have questions, please call Sue Johnson at 912-632-3423 or online at

2012 Grant Application
Number__________ Grant

About The Project

(Please include the name of the school, the name of the Media Specialist and the county in which the school is served) Project Name_____Ipads in the classroom______________________________________ Primary Curriculum areas affected (If more than one, list.)_____3rd-5th grades__ Amount Requested____5______Number of Students to benefit from project____300______ Will the item(s) purchased be used for more than one school year? __________Yes_______

Project Overview
Project summary give an overview of the project. (50 words)
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The project I am proposing is to get five more Ipads to bring the total to 20 for the Ipad cart. This grant will be for the Ipads to allow more students the ability to work simultaneously on group projects. This will decrease time wasted with fewer students left not working on the project.

Value of project Explain how the project adds value to the educational process. (100 words) The educational process changes with each student and how they learn. By having more Ipads on hand students can gather around a central idea and start learning. Currently there are 15 Ipads and with this grant the total will come to 20 Ipads. This will cut down on wasted time in the classroom and by doing that will allow for more efficient students. By giving the classroom this value it can increase the output of the students by allowing more students the freedom of working on a separate Ipad. This can help strengthen the group intellect by allowing more children to go in different directions when looking up research.

2012 Grant Application
Number__________ Grant Recipients - What portion of the student population will be affected by the project? In what ways will the project affect the student body? (100 words) This grant will affect the entire student body because the entire school uses the Ipad cart at different time. The Ipad cart moves from class to class and grade to grade and is eventually cycled throughout the whole student body. Going from 15 to 20 Ipads will help stretch the use
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of the cart further along in the classroom. By doing this the student body will be able to benefit from the technology that is presented to us today. Another way that the project will affect the student body will be that more technology will be available to each student when they are working on a project.

Goals What are the goals and objectives for the students? What do you plan to achieve with the project? (100 words) The goals and objectives for the students are the complete the assignment in the best and most efficient way possible, which can be completed by the use of Ipads. By having more, more students can work on projects and research at a time and will leave less students standing idle, waiting for time on the Ipad. If I gain the grant and receive more Ipads I plan to show the students how to use them correctly and to follow current rules and regulations in order to make the best use of the Ipads in the classroom. By knowing how to use the Ipad to the best of their ability the students will be able to generate a project faster, thanks to the technology of today.

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2012 Irant Application
Number__________ Grant Instructional Experiences - How will current instructional experiences by enhanced by the project? (100 words) The current instructional experience will be enhanced by adding the digital and technological aspect to the room in order to excel students faster. By using the Ipads the children will be able to always have expanded knowledge at their fingertips, rather than be constricted by the classroom materials. Also, with the advantages of the Ipad the teacher can collaborate all students at one time, making them more useful than a few computers that much be shared. By enhancing this experience the classroom can work more efficiently. With the grant and the extra Ipads can help the students group and work together.

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Benefits What is the immediate and/or ongoing benefit this will provide students? (100 words) An immediate benefit for the school will be that the children will be better equipped to handle the projects and assignments that are given to them by the teachers. By allowing the students to be better equipped they will be able to increase scores at immediate times such as projects and tests. In the long term benefits the students will ultimately be able to make higher scores on school wide and state wide tests that will reflect what has been learned. By allowing the children more access to Ipads it will help project them into the digital age that they will be expected to live in once they leave the school.

2012 Grant Application
Number__________ Grant

Budget Summary
Itemized Budget (Required) Item Needed Student Ipads Quantity Needed 5 Unit Cost 500 Total Cost 2500 Required? Y/N N

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Total Project Cost (Please estimate total cost to nearest dollar.) 2500$ Will you accept partial funding?____________________How much? _______________ If you receive partial funding, how will you fund the remainder of your project?

Thank you for your application. All applications must be received by November 19, 2012. Submit your application to Satilla REMC Foundation, P. O. Box 906, Alma, GA 31510 or 928 Highway 32 East, Alma, GA 31510. Please make sure that you have adhered to all instructions, attached all necessary documentation and affixed the appropriate signatures to the application. If you have questions, please call Sue Johnson at 912-632-3423 or online at

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