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other other other. are you talented and hilarious? submit: theothergazette@dalgazette.

com Ben Gallagher other editor Jonathan Rotsztain other other editor


aDVice For stUDents


guitar and keyboards, Wintersleep

My advice for students is to stay away from room 303 in Cameron House. I used to live there and it's haunted. We used to blast Pantera, and jam with my old band Kary in thereprobably why it's haunted. Supplied photo by Dustin Rabin

Tim DEon

Signs youre an adult

Living on your own Contribute to an rrSP owning a SaLad SPinner wearing gLaSSeS that turn into SungLaSSeS waking uP in your own Puke
Jonathan Rotsztain


east coast

Happy Birthday Part I

I am doing the dishes. I am boiling a carcass because I want chicken stock. I am watching the large fruit flies land on the windowsill. The sweating window makes the sunlight thin. I realize I do not want to call home because my mother will answer, even though I have to because it is my brother's birthday. Hello she will say, and I will probably tell her that the stairway smells like a rat died in the walls even though I know whatever I say becomes a metaphor of my life, because I have vowed not to hide myself from her. My brother is an alien, he gives me advice like he's an expert on every situation he's never been through. Have you tried pretending you're a lion? is something he's asked me before. I do not get what he is after with that question. Ed Whynacht

How? Howe!



Other things the Citadel looks like from above

SheriffS badge

Wedding cake

Daniel and Jonathan Rotsztain

Folks might think that Dalhousie's Coburg Road residency Howe Hall is named after Joseph Howe. But it's not named for him, Nova Scotia's legendary journalist, politician, and third lieutenant-governor, who brought representative responsible government to the colony. In fact, Howe Hall honours C. D. Howe. Born in Massachusetts, Clarence Decatur came to Canada as an engineer. At the height of a successful and lucrative career, he was drafted to join William Lyon Mackenzie King's Liberal Party and was guaranteed a cabinet position should King again become Prime Minister. King won the 1935 election and by World War II the very able C. D. was appointed the minister of munitions and supply, a.k.a. "the minister of everything." He literally transformed the entire Canadian economy to a war footing to fight the Axis powers. Following the war, Howe was named chancellor of Dalhousie. He died on the job and so Howe Hall, as well as the influential think-tank the C. D. Howe Institute, are named for him. Jonathan Rotsztain For more information about the history of Dal read Peter B. Waite's The Lives of Dalhousie Volume I & II today!

WaY to traVel is to close your eyes and: imagination!

theother gazette@ dalgazette .com

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Happy Birthday Part II

Maybe that means I should sleep more, I'm pretty sure lions are sleepy as well as noble as well as animals. If I pretended I was a panther I'd be in the phase of the hunt where I am perched on the tree branch and the deer is taking its young neck for a walk nearby, and if I am lucky it will come to me. I do not think this is how the actual world happens however, what did pretending do for the soap on the dishes or the chicken in the pot is my response. On the other hand dreams are powerful. Lying in bed I count the fruit flies on the ceiling. I am glad we are in it together. Bethany Riordan-Butterworth Ed Whynacht Kathryn Johnson

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